Emison (2024)

Emily and Alison first met in junior high, when Alison took Emily under her wing and invited her into her group of friends. Emily, unbeknownst to both of them at the time, had a crush on Alison. The girls were the closest girls in the group and told each other secrets that no one else knew and shared memories. Alison knew that Emily was gay and used this to discreetly tease her or make her uncomfortable about her sexual orientation. As time went on, the pair shared romantic notions and eventually shared kisses. However, Alison refused to accept her bisexuality and rudely turned Emily when it came to having a relationship. Alison went missing soon after, and Emily was devastated over the loss of her best friend. When Emily found out Alison was alive, she helped her return home and the pair began to form a bond once again. Alison was seemingly more comfortable in her sexuality and slept with Emily. The girls had the foundation to start a relationship, but their relationship fell apart before it could get more serious. As time went on, both girls dated other people, with Alison only dating males while Emily owned her sexuality. It wasn't until years later when Alison was unknowingly inseminated with Emily's daughters (a cruel pregnancy orchestrated by "A"), that the pair accepted their feelings for one another and started a relationship. For two years, they raised their twin daughters together before Alison proposed to Emily.

After another two years, Alison and Emily struggled to find their footing in their relationship now that A is gone. While they love each other, their issues boiled down to trust and who they are as people and a couple no that A is out of their lives. After Alison was chosen for a faculty position at BHU, she moved from Rosewood to Beacon Heights to pursue her degree. While they still remain in a relationship, they are on separate journies for the time being.

EscApe From New York

Emison (1)

Emily is still scared A is after Alison if the liars execute their plan to protect Ezra. Once reunited with the liars after leaving the hospital Alison takes the liars to Fitzgerald Theatre, where the liars stay until they all fall asleep. Once Alison is awoken by CeCe Drake she returns to find Emily awake. When Emily asks where Alison has been Alison tells her that she doesn't need to know everything about her, Emily not satisfied by this wants answers. Alison takes Emily by the hand away from the other girls and explains how CeCe was never Red Coat, and in fact, it was CeCe who distracted A, while Alison turned off the sawmill to save her in "Now You See Me, Now You Don't". Alison also tells Emily to repay CeCe for protecting Emily in Ravenswood, that she gave CeCe, her fake Vivian Darkbloom passport. Later that night Alison and Emily along with the rest of the liars discover that Shana was A.

Thrown From The Ride

Emison (2)

Alison tries to call and text Emily, but Emily doesn't respond back. Emily talks to Spencer and Aria in her bedroom. Aria asks her why she's been avoiding Alison and tries to imply that it's because Emily that she is scared of getting close to Alison again. When Aria asks her if she has feelings for Alison, Emily says that she doesn't know. Emily comments on how they have the life they wanted for the last two years and yet things are no longer like they were before.

Emison (3)

After Paige indirectly tells her about Mona's Army, Emily goes to Alison’s house. Alison shows Emily her new backpack and seems excited to go back to Rosewood High. Emily uneasily tells her that maybe she should leave and start over somewhere else. Emily thinks it is not safe with the bullied students wanting revenge on Alison, but Alison arrogantly says that Emily is the one who wanted her to come to Rosewood, and that she’s going back to school and if they stick together, they would be safe. Alison asks her about the tape she recorded to coincide with her lie about being kidnapped. Emily promises to memorize the tape and tells Alison that it’ll be the last time she lies for her before walking out the room.

Miss Me x 100

Emison (4)

Alison returns to Rosewood High. The girls make their way through the halls and Emily and Alison leave so Emily can show Alison the way to the guidance counselor's office. Later in the locker room, Emily confronts Paige about skipping school to avoid Alison. Paige tells her that she cannot stand to be with Alison in the same room. After school, Emily gets Alison and Paige together in her bedroom. Alison thanks Emily for getting her and Paige together in the same room. Alison apologizes to Paige for everything that she did to her. Alison tells Emily that both she and Paige are lucky to have Emily as their friend, but Paige doesn't accept her apology. After Paige leaves, Alison asks Emily if she wants to order some food, and Emily tells her she already has plans. Alison asks if she could come with her and Emily tells her she invited Paige. Alison asks if she can stay at Emily's house for a little longer as her dad is working late and she doesn't want to go home to an empty house. Emily says she can, and as she is leaving, Alison tells her their previous kisses weren't as one-sided as she led Emily to believe.

Emison (5)

After leaving Emily's house, Alison is followed and has a volatile confrontation with Mona at the church, that left Alison scared. On the phone with her mom, Emily tells her that Alison is really missing her mom, and Pam agrees to let Emily stay over at Alison's. They talk about the time Alison pulled Emily out of the barn in "Over My Dead Body." Alison tells her that she was the hardest one to leave behind. In Alison's bedroom, Emily asks if Alison is sleeping. Rolling over to face the center of the bed, the girls stare at each other before Emily leans in for a kiss, which leads to another...and another. The next day, Mona blackmails Alison with a video of Alison slapping her at the church and shows it to the girls trying to prove that Ali has not changed. Emily is furious at Alison for lying to them. In her bedroom, Emily is trying to watch a movie, still annoyed at Alison. Alison tells her that she knows she screwed up, and Emily wonders why Alison didn't tell them the truth, saying that "it's so much easier than lying". Sitting down next to Emily, Alison pleads with Emily to listen and tells her that she didn't tell Emily everything because she was afraid of losing her. Alison caresses Emily's cheek and then leans in to try to kiss Emily, but she moves away, telling Alison that a kiss is not going to fix this. Suddenly the movie crosses to a breaking news story about the Jane Doe who was "buried in Alison DiLaurentis' grave". Hanna, Caleb, Spencer, Toby, Aria and Ezra all gather at Emily's to hear the breaking news. Alison clutches Emily's hand as it is announced that the girl in Alison's grave is a Radley patient named Bethany Young. Suddenly a loud noise is heard and windows of Emily's lounge room explodes. The Cavanaugh house is on fire and the girl's cell phones all start beeping and ringing.

Run, Ali, Run

Emison (6)

Alison tells the girls that she needs to leave town since A has returned. That night, Hanna tries to help Alison runaway without telling Emily, Spencer, and Aria. Emily bursts into Hanna's room saying that Paige told her Lucas and Melissa is working with Mona to bring Alison down. Emily spots the train ticket and whilst Hanna tries to lie by saying she is going to visit her Grandma, Emily realizes Alison is the one trying to leave. Emily is upset that Hanna didn't tell them and wonders if perhaps something else is going on because Hanna has changed since Alison has come back. Hanna retaliates by saying she also saw Emily holding Alison's hand but Emily says she couldn't have just slapped her hand off her. Alison prepares to leave, grabbing some fake IDs and cash she had hidden away in her bedroom. Alison comes down and is surprised to see that the lights are off. She calls for her dad assuming her dad is back. A then sneaks up from behind her and hits Alison in the back, then starts choking her with her yellow scarf. Emily arrives at this very moment and chases off the assailant by hitting them with a book to the head. Alison is unharmed but has shortness of breath due to the times she was choked, but doesn't want Emily to tell anyone what happened because she would never be able to leave the house. Emily says she won't tell anyone but that there is no way that Alison is leaving, at least not tonight. Later Alison thanks Emily for saving her as most people see danger and run a mile. She then asks if she can stay over, promising "we'll just sleep." Emily sits up all night and watches over her to make sure she is safe. The next day, Emily is waiting to pick up Alison from her house when Lt. Tanner unexpectedly drops by asking that Alison should come by the police station with her father to answers some questions about Shana and where exactly the girls were in Philadelphia.

