Fashion Trends: Why Some Designs Become So Popular & The Role Of Social Media (2024)

Is it possible to explain what drives a fashion trend? Why do we care so much about what celebrities wear? A wide range of factors influences people’s clothing choices. Rather than mere clothes, fashion has become a way to express ourselves and our identity.

This blog post will explore what a fashion trend is and the different areas of influence that make a new trend emerge.

Table Of Contents

  1. What is a fashion trend?
  2. What starts a fashion trend?
    • Runways and Fashion Week
    • Street style
    • Celebrities
    • Social media and influencers
  3. Final thoughts

What is a fashion trend?

A fashion trend implies a specific style or expression distributed over a population at a given period and location. A trend is a transitory style that is not necessarily determined by the seasons when the fashion brands release collections. Several variables impact fashion trends, including films, climate, creative explorations, political, economic, social, and technical influences.

Fashion has always been and continues to be a reflection of society and current events. Famous cultural personalities such as celebrities, singers, and other high-profile persons also impact fashion trends.

The notion of a trend, or the idea of altering your appearance regularly, has been around for a long time. The concept initially came to light in the 14th century, when the upper echelons of society exploited changing fashion trends to demonstrate their riches, success, and position.

If you could afford to purchase new clothing every few months or even weeks, you certainly had a lot of money. The lower classes followed suit to demonstrate that they were near enough to notice what the queen or equivalent loved or disliked.

Fashion Trends: Why Some Designs Become So Popular & The Role Of Social Media (1)

Current fashion trends are often cyclical, borrowing inspiration from previous decades and rearranging them to match present preferences. Clothing patterns that were deemed unfashionable a decade ago are now seeing a renaissance in appeal.

Trend forecasting is so important that it has become a profession. High-profile designers, journalists, and photographers depend on these tastemakers to identify the following trendy style.

With advances in technology such as artificial intelligence and deep learning, trend forecasting can be more accurate than ever. Some agencies dedicate themselves to helping fashion brands predict coming trends. Such is the case with Heuritech, a startup that analyzes the precise details of social media images for a comprehensive understanding of products, customers, and the market.

What starts a fashion trend?

Fashion is fundamentally the most common means of expression: it refers to the ever-changing clothing worn by persons of cultural rank. When others imitate or replicate a particular clothing style, this becomes a fashion trend.

Nowadays, most fashion trends begin with designers who create a spring and autumn collection based on signals and inspiration received throughout the season. These signals might come from trend forecasters, popular culture, celebrities, music, politics, nature, or something else. Fashion designers display their creations to photographers, reporters, buyers, and stars during spring and autumn runway shows.

The pictures and fashion articles that journalists and photographers create and the purchase decisions made by retail buyers and fashion-forward celebrities affect how the general public perceives the designer’s work.

Fashion brands take influence from these fashion designers and make designs that are affordable to the general public. The fashion trend then spreads to nearby malls, shopping complexes, and shops. Some trends begin in one nation and spread to others, while others stay exclusive to a single area.

While design houses continue to affect fashion trends, they are no longer the only influencing factor on contemporary fashion trends. Fashion trends currently begin and grow in these ways: On the street, among celebrities, social media, and the world’s fashion capitals.

Runways and Fashion Week

Many of today’s trends are undoubtedly influenced by the ensembles designers send down the runways during Fashion Week events in New York, Milan, and Paris each season. Every season, fashion fans wait with bated breath to discover what has happened in the brains of their favorite designers during the previous months.

Because fashion and trends fluctuate throughout the globe, individuals often seek to see what is occurring in the world’s fashion capitals to see what others are wearing and adapt those patterns into their life.

Fashion Trends: Why Some Designs Become So Popular & The Role Of Social Media (2)

Trends begin on the runway because runway looks are fantasy moments produced by fashion designers. While many of the ensembles on the catwalk are mass-produced, Fashion Week events also include numerous items deemed couture. These are the things that people look forward to since they are usually extravagant. These are the items that viewers remember and begin to style their clothes after.

