To cope with the ever-changing world, the marketing segmentation and targeting techniques are rapidly evolving from traditional, static, demographic-based criteria towards dynamic, mood, lifestyle and psycho graphic influences. Fashion forecasting is the prediction of mood, behavior and buying habits of the consumer. It is no longer a question of identifying your customers by age, geography or income, but looking into how and why they buy, based on their mood, beliefs and the occasion.

Fashion is a style that is popular in the present or a set of trends that have been accepted by a wide audience. But fashion itself is far from simple. Fashion is a complex phenomenon from psychological, sociological, cultural or commercial point of view. Fashion trends are the styling ideas that major collections have in common. They indicate the direction in which the fashion is moving. Fashion forecasters look for styles they think are prophetic, ideas that capture the mood of the times and signal a new fashion trend.

FASHION FORECASTING (2)The fashion system has spread across all other sectors, from cosmetics to cars via politics and sports. All sectors observe fashion as an endless source of inspiration. Gilles Lipovetsky points out that the more the fashion society develops, the less importance will be given to the affordability of clothes! To hold on to its role as a pioneer and enhance its brand image, fashion has to continue to innovate.

Forecasting the future demand for particular styles, fabrics and colors is an important aspect of the fashion industry. Textile specialists work two years ahead to determine the general guidelines for each fashion season. Fashion forecasting is an important activity to ensure that the process of observation related to short and long term planning can be based on sound and rational decision making and not hype. Forecasting can bridge the gap between ambiguous, conflicting signs and the action taken by the design team. "Fashion forecasting combines theories of fashion changes with the process of organizing and analyzing the information and synthesizing the data into actionable forecasts." (Brannon 2000) Forecasting is a creative process that can be understood, practiced and applied. Forecasting provides a way for executives to expand their thinking about changes, through anticipating the future, and projecting the likely outcomes. (Lavenback and Cleary 1981)

Long term forecasting (over 2 years ahead) is used by executives for corporate planning purposes. It is also used for marketing managers to position products in the marketplace in relationship to competition.

Short term forecasting is used by product developers, merchandisers and production managers to give style direction and shape collections. For short term forecasting most apparel companies subscribe to one or more services, whose job is to scan the market and report on the developments in color, textiles and style directions.

Forecasters reflect the earliest views on trends some eighteen months in advance of the season. At this stage, color is a crucial consideration of yarn mills. It is also the focus of discussion among others who are interested in very early trend decision-making. Fashion forecasters combine the views emerging about color and fabric from the early yarn and fabric trade shows with their socio-economic and cultural analysis. Major trends in lifestyles, attitude and culture in particular music, sport, cinema and television are used to predict changing consumer demands.

Fashion forecasting involves the following activities such as studying market conditions, noting the life style of the people, researching sales statistics, evaluating popular designer collections, surveying fashion publications, observing street fashions etc.

The Direction of Fashion Change

Observation is not enough. If the trend watcher is to take advantage, he needs a framework for explaining how the trend began and its likely path within a social system. The directional theories of fashion change trickle down, trickle up and trickle across to make prediction easier by pointing to the likely starting points for a fashion trend, the expected direction that trend will take and how long the trend will last.

Some trend watchers visualize the dynamics of fashion as a pyramid of status level. In some theories, fashion trickles down from a highly visible elite. In others, fashion trickles up from street once it is discovered by the fashion elite and introduced to mainstream audiences in an edited version. If a fashion look is promoted by the media and manufactured rapidly enough, the look can trickle across all levels of the market simultaneously for denim, introduction of an unusual color range, a modification in a silhouette or detail, a different way to wear an accessory or a mood expressed in a distinctive style. The pattern of acceptance (or rejection) can be mapped in time.

Fashion responds to whatever is modern i.e., to the spirit of the times or the Zeitgeist. People choose among competing styles, those that "click" or connect with the spirit of the times. This collective selection forms a feedback loop between the fashion industry and the consumer, a feedback loop moderated by aesthetic trends and social-psychological processes.

