Does Vecna get stronger when he kills? (2024)

Brenner (Matthew Modine) states in the Stranger Things episode "Papa" that Vecna "consumes" everything about his victims, Vecna targets traumatized victims because it builds for him a well of sad and angry memories to draw from. With each victim, he can become gradually more powerful.

What does Vecna gain from killing?

Ultimately, it is revealed in Stranger Things season 4's finale that the reason why Vecna was killing Hawkins teenagers was to create a massive gate that merges the Right Side Up with the Upside Down - and he specifically needed four bodies to do so.

How does Vecna choose a victim?

While intending to get his revenge on Eleven and Brenner, Vecna also goes after victims who have dealt with traumatizing experiences in the past (reminiscent of his childhood and his time at the Hawkins lab).

What makes Vecna stronger?

He was the original subject in Project MKUltra, and using his DNA, Dr. Brenner was able to make or alter the other children so that they would also have powers. Because of that, Vecna was inherently more powerful because he had his powers longer and knew the ins and outs of his abilities.

Why does Vecna curse Max?

Max Mayfield (Sadie Sink) is another character whom Vecna curses early on in season 4. Because she didn't get along with her mean-spirited stepbrother Billy Hargrove (Dacre Montgomery) and The Mind Flayer murdered him in season 3, this leads to a mixture of complicated emotions.

Why Vecna Killed Teenagers Theories Explained Stranger Things Season 4

Why do Vecna's victims bones break?

Before his '86 killings, he was responsible for the 1979 Hawkins Lab Massacre and killed his mother and sister twenty years prior. Before killing each victim, he psychologically haunts them with their traumatic pasts for days before psychically breaking their bones and gouging their eyes.

Is Max blind after Vecna?

Is Max Blind In Stranger Things? When Max falls into Lucas' arms after Vecna's curse is broken, she opens her clouded eyes and reveals that she can't “see or feel anything.” Moments later, Max died as Lucas screamed in agony for help.

Who can destroy Vecna?

At his empire's height, Vecna was betrayed and destroyed by his most trusted lieutenant, a vampire called Kas the Bloody-Handed, using a magical sword that Vecna himself had crafted for him, now known as the Sword of Kas.

Who can defeat Vecna?

Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch. There's no denying that Wanda would win against Vecna. WandaVision proved that she's one of the strongest Avengers, if not the most powerful. Her superpowers are unimaginable, they can bring down cities, build new ones, and brainwash hundreds of people.

Does Vecna have a weakness?

His main weakness is not any particular set of traits, but a constraint imposed by his location: the Chaotic Quest entrance is a portal rather than a staircase, and Vecna is covetous. Vecna will therefore readily warp to you, but will not teleport away to heal.

Why is Vecna obsessed with clocks?

Curiously, he also seems obsessed with time, projecting strange visions into his victims' minds—including of the grandfather clock from his home in the Creel House. Vecna's obsession with time appears to be linked to his hatred of humanity.

Why did Vecna let Nancy go?

And while his usual modus operandi is to embody his victims' negative self-talk (another very real psychological phenomenon), this time he is telling Nancy his plans and then releasing her so she can report back to everybody—Eleven included—that the end is nigh, with the goal of discouraging and disempowering them.

Why did Vecna choose Billy?

It's probably safer to say that Billy was chosen as the Mind Flayer's first victim because of his fragile state of mind. He was constantly angry, overwhelmed by his abusive father, and became abusive himself in return.

When Vecna kills Max?

At the end of Stranger Things season 4, Max Mayfield (Sadie Sink) is briefly killed by Vecna after he breaks her limbs and takes her eyes.

Why didn't Nancy shoot Vecna in the head?

She Doesn't Have a Great Aim

After the Hawkins team develops a plan to defeat Vecna, Nancy is in charge to blow his head up with a shotgun. However, either she didn't have a great aim or she was trying to play it safe because she didn't hit him in the face even once, and that may be the reason why Vecna is still alive.

Why wasn t Vecna killed?

One of the main reasons why Vecna escaped Eleven was that he left his red smoke mindscape once his physical form in the Upside Down was being attacked, suggesting Eleven must face him in the real world in order to kill him in Stranger Things season 5.

Who controls Vecna?

Connecting to the Mind Flayer's hive mind allowed Henry Creel to become the version of Vecna that audiences see in Stranger Things season 4, controlling the Demobats, Demodogs, and Demogorgons across the Upside Down and the real world.

Why is Vecna's hand so big?

Season 4's main villain Vecna contains a multitude of easter eggs. To start, he has a giant, claw-like left hand. This is a reference to the D&D character Vecna, for whom this Vecna is named; the D&D Vecna has a monstrous hand infused with dark magic.

Who can beat Eleven?

Winner: Thor

Thor has fought many superpowered enemies throughout his life, including the Frost Giants and Malekith the Dark Elf. There is no doubt that he could handle a clash with Eleven even at the peak of her psionic abilities.

Why did Vecna need Eleven's powers?

The Spider Monster probably could have killed Eleven then and there, but it didn't. That's because Vecna wanted to take and understand Eleven's powers. In particular, Vecna wanted to know how Eleven was able to open gates to the Upside Down.

Is Vecna evil or broken?

Despite his Pure Evil status, Vecna's actor Jamie Campbell Bower has shared his own opinions about his character that paint Vecna in a not fully monstruous light or justify some of his actions, though Bower only did so in order to play his character (stating that he doesn't think he is sympathetic even if he ...

Who escaped Vecna?

What broke through to Max was the happy, loving memories of her friends, particularly Lucas and Eleven, and these were what truly allowed her to break free of Vecna's grasp and escape.

Will Max survive her coma?

The Duffer brothers have also confirmed that at the end of Season 4, Max is alive yet "brain dead, blind, and all of her bones are broken." The big mystery is where the redhead is mentally.

Can Eleven heal Max?

And while it's frustrating to not know why Eleven can revive Max, it does work for the story. After all, no one wants Max to die, and everyone hopes that when the show returns for its fifth and final season, she will be just fine. NEXT: What Happened To Sam Owens In Stranger Things?

Did Eleven heal Max?

How Did Eleven's Powers Resurrect Max? The Stranger Things season 4, vol 2 finale confirms Max did die in this scene - as it's later revealed she was dead for a whole minute, before Eleven managed to use her powers to revive her.

Does Vecna get stronger when he kills? (2024)
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