Elements of Cloth Design - Form and Shape - Its Types (2024)

Chapter: 11th 12th std standard Textiles And Dress Designing Cloth stitch Higher secondary school College practical steps methods Notes

Form:It is an object having three dimensions like length, width and depth. The human form changes visually with clothing, especially as fashion changes.

Elements of Design

A complete knowledge on the various fundemental elements of art and design would help a person to create and design a garment on an asthetic manner. To create beautiful garments consistantly one need to follow certain guidelines in selecting and arranging design elements. In creating a design one of the components which interact is the Design Elements.

The elements and principles of design are flexible and should be interpreted within the context of current fashion.The principles of design are the rates that governs how elements are combined. The elements are therefore the raw materials that must be combined successfully.

The following are the different elements of Art.

1. Line

2. Form and Shape

3. Colour and

4. Texture

These elements are considered as 'plastics' in art language because they can be manipulated or arranged by the designer to create a desired illusions.

2. Form and Shape

Form:It is an object having three dimensions like length, width and depth. The human form changesvisually with clothing, especially as fashion changes.

Shape:It describes the outer dimensions of an object. Through clothing design, the shape of the humanbody is often revealed in a natural way, but sometimes even distorted. The shape of clothing on a human body, communicates silently, the messages about the wearer.

The shape of the body plus the lines of garment create an overall form that defines the garment silhouette. Often the silhouette gives the first impression because it is seen from a distance and because it is contrasted to a background. The silhouetted form of the clothes next to body reveals the shapes of various parts of the body line, and the garment, such as sleeves, shirt or pants.

Every fashion period, a shape emerges slowly or evolved suddenly, what ever it is, every period has a specific shape of garment which once determined can be modified and be styled for variation in design without changing the basic shape of the garment, it is either flare or tight, circular or straight, a line or raglan. It is therefore advisable that the designer chooses an easy silhouette to keep on creating for a longer duration.

Shape and form are the terms that are used inter-changeably with some differences. The term 'form' is generally considered to apply to two-dimensional areas or shapes as well as to three-dimensional volumes or masses as 'shape'. When lines are joined to enclose space, they result in an outline, a contour, or shape. When a two dimensional shape acquires a third dimension, it becomes a form. The

form of an object usually suggests its use. Form may be viewed as an enclosure of volume surrounded by limiting factors. Shape is the primary means by which we distinguish one form from another. It may refer to the contour of a line, the outline of a plane, or the boundary of a mass. In each case, shape is defined by the specific configuration of the lines or planes which separate a form from the background or surrounding space.

Form is an important element in decoration. Without beauty of form, application of excellent colour, texture and decoration are of no use. It can be said that two essentials of good form of an object are that it,

Should suit its function

Should be strongly influenced by the material with which it is made.

There are three broad categories of shapes and forms. Natural Shapes represent the images and forms of our natural world. These shapes may be abstracted, usually through a process of simplification, and still retain the essential characteristics of their natural sources. The second type of shape and form is abstract. This type of shape and form is derived from objects in nature or from other things that are familiar to us; however, they have been distorted, exaggerated, and reorganized, and at times beyond recognition. The third type of shape and form is called non-objective. Non-objective shapes make no obvious reference to a specific object or to a particular subject matter. In this grouping, geometric forms and biographic shapes are found. Some non-objective shape may result from a process such as calligraphy and carry meaning as symbols. Others may be geometric and elicit responses based on this purely visual qualities.

There are three separate and distinct types of geometric shapes.

Rectilinear - Square or rectangle

Angular - Triangle or pyramid

Curvilinear - Circle, sphere, cone, cylinder

In their most regular form, curvilinear shapes are circular while rectilinear shapes include the series of polygons which can be inscribed within a circle. In all these, the most significant geometric shapes include the circle, triangle, and square. Extended into the third dimension, these primary shapes generate the sphere, cylinder, cone, pyramid and the cube.

(i) Squares and rectangles :The square form represents the pure and the rational. The equality of itsfour sides and its four right angles contributes to its regularity and visual clarity. A square shape has no preferred or dominant direction. It is a stable, tranquil figure when resting on one of its sides, but becomes dynamic when standing on one of its corners. The square form epitomizes strength but, used exclusively, it tends to become tedious (hence the descriptive term 'square' for certain people).