FASHION FORECASTING (3)The Look; Design Concept As fashion insiders and forecasters have a mental map of the marketplace, the locations where innovations are likely to be glimpsed early, the supply chain of the textile/apparel industry and the retail conduct to consumers. Fashion insiders also have another mental map - the map of seasons and shows. When consumers shop for winter coats or summer swimsuits, fashion insiders are seasons ahead in their thinking.

Forecasters use these mental maps to organize their observations of directional information. Since innovations rarely apply to the entire marketplace, information must be tagged for the appropriate price point, category and classification. In this way, forecasters turn random bits of data into useful information for decision support, points and style directions.

The drivers of fashion change

Social and cultural changes are major determinants of emerging fashions. However, they are themselves affected by the other drivers of change that include globalization of world markets and accessibility of more sophisticated communications technologies. The latter has provided people with faster and wider access to more ideas and influences from other cultures and societies, driving demand for wider choice in fashion products.

The Fashion Forecasting Process

a) Trend forecasting businesses

French companies based in Paris have traditionally dominated fashion forecasting. Although a number of larger ones are still based in Paris, many with satellite offices around the world, a number of new niche forecasters have emerged offering their own specialties of product and services.
Some better-known trend forecasters include:

.Peclers Trend Union
.Line Creative Partners
.Au Studio Promostyl

Forecasting is more that just attending runway shows and picking out potential trends that can be knocked off at lower prices (although that is part of it). It is a process that spans shifts in color and styles, changes in lifestyles and buying patterns and different ways of doing business. What appears to be near random activity is in fact a process of negotiation between the fashion industry and the consumer, and between the various segments in the supply side chain.

b) Consumer research

Manufacturers and retailers may ask consumers directly about their buying preferences. Consumer reactions are compiled and tabulated to find preferences for certain garments or accessories, colors or sizes and so on ,or products to fit specific consumer tastes.

Surveys, by telephone or mail are conducted by publication and market research companies for manufacturers and retailers. These surveys include questions about income, life-style, fashion preference and shopping habits. Customers are usually selected by the market research firm to meet with manufacturers or retailers. In-store informal interview can help researchers obtain information by simply asking customers what they would like to buy, what styles they like that are currently available and what merchandise they want, but cannot find. Because of their close contact with their customers, owners of small stores can often do this most effectively.

The apparel supply chain has one purpose, i.e. to provide an appealing and desirable product to satisfy customer needs, wants or aspirations. When successful, the connection results in a sale, because this connection is the purpose of the process. Every forecast begins with the customer, by observing the customer's adjustments to the marketplace and in the unexpected ways the customer adjusts the marketplace to his lifestyle and preferences.

Consumer research figures are important in decisions about product development, brand marketing and retailing.

FASHION FORECASTING (4)c) Colour Forecasting

Stimulating sales is the driving force behind color forecasting. Color grabs the customers' attention, makes an emotional connection and leads them to the product. Even when the basic product stays the same, changing the color gives a sense of something new. Color consultants help companies decide on the right color story to sell the product. Some consultants specialize in advising on color. Others develop color forecasts as part of their overall product development function. Some large companies have departments dedicated to setting color directions for multiple lines. Professional color organizations bring together experts to collaborate on forecasts for industries like women's wear, men's wear, children's wear and residential and non-residential interiors.

d) Textile Development

Frequently, the development of a completely new product is the result of a particular functional need, but often it is driven by the benefits offered by a new fabric. Specialist forecasters make the point that the technology is changing the range of product, as through the ranges of benefits that designers can build into garment product through the textiles used in construction.

Fabrics range from slick surfaces like leather and futuristic plastic to softer surfaces like cashmere, from flat weaves to heavy textures like boucle and from the solid structure of flannel to the web-like open structure of crochet. Clothing has been called "the second skin" in recognition of its intimate connection with a person's physical and psychological comfort (Horn, 1975). So it is not surprising that news about which fabrics are "in" or "out" plays such a prominent role in forecasting fashion. Newness in fabrics comes from the introduction of new fibers, the manipulation of yarn and fabric structures, variation in pattern and prints and innovative finishing processes. These innovations are introduced in trade shows and exhibitions held in the fashion capitals of the world.

e) The Range of shows

The fashion shows: The word here is its widest possible interpretation to refer to the range of organised textile and fashion garment trade shows, operating over the 16 months preceding season. Trade shows, whether yarn, fabric or product have a basic function, which is to sell products.