The Silence of E. Lamb

Emison (7)

Emily's mother Pam invites Alison and the girls to dinner. In the girl's bathroom, Alison wants Emily to convince her mother to call off dinner, but Emily says that she will need an epic excuse for that. Alison says that then they’ll just have to go to the dinner and get over with it. Hanna makes a comment about how Alison’s wish is their command. All the girls leave except for Emily and Alison. Alison asks Emily to walk her home after school. She asks Emily about her arm. Emily tells her that it’ll be okay. Alison thinks she’ll never be okay. She is worried about the scars on her throat from the attack by A, even though it is covered by a scarf. Suddenly from a toilet stall, Sydney comes out, introducing herself to Alison. She comments on her scarf, saying it’s beautiful. That night Spencer and Aria bail on Pam's dinner, but Hanna reluctantly shows up. During dinner, Alison tells Pam some of her "story" saying that she doesn't understand what she might have done to deserve what happened to her and holds Emily's hand. Unbeknownst to Emily, Alison, and Pam, Hanna took a bottle of liquor from Pam's bar and antagonizes Alison at the table. Alison helps Pam clear the dishes and Emily calls Hanna out on her drinking before making her leave. After dinner, Emily asks her mother why she wanted to have Alison over. Pam confesses that she knew Emily had feelings for Alison before her disappearance. Pam wanted to see how they would act together. Emily tells Pam she's "working on it" with Alison. Pam says Alison's kidnapping story has some "problems." She tells her daughter it's not her job to keep saving Alison.

A Dark Ali

Emison (8)

The girls nominate Emily to talk to Alison and make sure she doesn't identify Cyrus Petrillo as her kidnapper to the police. In Alison’s bedroom, Emily tells her that if she identifies Cyrus, it will be way too easy for ‘A’ to prove that she’s lying. Alison says that she gets it, and as Emily asks why Alison can’t just say the guy is innocent, Kenneth knocks on the door. Kenneth is upset when Alison says that she already told Emily what was going on. Kenneth says that Cyrus has confessed already wants Alison to ID him at the station, saying that both he and Emily wants her to be safe. Emily acts the part and agrees with Kenneth. Later, Emily talks with Alison at the DiLaurentis house. She finds out that Cyrus is not a stranger to Alison, and Alison says she doesn't know how ‘A’ found him. She shows Emily the scar on her right thigh, which was given to her by Cyrus in an abandoned basem*nt during her disappearance. All Cyrus wanted was her belongings and money, and looked at her as if she was worse than nothing. Emily says that ‘A’ is using Cyrus as a way to trap Alison and the liars. Alison lets Emily know that she knows she has to debunk Cyrus's confession. That night after Alison ID'ed Cyrus to L.T. Tanner, Emily waits for Alison outside her house. Emily says she doesn't understand why Alison ID'ed him; as it affects them all and the past several years hasn't been easy for any of them. Alison tells Emily that she has a plan, but Emily is sure she will just throw them all under a bus to pull it off. Emily says she stuck up for Alison against everyone, and when Alison says that she can still find out who ‘A’ is, Emily announces "I am so done with you" before walking away.

Taking This One to the Grave

Emison (9)

Alison meets Emily in her bedroom. Seemingly hurt, she tells Emily that she saw the hair rise on the back of her neck when Emily heard her voice. Alison says she is surprised Emily messaged her considering the dispute they had the last time they spoke. At that moment, Emily gets a text from Hanna asking where A is. Emily lies to Alison that it's just her mom texting, and texts Hanna back saying that Alison is with her and that she hates having to keep her busy. Alison looks on suspicious and asks Emily why she was asked to come; Emily tells her that she's bothered they're not speaking. Alison says it was a surprise when Emily turned on her as opposed to the other liars as she was the one she trusted the most. Emily mutters under her breath, "the loyal one". Alison asks Emily what she said but Emily tells her nothing. Alison tells Emily that she is sorry that she disappointed her and begins to leave. Emily tells her to stop and says she doesn't want "things to be like this". Alison smirks before turning around and wearing a worried look, saying she doesn't want that either. Alison tells Emily there is no way that the girls will let Emily be friends with her if that is what she wants. Emily tells Alison that she makes her own decisions. Alison asks Emily for tea, and Emily gets up to leave but turns around to see Alison reading the texts between her and Hanna. Alison asks if Emily and the girls think she's A. Emily says "I don't know. Are you?" and takes her phone back. Alison tells Emily that she actually believed her; Emily replies that it must hurt to be betrayed by the "loyal one". Alison pushes past Emily with her shoulder as she leaves the room, saying "That was quite a performance, Em. Bravo."

The Melody Lingers On

Emison (10)

At home, Emily receives a collect call from Alison, who is in jail for Mona's murder. Emily answers and asks Alison if she's ok. Alison sarcastically replies, "Never better." Emily tries to reassure Alison by saying that she'll be fine, but Alison isn't as certain. Emily apologizes, and Alison apologizes saying that she called for a reason. She asks Emily if she would come to her trial tomorrow. Emily is hesitant but promises that she will be there. Alison thanks her and asks if it was raining in Rosewood. Emily says yes. After some silence, both say their good-nights and hang up.

Tick-Tock, Bitches

Emison (11)

Emily goes to Welby to check on Alison and has a conversation with Elliott During this conversation, they are interrupted by an alarm going off and screaming coming from Alison's room. Both Elliott and Emily run to the room, and Emily watches in horror as Alison trashes and hits Elliott, trying to escape. Elliott ultimately drugs her. Later, after Alison has calmed down, Emily is allowed to go in and visit with her for a few minutes. She is on the phone with Aria first, who tells her to try and get the truth out of Alison - if she killed Charlotte or not. Emily states that she'll try before going into the room, but Alison is sleeping. Emily begs a sleeping Alison to please wake up, that Hanna is in trouble, and she needs to know the truth. She then crouches beside the bed and says that she needs to know the truth about Charlotte and if Alison killed her or not. This causes Alison to jolt awake, shocking Emily. Alison starts to ask God to help her and forgive her before passing out again.

Emison (12)

Emily goes to the DiLaurentis house and into Alison's bedroom. She turns on the light and finds Ali's music box, broken. This triggers a memory of Ali telling that they'll be friends forever. Emily places the box on the dresser, and has a memory of Ali telling her, "that's why I love you-you're big on happy endings". She then sees a picture of the girls all gathered together in a Paris frame, and has a memory of Alison telling her that she was always her favorite. Emily looks away from the picture and sees a cluster of Eifel Towers, which triggers a memory of Ali telling her that she'd look good on the Eifel tower, the wind in her hair. Emily the turns and looks at the bed, which triggers another memory of Ali telling her that she was the hardest one to leave behind. The bed also triggers a flashback of them making out and presumably having sex for the first time. A saddened Emily then looks away from the bed.


Emison (13)

Emily is woken up by the sound of her phone ringing and searches through her bag to find it. She answers it and is shocked to hear Alison's voice begging for help. Emily asks who is on the line, and Alison says, "Help me, Emily!" and she quickly realizes it's Alison on the phone. Alison states that she needs her, and there are sounds of a struggle coming through the phone and a nurse asking for the phone, which Alison is not willing to give up, followed by more sounds of a struggle. Moments later, the connection goes dead.

Emison (14)

Later that day, Emily goes to see Alison at Welby to make sure she's really okay. However, she has difficulty going in as the nurse informs her that Ali's visiting privileges have been changed to family only. A worried Emily pressures the nurse to tell her why they were changed, but the nurse tells her that she can't tell her anything. Emily then goes to Elliott and asks if Ali is okay, and why her privileges were changed. Elliott tells her that he's decided that Ali's better of in isolation, and that as soon as she can have visitors he'll call Emily.

