Examples of "Rhythm" in a Sentence (2024)


  • He said little else, and her breathing soon fell into rhythm with his.



  • At once, the rhythm and scent of the ocean soothed her.



  • Without a word, she slipped into his arms and fell into the rhythm of his step.



  • She moved in rhythm with the music, brushing the floor softly as she hummed along.



  • The style and rhythm, indeed, were not exactly Virgilian; but the translation found many admirers, and was read with pleasure by Pope himself.



  • The ocean's calming rhythm and flavorful breeze made the beach more bearable.



  • There is a curious richness in this prose, so full of rhythm and harmony, that breaks at every moment into verse, as it drags itself along its slow and weary way, halffainting under an overload of epithets.



  • The wolf's heartbeat matched the rhythm of Elisabeth's.



  • In others there are imperfections in rhythm, conventionalities of language, obscurities or over-subtleties of thought, which mar the reader's enjoyment.



  • The large western belt buckle at his lean waist moved with the graceful rhythm of his stride.




  • Amongst the legitimate reasons for suspecting the correctness of a text are patent contradictions in a passage or its immediate neighbourhood, proved and inexplicable deviations from the standards for forms, constructions and usages (mere rarity or singularity is not enough), weak and purposeless repetitions of a word (if there is no reason for attributing these to the writer), violations of the laws of metre and rhythm as observed by the author, obvious breaks in the thought (incoherence) or disorderly sequence in the same (double or multiple incoherence).



  • Working in a factory required learning a whole different rhythm of life.



  • The existence of rhythm of this kind has been observed and studied with some completeness.



  • These phenomena have been explained as due to later expansion, but the poem has all the appearance of being a unity, and the language, style and rhythm all point to a later age.



  • Her forehead rested in the nape of his neck, and she focused on the steady, slow rhythm of his heartbeat.




  • As Virgil marks the point of maturest excellence in poetic diction and rhythm, Ovid marks that of the greatest facility.



  • With a full water bottle and a full stomach and legs warmed to the rhythm of the ride, he became molded into a near trance as he churned up the Colorado miles.



  • It is easy to realize how such a rhythm can be modified by the reception of stimuli, and can consequently serve as the basis for the movement of the stimulated organ.



  • Propertius is a less accomplished artist and a less equably pleasing writer than either Tibullus or Ovid, but he shows more power of dealing gravely with a great or tragic situation than either of them, and his diction and rhythm give frequent proof of a concentrated force of conception and a corresponding movement of imaginative feeling which remind us of Lucretius.



  • The rhythm of his strokes felt good too, an order, a progression, a logi­cal sequence, straight and definite.




  • The result of their endeavour was immediately apparent in the new force added to French rhythm, the new pomp, richness, colouring and polish conferred upon poetic diction.



  • Her hips swayed in rhythm as she positioned her easel and paints.



  • His rhythm disrupted, he glanced towards the boulder where he'd hidden Yully and Charles, making sure they weren't in danger.



  • Get a good feeling for the rhythm of the notes.



  • The respiratory rhythm is less frequent and the breathing less deep; the heart-beat is less frequent; the secretions are less copious; the pupil is narrow; in the brain there exists arterial anaemia with venous congestion, so that the blood-flow there is less than in the waking state.




  • Trumpet answered trumpet above the steady beat of drums and the rhythm of marching feet.



  • I reminded children of how we did this and we clapped the rhythm together.


  • These were without rhyme or rhythm, but had alliteration and a parallelism resembling Hebrew poetry.



  • The bass is part of the rhythm section of the band.



  • Nor is it only in growing organs that the rhythm can be observed, for many plants exhibit it during a much longer period than that of growth.



  • There is also a rhythm section and tabletops.



  • He substitutes an order of words which, in respect of syntax, metre or rhythm is more familiar to him.



  • Fichte cannot be said to have developed a logic, but this rhythm of thesis, antithesis and synthesis, foreshadowed in part for Fichte in Spinoza's formula, " omnis determinatio est negatio," and significantly in Kant's triadic grouping of his categories, gave a cue to the thought of Hegel.



  • In drawing from life he had early found the way to unite precision with freedom and fire - the subtlest accuracy of expressive definition with vital movement and rhythm of line - as no draughtsman had been able to unite them before.



  • This was a funky, rhythm ân blues number with some impressive guitar acrobatics wrapping round the lyric.



  • A pulsating rhythm of blood, of poppies, of dreams.


  • Kutuzov smilingly nodded his head to the rhythm of the verses.



  • He compiled a Russian grammar, which long enjoyed popularity, and did much to improve the rhythm of Russian verse.



  • With all the majesty and stately elaboration and musical rhythm of Milton's finest prose, Taylor's styleis relieved and brightened by an astonishing variety of felicitous illustrations, ranging from the most homely and terse to the most dignified and elaborate.



  • Yet there is a simple dignity in the manner not unworthy of a prophet, and rising from time to time to poetical rhythm.



  • All, however, seem to agree that among the qualities for which the style of Herodotus is to be admired are simplicity, freshness, naturalness and harmony of rhythm.



  • He has plenty of legends to tell us, and writes altogether in a poetical style, so that his prose seems to fall into rhythm unconsciously.



  • English classics; and his attention was especially turned to the formation of sentences and to the rhythm of prose.



  • What remain of these effusions have no special quality except good sense, refined feeling, accuracy of phrase, and a curious correctness of accent and rhythm.



  • The Koran is never metrical, and only a few exceptionally eloquent portions fall into a sort of spontaneous rhythm.



  • In this last, as in his other poetic attempts, Wolfgang showed a considerable measure of inherited or acquired ability, in his wealth of language and his easy mastery of the difficulties of rhythm and rhyme.



  • The same rhythm should be found in the membra which compose the sentence.



  • He quotes a passage from one of his own speeches in which any change in the order would destroy the rhythm.



