Etiquette: Tips for Understanding & Engaging in Indian Culture (2024)

Oct 2, 2017|CulturalWhere we travel| by Savanna Kearney

Daily life in India offers insight into a rich and diverse culture. However, due to the caste system, religious customs and other factors, Indian customs can seem strange and unsettling from an outside perspective. The key is to understanding Indian values and society, not only to avoid accidentally offending someone, but also to create new friendships and learn more about this country’s abounding and vivid culture.

Etiquette: Tips for Understanding & Engaging in Indian Culture (1)

Photo by Lisa Palmese-Graubard


To many Westerners and travelers from the U.S., Indian customs may seem very stiff or formal. When it comes to verbal greeting, a simple English “hello” will usually suffice. As a polite gesture, you may want to try greeting someone in the native language of Hindi. Greetings vary between religions: for Hindus, say “namaste,” for Muslims, say “salaam alaykum,” and for Sikhs say “Sat sri akal.” Shaking hands is not the greeting custom in India. Some exceptions may be that Indian women will shake hands with Western women, but they will probably feel uncomfortable shaking a Western man’s hand. Many Indian people, especially Hindus, usually press their palms together (“praying style”) in front of their chest and bow. It is best to stand an arm’s length or more away from the person you are speaking to, as the Indian people value their personal space.

Etiquette: Tips for Understanding & Engaging in Indian Culture (2)

Photo by Vinoth Chandar

Head, Hands, and Feet

It is easy to confuse physical gestures of “yes” and “no” in Indian society. Indian people often shake or wobble their heads, which may look like a “no,” but actually signifies “yes” or “OK.” “No” is expressed by a short, sideways gesture of the head with a discharging movement of the hand. Although Westerners are used to using both hands in everyday life, it is important to be conscious of using each hand for different activities. In Indian culture, the left hand is considered unclean because it is the hand used when going to the bathroom, for cleaning one’s feet and other “dirty” activities. Always eat and interact with people with your right (“clean”) hand. Not only is this the respectful custom, you may appear unsanitary and unhygienic to those around you if you use your left hand incorrectly. Another non-Western habit is that pointing with your fingers is considered rude. Most Indian people use their fingers only to point to animals or inferior classes. Instead, use a head nodding gesture or your entire hand when pointing to a person. Feet are another body part that has significant meaning in India. Feet and shoes are considered the lowest and dirtiest part of the body, which is why it is customary to take off your shoes before entering someone’s home or a temple or mosque. Touching the feet of honored holy men or elders and then touching your head is a great sign of respect, as well.

Etiquette: Tips for Understanding & Engaging in Indian Culture (3)

Photo by Lisa Palmese-Graubard


Women should avoid wearing shorts, skimpy T-shirts and other offensive Western clothing. Primarily, a woman’s legs and shoulders should remain covered unless at the beach. To play it safe, men should wear long pants to be respectful in certain areas. Different places of worship require different dress codes. When visiting a mosque or temple, take off your shoes and wear appropriate clothing; at Sikh temples, both men and women must cover their heads. Generally, Indian people would not understand why a wealthy Western traveler would travel around in very little clothing, so staying well-dressed and well-groomed makes a good impression on the local people.

Etiquette: Tips for Understanding & Engaging in Indian Culture (4)

Photo by Todd Gustafson

Gender Roles

Indian society follows a patriarchal structure. Not only do gender roles exist, they are encouraged. A woman is expected to obey her father, husband and son, and female family members generally care for infants. Most girls usually receive very little education, and arranged marriages are commonplace. On a similar note, public displays of affection, such as kissing or even embracing are not acceptable in Indian culture. However, it is not uncommon to see two men holding hands as a sign of “brotherliness.”

Etiquette: Tips for Understanding & Engaging in Indian Culture (5)

Photo by Lisa Palmese-Graubard

Other Etiquette Rules

In most Indian languages, there is no true translation for “please” and “thank you,” so don’t expect to hear them often. It does not mean that you are being treated rudely; it’s just not a part of the social custom. Hospitality is, however, an essential part of Indian culture, so it is important to welcome people into your home and, at the very least, offer them refreshments. When invited to a private event in someone’s home, surprisingly enough, it is actually considered polite to arrive later than planned and leave shortly after dinner. Discussing topics such as the caste system, arranged marriages, religious conflicts can sometimes be taboo, so do so with careful consideration. Some questions Indian people ask you may seem mildly intrusive, but are actually just polite conversation for them.

Understanding why Indian people follow these social customs makes them seem much less strange and unfamiliar. Use this guide as a step in the right direction towards a memorable experience in India’s rich and beautiful culture.

Etiquette: Tips for Understanding & Engaging in Indian Culture (2024)


How do you show respect to Indian culture? ›

When visiting temples or entering an Indian home, remove footwear and hats. Dress conservatively in a way that expresses respect for the place of worship or household. Wash your hands before and after eating. Avoid touching people with the left hand, as it is considered unclean and will cause insult.