When individuals, including designers, fashion fans, bloggers, and magazine editors-in-chief, turn outside of their geographic region to source trends, they often gravitate toward these very fashionable towns in search of a one-of-a-kind newness. Trends from across the globe provide a unique perspective on fashion and allow fashion enthusiasts to incorporate something new into their lives.

Street style

The term “street style” refers to everyday styles that may be observed on the streets. These are the appearances that individuals wear that influence others who see them and are inspired by them. Overall, street style is a newer phrase in fashion, but it demonstrates how much influence anybody can have on how fashion is seen and trends are established!

Fashion Trends: Why Some Designs Become So Popular & The Role Of Social Media (3)


There is no doubt about it – celebrities are one of the most potent factors in trend development. The public adores celebrities and follows their every move, hanging on every word they say. Celebrities are compelling fashion icons, so large corporations hire them as spokesmen for their businesses and goods.

Celebrities might have a more extensive reach than current fashion magazines due to their massive fan base. Their admirers often imitate what they do. They are a source of trendsetting information that people go to for inspiration and guidance.

Fashion Trends: Why Some Designs Become So Popular & The Role Of Social Media (4)

Social media and influencers

Over the last several years, influencers and social media stars have overtaken magazine editors in the fashion industry’s popularity rankings. These influencers have become trendsetters by providing content that encourages their followers to purchase the things they advocate.

In the past, fashion trends were often initiated and developed only via the process of the fashion brands to the magazine to customer – and this remained the case for a very long time. Things have changed in our contemporary Internet-savvy society.

Editors, seasoned designers, and strong merchants used to be the gatekeepers of the fashion industry. Magazines were still regarded as the bible for fashion inspiration and new seasonal must-haves years ago. So much has changed since Instagram’s inception in 2010.

Instagram now has approximately 1 billion monthly users and more than 100 million photographs posted every day. Can you fathom how powerful these visuals are? In reality, they impact three-quarters of transactions, according to Heuritech. And since manufacturers tag their e-shops directly in photos on Instagram, the purchase is only a click away.

Instagram isn’t the only social media site influencing change in the famous fashion business; Weibo, Pinterest, TikTok, and YouTube play essential roles as millennials, and Gen Z-ers become influencers and influencees. The fashion industry as a whole has moved from exclusive to inclusive: customers now share their ideas on social media.

But what motivates a fashion influencer to begin wearing a particularly desirable item or look? As mentioned previously, fashion reflects what is going on in the world around us – politics, economy, and culture. Trends are about capturing the zeitgeist; they define a spirit or attitude. Fashion influencers have demonstrated to the people they have mastered this art. They have exceptional taste and are generating trends in the fashion industry rather than following them! Designers often resort to fashion bloggers and celebrities to wear and promote their items since they are fully aware of their effect.

When fashion bloggers get their hands on these luxury clothing, they establish trends by styling them in different ways, shooting themselves, and sharing the photographs with their vast audiences.

Fashion bloggers have enormous power in their respective fields. People follow fashion bloggers because they want to know how a trend is produced. Fashion bloggers provide a unique viewpoint on the fashion world, which their audience enjoys and appreciates.

Nano influencers have less than 10K followers and have the highest engagement rate with 4%. Consumers are more likely to listen to individuals in their immediate circle than famous influencers because this connection fosters more trust and intimacy.

The above suggests that a high percentage of users trust other users and their perspectives and some of them consult at least one social media site before purchasing. Smaller influencers and word-of-mouth may drive more advertising than other methods.

Final thoughts

Influenced by a multitude of elements, including social media and technology, fashion trends are constantly evolving. Now we can rely on artificial intelligence to predict the next big trend. What are your opinions on how technology has impacted our lives? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Fashion Trends: Why Some Designs Become So Popular & The Role Of Social Media (2024)


Fashion Trends: Why Some Designs Become So Popular & The Role Of Social Media? ›

Digital Fashion Inspiration

Social media creates a space full of fashion inspiration, outfit ideas, and style tips. Therefore, its capacity for information makes it easy for people to discover fashion staples across time, with social media playing a role in the recent resurgence of early 2000s fashion trends.