  • If he writes with less finish and a less perfect rhythm than his favourite model Cicero, he excels him in the varied structure of his periods, and their adaptation to the subject-matter.



  • Most recently Quentin was 3D supervising animator on the VES Award winning Guinness ' Rhythm of Life ' commercial.



  • Rhythm, rhyme and playground chants are vital to early childhood.



  • Andy Ward has a large dollop of vocal versatility, whilst the tight inventiveness of the rhythm section is obvious.



  • The rhythm section, confident yet relatively restrained, prevents the whole sound careering off the track.



  • Learn a syncopated rhythm against a steady vamp using corporal sounds.



  • Formal characteristics of the compound such as rhythm and presumably also length determine the interpretation of linking schwas as plural markers.



  • To make use of the rhythm these geometric shapes create, the shapes were placed in repetitive patterns with an end result of zigzag patterns.



  • The Mavis Beacon program also includes typing games to help users develop a higher rate of speed or improve their rhythm while using the keyboard.



  • Read some poetry before composing your own; this may help you get ideas and develop a rhythm.



  • A permanent pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) is sometimes needed to regulate the child's heart rhythm.



  • For some reason, the ear latches on to that rhythm, and it can be the difference between a chant being dutifully repeated versus being danced, clapped and moved to.



  • Even in his quiet moments, Paul set was a constant barrage of rhythm.



  • The five-man ensemble adds a super tight rhythm section of acoustic bass, drums and piano to the traditional klezmer clarinet and flute.



  • Oiling's drums drive the sax and organ riffs while fender bass and guitar add extra rhythm to the proceedings.



  • Putting clave phrases together end-to-end gives us the clave phrases together end-to-end gives us the clave rhythm stream, right?



  • The daily rhythm of life is maintained by a circadian clock in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans.



  • I suggest emendation to " more than big enough " to preserve the rhythm.



  • The traditional dance fiddler is more concerned with rhythm, energy, and volume.



  • It should be remembered that titles and rhythm descriptions for such pieces are not always finite.



  • The dancers showed a high level of professionalism and excellent rhythm in a spectacle that ranged from modern type dances to classical flamenco.



  • Rarely has anyone hit the dance floor with such little regard for style or rhythm.



  • The certain rhythm of the neon changes seem an amusing and appropriate reference to a Western and a horse's gait.



  • Although often gridlocked by traffic, LA moves to a rhythm all of its own.



  • He played the rhythm guitar part on the second half of that.



  • A quick word about hornpipes The hornpipe rhythm is useful to illustrate one more way abc allows the notation of notes of differing length.



  • The contribution of the respiratory rhythm to sinus arrhythmia in normal unanesthetized subjects during mechanical hyperventilation with positive pressure.



  • The reggae rhythm combines well with the vocals, which also have true reggae inflections.



  • Stress becomes intolerable - need for change Art 57 Music, rhythm, color, harmony.



  • Even when the rhythm's heavy, he has a lightness of touch, he's always on his toes.



  • You will find out whether they need one by reading the limerick aloud, keeping to the correct rhythm.



  • These include lithium carbonate (for bipolar disorder) and amiodarone (for heart rhythm abnormalities ).



  • Persona and Rhythm methods Persona is a recently introduced method of contraception that relies on testing urine for hormonal changes relating to ovulation.



  • It is certain he watched from the wings as the kings of rhythm, & blues and early soul out did each other onstage.



  • It is the sort of climb that you just settle into, get a rhythm, concentrate and keep peddling.



  • There are rhythm and tempo changes aplenty and the track is often playful, but deliciously dark too.



  • Writing, often in short sentences, has a pleasing, and almost poetical, rhythm.



  • Keyboard wizz Rod Argent added instrumental prowess to the group, the rhythm section were solid.

  • Savage have their own crazy circadian rhythm, a cosmic loop.


  • The mother gently rocked her tiny boy in a slow, hypnotic rhythm.


  • This is followed in turn by ' Circus ', a very solid track with a steady rolling rhythm.


  • When the SA node is in control then the heart is said to be in normal sinus rhythm.


  • Establish the clave rhythm stream through the clapping of your hands.


  • A little samba rhythm and it's all done very well actually.


  • Regulate your sleep-wake rhythm with bright light lamp Common fluorescent and incandescent lights do not aid in regulating a body's biorhythm.


  • William Powell in "The Thin Man" explains that each co*cktail has it's own rhythm that it must be shaken in.



  • He advises, "The important thing is the rhythm.



  • As a result, Jack's guitar work must balance being both melody and rhythm.



  • The key here is to listen to the music and pick up on the rhythm of the song, making use of the Nintendo DS stylus appropriately.



  • It's more important that you be on the rhythm than that you do anything fancy.



  • It has a rhythm, it flows like a ribbon, and it is captivating.



  • All the band members had had individual musical experience in the past, varying from rhythm and blues to rock, so they decided to pool their experiences by creating an easy-feel rock style, similar to country rock.



  • Music with a jumpy beat encourages happy, social interaction, whereas the slower, swaying rhythm is intended for intimacy and a personal celebration of love.



  • Andersson was handling bass and rhythm guitar duties.



  • Well, being short a drum player, the two used pre-programmed drum loops and rhythm tracks.



  • Jackson followed up Control with Rhythm Nation.



  • He was hardly underway before he geared down for the long climb and gradually fell into a rhythm of sorts, muscle-pulling pain and gasps of breath as he inched his way up the first long incline.



  • She'd almost managed to return to the zone when Darian gripped the chain at the top of the punching bag, stabilizing it before her and disrupting the swaying rhythm.



  • The fragrant ocean breeze was chilly as it brushed his skin, and his movements fell into the rhythm of the ebb and flow of waves.



  • Only the rhythm has a unique, transcendental archetype.