Visitors vary according to the nature of the show. A yarn show will attract a range of people including fabric manufacturers, some retail buyers and designers. The fabric show performs a more balanced role with great emphasis on then sales of the fabric, but with more retail designers and buyers attending, as the product on the show has a greater relevance to garment design. Garment design shows are much more diverse, ranging from the products trade shows through to the high profile Ready -to-wear Designer shows like London Fashion week and then the exclusive Couture shows.

Continuing this sequence, specialist product trade shows are held after the fabric shows. These shows are segmented according to broad sector like men's wear or women's wear, and by specialist product categories, like sports wear or lingerie. These shows are a good indicator of color, fabric, styling and new products.

f) Sales Forecasting

Forecasting is relatively easy, straightforward and accurate for products with long lifetime and steady sales. However, the fashion apparel business is one of the most volatile, because it creates products that are new, highly seasonal or have short lifetimes. In such situations forecasts become increasingly inaccurate. Errors in sales forecasting result in two kinds of losses:

. Markdowns, when retailers have unwanted goods remaining at the end of a selling period, such goods then must be sold, even at a loss.
.Lost sales on more popular items because of stockouts (merchandise not available in stock at the time when consumers request it).

FASHION FORECASTING (5)Companies have been slow to recognize the changing market environment and adapt forecasting practices to decrease the uncertainty about product demand. Sales forecasting impacts every apparel executive's work life, whether they help develop the analysis, read and act on the reports or merely react to the result of over- or under-estimating sales. For this reason, apparel executives need a basic understanding of the traditional approaches to sales forecasting and the leading-edge technologies making real-time marketing a reality in the apparel industry.

Eventually, a manufacturer and retailer researches his own sales record. Rising sales statistics show what fashion trends are developing and declining sales show what styles have passed their peak.

Overall sales show, that as style is not meeting consumer needs for quality or fit , its time to drop it from the line and move on to new styles.

Introducing Innovation

While attention is showered on the most exciting and extreme runway fashions, the mechanisms of fashion change work in the background to create patterns familiar to the most experienced fashion watchers. When an innovation arrives on the scene, individuals consider it for adoption. The cumulative effect of those decisions can be tracked in sales and visually on the street. In fashion terms, the innovation may be the invention of a new fiber or a new finish.

g) Cultural Indicators

In the apparel field, companies need an early warning system so that specific product categories can be fine-tuned to trends within a market segment. While timing is important, an agile and responsive company will be able to capitalize on trends whenever they are spotted; sometimes just as a glimmer far in the future and sometimes as a phenomenon in the building stage. Waning trends are another signal. When some avocation, interest or lifestyle loses cultural power, it is a good time to survey the information landscape for the next big thing.

h) Final Stage of fore casting

The 'Fashion look' for the season is therefore the result of a process of development that combines the evolved views of textiles and product trade show, forecasters, designers buyers and ready to wear shows. Like collage, the final picture emerges after various layers have come together. Even though these shows have an impact on some last minute high street fashion buys, their major impact is mainly on reflecting the final views on trends close to the season. Crucially, the media coverage of the shows is another important dimension in the trend development process, as it highlights fashion trends that fashion editors believe will be strong for the forth coming season. Such 'authoritative' coverage of the media, focusing attention on aspects of fashion, including the 'must-have' looks, colors and products influences the consumers' acceptance of hot trends for a season.

