Explainer: What Is Slow Fashion and How Can You Join the Movement? | Earth.Org (2024)

Fast fashion retailers, with their need to constantly meet growing sales goals and investor expectations, give little recognition to climate change and workers’ interests. The slow fashion movement asks companies to hit the brakes on excessive production and unethical practices that plague the industry, inviting consumers to rethink their relationship with clothes and shopping. What is slow fashion, how does it differs from the unsustainable fast fashion market, and why should we do more to support this movement?

As fashion takes steps towards sustainability, you have probably heard a slew of new terms and movements such as circular fashion, eco-fashion, or sustainable fashion. They are overlapping terms with slight differences, but all of them have the same goal: to reduce the environmental footprint of the fashion industry.

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What Is Slow Fashion?

Slow fashion is a movement that advocates for environmental and social justice in the fashion industry. Its defining point is that it zeroes in on the problem of overproduction and overconsumption.

Slow fashion came at the heels of the “slow food” movement. Fashion and sustainability journalist and researcher Kate Fletcher first used the term in a 2007 article for The Ecologist.

She described fast fashion as being not much about speed but rather greed, about “selling more” and “making more money.” Instead, slow fashion “is about designing, producing, consuming, and living better”. “Slow” –she added – “is not the opposite of fast – there is no dualism – but a different approach in which designers, buyers, retailers, and consumers are more aware of the impacts of products on workers, communities, and ecosystems”.

When shoppers support the unsustainable model of fast fashion production, the problem only gets worse. Slow fashion is also about conscious consumption. We shop with the awareness that the way we consume has an impact on climate change.

Some of slow fashion’s key philosophies include:

  • A shift from quantity to quality, both in production and consumption. It’s not hell-bent on constant growth or accumulating more.
  • Manufacturing that respects the environment by using low-waste processes and avoiding harmful chemicals.
  • Providing workers a living wage and healthy working conditions.
  • Producing collections in small batches or on a pre-order basis to avoid unsold inventory.
  • An uncomplicated supply chain where raw materials and labour aren’t scattered across the globe. It uses local materials and employs local workers as much as possible.
  • Transparency and honesty in its supply chain and practices. A great example is ethical jeans brand HNST, which has a “Hall of Fail” page that showcases its challenges and failures.
  • Using natural fibres, deadstock fabrics, or old textiles for upcycling.

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Fashion’s Sustainability Problem

The fashion industry likes to do things fast and cheaply to get maximum profit. Low prices for the latest style entice buyers into thinking they’re getting more bang for their buck, but these “savings” come with high environmental and social costs.

The industry is a huge offender when it comes to the depletion of natural resources and pollution of ecosystems. It accounts for 20% of global clean water pollution. Various sources say that Big Fashion contributes somewhere between 2-10% of the world’s carbon emissions.

To save costs on labour and to get around strict regulations in the US or Europe, retailers outsource manufacturing to countries like China, Bangladesh, or Pakistan. A t-shirt you are wearing may be using cotton grown in the United States, dyed and processed in a textile plant in India, and cut and designed in Europe before travelling back to the company’s warehouse and finally making it in-store. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change says that the industry consumes more energy than the aviation and shipping industries combined.

How Fashion Picked Up Speed

Fashion wasn’t always like this. Before the 19th century, people took the time to make their own clothes or had them made at a tailor’s if they could afford it. It was a hands-on, personalised process that involved communication between the wearer and creator. Waiting a week or so for a dress to be finished made people value their clothing more. Splurging on new clothes and trends was something that only aristocrats indulged in; so regular folk without a royal budget invested in fabrics that were made to last.

The industrial revolution came and ready-to-wear became popular from the 1920s to 1980, but there were still people making their own clothes or going to local dressmakers.

