Extract Data from Logs (2024)

Experience has taught me that regular expressions are the Swiss Army knife of the developer’s toolbox, and there's almost always a better regular expression for the job at hand. Developing a good regular expression tends to be iterative, and the quality and reliability increase the more you feed it new, interesting data that includes edge cases.

A regular expression that works is often good enough. If your data is highly predictable, then optimizing a regex may be an unnecessary endeavor. However, once you start using a regex as part of a wider system, at scale, or across unreliable data sets, the more you should ensure it is reliable, resilient, and performant.

Regex can seem complicated at first, but the system is logical and predictable once you can understand it. However, reverse-engineering a complex regular expression isn’t much fun.

In this blog post, you'll learn how to put together a regex for an important use case: extracting name-value pairs from a log line, which is often an important part of managing your logs. Logs are a good example of when you need to have strong regular expressions because typically, logs are part of a wider system (ideally, you have logs for your entire stack), need to scale with your application, and are often inconsistent. So let’s take a look at some regexes—on the way, you’ll hopefully learn to strengthen other regexes you work with.

Regex parsing for logs

This use case is based on a real-world requirement that was originally used to assist a customer with parsing their logs in New Relic. New Relic has a powerful data parsing mechanism that lets you ingest raw log data and parse it into individual semantically meaningful columns.

Here are the requirements for the real-world use case:

  • The log data contains multiple name-value pairs as well as other data.
  • The pairs appear in the format: (attr=value).
  • The values can contain white space.
  • Not all name-value pairs need to be collected.
  • Some pairs might be present in all log lines, but some might not.
  • The pairs may appear in any order.

Here's an example log line:

my favourite pizza=ham and pineapple drink=lime and lemonade venue=london name=james buchanan

For this example data, let’s say you want to extract the pizza, drink, and namefields from the data. However, you don’t want to extract the venuedata or any other data in the log line. To make things more complicated, what if you want to collect this data from many log lines, and the data isn’t always presented consistently? What regular expression will capture those values for you?

TL;DR, here's the regex parser

Maybe you arrived here via Google and just want to copy and paste the rule to see if it works for you. Here it is—a regular expression for extracting name-value pairs, separated by the =sign:


And here’s the Grok log parsingversion:


For these rules:

  • Not all of the key-value pairs have to be present. The rule still functions on key-value pairs that are present but won'tbreak if some of the key-value pairs aren’t present in a line.
  • The order of the key-value pairs does not matter.
  • White space is allowed within the value.

To learn more about how the rule works, read on.

Parsing with Grok patterns

This discussion will focus on the Grok log parsing version of the rule because it's a little cleaner. Also, parsing rules in New Relic are written in Grok, which allows you to use existing named Grok patterns. Because Grok log parsing is based on regular expressions, any valid regular expression is also a valid Grok expression. If you’re not using Grok patterns, just use the standard regular expression version provided in the previous section.

Starting with a fragile regex parsing rule

Let’s start with some data to test the regex. I love both beer and pizza, and even have my own wood-fired oven, so here’s a pizza-themed data set:

1: my favourite pizza=ham and pineapple drink=lime and lemonade name=james buchanan

2: my favourite drink=lime and lemonade name=james buchanan pizza=ham and pineapple

3: my favourite name=james buchanan pizza=ham and pineapple drink=lime and lemonade

4: my favourite pizza=ham and pineapple drink=lime and lemonade

5: my favourite name=james buchanan pizza=ham and pineapple foo=bar drink=lime and lemonade

6: my favourite drink=lime and lemonade

You’ll see that this data set has the key-value pairs in different orders, various amounts of whitespace, and even different numbers of key-value pairs.

In this example data, key-value pairs on each line are delimited with equal =signs such as drink=co*ke. Let's say you want to extract three values: pizza, drink, and name.

If the data always appears like line one, you could write a Grok parsing rule like this that extracts each of the values:


This works, but the rule is fragile. It requires the values to always be in the same order. If any values are missing or there is any additional data, the entire rule fails. This is bad. You don’t want data to go missing because it doesn’t quite match. And even if you're pretty sure your data is consistent, can you ever be 100% sure?