All rectangles can be considered to be variations of the square with the addition of width or length. While the clarity and stability of rectangular shapes can lead to visual monotony, variety can be introduced by varying their size, proportion, colour, texture, placement or orientation.

(ii) Triangles :Triangles contribute unity and balance. The triangle represents stability. The dynamicquality of a triangular shape is also due to the angular relationships of its three sides. Because these angles can vary, triangles are more flexible than squares and rectangles. In addition, triangles can be

conveniently combined to form any number of square, rectangular and other polygonal shapes. Pyramid and triangles differ from rectangles and squares in their pointed dynamic character and express greater flexibility.

(iii) Circles:The circular forms are also useful and compact. It represents unity, continuity and economyof form. They are man's and nature's most conservative and economical forms as they enclose the greatest area and volume with least surfacing. A circular shape is normally stable and self-centering in its environment. When associated with other lines and shapes, however, a circle can appear to have an apparent motion.

b) Pattern :Pattern refers to any sort of extrinsic surface enrichment. It is a two-dimensional or three-dimensional ornament arranged in a motif form. Because patterns can be created by textures and forms and is found in the shape of individual items. Pattern has movement and should be arranged so that it will flow with the rhythm of the object it adorns.

Pattern can coordinate the entire decorating theme.

The cost of an dress is no indication of the quality of the decorative pattern used on it. The finest designers are employed chiefly for expensive goods. However, we also find that their designs are adapted or duplicated or imitated in inexpensive materials. It is desirable to buy patterned articles and other furnishings and fabrics designed by famous designers. Manufacturers often underestimate the taste of the consumers and make articles decorated with cheap elaborate designs, which people buy because nothing else is available.

Pattern creates an illusion of depth and adds character and to garment. A pattern is an overall design. A 'motif' is an individual unit of pattern. Fabric design is often created when motifs are repeated in a manner to create an overall pattern. These may be considered formal - showing a regular or methodical repetition of the motif, or informal - having irregular placement of motifs.

While choosing a patterned fabric, design of the fabric and colour are enormously important. Patterns range from huge flowers in rich blue and pink plus purples, mauves and apricots to paisley patterns in dark blue, deep magenta and burnt orange and colourful spots and stripes. While buying a fabric that is to be pleated / gathered as draperies / curtains, check how the pattern will look pulled together in their way. Some subtle designs come to life when used in a pleated or gathered form, while other patterns lose their impact.

Space is generally considered to be the area seen between the shapes. But space in clothing becomes distractive and fatiguing to view where an interesting space may go unnoticed or appear monotonous. Both repetition and extreme contrast of a line, shape, space or form produce emphasis.

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11th 12th std standard Textiles And Dress Designing Cloth stitch Higher secondary school College practical steps methods Notes : Elements of Cloth Design - Form and Shape - Its Types |

Elements of Cloth Design - Form and Shape - Its Types (2024)


Elements of Cloth Design - Form and Shape - Its Types? ›

The four basic ingredients or elements of design used in fashion are shape or silhouette, line, colour and texture. A silhouette can be described as the outline of the entire garment. This is the most obvious visual element of the garment.

What are the elements of design on a cloth? ›

The four basic ingredients or elements of design used in fashion are shape or silhouette, line, colour and texture. A silhouette can be described as the outline of the entire garment. This is the most obvious visual element of the garment.

What is shape and form in clothing? ›

The other elements of design can be used to define the contrast between the negative and positive space found on fabrics in clothing or used in interior spaces. Shape or Form. Shape is defined as the silhouette, or overall outline of a garment or other item (Wolfe, 2011, p. 458).

What are the different types of shapes in fashion design? ›

The most common body shapes are rectangle, triangle, inverted triangle, oval, square, round and the hourglass shape. Designers create garments keeping these body shapes in mind.

What are the 4 basic clothing shapes? ›

Basic shapes for

There are 5 basic dress shapes: Straight, Shaped, Inverted Triangle, Hourglass and 'A' Line.

What is the difference between form and shape in design? ›

In the visual arts, shape is a flat, enclosed area of an artwork created through lines, textures, or colours, or an area enclosed by other shapes, such as triangles, circles, and squares. Likewise, a form can refer to a three-dimensional composition or object within a three-dimensional composition.

What are the three basic shapes in fashion? ›

The three basic shapes are a square, a triangle and a circle. All other shapes are derived from these.

