Drawbacks of Wearing Stockings – Clark Podiatry Center (2024)

Stockings, or nylon pantyhose, are an everyday part of many women’s dress and professional wardrobes. However, nylon is a synthetic material that does not breathe, which leads to trapped body heat and perspiration. Fungal infections like athlete’s foot can thrive under these moist, warm conditions. If pantyhose are a must, make sure they are worn for as short of a time as possible and wash them after each wearing.
In addition, certain types of pantyhose can cramp the toes and keep the forefoot from expanding properly with each stride of the foot. This can lead to deformities such as hammertoe and ingrown toenails. It is important to make sure the nylon stockings do not fit too snugly around the feet.

Drawbacks of Wearing Stockings – Clark Podiatry Center (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.