Emison (15)

Emily, determined to see Ali, enlists the help of Mary Drake. The two are able to get in to see Alison. When they enter the room, Alison, who is drugged, wakes up and greets Emily and says that she was supposed to wake her up. Emily says that it took her longer to get there then she thought it would. Alison struggles against the restraints that Elliott has her in, and tearfully states that she can't move and she thinks something is wrong with her. Emily sits on the bed next to Alison and tells her that she's in the hospital, and Ali states that they're going to miss their flight. Emily, however, says that they can take the next one. Emily goes on to say that she called her last night, but Ali seemingly doesn't remember doing it. She goes on to say that Ali sounded really scared, and asked for help.

Emison (16)

Alison states that Welby is a scary place, and there's a woman that cries all night. As she speaks, Emily gets worried, which causes Alison to asks fearfully if she's in Radley. Emily tells her that she's not, which relieves Alison. Mary Drake walks up behind Emily, and Alison, who believes Mary is Jessica, asks why she left her. She states that she woke up covered in dirt and she wouldn't help and wants to know why she left her in the cold ground. She also says that "Jessica" was wrong about Elliott, it's not like she said it would be at all. Emily, who is sad to see Alison in this state, asks what she means. However, moments later, a light turns on in the room and Elliott enters angrily saying that he didn't authorize any visitors and they need to leave now. Emily starts to leave when Alison cries out to her not go and looks fearfully at Elliott After Emily leaves she sees Mary and Elliott arguing, and informs the rest of the Liars that Alison is much worse and that something is going on between them. Emily and the rest of the Liars agree that they have to get Alison out of Welby.

The Talented Mr. Rollins

Emison (17)

Alison is still being tortured and held prisoner at Welby State Psychiatric Hospital by Elliott Emily suspects that Elliott might be torturing Alison, and convinces Hanna and Aria to go with her to confront Elliott They accuse him of misconduct, which leads Emily and the girls to Alison's room. However, when they arrive, the restraints that Elliott had on Alison are gone, making it look like she's just sleeping. Elliott tells the other Doctor that Alison is improving, and even gives him her file. The doctor tells the girls not to worry, and that Dr. Rollins is taking good care of Ali.

Emison (18)

Later, Emily gets an alert on her phone from who she believes is Elliott, showing his exact location. He then sends a text saying "SOS" and the girls quickly figure out that it's actually Alison using the phone. They get into the car to follow the pin, which leads them towards a lake. However, Emily loses phone reception for a brief period of time but is able to regain it and lead them towards Elliot's now parked car. Alison runs in front of the car but is able to get out of the way, however, Elliott is not as lucky and is hit by the car and dies.

Hit and Run, Run, Run

Emison (19)

Following the events of the last episode, the girls bury Elliott's body in the woods. Ali, who is in shock, walks over to Emily and then looks at the freshly dug grave and falls to the ground. She reaches down and pulls out Elliot's ID and states that they'll need the ID, and Emily looks at her in shock.

Along Comes Mary

Emison (20)

Alison is released from Welby and goes to Hanna's loft where Emily and Aria are, and Emily tells her that she would have been there that but she overslept. She had a date the night before, and Ali states that she didn't know Emily was seeing anyone. She, in turn, says that it's new. Aria interrupts and says that Archer was using a burner phone at a residence, but Alison doesn't recognize the address. She tells them that Archer rented an old stone cottage in the country, which she thought was romantic. Emily states that Archer had a burner phone and burner apartment, and Alison realizes that nothing Archer ever told her was true - his name, where he lived, even where he was from.

Emison (21)

Emily tells her that Archer wasn't trying to kill her that night, at least that's what they think now. Alison snaps back by saying that it doesn't make him any of less of an ass. She then asks if they knew who he was texting, and Aria theorizes Jenna, while Emily guesses Mary Drake. However, Ali informs them that according to Mary Drake's story she bailed when things "got murdery", and she might believe her, but she doesn't trust her yet. Emily recommends going to the burner apartment to see who he was texting, and Ali agrees and even says that maybe they could find the person who thought she killed Charlotte. Aria says the can't and that the cops already found the car, so they might know who Elliott really is. Alison agrees that they should stay away from the apartment, but Emily disagrees with Ali and the two argue for a bit before Emily agrees not to go.

Emison (22)

Later, Alison tells the Liars that Rollins stole everything from her and she's completely broke and Emily states that things are just getting worse. Aria, Alison, and Emily start to think about who might be behind everything. Ali then tells the girls that she really screwed up that day, and Emily sits next to her. She says that Jenna showed up at the house that day looking for Elliott, and now she believes that Jenna knows about the burner phone and that Jenna's smart enough to figure out that he wouldn't just give it to the girls. Aria says that she has to go, and Emily tells Alison that it's fine.

Wanted: Dead or Alive

Emison (23)

Alison and Emily are sitting in the DiLaurentis house talking, and Ali is drinking wine. She tells her that Charlotte lied about everything - Mary Drake, the doctors, and being friends with Jenna. Emily assures her that doesn't mean that Charlotte didn't love her, which Ali didn't believe. She even says that she didn't know Charlotte had a boyfriend or that Ali married her. Emily states that things just went too far, and Archer took matters into his own hands. Ali quickly says that she thought her and Charlotte were sisters, but yet, she wasn't her confidant or her friend she was just a stepping stone to get out of Welby. She goes on to say that she and Archer had their first kiss right where she and Emily are sitting now, on Christmas Eve. Emily listens to Alison talking about Archer and Charlotte, and when she finishes tries to go to her but Alison stops her. Em states that she doesn't have to go through this alone and that she knows that she's upset about them giving her jacket to A.D. However, Alison says that Spencer already explained it to her. Emily then says that they are all so sorry and that she is so sorry. Ali only says, "I know." Em says that she'll call her later before leaving.

Emison (24)

Later, Alison is seen placing a record in the record player, and Emily comments that she loves the song. Alison states that her mom had quite the collection and that Mary brought some down from the attic. As she speaks she starts to get emotional, and the mark on her face causes her pain. Emily asks where Mary was when she was attacked, to which Ali says that Mary was meeting with a contractor and the police confirmed it. Emily takes her hand and tells her to sit down, that she needs to rest. Ali stops her and states that she's so sorry and that Elliott knew she'd push Emily away and make herself vulnerable. That's why he put the jacket in her room and she fell for it. Emily quickly pulls Alison in for a hug, and Ali breaks down in tears as Em holds her close.

Original G'A'ngsters

Emison (25)

Emily and Alison, along with the other girls, receive necklaces with their names on it as a gift from Spencer. Ali opens the check for the girls' mimosa's only to see that A.D. wrote a chilling note inside, and Emily comforts Alison. The police go by and into the elevator, and Ali asks who they're listening for. Emily goes up to see while Ali watches, and Emily returns to tell the girls that Sara Harvey is dead.

Exes and OMGs

Emison (26)

They are sitting at The Brew talking about Ezra and Aria. Ali then tells her that she's going back to Rosewood High School to teach her class, and Emily asks if she's ready. Alison states that Dr. Sullivan and the doctors at Welby have given her a clean bill of health, but Em reminds her that it's only been two weeks since Archer Dunhill and the events at Welby. Alison states that he stole all her money and that she's broke and has nothing. She has no choice but to back to teaching. Emily still isn't a fan of the idea but tells her that she'll do great and the two hug before Alison leaves for class.