How does social media influence fashion trends? ›

Digital Fashion Inspiration

Social media creates a space full of fashion inspiration, outfit ideas, and style tips. Therefore, its capacity for information makes it easy for people to discover fashion staples across time, with social media playing a role in the recent resurgence of early 2000s fashion trends.

What is the role of social media in fashion designing? ›


It is easier for Fashion Brands to create a brand image and build awareness amongst their customers as they are more visible to their audience. Sponsored posts and digital ads help brands to create more audience-based content hence engaging with more customers.

What makes a fashion trend popular? ›

The rise of a fashion trend

Today, this often happens with the help of celebrities and influencers who popularize a style either by paid promotion or genuine appreciation. Stylists and media strategists often play a big role in this form of popularization, calculating which influencer will wear what.

What are the 5 ways social media affects fashion? ›

These are the 5 ways Social Media affects Fashion:
  • User-Generated Content.
  • The emergence of Mobile Apps.
  • Niche Communities.
  • A New Marketing revolution.
  • Innovation and Technology.
Jan 21, 2023

What is the power of social media in fashion industry? ›

Social media allows brands to showcase their products, tell their brand story, and engage with their audience on a more personal level. In addition, social media platforms have become the go-to source for inspiration and product research for many consumers.

Why is social media important for fashion brands? ›

Build brand awareness and customer loyalty in key markets. Visually showcase their products (e.g., modelling pictures) Ensure that advertising campaigns are resonating with global audiences. Share company updates, new releases, events, and other information.

How social factors influence fashion? ›

Social factors affecting fashion include cultures, norms, lifestyle, demographics and population changes. For example, a small clothing manufacturer needs to create styles that appeal to those of different cultures, especially if those cultural groups represent large enough segments of its market.

How does social media influence design? ›

Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook all have a huge impact on graphic design because they are all user-friendly ways for people to share content with one another while interacting; this can lead designers into connecting with clients or discovering new ideas through inspiration gained from following trends that are ...

What are the three main influences on fashion trends? ›

But along with it, the following are some other significant factors that influence fashion:
  • Psychological Factor.
  • Social Factor.
  • Economic Factor.
  • Cultural Factor.
  • Political Factor.
  • Environmental Factor.
  • Physiological Factor.
Oct 13, 2022

Why is the fashion industry so popular? ›

Fast fashion became common because of cheaper, speedier manufacturing and shipping methods, an increase in consumers' appetite for up-to-the-minute styles, and the increase in consumer purchasing power—especially among young people—to indulge these instant-gratification desires.

Why are fashion trends coming back? ›

Fashion trends are cyclical because we are constantly being influenced by the fashions before us, nostalgia for eras past, the economy, social media, and so much more. But ultimately, what you buy for your closet should reflect your style, what you like to wear, and what you feel most beautiful in.

How social media affects appearance? ›

Social media can expose users to hundreds or even thousands of images and photos every day, including those of celebrities and fashion or fitness models, which we know leads to an internalization of beauty ideals that are unattainable for almost everyone, resulting in greater dissatisfaction with body weight and shape. ...

Which social media is best for fashion? ›

This fashion merchant also uses many social media marketing strategies to market and promote their latest trends and to keep in touch with their existing customers. According to the respondents of this fashion e-tailer, Instagram is the most valuable social media channel for them.

What are 4 impacts of social media? ›

However, social media use can also negatively affect teens, distracting them, disrupting their sleep, and exposing them to bullying, rumor spreading, unrealistic views of other people's lives and peer pressure.

How can the media influence fashion? ›

The media has a very big influence on fashion. The media can include things such as social media, websites, videos, books, music and many other things. These things influence how we view fashion and the way we dress every day. New trends come and go and these are made public through the media.

What is the social role of fashion? ›

Fashion keeps a society lively through different new styles and subsequent changes. Fashion promotes social changes from time to time and also respects traditions and customs in society. Fashion encourages to modify or amend all those customs that are rigid and have no relevancy anymore.