What is an example of shape and forms? ›

Geometric shapes and forms include mathematical, named shapes such as squares, rectangles, circles, cubes, spheres, and cones. Geometric shapes and forms are often man-made.

What are the forms of shape? ›

There are two main types of shapes, geometric and organic. While most works of art contain both geometric and organic shapes, looking at those that are more completely divided can serve to clarify these qualities.

What are examples of shape or form? ›

Shapes are the most basic figures like rectangles, circles, triangles, and squares while forms are the more complex structures like sphere, cube, cone, etc.

What are the four principles of design for designing clothes? ›

The principles of design consist of: balance, proportion (also referred to as scale), emphasis, and rhythm. When a garment or ensemble uses the elements and principles of design to create a visual unity, harmony is achieved.

What is form and form design? ›

What is form design? Form design is the process of creating a web form — where your site visitors can input and submit their information — while keeping the form's layout, format, UX, appearance, and other factors in mind. Great form design enhances UX and helps boost conversions.

How do you define a form in design? ›

If an object has height, width and depth, it is a form. A form can be a man-made, geometric shape that is mathematically precise in all its angles and edges, or it can be a natural, organic form.

Why is shape and form important in design? ›

When used properly, shapes can successfully create an outstanding and effective graphic design. The mood and message of the design may be enhanced by altering its shape in terms of form, colour and size. Shapes may be soft, curved, rounded, angled or sharp, and each conveys a different type of mood or emotion.

What are the 7 elements of fashion design? ›

What Are the Elements of Design? The elements of design are the fundamental aspects of any visual design which include shape, color, space, form, line, value, and texture.

What are the 2 major categories of shapes in design? ›

Shapes and masses can be divided into two broad categories, geometric and organic. Geometric shapes and masses approximate the regular, named shapes and forms of geometry, such as square, triangle, circle, cube, pyramid, and sphere. Organic shapes and masses are irregular and evoke the living forms of nature.

What is texture in clothing? ›

Texture describes the body and surface of fabric. Textures may be rough or smooth, coarse or fine, crisp or clingy, soft or stiff, thin or bulky, opaque or sheer, shiny or dull, heavy or light, or any combination of these characteristics.

What are the five basic forms shapes? ›

There are 5 Basic Forms: The Cube, Sphere, Cylinder, Cone & Pyramid. Shapes become forms when depth is added. A circle can become a sphere or a cylinder.

What are the elements of form? ›

Primary elements of form are the point, the line, the plane and the volume. The Point indicates a position in space. A point extended becomes a Line with (1-D) properties of length, direction, position. A line extended becomes a Plane with (2-D) properties of length and width, shape surface,orientation, position.

What is the difference between shape and form in fashion? ›

Form:It is an object having three dimensions like length, width and depth. The human form changes visually with clothing, especially as fashion changes. Shape: It describes the outer dimensions of an object.

What is shape in elements of design? ›

A shape is a two- or three-dimensional object that stands out from the space next to it because of a defined or implied boundary. A shape can live in different areas in space, and have other elements like line, color, texture, or movement.

What are the characteristics of shape and form? ›

Shape can also be defined as a two-dimensional area that is defined by a change in value or some other form of contrast. All shapes are two-dimensional, meaning that they have only length and width. Form, another element of art, differs from shape in that forms have length, width, and height.

What is the difference between shape and pattern? ›

Patterns are used to describe the shape of the data you're looking for. A shape is a representation of the pattern(graph).

What means shape or form? ›

In any way, shape or form is an idiom that means in any manner at all, in any fashion at all, in any way at all. In any way, shape or form is a redundancy, which is a phrase that repeats the same idea with different words or synonyms.

What are examples of form in objects? ›

A circle becomes a sphere in three dimensions, a square becomes a cube, a triangle becomes a pyramid or cone. Geometric forms are most often found in architecture and the built environment, although you can also find them in the spheres of planets and bubbles, and in the crystalline pattern of snowflakes, for example.

What are the 11 principles of design in fashion? ›

The Principles of Fashion Design
  • Rhythm. In fashion design, rhythm refers to the repetition of visual patterns. ...
  • Emphasis (Focal Point or Center of Attraction) This essential element of design in fashion draws attention to a specific part of the body or garment. ...
  • Balance. ...
  • Proportion. ...
  • Unity (Harmony)
Apr 5, 2021

What are the two kinds of design in clothing? ›

The designs in the garment are of two types: Structural design. Applied design.