Emison (27)

After school, they meet up again at a bench outside of the church in downtown Rosewood. Emily asks how her first day went, and Ali states that there were just the usual pranks. Emily says that at least she's taught there before, and it's not like it's her first day where she decided to take a job out of the blue. Ali asks if they can skip the part where she tries to figure out what's going on and asks Emily to just tell her. Emily admits that she's thinking of applying for a coaching job at the High School, but she wasn't sure how Ali would feel about her being there with her. Ali assures her that she's fine with, and she'd actually love it. Emily has a shocked look on her face, and Ali asks if she wanted her to say she didn't want her to apply, and Emily quickly denies the claim, saying that she's not sure she actually wants to apply. Ali says that it wouldn't hurt to apply, and Em agrees. Ali goes on to say that five years ago, who would have thought they would have both ended up RHS, and Emily agrees. She then gets a text from Aria who wants to stay with Emily at Lucas' loft. She is visibly upset by the text, and Ali assures her that what Aria did with Ezra's phone wasn't her fault. Emily doesn't believe her as she thinks she planted the idea in her head and wants to get her out of the mess since she's the one that got her into it. Later that night, Emily and Alison are with Hanna and Spencer talking about a note that A.D. left them.

The DArkest Knight

Emison (28)

During the search to find Noel and Hanna, the Liars, police, and Paige are all gathered at Spencer's house. Ali watches Paige giving Emily coffee and some breakfast stuff. Emily brings it over to Spencer and gives her the coffee, before setting the box down and stating there's breakfast food in the box if she's hungry. Alison, who is still watching Paige, states that she couldn't be more nauseated, and Spencer takes the box away. Ali asks Emily how much longer they're going to be pent up in the house, and Emily tells her that Furey said that they can't leave until they find Noel. Alison states that it's hard enough going through all this without being gawked at, and nods towards Paige. Emily says that she invited Paige, and Alison asks why since she has nothing to do with this. Emily states that Paige is here to support everyone and that she was targeted by A once too. Alison says that it's fine, but she thinks it's pathetic that Paige is using the situation to get close to Emily. Emily rolls her eyes and Alison asks if Paige knows that Emily is dating someone. Emily tells her that things with Sabrina are on pause since she can't talk to her about everything is going on, and even though it's on the news, it's easier with Paige since she's been through it before. There is commotion with the police and Emily goes over to check it out, and Paige puts a hand on Emily's back. Ali scoffs in disgust and states that she's going to be sick before leaving the room.

Emison (29)

That night, Emily thanks Alison for letting her crash at her house, since Hanna and Caleb needed some "alone time". Emily tells her that she can't shake the feeling that Hanna isn't telling them the truth, and that somethings in her story don't add up. As she talks, Ali slowly removes the pillows from the bed before blurting out that she's pregnant. A shocked Emily doesn't know what to say at first, before asking if she's sure. Ali says that there were two lines on the pregnancy test. A few minutes later the two are seen sitting on a stool in another room, and Alison has some tissues and is crying. She tells Emily that at first she just thought she was stressed, and that's why her period was late, and she had been late before but it was a false alarm. Em asks if it's Archer's, and Alison states, "of course!" and asks whose else it would be. She then breaks down and says that she can't believe all this happening and that she thought they were careful. Emily assures her that it's going to be okay, and Ali tearfully says that this isn't how she pictured starting a family. Em tells her that she doesn't have to make any decisions right now, and Ali says that she knows. She starts to cry as she reveals she thought her mom would be there when it happened to give her advice - even though she wasn't good at it, but at least she wouldn't be alone. Emily takes her hand and assures her that she's not alone, that she's right there no matter what she decides to do.

Emison (30)

Later that night, the two are watching a movie on television together when Ali starts to rub her stomach, tears on her face. She looks to Emily who wipes her tears and tells her it's going to be okay. Ali then kisses her, but Emily quickly pulls away stating that she's really vulnerable at the moment, but Ali promises that isn't why and the two kiss again.

Emison (31)

The next morning, they wake up together, fully clothed, and Ali's head is on Emily's chest. Emily goes outside when she hears arguing and finds out that it's Paige who was aruging with an officer. Paige asks if she can come inside, but Emily states that Ali's inside which causes the two to get into a fight.


Emison (32)

Emily is in the teacher's lounge drinking coffee when Alison comes in late. Emily says that she texted her but Ali never texted her back, and the latter states that she didn't have time. Emily says that's fine and when Ali makes an appointment to go to the doctor they'll go together. However, Alison informs her that she's already been to the doctor and that's why she's late. Emily states that she promised she'd go with her and that she should have called, to which Alison says that it's her nightmare, not Em's. Emily asks how it went at the doctor's, and Alison said that it was humiliating and that she's going to have the baby of a perfect stranger. She notices Paige and asks what she's doing here, and Emily tells her that Paige is the new athletic supervisor. Alison gets annoyed and says that it's, "perfect" before snatching her bag up and heading to the door. Emily looks after her confused and calls after her, but Ali keeps walking and says that she's late before leaving.

Emison (33)

At Ali's house, Alison comments on Paige's new position of athletic supervisor, and sarcastically asks if they created that job just for Paige. Emily responds that she doesn't think so, and Ali asks if Emily asked the school to hire Paige, to which Emily states that she didn't and that the school must have wanted both of them. Ali makes a snide remark about everybody being lucky, but Emily ignores it and asks if she's going to be okay alone that night. Ali states that it depends on what she means by okay. If pregnant, stalked, broke, and alone is okay then she's the girl for the title. Emily states that she's not alone, and Alison states that she thinks she should tell the others. Emily quickly says that she wasn't talking about them, she was talking about herself. Alison sighs and tells her that it isn't her problem, and Emily reminds her that she supports her no matter what she decides to do. Ali states that it's late and she has to get up early, and the two say goodnight before Emily leaves.

Emison (34)

The next morning all the teachers are gathered for a meeting arranged by Paige. Alison interjects by saying that she thinks it's great what Paige is doing, and that she is serious. Most new teachers go for something safer, like a pep-rally but Paige is really pushing her personal comfort zone. Emily looks nervously at Alison as she talks, knowing that the two have bad blood. Paige tells her that it's not that big of a deal, and Ali tells her not to be modest and that some people at the table remember what she used to be like. The smile on Emily's face falls, and Ali asks Emily if she remembers. However, Emily stays quiet, but Alison continues on by asking May if she remembers when Paige was a student, and personally, she always wondering where all the aggression came from. May states that Paige had a lot of team spirit, and Alison quickly says that it was more than that, and asks Emily again for her opinion. However, Emily just sits uncomfortably in her seat. Paige then retorts that May remembers how Alison was like to and that she's pretty unforgettable. Ali thanks her by Paige quickly says that it wasn't a compliment. May recommends taking a break, and Ali states that if Paige needs a break she understands since she's probably overwhelmed. Emily snaps at her to stop it and the two exchange a look.

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After school, the two talk back at Ali's house, and Emily confronts her about what the whole thing with Paige was about. She reminds her that they were in a teacher's lounge, not the cafeteria before homeroom, and asks if she just has it out for Paige or wanted to punch a familiar face. Ali states that she takes it Emily and Sabrina are still on hold, and Emily quickly says that this is the side of her she hates. Whenever someone gets close to her it makes her itch so she swats people away like bugs. Alison gets upset by this and asks Emily to please just go away before turning her back on her. Emily asks if that's what she really wants, and then asks why she has to keep showing her that she loves her. Alison, who is very annoyed, states that she keeps getting mail addressed to Elliott Rollins - letters, packages, and that's what he left her with: sports catalogs and a baby. She turns to Emily and states that her life is a hot mess, to which Emily states that everyone's is. Alison sighs and says that Emily and Paige might not be together now but they were, and they have real memories. None of her memories with Archer are real, and that they're all lies. Emily nods, understanding, before asking Alison if the reason she kissed her the other night was that she wanted to, or because she didn't want her to leave. Alison states that she doesn't know, and Emily asks her not to kiss her again until she knows.