  • Timing and rhythm through the second half of the show was a little awry, but the final sequence was very good indeed.



  • This starts with Robert singing a excerpt from Broadway Rhythm.



  • More than ably supported by the rhythm section of Riaan and Dave.


  • Free workshop in Auditorium 5.30pm - 7pm followed by an open session with the hottest rhythm section in town.


  • Thrashed guitar riffs are interspersed with some great anguished axe-man breaks, all underpinned with fuzzy bass sounds and a heavy rhythm.


  • Rhyme is nice in a riddle-poem, but strong rhythm (what poets call good scansion) is better.


  • Instant rhythm creation Assign sampled sounds to up to ten parts, then use the step sequencer to create rhythm patterns.


  • The chief faults of this were excess of ornament, antithesis, alliteration and assonance, monotony of rhythm, and the insertion of words purely for rhythmical effect.


  • He 's sitting there, unkempt, in front of an ancient typewriter into which two fingers punch a staccato rhythm.


  • The 4th Guitar part is for chords, strumming rhythm.


  • Of these, eight can synchronize a rhythm pattern or synth bass to the BPM, and play it from the touch pad.


  • The Rhythm Tech Hat Trick and Double Hat Trick are tambourines designed for mounting on Hi-Hat pull rods.


  • The cellular mechanisms by which the theta rhythm is generated are also becoming better understood.


  • Amplifier (Barfly Stage) More grinding, power chords and thundering rhythm from the Manchester 3 piece.


  • In the unfocused part of your mind is a rhythm of forces due to some part of the manipulation which is a beat.


  • Second relax into a rhythm and fish within your abilities, as the flashy or untried technique will probably land you in trouble.


  • Judy Tutor Script Judy OK, who 'd like to play a waltz rhythm first?


  • And whats this as well as drums, Gigi on whitewash brush, it certainly adds a thud to the rhythm.


  • The Waldorf Method focuses on repetitive routines to provide a comforting rhythm for children.


  • The continuous sound of the fan or machine provides a soothing rhythm that babies typically love.


  • The story encourages toddlers to embrace self-expression in a messy, colorful tale that follows the rhythm of the song, "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More."


  • It can be completely abstract or it can stick to a set rhythm.


  • By modifying this rhythm slightly, it evolved into the famous bossa nova beat.


  • A daily routine doesn't have to be a rigid schedule but rather a rhythm that incorporates necessary activities into each day.


  • Preparing for the next day the night before as part of a daily rhythm or routine makes mornings less frantic.


  • Any type of exercise can give you a sense of being in a rhythm and let you day dream, find answers to problems, and let your mind go blank just as in different types of meditation.


  • Do not try to establish a rhythm to the mantra.


  • Though he had access to educational opportunities, his love was music, and he turned away from school to become a DJ, working in clubs and producing his own rhythm tracks.


  • How can anyone forget such gems as "Who's Johnny?" and "Rhythm of the Night"?


  • Rockin' the Mississippi Delta--Learn why the area is known as the home of Zydeco, Rhythm and Blues, Ragtime, and Gospel while listening to local musicians perform fan favorites.


  • It is made of a special type of muscle that keeps the heart pumping at a regular rhythm.


  • They need gentle, gradual exposure to the daily rhythm of light, warmth, and winds.


  • This website collects multiple versions of each song from contributors, so you'll find everything from intros to solos to full tabs for lead, rhythm and bass.


  • Their knack for good riffs, simple melodies, good rhythm and passionate delivery attracts a devoted and constantly growing fan-base.


  • Eddie's playing is the complete package of tasteful phrasing, an innovative two-handed tapping technique, swinging rhythm playing and an unmistakable sound, all delivered with a passion and joy that only the true greats possess.


  • Thin picks work well for rhythm and acoustic guitar playing.


  • You'll notice you're given no indication of how to sing the lyrics or how to strum the chords, so you will either need to know the song very well or have a recording of it handy so you can get the rhythm right.


  • At its most basic, music is a marriage of notes and rhythm arranged in a specific manner to create a pleasing sound.


  • I settled into my slow pace as I was not back to my rhythm after my lengthy sojourn on the sub-continent.

  • Banjo dog twisted, turned with Meridian Green pushing Gene Parsons by supplying fast strummed rhythm.

  • The rhythm depends on fast inhibitory synapses interconnecting the inhibitory neurons.

  • A driving rhythm section and three-piece horn section give exciting, authentic backing to a young guy with a great soulful voice.

  • I listened to the clacking of her heels on the floor, the unnatural rhythm jarring with the low thrum of the music.

  • Keep to the rhythm of long shot, medium shot, close-up and even ultra close-up.

  • With the pad and brain self-contained in one molded piece, this new rhythm trainer offers the utmost in portability and convenience.

  • The sequence of the phases of the rhythm of the various cells are co-ordinated to produce the movement.

  • For his own countryman Ennius he expresses an affectionate admiration; and he imitates his language, his rhythm and his manner in many places.

  • Consequently we find an extraordinary development of strophic forms corresponding to the many new "tones" which every Meistersinger regarded it as his duty to invent - tones which bore the most remarkable and often ridiculous names, such as Gestreif tsaf ranblumleinweis, Fettdachsweis, Vielfrassweis, geblilmte Paradiesweis, &c. The verses were adapted to the musical strophes by a merely mechanical counting of syllables, regardless of rhythm or sense.

  • He also assumes that" Evolution "is a real, nay, an ultimate law of nature, but his evidence only goes to show that it is a result, in some cases, of the complex interaction of laws, which, like Rhythm, Segregation, &c., are in their turn only tendencies, and may be, and often are, counteracted.

  • Yet, apart altogether from its independent value, by his speculative power and enthusiasm, by his revelation of the life and spectacle of nature, by the fresh creativeness of his diction and the elevated movement of his rhythm, Lucretius exercised a more powerful influence than any other on the art of his more perfect successors.