If you want to try this out yourself with the built-in logs parsing test tool in New Relic, go to Logs > Parsing > Create parsing rule. You can paste in an example log line along with the rule to see the output. Alternatively, you can try the Grok rule out using this Grok log parsing tool.

Using a lookahead rule with regex parsing

So how can you make this parsing rule more robust? Using alookaheadcomes to the rescue here. In order to target a single key-value pair, you need to know two things: when to start the match and when to end it. Let's work through this step-by-step.

Find the value pair

Take this pizza value pair as an example. It always starts like this: pizza=. Sincethe pattern is consistent, you can look aheadand capture the text like this:


This will return the following:

pizza: ham and pineapple drink=lime and lemonade name=james buchanan

DATA is equivalent to the expression .*?. See this useful list of Grok patterns. This lookahead rule finds anything after the string pizza= and captures it into a field called pizza. While this works, the drink and name values are captured, too. So the rule needs to be restricted to capture characters and whitespace up to the next name-value pair only.

Capture just the attribute you need

To capture just the pizza value, you can use another lookahead. The following rule captures any character that is not an equal sign. This should be non-greedy, meaning? is appended to the pattern [^=]+. This is followed by whitespace character(s), a word, and then another equal sign. Here’s the rule:


This returns the following for #1: pizza:ham and pineapple

However, it returns the following against #2: no match! ❌

Much better...but wait! Line two failed to match the pizza. Can you see why?

The pattern matches data followed by another name-value pair, but in this case, the rule has searched the entire line and there are no additional name-value pairs. The capture needs to extend to either be followed by another name-value pair or the end of the line, which is signified by $. It’s also important to consider trailing white space, which you can discard with the non-greedy %{SPACE}?.

Here’s the updated pattern:


Returns against #1: pizza:ham and pineapple

Returns against #2: pizza:ham and pineapple

This is much better and more reliable. If you just want to capture one field, you’re finished. However, with logs, you’ll often need to capture multiple fields.

Capture multiple fields in logs

You can chain multiple expressions together to capture other values by repeating the same expression and changing the value names as needed:


This returns the following:

Line #1: pizza:ham and pineapple, name:james buchanan and drink:lime and lemonade

Line #2: same as #1 ✅

Line #3: same as #1 ✅

Line #4: no match! ❌

This works for lines one through three of the sample data. The rule now returns matches regardless of the order of key-value pairs. Unfortunately, it fails for line four of the input:

4: my favourite pizza=ham and pineapple drink=lime and lemonade

You may have noticed that line four is missing the name key. The regex rule requires name to be present or the whole pattern fails. This is a common failure that often goes unnoticed when using regexes with data sets. As you can imagine, these kinds of problems can be very tricky to deal with because it looks like the rule is working correctly, but it isn't gathering critical information. You can fix this by making each pattern optional. To do so, add ? to the end of each expression.

This is the generalized pattern for each key-value pair:


Let’s try this regex against the data. The following expression includes the pattern three times, one for each attribute that needs to be captured (name, pizza, and drink):


This returns:

Line #1: pizza:ham and pineapple, name:james buchanan and drink:lime and lemonade

Line #2: same as #1 ✅

Line #3: same as #1 ✅

Line #4: pizza:ham and pineapple, drink:lime and lemonade

Line #5: same as #1 ✅

Line #6: drink:lime and lemonade

The rule correctly matches all test input data in any order and continues to work for missing fields.

Regex lookaheads performance

Lookaheads do have additional performance overhead, so if your data is reliably consistent, you may be able to use a simpler, more performant rule that doesn’t have lookaheads. You can also make this rule much more performant by adding the prefix (?:^|\s+) at the beginning of your rule:


This small change ensures that lookaheads happen only at the beginning of a line or when there is a space, not with every character. This stops the rule from using lookaheads where they aren’t needed.