These Boots Were Made for Stalking

Emison (36)

Emily enters Alison's classroom at Rosewood High School after the bell rings and has a confrontation with Addison Derringer, who missed swim practice the day before because she was "sick". The two have a confrontation and words, as Alison watches from her desk. After Addison leaves, Emily asks Alison if it's just her or if she's a lot like Ali was in High School. Alison replies that Addison's worse, and at least she looked up from her phone when she was threatening adults. Alison then asks what would happen if she has a child like Addison, or herself, and Emily asks if that means she's decided to have the baby. Ali says that she hasn't decided, she's just trying to go one day without talking about it. Emily offers to come over and bring her dinner and says that she shouldn't be alone. Ali reminds her that she isn't alone - there's a miny her waving to her from the boardgame next door scheming to make her situation worse if that's possible. Emily tucks Ali's hair behind her ear and the two hug, and Addison, who was eavesdropping on the conversation, takes a picture with her phone.

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Later that day Emily goes to Alison's house and asks for the key to Spencer's barn, and tells her that Addison is another ploy sent by Jenna to destroy her and she needs to get into the barn to see the boardgame. If A.D. is behind what's happening, she needs confirmation. Alison says that she doesn't think it takes questions - it's not an Ouija Board. Emily informs her that Addison is making allegations about her being inappropriate with students, and she thinks that A.D.'s trying to wear her down to admit other things to Hackett. For example, that she missed her final and A.D. took it for her, to which Ali is surprised and asks if she's already played the game. Emily states that it wasn't a game back then, but she's pretty sure Jenna was behind that one too. Emily asks for the key again, and Ali warns her that once you let the devil in seeds start to sprout. She then reluctantly gets the key out and tells her that she's not doing it alone.

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The two head to Spencer's barn to look at the game, and Emily takes her turn. Ali and Emily watch a video of Addison and her boyfriend making out when she was supposed to be too sick for practice.

Power Play

Emison (39)

At Rosewood High School Alison walks in on a conversation between Emily and Paige and asks if she and Emily can talk since she's between classes. During this time, Paige leaves, allowing Emily to talk to Alison.

The two head into Ali's classroom, where she tells Emily that she knows keeping the secret has been hard for her, but she won't have to do it much longer, as she's made an appointment to terminate the pregnancy. Emily asks if she's sure, and Ali says that she is. That Archer manipulated her into loving him, marrying him, and when he locked her up at Welby her took away her ability to make decisions, and with the pregnancy, it feels like he's in control still. She states that she wants her life back, and Emily tells her she doesn't need to explain. Ali says that she knows, but she wanted to say it all out loud. Ali tells her that she takes her first pill at the clinic that weekend, and the second at home a few days later. Emily offers to drive her to the doctor and Alison accepts the offer and the two hug. Moments later, Marco Furey knocks on her classroom door and asks if she has a minute to talk.

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When it's Ali's turn at the game she has to go to a baby store and scan items she really wants. She finishes the task and goes to the cashier to buy a bracelet. The cashier asks if she wants the other one as well, the bracelet she had made for the donor. Alison is confused and asks to see it, and is surprised when she sees that the bracelet has Emily's name on it. She finds her puzzle piece and leaves shocked and in tears.

Emison (41)

Later that night, Emily confronts Alison about what A.D. made her do, and what she had to do to get the puzzle pieces. Alison states that she had to find out the truth - or what she thinks is the truth, about the baby. That the baby isn't hers, it's Emily's. When questioned about this, Alison states that it's from when Emily donated her eggs, and that Emily was right about A.D. stealing them. She says that whoever was doing this must have planning it for a really long time. Emily, who is in denial, says that just because A.D. told her it's true doesn't mean that it is. However, Alison says that she remembers the procedure from when she was in Welby State Psychiatric Hospital and tells Emily what she remembers. The two girls look at each other, both in tears, and Emily shocked. Later on, on the same night, Alison calls the clinic and cancels her appointment and says that she - they, just need more time to figure things out. Emily stands in the background with her arms crossed and tears in her eyes.

In the Eye Abides the Heart

Emison (42)

Ali and Emily are standing in the living room and Emily asks her what she's going to do. Alison asks if she's talking about the game, and Emily states that she's not - she's talking about the baby. Alison asks her what she would like her to do, and Emily responds that it isn't up to her. Alison asks her how she feels about it, and Emily responds that she feels angry and violated, and asks how Ali feels. Ali says that she's exhausted from how angry she is. Emily states that they don't even know it's true, and they could get a blood test to be absolutely sure, which Alison agrees to do. Later, Alison calls Emily while the latter's at work and tells her that it's true - the baby is hers. It's both of there's, and Emily says that it wasn't just the two of them someone else was involved too. Ali states that it wasn't Dunhill, as it's the wrong blood type, and there are only a couple million other people it could be. Alison asks what she's thinking about, and Emily says that she's not thinking at all.

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Later that day, the two are back at the house and Emily asks how she's doing, and she says that she's doing pretty good. Emily takes a few breaths and then tells Alison that she wants her to have the baby, and she knows she's asking her more then she has the right to ask, but she wants a chance to raise the child. Alison takes a moment to process before saying that they don't even know who the father is. Emily says that they know it isn't Archer, and whoever did this to them, she doesn't want them to win. She goes on to say that it isn't her only reason for wanting the baby, and she understands if Ali can't have the baby. However, she wants her to promise that she'll at least think about it which Alison agrees to.

Emison (44)

That night, Alison is visited by Paige who states that she's ready to leave Rosewood - she got what she came to town for. Paige states that she knows Ali is going through a tough time, but before she goes she has to know something - if Alison loves Emily. Alison is taken aback by the question and that she's the last person to ask about love. Paige states that she's the only one that can answer the question and that Ali knows Emily loves her. Maybe she's known all along and that's what made her such a scared and terrible person. Paige continues to try and get Alison to tell the truth - not to just to her, but to herself as well. Alison says that she knows how she feels when Emily looks at her and she's never felt that with anyone before. It's like Emily can see who she really is, and maybe that's the scariest part of all. She says that when she looks at Emily's eyes she wants to be worth the effort, and wants to be the person she sees. When Paige is on her way out, she comments that Alison is going to have a beautiful baby.

Emison (45)

The next morning, Alison is seen sitting on the floor with tears in her eyes. Emily walks in and asks her what's wrong, to which Alison says that she's thought about having the baby and what it means and what it could mean, and she's decided to have the baby. Emily asks if she's sure, and Ali states that she's not, but if Emily helps her she can do it. Emily agrees and Alison says that it's settled and she'll do it. Emily corrects her by saying they'll do it - together, and thanks her as she hugs her. Alison, in turn, thanks Emily for trusting her and the two sit on the floor together holding hands.

The Glove That Rocks the Cradle

Emison (46)

Emily, who is covering Ali's eyes, leads her into a room. Ali informs her that it really isn't helping her nausea, and Emily apologizes and takes her hand telling her she can look now. The room is revealed to be a nursery in progress in Ali's old room. Ali asks when she did it, and Em nervously responds that she knows it's early and it won't be a permanent situation, but while the baby is here he or she should have a room. Ali tells her to stop, and that the room is great and that she and the baby can stay for as long as they want, and that it just makes sense - at least for a little while. Ali goes over to some boxes and asks where Emily found all this, and she tells her that she found it in the attic. Emily also apologizes for not asking first, but the week before was so crazy that she just wanted to put her energy into something positive. They look at some of the items in the boxes, and Emily tells Alison that Jessica saved a lot, and packed everything in tissue paper - even baby clothes. Ali smiles and states that for her all her mom's faults, she did have good taste.