Forecasting fashion in the Indian scenario

The phenomenon of fashion moving from the ramp to the road seems to have started happening in India. Over the last one year, fashion has been highly visible, at least on the streets of metros. Western winds of fashion are reaching metros like Mumbai and New Delhi virtually overnight. We also see new categories added to customer wardrobes like clubwear, travel gear and loungewear. This indicates a segmentation of the customers' wardrobe. This also means that there are new brands and labels, although not heavily advertised, easing into the market riding on the trend of new segments. We expect this trend to rise further, mainly because fashion as a market allows brands to be created mainly on the product look. The biggest achievements are not from increasing efficiency, but by risk management. This would mean that by riding on fashion trend one would fetch maximum benefits. However, there is no agency today, which brands or retailers can follow for fashion forecast of domestic market. We still have to follow international forecasts and thereby miss out on lot of opportunities.




What are the 4 things fashion forecasting involve? ›

The fashion forecasting process includes the basic steps of understanding the vision of the business and profile of target customers, collecting information about available merchandise, preparing information, determining trends, and choosing merchandise appropriate for the company and target customer.

What is the importance of forecasting fashion? ›

The modern consumer goes through clothes quickly and wants to be able to copy the trends they see. Subsequently, trends come and go much quicker than ever before. Forecasting needs to provide designers and retailers with fresh ideas constantly, otherwise they fall behind the competition.

How do you determine a fashion forecast? ›

Market Research - Analyzing your own customers buying trends can help you make informed decisions for the next season. However, you'll need to focus on more than just the numbers.
Here are some that I recommend:
  1. WWD (Women's Wear Daily)
  2. Vogue.
  3. Elle.
  4. Harper's Bazaar.
  5. W.
  6. Vanity Fair.
  7. GQ.
  8. Stylecaster.
17 Jun 2020

What is fashion forecasting example? ›

For example, a sportswear company may try to judge what sports will be most popular in the coming years. If golf goes into decline, they may shift promotion, advertising and styles towards other sports such as jogging.

What are the 3 types of forecasting? ›

There are three basic types—qualitative techniques, time series analysis and projection, and causal models.

What are the 2 main methods of forecasting? ›

There are two types of forecasting methods: qualitative and quantitative. Each type has different uses so it's important to pick the one that that will help you meet your goals.

What is fashion forecasting process? ›

Fashion trend forecasting is the process of projecting future fashion trends. The projections allow fashion designers and merchants to know what will be fashionable in the future and plan their collections and merchandising appropriately.

Why is forecasting important to us? ›

What is the importance of forecasting? Forecasting allows your company to become proactive in directing its future. By aggregating and analysing past data, predictions can be made about future trends and changes.

Why is fashion forecasting difficult? ›

Forecasting is hard to automate. People must make judgments that are prone to interpretation and error. When a new item comes out, someone must decide whether it will sell more like a prior item that is similar in some respects but different in others. Someone must also judge how much fashion trends have changed.

What are the five forecasting methods? ›

Techniques of Forecasting:
  • Simple Moving Average (SMA)
  • Exponential Smoothing (SES)
  • Autoregressive Integration Moving Average (ARIMA)
  • Neural Network (NN)
  • Croston.
31 May 2016

How do you know if a forecast is accurate? ›

3 Methods for Calculating Forecast Accuracy and Error
  1. Forecast Bias. ...
  2. Forecast Bias = S(Forecast - Actual Demand) ...
  3. Forecast Bias Percentage = SForecast / (S Actual Demand) ...
  4. Mean Average Deviation (MAD) ...
  5. MAD = 1/n S|Forecast - Actual Demand| ...
  6. Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE)
16 Oct 2020

What is forecasting in simple words? ›

Forecasting involves making predictions about the future. In finance, forecasting is used by companies to estimate earnings or other data for subsequent periods. Traders and analysts use forecasts in valuation models, to time trades, and to identify trends. Forecasts are often predicated on historical data.

Which tool is used for forecasting? ›

Time series modeling is a useful tool when working on forecasts for your company, as it allows you to identify trends and patterns. By combining this information with other data about your company and industry, you can more accurately forecast changes.

What is forecasting and its types? ›

Forecasting is a method of making informed predictions by using historical data as the main input for determining the course of future trends. Companies use forecasting for many different purposes, such as anticipating future expenses and determining how to allocate their budget.

