Fast fashion and its social and environmental impact (2024)

Maybe you are not familiar with the term “fast fashion,” but you do know what “fast food” is, right? If not, let us explain it to you. Fast food is a type of mass-produced meal designed for commercial resale and focused on serving and eating fast. It’s not concerned about your health or its impact on our planet. And, when it comes to Fast Fashion, the main concept is basically the same.

To make clothes cheaper and increase sales, some companies adopted a business model that focuses only on profiting and, consequently, production amount. After all, the more they produce, the more they’ll sell.

Of course, there are a lot of strategies behind it, such as marketing, communications, and trend hunting. In short, fast fashion it’s not concerned about the employee’s situation or the environmental impact.

As Good on You defined, fast fashion means cheap, trendy clothing that samples ideas from fashion shows and celebrities and turns them into mass products. With over 12 collections per year, fast fashion brands aim to get the newest styles on the market as fast as possible.

However, this business model has brought a series of social and sustainable problems.

The shocking truth of the Environmental Impact of Fast Fashion

Fast fashion offers low costs but also low quality and textile waste.

The math is simple: with the fast fashion industry concerned only about selling, to make the business run, it’s important to create the product as cheaply as possible. And, to reduce its costs, an alternative is to lower its quality. It means that after using it a few times, fast fashion pieces will wear out, get ugly, tear and/or even fade the color. With that, the items end up becoming completely disposable in a short period of time.

Basically, if a product has a short service life, soon one will have to throw it away. Therefore, producing more trash and heavily polluting the environment. After all, we are talking about the disposal of clothes on a world scale. Actually, most of the time, these pieces end up in landfills or being incinerated.

How did Fast Fashion begin?

Before the 1800s, fashion was slow. People didn’t buy as much as today, and when they did, the majority of the purchases would come from small artisanal stores, with high-quality materials and production.

As said in The History of Fashion: From the 1900s to Today, after the Industrial Revolution, factories adopted new technologies, like the sewing machine. Making clothes became easier, cheaper, and quicker. Dressmaking shops emerged to cater for the middle classes and soon the demand started increasing. Around this time, sweatshops emerged, along with problems with the working conditions of employees and rampant consumption.

With that, the fast fashion phenomenon emerged not only to fulfill the consumer’s demand, but to make them buy more. After all, fast fashion clothes are cheaper, with less quality and super trendy. The last less than a hyped trend.

Summing it up, those companies and brands are so focused on profit that they left behind important points such as employees’ rights and the environmental impact.

Some facts about the environmental impact of fast fashion

Data is always a good source to better understand a certain reality. Check below 20 – worrying – facts about the real social & environmental impacts of fast fashion.

1. More than 50% of fast fashion clothes will be discarded within one year of purchase thanks to fast-moving trends and low quality

In 2020, a research on Social Responsibility Report of China’s Textile and Apparel Industry was released. It showed that major fast fashion companies – such as H&M, Zara, and Forever 21 – release around 14 collections per year. That means more than 1 per month.

Every new collection comes with a comprehensive range of pieces. They want to offer as many options to consumers as possible. Ok, you may think that this is amazing because consumers have freedom of choice.

While the trend-conscious consumer moves fast too, and a trending design can become obsolete within two weeks of its launch. Fast fashion brands leverage social media and influencers to introduce new trends. People who are always searching for the latest fashion find themselves on a rollercoaster trying to keep up with the trends.

2. In 2014, people bought 60% less than in 2000. However, they kept the clothes for half as long

According to the World Economic Forum, fast fashion makes shopping for clothes more affordable, but it comes at an environmental cost. So, even though people are buying less, the clothing is also lasting lass. Therefore, throwing them away more often and, of course, producing more trash.

3. By 2030, global apparel consumption is projected to rise by 63%

As stated by a UK report, consumption will go from the current 62 million tons to 102 million tons. It is equivalent to more than 500 billion additional T-shirts going out of stores in only one year.