Emison (47)

The next day, Emily walks into the kitchen and greets Alison who asks if they are carpooling, and she thought it was Em's day off, and she responds that it is. However, her mom was away from the house so she went over and got a mobile for the baby's crib. Alison remarks that it's cute as she packs her bags and gets ready to leave. She puts something in her bag that isn't seen clearly, and Emily states that it's not real food and to give her five minutes so she can make her something. Alison tells her that she can't, she's running late. Emily looks at the vitamins on the counter and notices that they still aren't open, and questions her about them. Alison apologizes and says that she keeps forgetting to take them, and Em states that they're important and that she should set an alarm on her phone - and one for breakfast too.

Emison (48)

Ali states that Emily's grumpy, but the latter denies the claim stating that she can't believe that Ali's already flaking out on her. Alison looks up surprised and a little hurt and questions her claim. Em retorts that Alison says she wants to do things but then just ends up bailing. Alison tells her to get a grip, they're just vitamins. Emily informs her that it's not about the vitamins and that she's looking down the road and what she sees is Alison tossing her the baby and running off to Paris. Alison takes the bottle from her and takes one of the vitamins asking her if she's happy now. She also states that she knew pregnancy would come with crazy mood swings, she just didn't know they'd be Emily's. She then leaves for work.

Emison (49)

The same night at the school, the pair is waiting for A.D. to show up and take a package out of a locker and things are clearly still awkward. Emily sighs and states that she's sorry about what happened that morning and that she's just scared she won't be able to do this. Alison says that she's scared to, but mostly because she feels like Emily's testing her, and even though she doesn't know what the tests are she knows that she's failing them. Suddenly, they are interrupted by what they believe is A.D. and run down the hallway after the person. Ali turns a corner but Emily hears a noise and runs the other way, shouting for Ali to follow her. There are a loud thump and a yell, and a terrified Emily runs over to Alison only to find her laying at the bottom of a flight of steps. She asks if she's okay, and Alison says that she is and someone knocked her down and that they moved past her to fast so she couldn't see who it was. Emily tells her to forget about the package and A.D., and that she's taking her home. Back at the house, Aria is destroying the nursery per A.D.'s request when Ali and Emily arrive home and hear the banging. Emily grabs a candlestick on her way out of the room and looks back at Ali one last time before heading upstairs. She sees that the door to the nursery is open, but whoever it was is gone now.

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Later that night, the pair is in the nursery packing up and talking about the confrontation with Lucas Gottesman earlier that night, and the fact that Emily almost used a pottery barn candlestick as a weapon. Emily says that she doesn't know why she thought she had to protect her since Ali's basically the strongest person she knows. Ali states that Emily's always protected her and ever since they met she knew she could count on her. Emily asks why Alison always pushed her away, and the latter states that she doesn't know but she's ready to stop. She states that she wants to do this together, and Emily asks her what she means by together and Ali responds that she wants to be a family. Emily starts to say that she needs to be clear about something, but Alison interrupts her. She states that over the years she's been in so many failed relationships and she always made excuses why, but she knows the real reason and that Paige tried to get her to say it but she didn't want to say it to her. Emily asks what Paige did, but Alison quickly interrupts her and says, "I love you", for the first time. She then says that Emily told her not to do this until she was ready, and brushes a strand of Emily's hair away from her face before kissing her.

Driving Miss Crazy

Emison (51)

Emily is seen walking in the DiLaurentis House while talking to Ali, and tells her to call her before she goes to sleep and to tell Jason she said hi. Mona tells Emily to make sure Ali takes her pholbic acid, and Emily tells Ali that the voice she heard was Mona and she said something about acid. They say goodnight, and Ali presumably says "I love you", but Emily just says "me too", as she doesn't want to say "I love you" in front of Mona and hangs up the phone. Mona states that Em can say I love in front of her, that it hasn't been a secret since they were in brownies together. They exchange some words and Mona tells her that she found out who the doctor was that did Alison's procedure, per Emily's request, and asks if she wants to know who it is. Since that person bankrolled it and could be her baby-daddy - she also remarks that it still takes two to make a baby. Mona and Emily then spend the next day searching down clues for who could be the father of her and Ali's baby, only to find out that the doctor didn't know who it was - it was an anonymous donor.

Choose or Lose

Emison (52)

Emily brings Alison a mug of something and the couple sits on the couch together and drinks. Alison apologizes for all the tossing and turning the night before, and Emily states that it's fine, and considering what's going on in their lives it's amazing either of them can get any sleep. She tucks a lock of Ali's hair behind her ear and states that she's so beautiful in the morning, and the two kiss. She then seductively says that just because they had a bad night doesn't mean they can't have a good morning. They both smile before heading to the bedroom where Ali is seen unzipping Emily's sweatshirt. However, she stops when she sees the game which is suddenly on their bed, and Emily asks when Ali moved the game into the bedroom. Alison states that she didn't and the couple realizes that there's a new puzzle piece, and Emily states that someone was in their house and might still be there. Seconds later, a police siren is heard followed by a knock on the door. Emily leaves to answer it. Alison exits the bedroom to see the police in the house with boxes and asks what is going on, and Emily informs her that they have a search warrant. An officer informs another to check the bedrooms, and the couple exchanges a nervous glance, knowing that the game is in their room. Alison goes to leave, but the officer makes her stay in the living room. Hanna calls Emily and informs her that the police have been to all of their houses, but their phones are quickly confiscated. An officer goes to their bedroom and Ali follows, only to discover that the game is gone.

Emison (53)

Later, the Liars are having a meeting and Emily tells them all that she knows that everyone is cranky but they have to stay focused. She goes on to say that she and Ali are as freaked out as the rest of them, maybe even more considering A.D. was probably watching them sleep last night. She quickly realizes what she said and everyone looks at her in surprise. Hanna asks if they're together, and they both awkwardly don't answer, and Hanna states that it's about time. They are quickly distracted by the game going off in another room.

Emison (54)

That night, Emily and Alison are seen walking through the woods, and Emily states that she has no idea where they're going. Alison sarcastically informs her that's why it's called a surprise, and they both chuckle. Emily says that being out in the woods has given her a chance to think, and maybe they should get out of Rosewood while they still can. That it could be an adventure - raising a child on their own, not knowing anybody. They stop walking and turn to face each other. Ali informs her that her leaving, them escaping, it's just a dream. Emily asks if Rosewood is a place where dreams go to die, and Ali states that not all of them. She then takes her by the hand and leads her to a clearing, where The Kissing Rock is. There are candles and everything for a picnic.

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Ali states that she had a dream of them being at the Kissing Rock. Emily is shocked to see everything that Alison has put together, and comments that it's beautiful. Alison sits on a blanket and extends a hand to Emily who takes it. She says that if this is their last chance at freedom, they should make the most of it. They kiss before undressing and laying on the blanket and proceeding to have sex.