All that changed in the 90s when high street retailers like Zara and H&M disrupted the industry, compressing trend cycles and purging out thousands of new items in stores weekly. If we thought that was as revolutionary as it gets, along comes new challengers like Shein or Pretty Little Thing – online-only stores that upended the fast fashion giants with an ultra-fast fashion model. Relying heavily on big data and an influencer worship culture, these new brands successfully conquered social media feeds and shoppers’ wallets. Bloomberg’s David Fickling calls Shein’s 2022 valuation of $100 billion a “win for fast fashion”. This year, the company is set to make $20 billion in revenue.

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With clothing that is cheap and easy to acquire, we often do not even question where our clothes come from or how they are really made. Makers and wearers are continents apart. When it comes to choosing styles and materials, it is the companies that get to decide. It was only after disasters like the 2013 Rana Plaza garment factory collapse or the 2011 “killer jeans” silicosis exposé that the public started to pay attention to the silent workers suffering from the deadly practices of an industry that makes seemingly innocuous items.

How Can You Join the Slow Fashion Movement?

Awareness of the fashion industry’s problems has increased but there is more work to be done. A 2021 survey from ThredUp revealed that 74% of shoppers know their consumption habits significantly impact the planet and 50% believe that fast fashion is harmful to the environment. Despite this awareness, 72% continue to shop fast fashion because of the convenience and unbeatable prices.

It can be difficult to veer away from the status quo and completely flip your shopping habits. The good news is that supporting the slow fashion movement is extremely easy, and you don’t even have to buy anything new to get started!

Here’s how you can make the shift to slow fashion:

1. Repair and Take Care of Your Clothes

Extend the life of your clothes by following care instructions. Machine wash on the lowest heat setting if you can and hang to dry to save on energy. For jeans, Levi’s even recommends washing once every 10 years to maintain the fit and fabric.

Learning basic sewing and de-staining techniques is also a great way to get more wear out of your clothes. If you don’t have time, take them to a professional or find out if there’s a repair café (a free pop-up event where volunteers and other visitors get together to repair various items) in your town or city.

2. Wear Second-hand Clothing

We have finally bid good riddance to the stigma of wearing second-hand clothes. Today, thrifting is so widespread that it is even covered on the pages of glossy high-fashion magazines, something unimaginable until not even two decades ago.

There are many options for getting second-hand clothes. You can borrow from your family or friends’ closets for one-off events. You can also do clothing swaps or offer your own unused clothing to someone you know will love it.

Freecycling groups are also a goldmine for “new” old clothes. These are online sharing groups where people can donate or request free items. It facilitates gift-giving and communication among members of a local community because the exchange is often done in person. It has become increasingly popular as people are looking for ways to donate their stuff without having to go to charity centres. Unfortunately, statistics show that up to 80% of donations end up either incinerated, in landfills, or sent overseas to be sold. Search for a Facebook freecycling group in your area or check out websites like FreeCycle.org or Trash Nothing.

Looking for the thrill of the hunt? There are always one-of-a-kind and stylish pieces from thrift and vintage stores. Online thrifting is easier today thanks to platforms like Poshmark, Depop, Etsy, or Vestiaire Collective; there is something for everyone’s tastes and price points.

3. Shop Mindfully

In Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States, somewhere between 50%- 80% of people’s wardrobes are unused. A closet bursting with clothes you only semi-love or never wear is also a sign of constant impulse shopping. The next time you feel the itch to shop, check your closet first. Do you really need a fifth new dress/pair of pants/crop top in your closet? Chances are you don’t. Your overfull closet will thank you, and so will the planet.

If you absolutely need to shop, support local creators in your country. Choose high-quality fabrics that last longer, single-composition fabrics that can be easily recycled, or natural fibres that biodegrade easier.

Shopping mindfully also means being aware of companies’ greenwashing tactics. Slapping an “eco-friendly” tag isn’t proof that an item is sustainable. Do some background research on a brand by Googling or checking on the Good on You app. For unbiased and educational sustainable fashion content, websites like Fashion Revolution and Fashion Takes Action are great sources.