4. The sustainability ‘pulse’ of the fashion industry is 32 out of 100

The impression that the fashion industry is moving towards being greener is not all that real. According to research carried out by Boston Consulting Group and Global Fashion Agenda for the Copenhagen Fashion Summit in 2017 on a scale of 100, the fashion industry is only on 32 when it comes to the desire and real actions towards sustainability.

Fast Fashion Documentary

Clothing production consumes resources and contributes to climate change. According to Fashion Revolution, the raw materials used to make fast fashion clothes require land and water, or the extraction of fossil fuels. This means that the production itself is already cruel to the environment.

Also, as said, the products are disposable. Once the material doesn’t have quality, after a couple of times using a piece of clothing, it will become trash. That practice increased the amount of textile waste.

The bad impact of fast fashion doesn’t leave behind the social impact issues. To ensure the small prices of the clothes, the employees in this industry work in conditions similar to slavery. They receive ridiculous wages and, also, put their lives and the lives of their families at risk.

You can see all of this in the documentary The True Cost. The movie shows the reality of these workers and also talks about the Rana Plaza tragedy, in which over 1,000 men and women lost their lives while making our clothes.

Fashion is to love but it is also about human rights, sustainability, and social impact. It needs a change and it’s up to us to make this revolution in the fashion industry by maintaining its profits, but, mostly, making it more transparent, honest, and socially responsible.

Fashion Is Reducing Impact & Achieving Sustainable Goals

The numbers are really scary. The fashion industry is one of the primary industries responsible for negatively impacting the environment. In the last Worldwide Talks, Kutay Saritosun – the Head of Marketing & Communications of Bluesign Technologies – explained the importance of having visibility into your textile supply network to measure and reduce the impact on people and the planet. Bluesign Technologies works with several brands and highlights the industry’s social impact.

Another issue is carbon emissions. The fashion industry should control the amount of gases released into the atmosphere. But, unfortunately, things are not how they should be. Each country has its regulations and laws and, today, some nations tend to have greater control over these gases emitted. However, there is still much to be done.

Kutay Saritosun talks about reducing the impact to be sustainable as possible and also follow legislation. He exemplifies the Europe Union, about the so-called EU Green Deal, a set of policies and strategies articulated by the European Commission to contain the threat of global warming.

The biggest fast fashion nowadays is Shein. Read our full article about it and its controversies!

Fast fashion and its social and environmental impact (2024)


Fast fashion and its social and environmental impact? ›

It dries up water sources and pollutes rivers and streams, while 85% of all textiles go to dumps each year. Even washing clothes releases 500,000 tons of microfibres into the ocean each year, the equivalent of 50 billion plastic bottles.

What are the social and environmental impacts of fast fashion? ›

Unfortunately, fast fashion is one of the biggest causes of pollution in the world. Large quantities of greenhouse gases, the depletion of non-renewable resources and sweat-shop environments are all present in the production of fast-fashion garments.

What impacts does fast fashion have on the environment? ›

Plastic fibres are polluting the oceans, the wastewater, toxic dyes, and the exploitation of underpaid workers. Fast fashion is big business, and while the environmental costs are rising, experts say there is another way: a circular economy for textiles.

What are the social impacts of fast fashion industry? ›

Fast fashion promotes the throwaway culture, excessive consumerism, and makes clothes disposable commodities. Many consumers make purchasing decisions based on their emotions. Retailers use that behavior and tap into the subconscious of consumers.

What are the social factors affecting fashion? ›

Social factors affecting fashion include cultures, norms, lifestyle, demographics and population changes. For example, a small clothing manufacturer needs to create styles that appeal to those of different cultures, especially if those cultural groups represent large enough segments of its market.

What are 3 impacts that the fashion industry has on the environment? ›

While the fashion sector is booming, increasing attention has been brought to the impressive range of negative environmental impacts that the industry is responsible for. Fashion production makes up 10% of humanity's carbon emissions, dries up water sources, and pollutes rivers and streams.

Why is fast fashion a problem in society? ›

In addition to environmental issues, fast fashion garments spark a lot of ethical concerns. They are often made in sweatshops where underpaid workers are employed for long hours in unsafe conditions and are exposed to harmful chemicals used in textile production.