Farewell, My Lovely

Emison (56)

Emily and Alison are in the DiLaurentis House, and Emily walks over to the couch from the window and tells Ali that it was just another police car. Alison comments that it's the third one in an hour, and Emily states that they're watching them and Ali responds that the police don't care that they know it. Alison takes a breath and says that Ezra was right, they should be out looking for Aria, but Emily quickly shuts down the idea by saying that Ali's safer at the house. Alison pauses before asking that if they get arrested, what will happen to the baby, and Em tells her not to think about that. However, Alison states that they're going to take him or her away and what happened to Charlotte is just going to happen again. Instead of the baby having a family, it's going to be homes and hospital and institutions. Emily puts a hand on Ali's knee and tells her that they won't let that happen, and Alison states that they're not going to be able to stop it. Emily states that she took her so long to finally get to a good place with her, and she's not going lose everything now. She promises Ali that she won't let them hurt her, and the two kiss before snuggling up on the couch. Unbeknownst to them, a gas pipe is open which causes them to fall asleep.

Emison (57)

Emily has a dream that Alison is writing all her different names on the chalkboard of her classroom at Rosewood High School. Among those names are, "Alison DiLaurentis-Fields" and "Mrs. Rollins". The Liars burst into the room and Emily tells her they have to go and they came back for her and to move it. Whoever is there has already arrived, and Emily along with the other Liars stack desks and chairs against the door in an attempt to stop whoever is coming from getting inside the room. A terrified Alison moves her back against a wall, only for a hand to punch through it and grab her, causing Emily to scream in horror.

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Moments later, Emily falls off the couch and wakes up from her dream. She then wakes up Alison who also fell asleep and informs her that they both must have fallen asleep. Ali asks how that's possible, and Emily responds that she's not sure but they did. Seconds later, the game goes off which is now on their kitchen table. They walk up to the game and Alison asks her to please turn it off, and Emily does. The two then look down in horror at the game. There is a bang on the door, and the couple thinks it's the police. However, it's just Aria. Later, after being caught trying to dig up Archer Dunhill's grave and being taken to the police station, they watch Mary Drake give her statement about killing Archer Dunhill. Mary also confesses to killing Jessica DiLaurentis, which causes Ali to cry and Emily to comfort her. The Liars are then allowed to go free, as Lt. Tanner now has Mary Drake for the murder of both Archer Dunhill and Jessica DiLaurentis.

'Til Death Do Us Part

Emison (59)

The episode starts off one year later, and Emily is seen in the kitchen attempting to feed peas to the twins, Lily and Grace. However, both twins are very uninterested in the peas, although Lily does try them. Alison enters the kitchen and watches them interact with a smile on her face for a few moments before Emily realizes she's there. The couple greets each other by saying, "Hi", before Emily asks her to pick up Lily. Alison happily agrees and picks up Lily, and reminds Emily that she can't stay long - she has a meeting with Mrs. Gerstenplat. Alison kisses the babies before handing Lily to Emily, and giving the latter a kiss and saying "I love you", to which Emily says it back. Emily then walks out of the kitchen with the kids while Alison watches happily. Later, Alison is seen at the Radley meeting with Pam Fields, Emily's mom. Pam asks if Emily knows that Ali's here, and Ali says that she doesn't - but she hates lying to her. Pam assures Ali that Emily will find out soon enough. Pam goes on to say that Alison is giving her peace of mind just knowing that Emily will be taken care of, and Alison takes Pam's hand and promises that she will always be there for Emily. Pam then thanks her.

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After Alison's class is over, she has words with Addison Derringer, moments before Emily meets up with her. Emily asks her how her meeting with the teacher went, and Ali lies stating that she had to reschedule. The two then look at Addison who is with her group of friends, and Alison says that between the two of them, they have to know someone who knows someone who can take care of her. Emily wrinkles her brow and looks to Ali, who is watching Addi. A girl opens up her locker to find a doll that looks just like her with a knife through its heart, and Emily quickly notices that the girl is upset. Emily and Alison walk over, and Emily asks the girl, Claire, if she's okay. Claire quickly says that she's fine, and Alison asks if Addison is bullying her. Claire states that it's fine and she's late for class. Emily and Ali exchange a look and Jenna walks down the hallway and has words with Addison before continuing on. She makes a comment to Ali about her being the mean girl once. Alison smirks and tells Emily that she's sure Jenna makes a kick-ass life skills teacher, but she still gives her the creeps.

Emison (61)

At Ezra and Aria's bachelor and bachelorette party at the now renovated Lost Woods Resort, Ezra remarks that he doesn't think marriage will be that hard. Emily quickly says that's just because the couple hasn't had kids yet, and that this is Alison and her's first night out in months. Alison agrees and says that is exactly why they should go back to their room. Emily smiles a little surprised and takes Alison's hand, and the two say goodnight to the group before excitedly leaving the party, the rest of the group watching them go.

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They are seen together again in bed, naked and making out. Alison pulls away from Emily, who asks if everything is okay. Ali asks Emily if she knows she's there for her, and Emily is taken aback by the question and questions where this is coming from. Ali goes on to say that she wants Emily to know that she always has a family, no matter what. Emily asks why she's getting so sentimental all the sudden, and Alison says that she's right and she'll stop. Emily smiles and says that she's trying to create a vibe that is definitely not sweet. The couple smiles before kissing again, and proceeding to have sex.

Emison (63)

At Ezra and Aria's rehearsal dinner, Emily sees Pam give something Alison and then Ali slip it into her purse. She watches curiously and starts to walk over when Pam and Ali leave. Back at the house, Alison and Emily are in their pajama's cleaning up baby toys. Ali asks Emily if the girls are still sleeping to which she curtly responds, "yeah". Alison states that Emily hasn't said more than two words to her that night, and Emily sarcastically responds, "that's not true" and continues cleaning up. Ali retorts that either she's entering a vegetative state, or she's pissed at her. Emily takes a breath before stating that she saw Ali and her mom at the party whispering, and asks what they were talking about. Alison tries to lie, but Emily continues pressuring her by saying that she saw Pam put something in Ali's purse and asks what it was. Alison lies and says that it was probably breath mints and that Pam is very passive aggressive. Emily doesn't believe this and says that Pam didn't talk to her all night and that they aren't going to sleep until Alison tells her what's in the purse.

Emison (64)

Alison sighs heavily and tells Em to remind her never to throw her a surprise party. She opens the purse and takes out a red box and opens it, showing Emily that it's a ring. Emily is surprised to see that it's her grandmother's ring. Alison states that she had a whole romantic proposal planned out that didn't involve a pug sweatshirt, so she'll just have to wing it. Emily asks if Alison was going to propose to her, and Ali takes the box back and chuckles saying that she's still trying to. She says that when she was at her lowest she loved her, no matter what and saw a beautiful soul beneath an ugly surface. She states that Emily makes the world a better place and she makes her a better woman because she searched for one. She asks if Emily promises to do that for the rest of their lives, and Emily tearfully agrees. They say "I love you" before kissing happily, now engaged.

Emison (65)

Later, Alison and Emily are seen talking to Officer Maple who informs them that Mary Drake escaped last night from prison. The couple is shocked to learn this, and he tells them that if Mary does try to reach out to them to contact the police. Alison interrupts him and asks if this is a joke and states tearfully that their friend is getting married that day and that this can't be happening. Emily puts her arm around Alison and comforts her, before telling the officer that if Mary does try to contact them they'll let him know immediately. He tells them that they should know that Mary probably isn't alone since she needed help to get out and that they and their friends should stay vigilant.

Emily and Alison have since gotten married and are still co-parents to their twin daughters. However, they still struggle to move beyond their complicated past. While they love each other and remain married, it has become hard for them to trust one another and figure out who they are without 'A'.