What is the best forecasting method? ›

Top Four Types of Forecasting Methods
  • Straight line. Constant growth rate. Minimum level. Historical data.
  • Moving average. Repeated forecasts. Minimum level. Historical data.
  • Simple linear regression. Compare one independent with one dependent variable. Statistical knowledge required. ...
  • Multiple linear regression.

What are the 7 steps in the forecasting system? ›

These seven steps can generate forecasts.
  • Determine what the forecast is for.
  • Select the items for the forecast.
  • Select the time horizon. Interested in learning more? ...
  • Select the forecast model type.
  • Gather data to be input into the model.
  • Make the forecast.
  • Verify and implement the results.

How do you calculate a forecast? ›

Historical forecasting: This method uses historical data (results from previous sales cycles) and sales velocity (the rate at which sales increase over time). The formula is: previous month's sales x velocity = additional sales; and then: additional sales + previous month's rate = forecasted sales for next month.

How do you prepare a forecast? ›

The key steps in a sound forecasting process include the following:
  1. Define Assumptions. The first step in the forecasting process is to define the fundamental issues impacting the forecast. ...
  2. Gather Information. ...
  3. Preliminary/Exploratory Analysis. ...
  4. Select Methods. ...
  5. Implement Methods. ...
  6. Use Forecasts.

How do fashion forecasters work? ›

To accurately predict fashion trends one must observe and analyse social cultural movements to project a short, medium or long term impact on the direction of fashion. Trend forecasters use a mixture of intuition, research and data to create a scenario which they then communicate through writing and mood boards.

What is the impact of forecasting? ›

Forecasting is valuable to businesses because it gives the ability to make informed business decisions and develop data-driven strategies. Financial and operational decisions are made based on current market conditions and predictions on how the future looks.

What are major principles of forecasting? ›

The general principles are to use methods that are (1) structured, (2) quantitative, (3) causal, (4) and simple. I then examine how to match the forecasting methods to the situation. You cannot avoid judgment. However, when judgment is needed, you should use it in a structured way.

What is the most difficult part of forecasting? ›

Step 1: Problem definition. Often this is the most difficult part of forecasting. Defining the problem carefully requires an understanding of the way the forecasts will be used, who requires the forecasts, and how the forecasting function fits within the organisation requiring the forecasts.

Is forecasting difficult? ›

Predicting behavior in the future is no easy task. Yet, we energy forecasters do this every day. The complexity of the problem should not be understated.

What happens if forecast is wrong? ›

poor forecasting hits inventory harder than any other part of the business. Inaccurate sales predictions or failing to anticipate surges or troughs in customer demand can lead to an undersupply or oversupply of inventory, both of which can have negative consequences.

What are the 3 most important components of forecasting? ›

Elements of Forecasting:
  • James W. Redfield has summarized the essential elements as follows:
  • Developing the ground work:
  • Estimating future business:
  • Comparing actual with estimated results:
  • Refining the Forecast Process:

Which forecast is most reliable? ›

With the most complete global real-time and historical data, most robust database of forecast models, most advanced forecast engine globally, proprietary patents, and comprehensive validation results, AccuWeather is the most accurate weather company worldwide.

How can you make a forecast more accurate and reliable? ›

Create Realistic, Accurate Forecasts
  1. Begin With Your Baseline. Accurate forecasting is built on an accurate base. ...
  2. Focus On Key Factors. When forecasting, focus on the most meaningful data.
  3. Build From the Bottom Up. When making forecasts, you could work from the top down or the bottom up. ...
  4. Use Good Tools and Be Thorough.

Why is it called a forecast? ›

A storm in October 1859 that caused the loss of the Royal Charter inspired FitzRoy to develop charts to allow predictions to be made, which he called "forecasting the weather", thus coining the term "weather forecast".

What is nature of forecasting? ›

Forecasting refers to the practice of predicting what will happen in the future by taking into consideration events in the past and present. Basically, it is a decision-making tool that helps businesses cope with the impact of the future's uncertainty by examining historical data and trends.