What are four types of social media that have an influence on fashion consumers behavior? ›

Social media has become a part of our globally connected world in multiple ways, and most recently the fashion industry is seeing a major shift in its inspiration for designs and trends, all thanks to social media and blogging sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.

How do fashion brands engage on social media? ›

Using a netnography approach, we found three main factors that influence online success: the interaction of the brand with consumers, the constant and consistent update of photos and videos with relevant content, and the use of celebrities to advertise the products and campaigns of the brand.

How does fashion reflect social change? ›

Insight into cultural values − Fashion can provide insight into the ways that cultural values and attitudes towards gender, race, and other social categories are expressed and performed through dress. Tracking changes in social norms − Fashion can be used as a tool for tracking changes in social norms and values.

What are some social factors that impact design? ›

Social factors mean influences that come from society and the cultures within.
Examples of social and cultural factors are;
  • community values.
  • religion.
  • politics.
  • history.
  • artistic, musical, fashion and literary styles, trends and practices.

How does social media affect influence? ›

Social media and other media can influence the decisions that pre-teens and teenagers make about their health and lifestyle. For example, media messages and content can make it look 'normal', cool or grown-up to eat junk food, smoke, vape, drink alcohol and take other drugs.

What is fashion design influenced by? ›

Fashion design is the art of applying design, aesthetics, clothing construction and natural beauty to clothing and its accessories. It is influenced by culture and different trends, and has varied over time and place.

What are the two major trends in fashion industry? ›

Sustainability and digitization are the two major categories that will determine and change fashion trends in the future. No brand or retailer will be able to avoid them. Sustainability and digitization are anything but opposites.

What are the four 4 basic elements of fashion design? ›

The four basic ingredients or elements of design used in fashion are shape or silhouette, line, colour and texture. A silhouette can be described as the outline of the entire garment. This is the most obvious visual element of the garment. It creates the initial impact before any other details are noticed.

When did fashion become so popular? ›

If you've ever wondered when fashion trends began moving at a dizzying speed, it was the 1960s, as young people embraced cheaply made clothing to follow these new trends and reject the sartorial traditions of older generations.

Why is fast fashion becoming more popular? ›

Affordability is a major factor that drives consumers to choose fast fashion over sustainable options. While some brands offer more affordable sustainably-made items, fast fashion brands can produce garments at a much lower cost than sustainable fashion brands, allowing them to sell their products at a lower price.

Is fashion becoming more popular? ›

The rise of new technologies, communication innovations, and social media has pushed fast fashion in front of many indecisive customers. Brands and retailers will often partner with social media personalities to promote their products in front of new audiences.

What old fashion trends are coming back? ›

10 Fashion Trends That Are Making a Comeback
  • Mom jeans – 90s. ...
  • Round glasses – 20s. ...
  • Corduroy – 70s. ...
  • Chunky sneakers – 80s. ...
  • White boots – 70s. ...
  • Chokers – 90s. ...
  • High waisted jeans – 80s. ...
  • Silk scarves – 50s.

How quickly do fashion trends change? ›

Generally, most fashion trends last nearly one year, but some trends, usually the acceptable, last much longer. It is considered that normally fashion trends re-emerge nearly every twenty years.

How do trends spread? ›

It's simple: trends are spread by people. Everyone has a specific role in making an idea or activity a trend. The Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI) best describes the types of people that make a trend possible.

How social media has changed beauty? ›

Social media promotes photoshop, filters, plastic surgery, and makeup. Young users believe that the fabricated appearances that these methods create are natural. So, when young people can't look like Instagram models, it impacts their self-esteem and mental health greatly.

Does social media affect the way we dress? ›

We know that social media has had a dramatic impact on the fashion industry – from business models to marketing – but it has also changed the way we dress ourselves every day. Women today are constantly sharing selfies, and don't want to wear an outfit that they've already been seen in (on social media).

How does social media influence what you think is beautiful? ›

Social media platforms often feature images of people with seemingly perfect faces and bodies, often using filters and photo editing tools to enhance their appearance. This can create unrealistic beauty standards, leading to body dissatisfaction and low self-esteem in both women and men.