  • It is only in this way that the air can be made to pulsate, and that the rhythm of the wing and the air waves can be made to correspond.

  • One number I especially liked was " Edna Mae " with its punchy rhythm.

  • In freezing cold weather on a very small, badly sloping quagmire of a pitch both teams found it hard to get any rhythm.

  • Starting off with the raving rhythm of the original ' Grab My Gal '.

  • No Lifeson histrionics here just superb rhythm electric and acoustic guitars backed up by Geddy 's synths and more restrained vocals.

  • Most of you might know him best for being the rhythm guitarist for Morrissey 's band in the early 1990's.

  • The rhythm section was often done in more of a sketch form.

  • A little samba rhythm and it 's all done very well actually.

  • Regulate your sleep-wake rhythm with bright light lamp Common fluorescent and incandescent lights do not aid in regulating a body 's biorhythm.

  • The shaking & rustling of the paper along with the scrape of metal on ice kept its own rhythm within the music.

  • Almost everything here is linked to the samba rhythm.

  • More color and atmosphere was added with their clinging sharply patterned dresses, their bodies and arms rolled in a sensuous rhythm.

  • Sixties rock music had evolved (like all rock and roll) from rhythm and blues which was based around the same four chords.

  • Like club music, the work repeats, loops and returns over a rhythm of slapstick laced with formal, painterly considerations.

  • The rhythm slithers off the stage, no longer caged it 's on the run.

  • Your sense of rhythm, beauty, time and spacial relationships give you some high caliber finesse.

  • Similarly, rhythm games like Rock Band require the compatible instruments, and you will need additional controllers if you want to participate in local multiplay.

  • The bass is primarily a rhythm instrument.

  • However, sheet music is a much more detailed and accurate form of music notation because it takes into account subtleties in the music like dynamics and rhythm.

  • If you are practicing scales, for example, play along with a metronome, and try to make sure your rhythm is perfect.

  • Bluegrass relies upon stringed instruments like the banjo, upright bass and mandolin, but guitars are crucial for maintaining perfectly timed rhythm.

  • Once you know the shape of the song, put the chord chart away and focus on the rhythm of the song.

  • First, it taps into the unconscious self, as well as to what Carl Jung termed the "collective unconscious", the one that is ever connected to the "call" and rhythm of nature, as well as the gossamer threads that connect us to one another.

  • Concentrating on the music and the rhythm is also great for mental fitness.

  • It helps to control the natural sleep-to-wake cycle, or the body's natural rhythm to know when to sleep and when to wake up.

  • Increased heart rate - The heart can be felt through the chest with a rapid rhythm.

  • When this information contradicts the established rhythm of the body's internal clock, the hypothalamus attempts to adjust by triggering activities and functions that the body is not yet ready for, resulting in the symptoms of jet lag.

  • The circadian rhythm is your body's ability to sleep and wake at certain times.

  • People who have circadian rhythm sleep disorders may be prone to sleep difficulty, as well as those who use drugs or alcohol.

  • While the popular rhythm game franchise never made an official appearance on the original Xbox, it has been a huge smash hit on the Xbox 360.

  • Aside from dance games like Dance Dance Revolution and alternative rhythm games like Samba di Amigo and DJ Hero, the most notable competition for the Guitar Hero audience on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 is the Rock Band franchise.

  • For instance, rhythm games like Guitar Hero require you to have the instruments in place.

  • While the announcement did come as a surprise to many enthusiasts within the rhythm game genre, the decline of the series had many experts predicting such a move even before the official announcement came from Activision.

  • In this way, it wasn't until RedOctane, Harmonix Music Systems, and Activision got together to develop Guitar Hero for home consoles that the rhythm game genre hit mainstream in North America.

  • The rhythm game genre as a whole quickly began to get saturated and, in the eyes of some industry analysts, it has become somewhat stagnant as well.

  • Becoming an expert at Guitar Hero 5 is just like any number of other rhythm games; practice makes perfect.

  • One of the main draws for any rhythm game is its music collection, so all players will want to know more about the Guitar Hero 5 song list.

  • While many of the rhythm games in the past forced players to unlock songs by completing the career mode, this is not the case here.

  • Yes, the rhythm game genre is alive in well.

  • If this is your first time playing a rhythm game, you will likely have a hard time even on "easy" mode with Guitar Hero III.

  • Then, you'll be ready for even more action in Guitar Hero 5, Band Hero, and other rhythm games coming from Activision and others.

  • Thank the gods of gaming, we finally get a new rhythm game in the States that isn't another Dance Dance Revolution sequel.

  • Just when you were getting tired of moving your feet to the music, Harmonix, the company behind the fantastic Frequency and Amplitude, brings you Guitar Hero, a rhythm game that features, you guessed it, playing a guitar.

  • If you've ever played any rhythm game, especially one of the earlier Harmonix releases, then you shouldn't have any trouble getting the hang of things here.

  • There's also a feature called "Star Power", which is actually the little charm that sets Guitar Hero apart from other rhythm games.

  • Aside from being possibly the best rhythm game ever made, Guitar Hero is one of the best experiences you'll have gaming, period.

  • Just about every other video game comes in the same-sized case as a DVD movie, so why would you want to spend nearly four times as much money to buy the full band kit for this popular rhythm game?

  • The same appears to be true with Konami's Rock Revolution rhythm game as well.

  • The greatest change to this rhythm game franchise has to be the serious alteration made to the Guitar Hero World Tour game play.

  • In addition to the expansion beyond guitars, some other innovations have been introduced in World Tour, sizably differentiating this game from Rock Band 2, another rhythm game that was released around the same time.

  • Further still, World Tour has a game mode called "Battle of the Bands" where two complete bands (eight players in all) can face off against one another for rhythm game supremacy?

