Fashion Nova under fire for using size 2 models for plus size line (2024)

Apr 5, 2017

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Fashion Nova under fire for using size 2 models for plus size line (2)


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Apr 5, 2017

Womenswear brand Fashion Nova is under fire this week for using size 2 models to show off its plus-size and curvy collection. In addition, fans of the brand have taken to social media to point out the brand's obvious photoshopping. The brand has been over-airbrushing models and shrinking their waist sizes to make the models look curvier.

Fashion Nova under fire for using size 2 models for plus size line (5)

The controversy was sparked by plus-size model Tabria Majors, who took to social media to ask the brand “Why do you use size 2 models to represent your plus size line?” The post quickly gathered over 14,000 likes and hundreds of comments.

In response to this, Fashion Nova issued a statement, saying that since launching the plus-size and curvy section three months ago, and the brand has not yet had time to properly photograph the collection using plus-size and curvy models. Fashion Nova continued that the brand has scheduled a time to photograph the collection using plus-size and curvy models.

Another point of contention that the public has raised against the brand: Fashion Nova's overuse of photo editing. Fashion Nova has clearly been altering of images to make models look curvier than they are.

Fashion Nova under fire for using size 2 models for plus size line (6)

This photoshopping controversy is surprising given fashion’s shift to more size-inclusive collections and photo-shop free campaigns. Aerie has always been at the forefront of this – the brand has been running photoshop-free ads for years, which has been well received by critics and consumers. Plus-size retailer Torrid has looked to social-media sourced models to show off its intimates offerings. Even Target has joined the bandwagon, launched a photoshop-free swimwear campaign featuring a cast of models of varying sizes.

Fashion Nova has blown up over the past few years, thanks to the celebrity support from the likes of Kylie Jenner, Amber Rose, and Khloe Kardashian. While it was only three months ago that the brand launched a curve and plus-size specific section, the brand has always put an emphasis on extended sizes and garments fitted to more curvy silhouettes.

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Fashion Nova under fire for using size 2 models for plus size line (2024)


Fashion Nova under fire for using size 2 models for plus size line? ›

People are speaking out on social media. Fast-fashion retailer Fashion Nova garnered a seal of approval from none other than Kylie Jenner, but now the company is receiving major backlash for imagery promoting their plus size and curve collection.

What size do most plus size models wear? ›

As a general rule, plus-size models are defined by the fashion industry as anyone larger than a size 6. These days, however, most women deemed plus-size models are a size 12/14 or higher, bringing the industry's perception of what counts as plus-size a little more in line with that of the public.

What size should I not be for a plus size model? ›

While you may need to fit into a certain size to become a plus model, that's not all. Plus models are generally 5 feet 8 inches to 6 feet tall and wear a size 12 and up. A size 12 is not actually a plus size; it's on the larger end of regular sizes.

Are there any plus size models? ›

Ashley Graham has become a household name; British Vogue anointed Paloma Elsesser, Precious Lee, and curve model Jill Kortleve “the new supers;” Yumi Nu graced the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. But even with this increase in visibility, there is still a long way to go.

What weights are plus size models? ›

Plus-size models

Female measurements: Plus-size women working in modeling are usually a size 12 and above. Their weight should typically be between 161 and 205 pounds, with a chest size of 41” to 45”.

How to dress like a plus size model? ›

10 Plus-Size Fashion Tips with a Body-Positive Attitude
  1. Give your body, psyche and wardrobe a boost.
  2. Dress to elongate your body.
  3. Show off your shape.
  4. Define your waist.
  5. Or wear dresses and tunics that flow.
  6. Work with your personal proportions.
  7. Opt for relaxed pieces.
  8. Add jackets and cardigans.
Sep 15, 2022

Do plus size models wear shapewear? ›

Plus-size models engage in, at times, severe bodily management practices, such as strict calorie restriction to drop a size and even binge eating to gain a size, as well as more routine bodily manipulations, such as applying make-up and hair products, wearing shapewear, and adding body padding to make the body frame ...

Is Chubby considered plus-size? ›

The girls' equivalent of plus-size fashion was called “Chubby” from the 1950s to the 1970s. “Chubby Clubs” were organized throughout the country to give girls of size a sense of community. Decades later, “chubby” is still a term sometimes used to describe larger body types.

Are plus-size models really plus-size? ›

In reality, plus-size women come in all shapes and sizes. They're apple and triangle-shaped, they have square and round hips, double chins and stomach rolls—today's top plus-size models simply don't represent the reality of being a plus-size woman.

Can I be a plus size model at 5 2? ›

For print media, the requirement is size 12-14. The runway requires models in size 18-22. The ideal height for runways for a plus-size model is between 5'9'' to 6''.

Who is the heaviest plus-size model? ›

Tess Munster/Holliday is lots of things. She's a mother, a style icon and the keeper of 357,000 Instagram followers. This week, she's celebrating another victory. Holliday was signed to a major modeling contract with MiLk Model Management -- as the "largest" plus-size model they have.

Who is the famous plus-size models girl? ›

Famous plus-size models like Ashley Graham, Mia Tyler, Emme, and many others have paved the way for curvy models. Size doesn't matter, and curvy models have proved it by earning success in the modeling industry.

What size does a 200 pound woman wear? ›

However, a woman who weighs between 180-200 lbs may typically wear a clothing size that ranges from XL to 3XL, depending on her body shape and height. It's important to remember that clothing sizes are just a guide, and it's always best to try on clothing to ensure a proper fit.

What waist size is considered plus-size? ›

According to PLUS Model magazine, "In the fashion industry, plus size is identified as sizes 18 and over, or sizes 1X-6X and extended size as 7X and up". The article continues "Susan Barone [...] shared, 'Plus sizes are sizes 14W – 24W. Super sizes and extended sizes are used interchangeably for sizes 26W and above.

What's the difference between plus-size and overweight? ›

Body mass index (BMI) is often used to determine if someone is obese, but it is not a perfect measure and can be misleading. Plus-size, on the other hand, simply refers to someone who is larger than the average size for their height.

Is size 6 a plus size model? ›

But according to Modeling Wisdom, plus-size models often fall into the range of sizes 8 to 12. Sometimes, even a size 6 can be considered. This consideration has ultimately raised some eyebrows. Besides, the average American woman wears between a Misses size 16 to 18, which corresponds to a Women's Plus size 20W.

What percentage of models are plus sized? ›

According to the Vogue Business Size Inclusivity Report, only a measly 0.6 per cent of the looks shown throughout the entire season were on plus-size bodies. I had to read that statistic twice. In practice, it means that just 17 of the 219 brands shown across all four fashion cities featured a plus-size look.

Is 1X the same as XL? ›

Completely different sizes—different cuts, different proportions, different everything. XL is a much smaller size than 1X. As someone else mentioned, they're from different size ranges—XL is a misses/straight size, 1X is a women's/plus size.

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