Alison received papers from the Rosewood county family and law courts. She ignored the papers along with the influx of missed calls and texts from Emily. When Mona finally confronted Alison about her weird behavior, Alison explained that she saw a picture of Emily and the girls on Instagram that morning. Emily wasn't wearing her wedding ring, which she assumed meant that she had moved on. Mona helped her realize that if she had moved across the country she must have known how this was going to end, to which Alison admitted to convincing herself that Beacon Heights was the fresh start she thought would help her marriage. A few days later, she texted Emily that she was sorry for having avoided her, but the last step had been really hard for her. She then tearfully signed the divorce papers and removed her wedding ring, setting it on the papes as she cried. She looked solemnly at a picture of her, Emily, and the twins on her mantle.

Alison once told Emily (and the other Liars) a story about the Kissing Rock being a place for lovers to visit, and asked Emily who she would take there, knowing that Emily secretly wanted to take her. The initials EF+AD are spray-painted on the side of the rock inside a heart, presumably standing for Emily Fields+Alison DiLaurentis. Years later, Alison took Emily to the kissing rock where she had planned a romantic picnic with candles, and the two had sex there.

2. Rosewood High Library

Alison read Emily a romantic poem about loving someone against promise and reason, which led to the pair having their first kiss. Emily was also outed by her friends for loving Alison as more than a friend by Darren Wilden after she read an angry letter Emily wrote to Alison about her rejection.

3. Alison's Bedroom

Emily and Alison had sex together for the first time in Ali's bedroom. Emily also temporarily stayed in Alison's room while her house was under construction. The two also spent notable times in her bedroom such as Ali telling Em to break-up with Ben, Emily staying there to comfort Ali when the latter was grieving the death of Jessica, Emily comforting Ali after Charlotte's death, and Emily finding Ali's red jacket and remembering their memorable moments together.

4. Emily's Bedroom

Alison came to visit Emily in her room one night while she was missing to talk. Later, Emily admitted to her mom that she did have feelings for Alison before her disappearance and told Pam that she was working on her feelings for Alison. Other memorable times include: Emily staging a confrontation between Paige and Alison and acting as a buffer, Emily letting her stay in her room when she didn't want to go home, and Alison apologizing for their messy past and admitting that their past kisses weren't just for practice.

5. Paris/Eiffel Towers

Alison once told Emily that they should go to Paris and that Emily would look good on the Eiffel tower with the wind in her hair. When asked, Ali said they would go away forever. While in Welby, Ali mentioned to Emily that they missed their flight (to Paris) and Emily assured her that they would take the next one. When Emily saw the Eiffel Towers in Alison's room, she remembered them talking about going to France together.

6. Snow Globe

On the day of her disappearance, Alison gave Emily a snow globe, and asked her not to tell the others as she hadn't gotten them any presents, making this gift special for Emily. Alison also confessed to Emily that of all the girls, she was the only one who understood her and could be completely honest with. In the snow globe was a key that Alison wanted to keep safe, knowing that Emily would guard it for her. Emily kept the snow globe for years, and may still have it.

Emison (2024)


Is Emison back together? ›

"Emison is going strong," King tweeted, definitively. "They are reunited and loving each other hard." She also gave an update on the couple's twin girls, adding, "Plus they are great moms, raising their daughters to be strong women who are true to themselves and their identities."

Did Emily and Alison get divorced? ›

Like many fans of the ABC Family-turned-Freeform drama, Pieterse is still unhappy that her character, iconic reformed bad girl Alison DiLaurentis, wound up getting divorced in the series' short-lived spinoff.

Did Alison actually love Emily? ›

One night, Paige snuck into Alison's house and managed to get her to admit her feelings for Emily. The next day, Alison admitted to Emily that she loved her and wanted to raise their child as a family - together.

When did Alison and Emily sleep together? ›

In the seventh season, Ali and Emily had a picnic and then they slept together. It was super romantic and also sweet to see them finally together after knowing each other for so many years.

Why did Sasha put on weight? ›

The endocrinologist told her she had PCOS, a hormonal condition that can cause irregular periods, weight gain (especially around the abdomen), acne, infertility and excess body hair. “I'd never heard of PCOS before. And it's a disease, it's not curable [and] it can be dormant,” she said.

Did Alison really save Emily from the barn? ›

Emily asks for proof, and Shana tells her things only Alison would know. For example, Shana recites the exact conversation Emily and Alison had when Alison pulled her out of the barn, revealing that Alison really did save Emily.

Was Alison pregnant with Emily's baby? ›

Lily DiLaurentis-Fields is the daughter of Emily Fields and Alison DiLaurentis. She is also the twin sister of Grace DiLaurentis-Fields. She was born during the time jump in "'Til Death Do Us Part". She was created with Emily's eggs, Wren's sperm, and carried to term by Alison.

Who does Alison end up marrying? ›

Alison later proposed to Emily and alongside their friends, they unmasked A.D. once and for all. With A gone for good and nothing holding her back, Alison began to experience hardships in her marriage to Emily - they were sometimes happy and sometimes not.

Why did Allison and Emily break up? ›

What would truly break them apart? When we looked back at the show, the one thing they always bumped up against was trust," she told the publication. King also said the situation would be explored further. "Emily loves me, she just can't get past the past," Alison explains to Mona early in the first episode.

Who is the father of Emily's baby? ›

Emily Fields
ChildrenNovel: Violet Baker (daughter) Television: Lily DiLaurentis-Fields (biological daughter, conceived with Wren Kingston but raised with Alison Lauren DiLaurentis) Grace DiLaurentis-Fields (biological daughter, conceived with Wren Kingston but raised with Alison Lauren DiLaurentis)
21 more rows

Who does Spencer end up with? ›

Following the series' five years jump in season 6, Spencer dates Caleb Rivers but they later break up due to Caleb's feelings for Hanna. In the series finale, Spencer and Toby rekindle their relationship and in Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists, it is mentioned that she and Toby eloped.

Do Spencer and Toby get married? ›

That's right — Spencer (Troian Bellisario) and Toby (Keegan Allen) got married! Pretty Little Liars fans were happy that Spoby were together on the series finale, but were desperate for more information. And now, they've got it! It was nice to have a (very brief) break from the crazy mystery of Nolan's murder.

Who did Hanna lose her virginity to in PLL? ›

Hanna's first hook-up with the bad boy Caleb Rivers is in the first season when they develop feelings for each other, and he takes Hanna's virginity. This first hook-up ended when Hanna discovered that Caleb was spying on her, and Jenna paid him to do it.

When did Aria lose her virginity in PLL? ›

Aria lost her virginity to Ezra in "If These Dolls Could Talk".

Did Ezra sleep with Alison? ›

The main characters are in their later high school years, and the series is set in Pennsylvania where the real-life age of consent is 16. Ezra and Alison “didn't do anything,” and in fact she lied about her age when they first met at a bar; he dumped her when he found she wasn't 21.

Are Alison and Emily together in The Perfectionists? ›

Are Emily and Alison together in The Perfectionists? At the end of Pretty Little Liars, Emily and Alison were happy and raising the twins. Now, Emily and Alison are not together and Alison is far from the twins.

Will there ever be a season 2 of PLL Perfectionists? ›

US network Freeform announced in September 2021 The Perfectionists will not be making a return after its May finale. leaving the page. (who plays Alison) and Janel Parrish (Mona), the show seemingly didn't do enough to earn its keep on the network.

Who does Spencer end up with in PLL? ›

In the series finale, Spencer and Toby rekindle their relationship and in Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists, it is mentioned that she and Toby eloped.

Do Ezra and Aria end up together? ›

The finale also provided happy endings for the main characters, with Aria and Ezra getting married and deciding to adopt, Alison and Emily starting a family together, Hanna discovering that she is pregnant, and Spencer and Toby rekindling their romance.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.