How do you forecast sales? ›

How to Forecast Sales
  1. Establish a sales process for your team.
  2. Set individual and team quotas.
  3. Invest in a CRM.
  4. Choose a sales forecasting method.
  5. Include data from other organizations such as Marketing, Product, and Finance.
  6. Review prior sales forecasts.
  7. Keep your sales team informed and accountable.
4 Aug 2021

What is forecasting system? ›

Forecasting is the process of projecting past sales demand into the future. Implementing a forecasting system enables you to assess current market trends and sales quickly so that you can make informed decisions about the operations. You can use forecasts to make planning decisions about: Customer orders.

What are the 4 P's of fashion marketing? ›

The 4 Ps of marketing include product, price, place, and promotion. These are the key elements that must be united to effectively foster and promote a brand's unique value, and help it stand out from the competition.

What is 4th forecasting? ›

A 4-Way Forecast ensures that all financial statements are linked; any impact to your profit and loss statement will carry through to the balance sheet, cash flow statements and ratios (and vice versa). This article originated from the Xero blog.

What are the 4 key responsibilities of a fashion marketer? ›

Here are the job duties a fashion marketer may be responsible for: Develop brand image. Identify and research target audience of a brand. Analyze market reports.

What is the 4th stage of the fashion cycle? ›

4. Decline: In the decline stage, the trend will have become oversaturated in the market. During this period of time, the trend's intense popularity will begin to turn off consumers who want their outfits to feel fashion-forward and unique rather than mainstream.

What is the rule of 4 in fashion? ›

Kelly shared her Rule of Four lesson publicly when signups were open for the May course, so some of you may have seen it. The goal is to have at least four accessories or points of interest to every outfit.

What are the five most important points when planning a fashion show? ›

5 Key Tips for Planning a Fashion Show
  • Utilise technology as much as possible. It's important for anyone planning a fashion show to embrace technology. ...
  • Choose the right models. ...
  • Make sure the atmosphere is right. ...
  • Schedule in practice runs. ...
  • Make guests feel special.
16 Jan 2020

What are the 5 promotion strategies? ›

Types of promotional strategies include traditional and online advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations and sponsorships and sales promotions.

What is basic forecasting? ›

Forecasting is a technique that uses historical data as inputs to make informed estimates that are predictive in determining the direction of future trends. Businesses utilize forecasting to determine how to allocate their budgets or plan for anticipated expenses for an upcoming period of time.

What are forecasting tools? ›

10 top business forecasting tools
  • Cash flow statements. ...
  • Expert reports. ...
  • Industry association reports. ...
  • Internal assessments. ...
  • Modeling tools. ...
  • Organization charts. ...
  • Performance indicators. ...
  • Production charts.
22 Feb 2021

What is the main aim of fashion? ›

Fashion is unique, self-fulfilling and may be a key part of someone's identity. Similarly to art, the aims of a person's choices in fashion are not necessarily to be liked by everyone, but instead to be an expression of personal taste.

What is the goal of fashion marketing? ›

Fashion marketing is the process of managing the flow of merchandise from the initial selection of designs to be produced to the presentation of products to retail customers, with the goal of maximizing a company's sales and profitability.

What are the 3 main roles of marketing? ›

The Three Roles of Marketing
  • The First Role of Marketing: Get their attention.
  • The Second Role of Marketing: Help them figure out if it's a fit.
  • The Third Role of Marketing: Lower the risk of taking the next step.

What are the 3 theories of fashion? ›

There are three theories that explain how a fashion may travel to mass acceptance: Trickle-down theory. Trickle-up theory. Trickle-across theory.

Who uses fashion forecasts? ›

Long term forecasting (over 2 years ahead) is used by executives for corporate planning purposes. It is also used for marketing managers to position products in the marketplace in relationship to competition.

What is the 20 year rule in fashion? ›

Often referred to as the “20-year rule”, the cyclical concept that every 20 years or so the trends that were once popular will begin to be on the forefront again. Although, with the rise in social media, the trend cycle is being cut shorter and shorter.

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.