Remember that expensive price tags don’t always guarantee better quality and practices. Brands like Versace, Prada, Nike, and Adidas were implicated in a Clean Clothes Campaign paper that reported on these companies’ below-legal worker wages and terrible working conditions in their Eastern European factories.


Fast fashion has industrialised the making of clothes to the point where we think of them as throwaway commodities. Slow fashion is more than just a way of shopping. It’s a lifestyle and a philosophy that acknowledges the real value of clothing and the entire process involved – from materials, the planet, and the people.

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Featured image by cottonbro from Pexels

Tagged: explainer sustainable fashion

I'm a dedicated advocate for sustainable fashion, with a profound understanding of the complexities within the industry. My expertise stems from extensive research, collaboration with industry professionals, and active involvement in promoting ethical and environmentally conscious practices. I've closely followed the evolution of fashion trends, from the detrimental rise of fast fashion to the emergence of movements like slow fashion, circular fashion, and eco-fashion.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts and ideas presented in the article:

Fast Fashion and Its Issues:

Fast fashion retailers, driven by sales goals and investor expectations, often overlook climate change and workers' rights. This model leads to overproduction, unethical practices, and a disregard for environmental impact.

Slow Fashion Movement:

Definition: Slow fashion is a movement advocating for environmental and social justice in the fashion industry, addressing issues of overproduction and overconsumption.

Origins: Coined by sustainability journalist Kate Fletcher in 2007, slow fashion contrasts with fast fashion's focus on "selling more" and "making more money." It emphasizes designing, producing, consuming, and living better.

Key Philosophies of Slow Fashion:

  1. Quality over Quantity: Shifting focus from constant growth to producing and consuming high-quality items.
  2. Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing: Using low-waste processes, avoiding harmful chemicals, and incorporating natural fibers or upcycling.
  3. Fair Treatment of Workers: Providing a living wage, healthy working conditions, and transparency in the supply chain.
  4. Small Batches and Pre-order Basis: Avoiding unsold inventory by producing in limited quantities or based on pre-orders.
  5. Localized Supply Chain: Using local materials and labor to simplify the supply chain.

Sustainability Terms:

Various terms such as circular fashion, eco-fashion, and sustainable fashion overlap but share the common goal of reducing the fashion industry's environmental footprint.

Fast Fashion's Impact:

The fast fashion industry contributes significantly to pollution, depletion of natural resources, and global carbon emissions. Outsourcing manufacturing to countries with lax regulations exacerbates these issues.

Evolution of Fashion:

Historically, fashion involved personalized, hands-on processes. The industrial revolution brought ready-to-wear fashion, and the 90s saw the rise of fast fashion giants like Zara and H&M. Online-only stores like Shein further accelerated the fast fashion model with ultra-fast fashion.

Joining the Slow Fashion Movement:

Despite increased awareness, many still choose fast fashion for its convenience and low prices. Shifting to slow fashion involves actions like repairing and caring for clothes, embracing second-hand clothing, and mindful shopping that supports local creators and sustainable practices.

Mindful Shopping Tips:

  1. Repair and Care: Extend the life of clothes by following care instructions and repairing when needed.
  2. Second-hand Clothing: Embrace thrifting, clothing swaps, or freecycling for a sustainable wardrobe.
  3. Shop Mindfully: Check your closet before buying, support local creators, choose high-quality fabrics, and be aware of greenwashing tactics.


Fast fashion has commodified clothing, leading to a throwaway mentality. Slow fashion is not just a shopping approach but a lifestyle and philosophy recognizing the real value of clothing, considering materials, the planet, and people.

By understanding and actively participating in the slow fashion movement, we can contribute to a more sustainable and ethical future for the fashion industry.

Explainer: What Is Slow Fashion and How Can You Join the Movement? | Earth.Org (2024)


Explainer: What Is Slow Fashion and How Can You Join the Movement? | Earth.Org? ›

Slow fashion is a movement that advocates for environmental and social justice in the fashion industry. Its defining point is that it zeroes in on the problem of overproduction and overconsumption. Slow fashion came at the heels of the “slow food” movement.