What are the important values in Indian culture? ›

Indian culture is based on respect for elders, family unity, honesty, and hard work. Indian values also emphasize education, both formal and informal. India is a land of great opportunity, and its citizens are known for their entrepreneurial spirit.

What are some of the practices traditions that Indians engage in? ›

Below is a list of a few unique Indian traditions.
  • Tradition of Vedic Chanting. Vedic chanting is the traditional way of reciting the Vedas, the ancient scriptures of Hinduism. ...
  • Ramlila. Ramlila translates to “Rama's play” and is performed across northern India during Dussehra (October-November). ...
  • Yoga. ...
  • Kumbh Mela.
Dec 19, 2019

How can we understand Indian culture is a better way? ›

India's languages, religions, dance, music, architecture, food and customs differ from place to place within the country. Indian culture, often labelled as a combination of several cultures, has been influenced by a history that is several millennia old, beginning with the Indus Valley Civilization.

What are the beliefs in Indian culture? ›

The major religion in India is Hinduism. Almost 80% of Indians consider themselves Hindu. Hinduism can be found in many aspects of Indian culture, including in film and television. Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, and Islam are also practiced in India; Islam is the second largest religion in the country.

What are Indian traditional forms of communication? ›

Nautanki, Puppets, Hari Katha, Comedy, Bhand Pather, Kariyala, Veedh-Natakam, Naqal, Villupattu, Powada and Baul, are some of the popular forms of traditional media found in India for communication of messages on social issues as well as on health.

What is the most important part of Indian culture? ›

The important characteristics of Indian Culture are civilized communication, beliefs, values, etiquette, and rituals. India is well known for its 'Unity in Diversity' across the world. That means India is a diverse nation where many religious people live together peacefully having their own different cultures.

What do Indians value the most? ›

Indians generally place a high value on harmony and unity with others, keeping a strong nexus with their community and relatives. A unified and interdependent community or family provides a support system that an individual can rely on daily.

What is the most important culture in India? ›

India is one of the most religiously and ethnically diverse nations in the world, with some of the most deeply religious societies and cultures. Religion plays a central and definitive role in the life of many of its people. Although India is a secular Hindu-majority country, it has a large Muslim population.

What are the unique traditions of Indian culture? ›

Some common traditions of India are the Aghori sadhus of Varanasi, The Hola Mohalla warriors of Punjab, The Buddhist chanting of Ladakh, Chhau dance of Odisha, Thimithi aka the fire-walking tradition of Tamil Nadu and a festival to worship snakes: Nag Panchami.

What is Indian culture in simple words? ›

The culture of India refers to a collection of minor unique cultures. The culture of India comprises of clothing, festivals, languages, religions, music, dance, architecture, food, and art in India. Most noteworthy, Indian culture has been influenced by several foreign cultures throughout its history.

What is the best way to understand culture? ›

To truly familiarize yourself with culture, getting to know a bit about the language is key.
  1. Get Festive for the Holidays. Every culture celebrates holidays differently. ...
  2. Try New Food. ...
  3. Don't be Afraid to Ask Questions. ...
  4. Visit a Museum. ...
  5. Listen to Local Music. ...
  6. Keep an Open Mind.
Nov 2, 2018

How can I understand better cultures? ›

Consider spending a weekend learning about a different culture by taking part in one of the following activities:
  1. Visit your local museum. ...
  2. Read a book. ...
  3. Discover how other cultures express themselves… in music, film, and literature. ...
  4. Do your research. ...
  5. Try new cuisine.
Dec 8, 2021

How can you better understand cultural differences? ›

Use these tips from the American Psychological Association to be more culturally aware:
  1. Think beyond race and ethnicity. A person's culture is shaped by more than the color of their skin or the way that they dress. ...
  2. Learn by asking. ...
  3. Make local connections. ...
  4. Pay attention to non-verbal behaviors. ...
  5. Exchange stories.
Jul 22, 2019

What not to say to someone from India? ›

If so, then this means people who look Indian are in urgent need of a cosmetic surgery.
  • “I'm not a cricket fanatic.” Let's be real here for a minute. ...
  • “I love your accent.” Thank you, but Indians don't have an accent. ...
  • “You're so exotic.” So are you to a lot of Indians.
Aug 29, 2017

Is it rude to say thank you in India? ›

In India, people—especially when they are your elders, relatives, or close friends—tend to feel that by thanking them, you are violating your intimacy with them and creating formality and distance that shouldn't exist. They may think that you are closing off the possibility of relying on each other in the future.

What should I be careful of in India? ›

4. Avoid Bottled Water in India
  • Avoid Only Using Private Transport in India. ...
  • Avoid Booking Last Minute in India. ...
  • Avoid Being Too Polite in India. ...
  • Avoid Toilet Disasters in India. ...
  • Avoid Getting Offended or Easily Frustrated in India. ...
  • Avoid Flashy Things in India. ...
  • Avoid Being Closed off in India. ...
  • Avoid Revealing Clothes in India.