How fast fashion harms the environment and people's health? ›

Garments contain a variety of harmful chemicals including PFAS, azo dyes, phthalates, and formaldehyde (Fashinnovation, 2022). These chemicals come with risks of irritation; respiratory, developmental, and reproductive problems; and certain cancers.

What is the dark side of fast fashion? ›

The Darker Side of Fast-Fashion

Fast-fashion production is outsourced in countries like India, Vietnam, China, and Bangladesh with cheap labor. This raises other concerns in relation to the exploitation of workers who work in unsafe and inhumane conditions with zero safety net and low wages.

Can fast fashion be environmentally friendly? ›

Critics assert that fast fashion apparel cannot be sustainable by its very nature. The poor quality of the material makes it hard to recycle, even if the brands commit to recycling a certain percentage of used or unsold products.

What negative impact does fast fashion have? ›

Fast fashion relies on cheap, disposable clothing that is produced quickly and sold at low prices, encouraging consumers to buy and discard clothing at an alarming rate. As a result, landfills are overflowing with discarded clothing, and textile waste is piling up.

What are the social justice issues in fast fashion? ›

Because fast fashion cannot exist without the exploitation of garment and other industry workers (to keep prices low enough for a high rate of consumption), the current fast fashion model is both an environmental and social justice crisis. The social costs also span far beyond working conditions.

What would happen if fast fashion stopped? ›

Doubling the use of our clothes would, for example, cut the garment trade's climate pollution by nearly half. Shutting down worldwide clothing production for a year would be equal to grounding all international flights and stopping all maritime shipping for the same time period.

What are the 5 ways social media affects fashion? ›

  • The rise of Fashion Influencers. ...
  • A new Marketing Frontier. ...
  • New Pathways, New Circulations. ...
  • Innovative Media. ...
  • A New Way to Shop. ...
  • Cultivated Brand Image and Increased Awareness. ...
  • Connection with Customers. ...
  • Increased Traffic.
Mar 31, 2022

What are the 3 biggest influences on fashion? ›

Fashion Designing Basics: Factors Influencing Popular Fashion
  • Fashion Forecast (Colour & Fabric) Deciding the colour, fabric and look for the upcoming season is something that every designer works on. ...
  • Movies & Music. The entertainment world is a major influencer of fashion. ...
  • Fashion Stylist. ...
  • Economy of a Country.
Dec 20, 2017

Is fast fashion destroying our environment? ›

These unsold garments are often burned, as it's cheaper and easier for the company than finding a way to reuse or recycle them. Apart from wasting resources, the fast fashion industry pollutes waterways with toxic dyes, and increases the number of microfibres in the ocean through the use of fossil fuel-based fabrics.

What environmental issues does fashion cause? ›

Here are four direct environmental impacts that the fashion industry has:
  • Carbon emissions. The production, manufacturing and transportation of clothing emits massive quantities of carbon into the environment. ...
  • Pollution footprint. ...
  • Latent waste and landfill. ...
  • Water consumption.
Dec 4, 2022

What are the negative effects of fashion on environment and working conditions? ›

In addition, the equivalent of a truckload of clothes is burnt or buried in landfills every second, further increasing the industry's carbon footprint. Furthermore, creating textiles is an energy-intensive process that demands an excessive amount of petroleum.

What are the ethical issues with fast fashion? ›

These ethical issues include wages of the garment workers that work for fast fashion contractors, the working conditions in the factory itself, and employment of child labor in developing country that involve garment factories and also the social effect towards the environment and the villages around the factory.

What is the fast fashion social movement? ›

The #FastFashion movement, specifically focusing on sustainability issues, is considered to have undergone an Organic growth. While there were a couple events that had facilitated increased social media awareness, such as the textile factory that burned down in India in 2013 and Stella McCartney's exposing campaign ...

What are the pros and cons of fast fashion? ›

Fast fashion's benefits are affordable prices and instant gratification for consumers, more profits for companies, and the democratization of stylish clothing. On the downside, fast fashion is also associated with pollution, waste, the promulgation of a "disposable" mentality, low wages, and unsafe workplaces.