  • Needless to say, the Guitar Hero World Tour song list could make this one of the best rhythm games released to date.

  • Ouendan. Elite Beat Agents is a spiritual sequel to the popular rhythm game, except it is in English and comes with popular English songs.

  • If you're a fan of Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero, and other similar music games, you'll instantly fall in love (and in rhythm) with Elite Beat Agents.

  • Be sure to stay on rhythm because the arrows will match up to the beat.

  • With Xbox Live, you have the opportunity to purchase additional tracks for your favorite rhythm games, watch movie trailers, stream content with your Netflix account, and connect with your Xbox friends from all around the world.

  • Similarly, players can use plastic instruments in the Guitar Hero and Rock Band series of rhythm games.

  • It's an action/adventure game at its core, but as you play, other unique elements enter the fray, like the rhythm game and RPG decision-making features.

  • One of the fastest rising genres in the video game world are rhythm games, sometimes known as music games.

  • However, you have the opportunity to set your own tempo and enjoy the tune at your own rhythm.

  • Music games, sometimes referred to as rhythm games, are games where even the most musically inept (such as myself) can establish some sort of rhythm and produce rockin' tunes.

  • By playing rhythm games, they are improving their hand-eye coordination.

  • This has quickly changed recently with the rising popularity of rhythm games.

  • There's even Dance Dance Revolution-like rhythm games wherein the rabbids perform cover versions of "Girls Just Want to Have Fun", "Hip Hop Hooray", and other hit songs.

  • There are at least five critical differences that may make you reconsider your decision to buy this rhythm game for the PlayStation 2.

  • Chances are that you'll still love Rock Band on the PS2, because the rhythm game is just too good.

  • If you want to extract the full value out of your rhythm game purchase, then you'll want to get all the Rock Band unlock songs.

  • Perhaps the biggest appeal to any given rhythm game is the song list that it has to offer.

  • This way, you can get full enjoyment out of these rhythm games without struggling through the lengthy career mode.

  • Japan has even more rhythm games of that nature.

  • As you encounter the Morolians, you will have to copy their dance moves in rhythm to the music.

  • There is a slight glitch when the computer cuts to a different camera angle and has to retrack the rhythm of the characters to the music.

  • To complete the band, you'll need a rhythm guitar, a bass guitar, a set of drums, and a microphone for the vocals.

  • Rhythm games are incredibly popular, giving gamers the opportunity to rock out to artist like The Who, Nirvana, Oasis, Marilyn Manson, Taylor Swift and more.

  • Sounds easy, but even on the default setting, Gitaroo-Man will give a nice challenge to even seasoned rhythm game players.

  • As the music plays, button and directional configurations flash on the screen and hitting them correctly and in rhythm gets your guy/girl moving smoothly to the music.

  • For example, if you live in the United States or Canada, you can go through your favorite video game importers to get some hot RPGs and rhythm games that are only sold in Japan.

  • The other mini-games included as part of Training Plus are Tilt City, Rhythm Parade, Big Top Juggling, Skateboard Arena, Table Tilt Plus, Balance Bubble Plus, and Basic Run Plus.

  • The phenomenon may have had some humble beginnings with early Guitar Hero titles, but rhythm games have quickly exploded into huge popularity (and profitability for developers).

  • Getting the rhythm of your feet on the treadle will probably be the most difficult part.

  • This rhythm game is similar to Guitar Hero, except you tap the screen instead of strumming a plastic guitar.

  • It is often used in the diagnosis of cases of abnormal cardiac rhythm and myocardial damage.

  • The importance of the sign of contractions is in the rhythm and not the contractions.

  • On examination of the heart rhythm using a stethoscope, infants with coarctation of the aorta usually have an abnormal "gallop" heart rhythm, and 50 percent of children also have heart murmurs.

  • Bradycardia is an irregularly slow heart rhythm, and tachycardia is an irregularly fast heart rhythm.

  • Special monitors may be used to evaluate an abnormal heart rhythm.

  • Ambulatory monitors are small portable electrocardiograph machines that record the heart's rhythm.

  • In this procedure, an electrical shock is delivered to the chest wall to synchronize the heart and allow the normal rhythm to restart.

  • The ICD constantly monitors the heart rhythm.

  • When a very rapid, abnormal heart rhythm is detected, the ICD delivers energy to the heart muscle to cause it to regain a normal rhythm.

  • About 50 percent of children with JDMS develop an abnormal heart rhythm.

  • An electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG) that records the electrical activity in the heart may be used to check for heart rhythm abnormalities, such as long QT syndrome, in children who have had a pallid breath holding spell.

  • They rarely participate in interactive dialogue and often speak with an unusual rhythm or pitch.

  • The child does not need to be able to understand the words to enjoy the music or clap with the rhythm.

  • An electrocardiogram could be performed to detect abnormalities in heart rhythm associated with DM.

  • Some emergency medications may have dangerous effects on the heart rhythm in a person with DM.

  • Most men with EDMD survive into middle age, although a defect in the heart's rhythm (heart block) may be fatal if not treated with a pacemaker.

  • Caffeine interferes with drugs that regulate heart rhythm, such as quinidine and propranolol (Inderal).

  • These complications include inflammation of the heart tissue (myocarditis), disturbances in heartbeat rhythm (arrhythmias), and areas of blood vessel dilation (aneurysms) in the coronary arteries.

  • An electrocardiogram may show changes in the heartbeat rhythm.

  • In expressive language development, children first speak in long unintelligible babbles that mimic the cadence and rhythm of adult speech.

  • In IBS, however, the normal rhythm and intensity of peristalsis is disrupted.

  • In adults, less common effects of Lyme disease are heart abnormalities (such as irregular rhythm or cardiac block) and eye abnormalities (such as swelling of the cornea, tissue, or eye muscles and nerves).