What is the most common Indian gesture? ›

Namaste. Probably the most famous Indian gesture is the folding of the hands in front of the chest to form a Namaste. This greeting is understood and often used throughout India.

What are three traditions in India? ›

Hindus celebrate Diwali, Holi and Makar Sakranti, Muslims observe Eid, Baisakhi (crop harvesting) is a Sikh festival, Jains commemorate Mahavir Jayanti and Buddhists mark Buddha's birthday.

What gesture is the traditional way of showing respect to someone in India? ›

In many parts of India and during formal occasions, it is common for people to greet with the traditional Hindu greeting of “Namaste” ('I greet the divine within you'). This is accompanied with a nod of the head or a bow depending on the status of the person you are greeting.

What is the core value of Indians? ›

Tolerance, compassion, patriotism India's core values: President Pranab Mukherjee.

What are Indians well known for? ›

India is famous for its ancient history, varied landscapes and diverse culture. Mark Twain, a celebrated American author, once said: “India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great-grandmother of tradition.”

Why is respect important in Indian culture? ›

Elders and the respect for elders is a major component in Indian culture. Elders are the driving force for any family and hence the love and respect for elders comes from within and is not artificial. An individual takes blessings from his elders by touching their feet.

How do you show respect to culture? ›

Respect for other cultures
  1. Self-awareness. Begin awareness that your culture is no more valuable or correct than anyone else's. ...
  2. Educate yourself. Expand your knowledge and cultural awareness by: ...
  3. Engage. While you may tend to gravitate to people who share your culture. ...
  4. Don't stereotype. ...
  5. Appreciate the differences.
Dec 5, 2022

How will you show your respect to their culture? ›

The best way to respect people from other cultures is to strike a balance between curiosity and appreciation: ask questions if your friends are open to it, but also learn how to just silently observe and appreciate the differences that make us unique.

What is the Indian way of welcoming guests? ›

Namaste is the customary Indian greeting that is not only used to welcome guests but also acknowledge strangers, working both as salutation and valediction. What's more, the gesture is said to express courtesy, honor, gratitude, and hospitality to the other person.

What are Indian values and ethics? ›

The two most important tenets of Indian culture are human Values and Holism. Human values refer to moral, spiritual and ethical values while Holism means oneness or unity. Indian culture is very rich and diverse and teaches us to be tolerant to others.

How can I be polite in India? ›

The soles of one's feet should never be pointed at another person, towards a temple or towards a deity. Sit in a way that avoids this. The top of the head is considered to be the most important part of the human body. To touch someone on the top of their head is considered rude and insensitive.

Why is it important to respect and understand one's culture? ›

Cultural respect benefits consumers, stakeholders, and communities and supports positive health outcomes. Because several elements can influence health communication—including behaviors, language, customs, beliefs, and perspectives—cultural respect is also critical for achieving accuracy in medical research.

Why is it important to respect different cultures and their values? ›

It helps dispel negative stereotypes and personal biases about different groups. In addition, cultural diversity helps us recognize and respect “ways of being” that are not necessarily our own. So that as we interact with others we can build bridges to trust, respect, and understanding across cultures.

Why is it important to interact with different cultures? ›

Developing your understanding of other cultures, or 'cultural awareness', lets you have more meaningful interactions with those around you. You're building your respect and empathy for other people, and celebrating your differences as well as your similarities.

How do you handle cultural differences? ›

How to Manage a Multicultural Team
  1. Overcome Language and Cultural Barriers. ...
  2. Consider Different Cultural Communication Styles. ...
  3. Plan Projects Around Different Time Zones. ...
  4. Allow Prep Time Whenever Your Team Needs It. ...
  5. Be Open to All Cultures and Their Differences. ...
  6. Organize a Cross-Cultural Training. ...
  7. Avoid Stereotypes.
Mar 17, 2020

What is a respectful greeting in India? ›

In many parts of India and during formal occasions, it is common for people to greet with the traditional Hindu greeting of “Namaste” ('I greet the divine within you'). This is accompanied with a nod of the head or a bow depending on the status of the person you are greeting.

What is a common Indian greeting? ›

Namaste (/ˈnʌməsteɪ/, Devanagari: नमस्ते), sometimes called namaskar and namaskaram, is a customary Hindu non-contact manner of respectfully greeting and honouring a person or group, used at any time of day. It is found on the Indian subcontinent, and among the Nepalese and Indian diaspora.

How do you address an Indian person? ›

  1. Address people by their professional title (Dr, professor etc.) ...
  2. Wait until invited to address someone by their first name, or preferred name.
  3. If in doubt, use the suffix Mr or Mrs, especially when addressing elders.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.