Best practices for using regex to parse log data

Using regular expressions (regex) to extract data from logs can be an effective way to distill invaluable information. Here are some best practices to ensure accuracy, performance, and maintainability:

  • Start simple: Before diving into complex patterns, begin with a simple regex to capture the most straightforward and common log entries. This can help in understanding the structure of your logs.
  • Use specific patterns: Instead of using broad patterns like .* which matches almost anything, try to be as specific as possible. For example, if you know an IP address will appear, use a pattern like \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}.
  • Non-capturing groups: If you're grouping just for logical sequences but don't need the actual data, use non-capturing groups with (?:...).
  • Avoid greedy matches: By default, regex is greedy, meaning it captures as much as possible. This can be problematic in logs with repetitive patterns. Use ? to make your pattern non-greedy. For instance, use .*? instead of .*.
  • Optimize for performance: Complex regexes can slow down log processing. Test your regex patterns for efficiency, especially if applied to large log files or streams.
  • Use named groups: Instead of relying on the order of capture groups, use named groups like (?P<name>...). This makes your regex more readable and allows for easier extraction based on field names.
  • Be mindful of multiline entries: If your logs can span multiple lines for a single entry, ensure that your regex accounts for this by using the appropriate multi-line flags or patterns.
  • Test extensively: Before deploying a regex pattern in a production environment, test it on a sample set of log data to ensure it captures everything accurately without false positives.
  • Comment your regex: Regex patterns can become complex and hard to decipher over time. If your regex tool/language supports it, add comments explaining challenging parts.
  • Stay updated: Log formats can change over time, especially if you upgrade systems or software. Regularly review and adjust your regex patterns to accommodate these changes.

These best practices can help ensure that your regular expressions are not just efficient but effective in extracting the data needed from your logs.


Hopefully, you have a better understanding of how this rule works and have a good sense of how you can iteratively improve a rule to make it more reliable. There is always a better regular expression out there if you put enough thought into it. Good luck finding one that’s even more effective for your use case!

Next steps

Interested in learning more about regex parsing and managing your logs in New Relic? Check out the logs documentation.

Just getting started with logs? Learn more about log management.

You can start accessing your logs in just a few minutes with afree New Relic account. Your account includes 100 GB/month of free data ingest, one free full-access user, and unlimited free basic users.

Regex parsing FAQs

1. What is regex and why should I use it for log parsing?

Regex, short for regular expression, is a powerful tool for pattern matching and extracting specific information from text. It's particularly useful for log parsing because logs often follow specific patterns. Regex allows you to define these patterns and extract meaningful data from log entries.

2. What are some common regex patterns for log parsing?

Common regex patterns for log parsing include:

  • Extracting IP addresses: \b(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b
  • Parsing dates: \b\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\b
  • Extracting URLs: (https?|ftp):\/\/[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*

3. How can I optimize my regex parsing for performance?

  • Use specific patterns instead of generic ones to avoid unnecessary backtracking.
  • Utilize non-capturing groups (?:...) when you don't need to extract the matched content.
  • Be mindful of greedy vs. lazy quantifiers (e.g., * vs. *?) to avoid excessive matching.
  • Test your regex with a variety of input data to ensure it performs well under different conditions.

4. How do I handle multiline logs with regex?

Use the re.OTALL flag or (?s) modifier at the start of your regex pattern to make . match newline characters. Alternatively, you can use \n to explicitly match newline characters in your regex pattern.

5. How can I debug complex regex patterns?

Break down your regex pattern into smaller parts and test each part individually. Use comments within your pattern to annotate each section, making it easier to understand. Additionally, regex visualizers can help you visualize how your pattern matches input data.

6. Are there any common regex pitfalls I should be aware of?

  • Greediness: Greedy quantifiers can match more than intended. Use lazy quantifiers (*?, +?) when appropriate.
  • Overlooking special characters: Special characters like . or * need to be escaped (\. or \*) if you want to match them literally.
  • Not handling edge cases: Consider edge cases in your data, like empty fields or special characters, and adjust your regex pattern accordingly.
Extract Data from Logs (2024)


What is the process of extracting value from data? ›

The process of extracting data includes locating and identifying the relevant data, then preparing to be transformed and loaded. Transformation is where data is sorted and organized. Cleansing — such as removing missing values — also happens during this step.

