Eyelet: The Inseparable Part of Shoes (2024)

Eyelet: The Inseparable Part of Shoes (1)

Eyelet: The Beautiful Wreath of Rope

Those of you who often take a journey with a pair of shoes, the most trusted and loyal companionship, then surely you know that there is an inseparable part of a pair of shoes until now.

For some people, that part is always ignored and overlooked. But, in fact, that part has always been attached to the shoe. And that part is the eyelet.

An eyelet is a hole that looks like a ring punched into the shoe’s upper, allowing shoelaces to be threaded and tied up to strengthen it. The usual eyelets are made of metal and plastic.

Apart from the name eyelet, another name is pinned on this small ring-shaped hole called a grommet.

In terms of language, the meaning is quite impressive. According to the Online Etymology Dictionary quoted from the Oxford English Dictionary, it explains that the word “grommet” originated in the 1620s, which means “Ring or Wreath of Rope”.

Then the meaning of “metal eyelet” was not recorded until 1769. And the definition of “eyelet” itself is “small hole” and comes from the 14th century.

So, in short, this eyelet means a small hole. And if you look at the stories of the past. The use of eyelets was used before the 18th or 19th century or the Medieval period, which used for fashion

Areni-1 shoes, found around 3500 BC, are simple and oldest leather shoes that already have eyelets on the shoes where the eyelets are only made by cutting the skin and then making a hole.

Eyelet: The Inseparable Part of Shoes (2)

Then, centuries later, eyelets can be applied to all needs, one of which is for clothes.

These eyelets or grommets are made directly by tailors using only their reliable hands. Made with a circle shape that is small and simple like a regular buttonhole stitch but still functional.

According to Norah Waugh on Corsets and Crinolines, the discovery of metal grommets was introduced in the 19th century, or more precisely, in 1828. Metal is believed to be able to withstand the pressure of heavy lacing stresses strongly.

This can help the corsetry create the body’s curves like a glass clock in women or like a guitar-shaped body which made this body curve model so famous in the Victorian era.

In addition to corsets, eyelets have also been applied and used in shoes in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In that century, we rarely saw eyelets or grommets on clothes.

If your eyes are shifted downwards and look at the details carefully, then these eyelets will be more often found in shoes, and the intensity of using eyelets has so far been more often applied to a pair of shoes.

Eyelet: The Inseparable Part of Shoes (3)

Eyelet: Today’s Modernity with 4 Different Types of Eyelets

As we know, an eyelet is a small hole punched in the shoe’s upper that allows the shoe to be tied. The eyelets are reinforced with metal grommets which can protect the upper shoe structure and avoid damage.

The eyelet has the same basic function: to hold the shoelaces in place so that the shoes can be tightened later. Over time, Eyelet already has various types. Each type is unique, and the following are the types.

1. Punched

Eyelet: The Inseparable Part of Shoes (4)

These are the types of eyelets that people don’t realize they often see. One style that is very common and can be found anywhere. This type of eyelet is often applied in sneakers or leather shoes. As the name suggests, this eyelet is made by making a hole in the shoes upper.

To provide protection and prevent fabric from fraying, these eyelets are reinforced with metallic eyelets that you can see from the outside or even from the inside.

Metallic eyelets can be attached from the inside so that when viewed from the outside it will give a cleaner aesthetic appearance. The holes are also smaller, providing strong protection from the inside.

2. D-Ring

Eyelet: The Inseparable Part of Shoes (5)

One of the most durable eyelets and is very suitable for footwear used for heavy work needs. D-Ring is the same as Webbing eyelet but has long durability. The eyelets of the D-Ring are attached using rivets.

The D-Ring Eyelets are applied more often to work boots, hiking boots, and even durable military boots with thick leather characteristics.

The D-Ring has a larger opening than the previous two types, providing high flexibility.

3. Hooked

Eyelet: The Inseparable Part of Shoes (6)

This eyelet is quite interesting because it is the only one who has a nickname. The nickname for this eyelet is “Speed Hooks”. These are the types of eyelets that you can only find on boots.

The method of lacing with this eyelet is somewhat unique. Compared to being woven and inserted into the eyelet, the shoelace loops to the hook at the top and then ties it, thus quickens the lacing and unlacing process, just like his nickname.

This uniqueness is advantageous for this type of eyelet because boots usually take a long time to insert the laces. However, with this eyelet, it can be accelerated.

This eyelet attaches to the boot’s top right at the ankle with a few other smaller eyelets after.

4. Webbed / Webbing

These types of eyelets are the ones you will often find in dance shoes. However, it is also usually found in sneakers and some boots. These eyelets are much lighter and apply less pressure, making them a great fit and ideal for use in athletic shoes.

As the name suggests, this eyelet makes the shoelaces look like they are woven to display a unique and attractive appearance. It evens look like a harmonious web.


For a unique and more personal touch, TXTURE provides three different colors of eyelet to choose from Solid Brass, Gun Metal, and Silver Nickel.

Eyelet: The Inseparable Part of Shoes (7)

Eyelet: The Inseparable Part of Shoes (8)

Eyelet: The Inseparable Part of Shoes (9)

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Eyelet: The Inseparable Part of Shoes (2024)
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