Does fashion depend on media? ›

Social media has influenced the fashion industry more than any other industry. For the most part, fashion used to be a two-dimensional, one-sided industry. Brands put their clothing in magazines and users consumed ideas and inspiration by flipping through the pages.

Does social media encourage fast fashion? ›

Typically, trends run on a '20 year cycle' meaning clothes we were wearing 20 years ago are considered fashionable again. However, in recent years, the speed of the fashion cycle has accelerated, largely due to social media.

What are the best fashion trends? ›

Style trends keep changing every year and to keep up with the fashion game it is important to slay everyday. Check out these best fashion trends for Spring 2023
  • Floral Dresses. ...
  • Oversized Blazers. ...
  • Baggy Jeans. ...
  • Pastel Colour Palette. ...
  • Bohemian Style. ...
  • Chikankari Kurti. ...
  • Skirts.
Mar 12, 2023

What are the 4 C's of social media? ›

Social Media is about content, conversations, community and connections.

What is the biggest impact of social media? ›

The more time spent on social media can lead to cyberbullying, social anxiety, depression, and exposure to content that is not age appropriate. Social Media is addicting. When you're playing a game or accomplishing a task, you seek to do it as well as you can.

What are the 5 benefits of social media? ›

Here are five advantages of social media use:
  • Build relationships. Social media is used for more than just brand-customer interaction. ...
  • Share your expertise. You have the chance to talk about what you know and what you want to be recognized for on social media. ...
  • Increase your visibility. ...
  • Educate yourself. ...
  • Connect anytime.
Sep 20, 2022

How has TikTok influenced fashion trends? ›

TikTok has been the driving factor behind both broader trends in style — like the move away from skinny jeans — and the popularization of specific products, like the Gap logo hoodie and the Skims dress.

What is the social influence of fast fashion? ›

Fast fashion promotes the throwaway culture, excessive consumerism, and makes clothes disposable commodities. Many consumers make purchasing decisions based on their emotions. Retailers use that behavior and tap into the subconscious of consumers.

How many people use social media for fashion inspiration? ›

Almost half (47.5 percent) of the 2,000 U.S. online fashion shoppers surveyed by Yotpo say their most recent online fashion purchase was inspired by social media.

How has Instagram impacted the fashion industry? ›

Overall, it was found that Instagram is indeed one of the most used platforms by fashion brands to advertise their products. Furthermore, participants agreed that fashion influencers are the new marketing tool for fashion brands to increase their online presence and engage with their audience.

Why is TikTok important for fashion brands? ›

TikTok is all about visuals. This makes it one of the best platforms for fashion brands. Collaborating with influencers—big or small—has always been a driving marketing force in the fashion industry.

Why brands are turning to TikTok? ›

TikTok's success fits into a larger shift in online shopping: influencer marketing. Through eye-catching posts and clips, social media influencers can boost brand awareness and buying intent in their audience, helping brands reach highly engaged potential customers.

What are the two social reasons for wearing clothing? ›

Protection: Clothing that provides physical safeguards to the body, preventing harm from climate and environment. Identification: Establishing who someone is or what they do. Modesty: Covering the body according to the code of decency established by society. Status: One's position or rank in comparison to others.

How does fashion affect your identity? ›

Fashion is a non-verbal communication that can represent one's political and religious beliefs, gender identity, occupation, and essence. Whether intentional or not, the way that you dress can send a message to others about how you view yourself and how you want to be seen.

What is the biggest impact of fast fashion? ›

The Dark Side of Fast Fashion

It dries up water sources and pollutes rivers and streams, while 85% of all textiles go to dumps each year. Even washing clothes releases 500,000 tons of microfibres into the ocean each year, the equivalent of 50 billion plastic bottles.

What are the main impacts of fast fashion? ›

Plastic fibres are polluting the oceans, the wastewater, toxic dyes, and the exploitation of underpaid workers. Fast fashion is big business, and while the environmental costs are rising, experts say there is another way: a circular economy for textiles.

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.