How to extract data from data? ›

How does Data Extraction work?
  1. Identifying Data Sources.
  2. Source Connection.
  3. Query or Retrieval.
  4. Data Transformation and Loading.
  5. Web Scraping.
  6. API-Based Extraction.
  7. Text Extraction (Natural Language Processing – NLP)
  8. OCR.
Jan 5, 2024

What does extracting data mean? ›

Data extraction is the process of collecting or retrieving disparate types of data from a variety of sources, many of which may be poorly organized or completely unstructured.

What are the essential steps that are required to extract data in data science? ›

Data Extraction Steps
  • Identifying & extracting the relevant data, also known as “source data” or “raw data.”
  • Transforming the data, if necessary, into a usable format.
  • Loading the data into an appropriate system known as the “target.”
Jul 29, 2023

What is the process of analyzing data to extract? ›

The process of analyzing data that helps extract information other than that offered by raw data is data mining. It is a process of analyzing data to discover patterns, trends, and associations between variables.

What is an example of extraction? ›

The act of making tea or coffee is an everyday example of extraction. This extraction is a liquid-solid extraction, where the tea leaves or ground coffee are solid. The tea or coffee is transferred to the liquid, which is water.

How do I retrieve data from data? ›

In order to retrieve the desired data the user presents a set of criteria by a query. Then the database management system selects the demanded data from the database. The retrieved data may be stored in a file, printed, or viewed on the screen.

What is the difference between data collection and data extraction? ›

While data collection gathers information relevant to your needs, data extraction focuses on retrieving specific data points from various sources.

What are the approaches to data retrieval? ›

3 Data storage and retrieval models

File-based methods store and retrieve data as files on a local or networked file system, such as CSV, XML, or JSON files. Database-based methods store and retrieve data as records or documents in a database management system, such as SQL, NoSQL, or NewSQL databases.

What are the two types of data extraction? ›

There are broadly two ways to extract data from heterogeneous sources: logical extraction and physical extraction.

What is an example of extracting information? ›

Information extraction is the process of extracting specific (pre-specified) information from textual sources. One of the most trivial examples is when your email extracts only the data from the message for you to add in your Calendar.

What word is commonly used to explain data extraction? ›

The term data collection is often used when talking about data extraction. Data is typically analyzed and then crawled through in order to get any relevant information from the sources (such as database or document). More data processing can also be done to add metadata.

What is the best way to extract data? ›

Let us explore some commonly used data extraction techniques.
  1. 7 commonly used data extraction techniques.
  2. Web scraping. ...
  3. API integration. ...
  4. Text pattern matching. ...
  5. Optical character recognition (OCR) ...
  6. Data mining. ...
  7. Natural language processing (NLP) ...
  8. Database querying.

What is a data extraction tool? ›

Data extraction tools integrate with business intelligence (BI) systems, enabling businesses to consolidate data from multiple sources into a central repository. Businesses can then analyze and transform this data into meaningful insights to formulate effective business strategies.

What tool is used for extracting data from a database? ›

The most common method is to use an extract, transform, and load (ETL) tool. Other methods include using custom scripts or programming languages such as SQL.

What is the process of extracting information? ›

Information extraction is the process of extracting specific (pre-specified) information from textual sources. One of the most trivial examples is when your email extracts only the data from the message for you to add in your Calendar.

What is the process of extracting? ›

Extraction is the first step to separate the desired natural products from the raw materials. Extraction methods include solvent extraction, distillation method, pressing and sublimation according to the extraction principle. Solvent extraction is the most widely used method.

What is the process of extracting knowledge from data? ›

Steps of Knowledge Extraction
  1. Data Collection. Gather data from various sources to create a comprehensive dataset.
  2. Data Preprocessing. ...
  3. Data Integration and Transformation. ...
  4. Pattern and Relationship Identification. ...
  5. Knowledge Structuring. ...
  6. Evaluation and Refinement. ...
  7. Knowledge Representation.
Apr 9, 2024

What is extracting information from a database called? ›

Data extraction is the act or process of retrieving data out of (usually unstructured or poorly structured) data sources for further data processing or data storage (data migration).

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.