  • The blood levels of the drug must be measured periodically, as too high of a dose can cause an abnormal heart rhythm or convulsions.

  • The myocarditis may cause disturbances in the heart rhythm and may culminate in heart failure.

  • Immediately after birth the newborn can see, can hear, will turn his head toward a spoken voice, and will move in rhythm to his mother's voice.

  • Anaphylaxis is marked by airway constriction, blood pressure drop, widespread tissue swelling, heart rhythm abnormalities, and in some cases, loss of consciousness.

  • Utah Rhythm and Dance provides a swing step list with written instructions for 11 steps.

  • His rhythm style of tapping uses the entire foot to produce sounds.

  • He first found his sense of rhythm with drumming, receiving a full scholarship to the Newark Community School of the Arts for his skillful playing.

  • The player must step on these arrows on the dance pad, matching the rhythm of the song.

  • Cuban Street Cha Cha - Similar to Ballroom in rhythm, this one is only danced to the guajira rhythm.

  • Rhythm is extremely important to such cultural dances, and bodies often pulse to the beats of music provided by percussion instruments.

  • The dance also gets progressively more and more complex, in both rhythm and movement, and as it speeds up there is truly a virtuosic performance necessary for the dancers to avoid catching their ankles in the "bird trap."

  • That's simply because the way to learn the rhythm of the dance is to learn the mantra "slow - slow - quick - quick" and repeat it, over and over, until it becomes internalized.

  • Once the basic steps and rhythm have been internalized, there are other embellishments such as posture, line of dance, and rise-and-fall that can be added to make it more beautiful.

  • One of the easiest and most fun variations in the foxtrot is the promenade, where the dancers face each other and move their feet sideways (still in the same rhythm) with a sort of grapevine step in order to move in the same direction.

  • A dramatic pause is never a bad thing, and it can help you locate the rhythm before your next step.

  • Just keep your feet close to the floor (to avoid stepping on your partner) and move them very slowly to the rhythm of the music.

  • Learning to 'slow, slow, quick, quick' is a whole lot easier if you can hear that rhythm in the music.

  • Another version of this is found exclusively in Arizona and is called the Rhythm Two Step.

  • All Nightclub Two Step dances should be done to the beat of a drum or other musical percussion to stay on rhythm.

  • You then want to move your head to the left as well, so that you are alternating right and left sides in a catch rhythm.

  • After all patterns are taught, the teacher walks the students through the entire dance, counting along with the rhythm.

  • If you get the timing and the rhythm right, you too can thrill the world with a simple hip thrust.

  • If you're not sure of your sense of rhythm, just practice that in the mirror at home, or with a helpful friend.

  • Another pertinent piece of information you will always find on a step sheet is the count of the dance - this is very important to stay in rhythm and even know how to accurately perform the dance before ever hearing the song.

  • Fast-paced, and with an unforgettable rhythm, the dancing in this scene was a real show-stopper.

  • Today there are still regional variations, such as the Rhythm Two Step found in Arizona.

  • By varying between slamming the bamboo into the ground and clapping the rods together, the beaters produce both a rhythm for the dancers as well as a kind of challenge to the dancers.

  • The intricate dance steps are actually physically matched with the rhythm so that the dancers are stepping in between the rods when they are on the floor, then nimbly stepping out to either side when the bamboo sticks are clapped together.

  • Beginning dancers perform at a slower rhythm, but experienced performers do this folk dance with an effortless grace at a running pace.

  • During the 17th and 18th centuries, a syncopated rhythm was developed, and the music became more complex.

  • This rhythm of warming up can go on for about a half hour, and usually includes basic ballet steps like pliés, relevés, tendus, rond-de-jambes, and maybe some jumps or turns nearing the end of the warm up.

  • The body is held very erect, and the feet move in a sort of shuffle, only a few inches a time, to the 3 beat per measure rhythm of the samba.

  • While there are many different types of ballroom dance steps (such as the rhythm dances, the Latin dances, and more) many are similar and can be used to teach several different types of dance.

  • Nearly all Mexican folk dance features an upbeat rhythm and tone.

  • Across America, from the salsarias of Cuba to the dance halls of Detroit and the studios of Hollywood, California, people gather to join hands and move feet to the rhythm of social dance.

  • This non hormonal birth control is sometimes called the rhythm method and means a woman keeps track of her "safe" days to have sex and "unsafe" days (i.e. days she can become pregnant).

  • If not actively trying to get pregnant, it is not advisable to follow a rhythm method of contraception since relying on key dates in the cycle can be confusing.

  • Calendar rhythm method uses the woman's menstrual cycle as a guide to determine when ovulation is most likely to occur during the month.

  • Sympto-thermal method combines mucus testing, basal temperature, and the rhythm method into one approach.

  • Approaches like the rhythm method require little more than a calendar and a writing implement.

  • When it comes to natural forms of contraception, women have a better chance of success using techniques like the rhythm method.

  • The female biological clock is still geared towards an ancient rhythm of life, where life expectancy was half of what it is now and women began having babies only a few years after their first menstrual cycles.

  • Finding your groove or getting into a breathing rhythm that works for you to keep you calm and pain-free is the best method for you.

  • That is, you pull your arm straight in front of you and bend at the elbow as it comes back, maintaining a steady rhythm.

  • No city would be complete without the rhythm of music and the heartbeat of the arts.

  • Getting lyrics from sheet music can help vocalists see the rhythm and melody to a new Christmas song before they even hear the instrumentals.

  • However, if you choose not to rhyme, make sure that your sentences still have the same rhythm or syllable "beat."

  • Moving bodies in synchronized rhythm builds a rapport between the women, and a competent DJ will know how to get a crowd pumped up with exciting dance music.

  • The key factor to understand about the quality of a sign is to keep in mind that each sign embodies the natural "rhythm" of the season in which it's born.

