FAQ — Royal Waistbeads (2024)

A:Depending on how you want to wear your waistbeads, you can measure yourself above your navel, just at your navel, or right above your hips.

Use a tape measure and measure against your bare skin; DON’T suck in your stomach! If you do not have a tape measure, you may improvise with some string and a ruler.

Think about where you want to wear the beads. With a bikini, draped just above your bikini bottoms? With a crop top, sitting above your pants? Choose your size accordingly.

If you want your beads to be versatile, you can request a chain on your waistbeads to make its size adjustable. That way, you can wear them however you like, and feel free to switch your style up.

Click here for printable measuring tape and more tips on how to properly measure yourself.

A:Our belly beads and other jewels are made with colorful glass beads, symbolic gemstones, durable chain, and high quality wire forlong lastingluxurious adornments. We use sterling silver lobster clasps for our silver-toned sets and gold plated lobster clasps to close our gold-toned sets.

We use Czech glass seed beads, African trade beads, Japanese Miyuki beads, and various other high quality beads (details with each specific style).

A:Removable. For versatility purposes, We make our waistbeads so that you can put them on and take them off whenever you like without damaging them, and switch out your styles as your outfits change.

A:Right here in ourWaistbeads Boutique! Happy shopping queens! =)

FAQ — Royal Waistbeads (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.