What is slow fashion and how can you join the movement? ›

A key point of the slow fashion movement is to adjust your shopping habits to prioritize quality over quantity. Instead of purchasing cheap, trendy garments each season, invest in pieces that reflect your style so you can wear them for years to come.

What is slow fashion we explain? ›

Slow fashion is the opposite of fast fashion. It takes an ethical and sustainable approach to producing clothes. The slow fashion movement is a direct response to the harmful impact of fast fashion on the environment and garment workers. It advocates for making fashion choices that are kinder to people and planet.

Why is slow fashion good for the environment? ›

They use fewer chemicals in the manufacturing process. Manufacturers consider the environment when they produce a slow fashion brand so that there is no waste, or very little waste. These brand manufacturers also make sure to treat their workers well give them and clean, safe environments to work in.

Why is slow fashion considered a solution for fast fashion? ›

Sustainably-produced clothing uses fewer resources and generates less pollution than fast fashion. Slow fashion production is also better for workers since it often guarantees fair wages and safe working conditions.

How do you embrace slow fashion? ›

Prioritize versatile items made from sustainable materials, supporting local brands committed to fair labor practices and to the planet. Embrace the art of thrifting and clothing swaps to breathe new life into pre-loved garments or create your own clothes from deadstock fabric.

What is the effect of slow fashion? ›

The Benefits of Slow Fashion

Slow fashion brands minimize their environmental impact by choosing sustainable materials and producing garments locally. Another benefit of slow fashion is the promotion of ethical fashion practices. Slow fashion companies often prioritize the well-being and fair treatment of workers.

What is fast fashion explainer? ›

Fast fashion describes low-priced but stylish clothing that moves quickly from design to retail stores to meet trends, with new collections being introduced continuously. Innovations in supply chain management among retailers make fast fashion possible.

What is another name for slow fashion? ›

Slow fashion, also called 'lowsumerism', is the opposite of the dominant fast fashion approach (cheap fashion, low quality, up to 15 collections per year).

What are the disadvantages of slow fashion? ›

Simplicity: The downside to slow Fashion is that it's often too simple. This means that the items are often made using simple designs and a small amount of fabric is used in the finished product. Cost Efficiency: The last downside to slow fashion is that it's often not cost efficient.

What are the social benefits of slow fashion? ›

Social Benefits

Promotes fair trade and ethical labour practices: Both sustainable and slow fashion ensure workers are paid living wages, have safe working conditions, and have access to education and health care.

Does slow fashion last longer? ›

Due to the use of higher-quality materials, slow fashion items last longer and are more resilient in comparison to fast fashion clothes. Longevity is an important consideration in the design and production of these pieces.

Who invented slow fashion? ›

Slow fashion

The term was coined by Kate Fletcher of the Centre for Sustainable Fashion and inspired by "slow food".

What is the main difference between slow and fast fashion? ›

What is fast fashion vs slow fashion? Fast fashion refers to a business model that emphasizes rapid production and turnover of low-cost, trend-driven clothing. In contrast, slow fashion advocates for a more intentional, ethical approach to clothing production and consumption.

What is the root problem of fast fashion? ›

In addition to degrading in landfills or being incinerated, fast fashion clothing has also become a notorious source of microplastics in marine environments as the cheap, plastic-based materials shed fibers that make their way to the oceans.

Who started the slow fashion movement? ›

In 2007, author and activist Kate Fletcher coined the term "sustainable fashion," inspired by the "slow food" movement. She outlined the need to reevaluate how we look at the clothing industry, which shifted the conversation within the fashion industry.

Is slow fashion accessible? ›

Sustainable fashion can still be cool and accessible, according to those who are pushing for change in the industry. Pembrokeshire Frame, a charity aiming to support vulnerable people while reusing and reducing waste, said it had has seen a 300% rise in profits with more shoppers.

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.