  • Musical learners generally have a terrific sense of rhythm and sound.

  • They often excel at learning activities that are based on rhythm and music.

  • Ideally, homework should reinforce concepts and develop an academic rhythm of life, but keep in mind that kindergarten students should also cultivate a love of learning that will serve them well for the rest of their lives.

  • For instance, putting a child on a schedule and incorporating routines into his life may make sense in the context of the Western world, but in tribal cultures, many parents work with the child's natural rhythm.

  • Of course, there's the purely skeptical view that says the experience is nothing more than a sleep disorder or a malfunction of the normal circadian rhythm (body's natural 24-hour cycle).

  • Bloch is a well-known name in the world of fancy footwork and the company outfits some of the busiest feet on the planet with a full line of quality shoes that keeps wearers leaping high and tapping in rhythm.

  • Rita laughed, but neither looked up nor broke the rhythm of her flying fingers.



  • Near the desert gateway between worlds, Darian found his rhythm.



  • It is, of course, the rhythm of the syllogism that attracts him.



  • The attention may be directed in succession to the different objects, so that the perception is rhythmical; the distinctive rhythm thus aiding the perception of the particular number.



  • The Hegelian threefold rhythm was to run through all history, especially for Baur through the history of the Christian Church and of its doctrine.



  • In ancient classic poetry the measure which creates the metrical form consists only of this last quantitative element, which is rhythm.



  • Her eyes are exactly the same, and so is the rhythm of her heart.



  • Unable to recover both his sight and his rhythm, Wolfson's most prolific batsman was bowled out.



  • The most common form of sudden cardiac arrest is due to ventricular fibrillation - a rapid, chaotic, lethal rhythm of the heart.



  • I went straight on at the first chicane on my first run which upset my rhythm.



  • Research in the Group is focussed on molecular and human chronobiology investigating the causes, consequences and treatment of circadian rhythm disorders.



  • Add a simple percussion accompaniment incorporating the playing of a pulse and either the rhythm or a rhythmic ostinato.



  • The architecture of the music, the rhythm and the timbre all created changes in brain processing through stimulation of the auditory pathways.



  • Feets Git Movin ' To really get you dancing, Filter includes two drum-machine style Rhythm Generators for loop-based grooves or complex polyrhythms.



  • Its facile flow and rhythm seem to adapt it to the expression and illustration of personal feeling.


  • Dr Neree Beauchemin Keeps Within Somewhat Narrow Limits In Les Floraisons Matutinales (1897); But Within Them He Shows True Poetic Genius, A Fine Sense Of Rhythm, Rhyme And Verbal Melody, A Curiosa Felicitas Of Epithet And Phrase, And So Sure An Eye For Local Colour That A Stranger Could Choose No Better Guide To The Imaginative Life Of Canada.


  • Rumba rhythm group Secular music and dance performed at informal gatherings.


  • His music reflected the subtle harmonies of jazz set to a Latin samba rhythm.



  • The sleep-wake cycle is an example of a circadian rhythm.


  • Jet lag-A temporary disruption of the body's sleep-wake rhythm following high-speed air travel across several time zones.


  • Most choreographers work off of 8-count sequences, which add ease to memorization and also fits the rhythm of most styles of music.



  • While closely related to that dance, as well as others such as the Mambo, its slow, sensual rhythm and ease of learning makes it more popular than any of the others except perhaps the salsa.



  • The rhythm of the steps is "quick-quick-slow," and it is danced to a 4/4 beat.



  • When you learn cha cha, where you put the chasse within the rhythm determines the dance.



  • This rhythm, called the guajira, is very traditional.


  • Peter (Bergman) told me to give it six months, I'd get used to the rhythm.


  • Begin by watching your breath, focusing on the natural rhythm of your inhalations and exhalations, and clearing your mind.


  • Once you are settled into a rhythm, you can then inhale deeply through the nose, as you expand through the belly.


  • Ocean Breath may also be referred to as Hissing Breath or Victorious Breath and is most commonly done with Vinyasa yoga, a type of yoga which synchronizes yoga poses with the rhythm of the breath.


  • Books with repetitive words or rhyming ones may spark the interest of auditory learners because they have a rhythm and cadence that can appeal to the students' desire for sameness.


  • However, a mismatched rhythm and word combination leaves the fans scratching their heads saying "huh?" as the cheerleaders try to draw them in.


  • They should follow a rhythm, be repetitive and be simple to hear with easy words.


  • Try coming up with a rhythm or beat, and then challenge the girls to come up with a part of the cheer for their name.


  • Another way to effectively use the space is to perform cheers that require a lot of rhythm.


  • The best rhythm cheers are ones in which the cheerleaders slap different parts of their bodies like the sides of their feet, their thighs, their hips and even their neighbor's hands.


  • You'll know the rhythm when you find it, especially if you say the cheers out loud.


  • Successful strippers have always had to "have a gimmick" in order to do well and keep the customers interested, so a number of them learned how to twirl their breasts in rhythm, thus twirling the tassels.



  • AccuRadio - Offers a wide selection of holiday music including Jazz, Pop, Rhythm and Blues, Classical and even a little Celtic music.



  • He also deepened his knowledge of what at the time were known as "race records" - predominantly rhythm and blues music with gospel and jazz tinges made by African American musicians.



  • The history, indeed, of many a word lies hid in its equivocal uses; and it in no way derogates from the dignity of the highest poetry to gain strength and variety from the ingenious application of the same sounds to different senses, any more than from the contrivances of rhythm or the accompaniment of imitative sounds.



  • Poetry is the art of producing representations; (I) in words, rhythm and harmony (apyovia, " harmony " in the original sense); (2) of men like ourselves, or better as in tragedy, or worse as in comedy; (3) by means of narrative as in epic, or by action as in the drama.