How many types of designs are found in fabric? ›

Textile design is further broken down into three major disciplines, printed textile design, woven textile design, and mixed media textile design, each of which use different methods to produce a surface ornamented fabric for variable uses and markets.

What is the 5 outfit rule? ›

The five outfit rule is pretty simple. When you see an item that you just have to have you can only buy it if you can think of five different outfits that you can wear it with. These outfits should come to mind straight away, no having to wrack your brains to desperately come up with things, and no cheating.

How many categories of clothes are there? ›

In reality, there are five basic types of fabric or cloth: silk, cotton, linen, wool, and worsted.

What are the main types of clothing? ›

  • Jackets and coats.
  • Trousers and shorts.
  • Underwear.
  • Suits.
  • Skirts and dresses.
  • Shoes, boots and slippers.
  • Parts of shoes, boots and slippers.
  • Sweaters and waistcoats.

How do you categorize clothing? ›

“Organize your clothes according to type of clothing, occasion and length,” says professional celebrity organizer, Jill Pollack. “For example, all shirts go together, but separate work shirts from fancy going out shirts to casual shirts. Within each of those sections, divide shirts according to length of sleeve.

How do you categorize clothing items? ›

Organize by Category

Arrange pieces by item, then style, length, and color, so that you can see everything clearly. The same goes for shoes: style, color, height.

How do I categorize my clothes? ›

Declutter your clothes by category.

Instead, separate your clothes into categories like pants, dresses, tops, outerwear, accessories, and undergarments. Then sort through every item in a single category before moving on to the next.

What are the 6 rules of design? ›

Start with the six principles of design: balance, pattern, rhythm, emphasis, contrast, and unity. Just as instructional design models and methodologies shape your training strategy, so should these principles shape your basic visual strategy. By applying them, you can create high-impact visuals.

What are the 9 principles of design in fashion? ›

The 9 Principles of Design are: Contrast, Emphasis, Movement, Repetition, Proportion, Rhythm, Balance, Unity, and Variety.

What are the 13 basic principles of design? ›

The elements, or principles, of visual design include Contrast, Balance, Emphasis, Movement, White Space, Proportion, Hierarchy, Repetition, Rhythm, Pattern, Unity, and Variety.

What is the 7 elements of design in fashion? ›

What Are the Elements of Design? The elements of design are the fundamental aspects of any visual design which include shape, color, space, form, line, value, and texture.

What is shape elements of design? ›

A shape is a two- or three-dimensional object that stands out from the space next to it because of a defined or implied boundary. A shape can live in different areas in space, and have other elements like line, color, texture, or movement. Like forms, shapes come in two different types: geometric and organic.

What are the 8 basic elements of designs? ›

The eight principles of design every designer should know
  • Alignment. Making sure the elements of any design are aligned is essential. ...
  • Hierarchy. Hierarchy means putting your design's most important message or purpose front and center. ...
  • Contrast. ...
  • Repetition. ...
  • Proximity. ...
  • Balance. ...
  • Color. ...
  • Space.

What is form in fashion design? ›

Form is the three-dimensional shape of an object. If an object has height, weight, and depth, it has form. Form makes up the enclosed area of design. Along with body shape, the clothes people wear create form.

What is designing of cloth called? ›

Textile geometry is the creative and technical process by which thread or yarn fibers are woven together or interlaced to form a flexible, functional, and decorative cloth or fabric which is subsequently printed upon or otherwise adorned.

How are the patterns and designs made on the cloth? ›

The fabric is wrapped around the form until it is the desired shape, and then it is marked while still on the form. After that, the fabric is removed and spread flat. A French curve and ruler are used to clean up the lines. After that, the patterns are transferred from the fabric to pattern paper.

How do you design clothes for beginners? ›

6 Steps to Start Designing Fashion in 15 Minutes!
  1. Step 1- Grab your supplies. You have to know how to make patterns and sew. ...
  2. Step 2- Find your inspiration. ...
  3. Step 3- Organize your notes. ...
  4. Step 4- Illustrate your ideas. ...
  5. Step 5- Make your patterns. ...
  6. Step 6- Sew your design.

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