  • Other investigators had shown that Cicero's clausulae are generally variations of some three or four forms in which the rhythm is trochaic. Dr Thaddaeus Zielinski of St Petersburg, after examining all the clausulae in Cicero's speeches, finds that they are governed by a law.



  • This lack of oxygen can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythm, heart failure, stroke, and car accidents caused by sleep deprivation.


  • If you have not played this type of rhythm game before, it's a simple but fun idea in which you try to dance along to a song with a streaming set of arrows indicating when and where to put your feet in tune with the music.


  • Elite Beat Agents is a rhythm game for the Nintendo DS wherein players must tap a series of circles at the appropriate time in tune with the music playing.


  • Whereas other rhythm games may simply try to keep you entertained with an extensive playlist, flashy graphics, and so forth, Elite Beat Agents adds in a little something extra.


  • Sometimes just playing that challenging rhythm over and over is just the ticket you need to get that high five star rating.


  • Another fun variation to help keep it funky and fun is to have each girl make up her own rhythm by stomping, clapping or slapping her thighs.


  • Most cheers have a set rhythm, and changing that will make the cheer less effective for the people in the stands.


  • Add in long hisses, use monosyllables like "Ho!" and "Yeah!" or establish a stomping and clapping rhythm like the classic Queen song We are the Champions.


  • Add Rhythm for Accents - One of the first cheers anyone learns is the famous "DE-FENSE, DE-FENSE!" (clap, clap, clap-clap-clap).


  • Migraines, gastric upset and irregular heart rhythm caused by caffeine intake are dangerous side effects for certain individuals.


  • While rock music may have great rhythm and be perfect for a workout, you won't want to exercise with it if you're a country music fan.


  • Work one leg at a time doing a full set before switching; trying to alternate legs between each rep is bound to make you lose rhythm and/or balance.


  • Although Pink found success with the R&B feel to earlier albums like Can't Take Me Home and the follow up M!ssundaztood, she soon wanted to break free from the Rhythm and Blues genre and now her music has more of a rock feel to it.


  • The song begins with an atmospheric a cappella verse before kicking in to a mid-tempo pop rhythm reminiscent of some of U2's bigger hits.


  • Not long after Davis returned, rhythm guitarist Jason Bynum quit the group.


  • This show is full of rhythm and excitement that audiences continue to enjoy even more than in seasons past.


  • He formed the rock band Poison in 1984, and he is the lead singer and rhythm guitarist for the group.


  • The leitmotif is typically a chord progression, short melody or simple rhythm that recurs in music, literature or life.


  • The two latter pictures were marked by the rhythm of line and luxury of colour which are among the most constant attributes of his art, and may be regarded as his first dreams of Oriental beauty, with which he afterwards showed so great a sympathy.



  • Demosthenes was especially fond of the cretic. Rhythm pervades the whole sentence but is most important at the end or clausula, where the swell of the period sinks to rest.



  • It is characteristic of early literature that the evolution of the thought - that is, the grammatical form of the sentence - is guided by the structure of the verse; and the correspondence which consequently obtains between the rhythm and the grammar - the thought being given out in lengths, as it were, and these again divided by tolerably uniform pauses - produces a swift flowing movement, such as is rarely found when the periods have been constructed without direct reference to the metre.



  • Although there are several quavers, the rhythm consists mostly of crotchets.


  • People with heart problems may also die from drinking too much because it may cause an irregular rhythm or cause the heart to shut down completely.


  • Part of the fun is tossing obstacles into your co-players dance routines and disrupting their rhythm, which is almost but not quite as satisfying as pelting friends with obstacles in Mario Kart.


  • Jam and Marmalade and Rhythm and Police are two of the funkiest.


  • If you have a fingertip of rhythm and can read, then you can play DDR or any of the other dancing games on the market.


  • In case you've been living under a rock for the past ten years, this Japanese-developed rhythm game has a very simple concept but increasingly challenging gameplay.


  • If you liked the original rhythm game you won't be disappointed.


  • There are a number of different cheat codes and unlockables available in this rhythm game.


  • Focusing on lyrics and rhythm can also distract you from the fatigue of a workout and help you build better endurance.


  • While the variations described here may sound difficult, once you have the basic rhythm of jumping and turning the rope down, the variations will come on their own and you might even learn some jump rope tricks.


  • To maintain your rhythm, you can move from one muscle group to another, starting with the larger muscle groups and moving down to isolate the smaller muscles.


  • The important factor here is not to be shy; practice saying the alphabet (along with the basic phrases) out loud, so that you begin to get the rhythm of the language.


  • While learning vocabulary and grammar rules are important, it is also important to be exposed to French pronunciation and hear the rhythm of the French language when it is spoken naturally.


  • It is easy to raise difficulties not only in regard to the detail in Hegel's development of his categories, especially the higher ones, but also in regard to the essential rhythm of his method.



  • These manifestations of the divine spirit again cannot be traced and understood by reducing (as Hegel did) the growth of the human mind in the individual, in society and in history to the monotonous rhythm of a speculative schematism; the essence and worth which is in them reveals itself only to the student of detail, for reality is larger and wider than philosophy; the problem, "how the one can be many," is only solved for us in the numberless examples in life and experience which surround us, for which we must retain a lifelong interest and which constitute the true field of all useful human work.


  • Whether you're into rhythm games or first-person shooters, there's something here for you to enjoy.


  • At some remote date a Japanese maker of songs seems to have discovered that a peculiar and very fascinating rhythm is produced by lines containing 5 syllables and 7 syllables alternately.



  • There is no sign of rhyming in Egyptian poetry, and the rhythm is not yet recognizable owing to our ignorance of the ancient vocalization.



  • Rhythm was avoided by Caesar who was an Atticist, and by Sallust who was an archaist.



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  • rhythm games
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  • rhythmed
Examples of "Rhythm" in a Sentence (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.