How fast fashion affects society? ›

It dries up water sources and pollutes rivers and streams, while 85% of all textiles go to dumps each year. Even washing clothes releases 500,000 tons of microfibres into the ocean each year, the equivalent of 50 billion plastic bottles.

How can we reduce the impact of fast fashion on the environment? ›

The French environment agency (ADEME) recommends choosing clothes made with organic cotton, recycled cotton, or polyester. According to the recycling methodology, it can reduce the impact by up to 99%. Another idea is to choose fibers made from natural resources such as wood cellulose.

What can be done to reduce the impact of fast fashion on the environment? ›

- Donate your clothes to your friends, family, neighbors, or to charity. - Sell them on second-hand apps like Vinted. - Some clothes shops take back used clothes from their own brand or even from other brands. - Put them in the textile recycling bin.

What is wasted in fast fashion? ›

Each wash and dry cycle, especially the latter, sheds microfilaments that move through our sewage systems and end up in waterways. It is estimated that half a million tons of these contaminants reach the ocean each year. That's the equivalent to the plastic pollution of more than 50 billion bottles.

What is the unethical side of fashion? ›

Change consumer habits towards fashion

Unethical clothing can refer to a variety of things. It might include clothing that uses sweatshops, cheap labour from impoverished countries with loose labour laws. Alternatively, it might refer to the process by which clothes are made.

Does fast fashion affect global warming? ›

It may surprise you to learn that the fashion industry produces about 10 percent of annual global carbon emissions, which is more than all maritime shipping and international flights combined. What's more, fashion's emissions of harmful greenhouse gases are projected to grow by more than 50 percent by 2030.

Does fast fashion contribute to plastic pollution? ›

100 billion pieces a year is an estimate from a decade ago, before the explosion in ultra-cheap, disposable fashion from companies like Boohoo and Shein. What we do know is that the unnecessary overproduction of clothing is a leading cause of climate change and plastic pollution.

Why is fast fashion bad for the water pollution? ›

The fashion industry consumes copious amounts of water and generates huge amounts of wastewater. As a result, the fashion industry is responsible for the consumption of 79 trillion litres of water annually, contributing to about 20% of industrial wastewater [6].

What are some shocking facts about fast fashion? ›

It is estimated that approximately 60% of fast fashion items are produced with plastic-based (which is made from fossil fuels) fabrics. Throughout their life cycles, these fabrics are significantly contributing to the worldwide plastic pollution crisis.

When did fast fashion become an issue? ›

Welcome to the world of fast fashion. Fast fashion is a relatively recent phenomenon. During the 1990s, retailers began to introduce trendy, cheaply-priced, poorly-made clothes on a weekly basis, intending to match the breakneck pace at which fashion trends move.

Is fast fashion a human rights issue? ›

The human rights violations that ultimately occur in countries that manufacture clothing for fast fashion companies include health and safety violations and unfair wages.

How is fast fashion a political issue? ›

The act of wearing an outfit has become political as the issues of fast fashion concerning slave labour, waste, capitalist greed, and climate impact have been at the forefront of the news for a number of years. Fast fashion can be classified as high fashion that is sold at a low cost.

What is social justice in fashion? ›

Brands, retailers and factories must shoulder the responsibility of addressing fashion's key issues: from bad contracts and poverty wages to the exploitation of migrant workers and gender discrimination, the industry cannot continue to make billions in profit from a model that monetises injustice.

Why are people boycotting fast fashion? ›

Boycotting fast fashion is a way to practice using what you have. Challenge yourself to make different outfits from a few pairs of shirts and pants. This can help encourage you to be more creative in using what is already in your closet and prevent clothing to be thrown away.

Does fast fashion cause poverty? ›

Fast fashion retailers are motivated by how much profit they can turn, and by paying so little in wages, not only is the profit margin increased, the workers are also trapped in a cycle of poverty.

Is fast fashion ruining the economy? ›

Large amounts of resources are being extracted and clothes sent to landfills due to fast fashion. And more than USD 500 billion is lost each year due to a lack of reuse and recycling, as reported by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2017).

What are the 4 factors that influence fashion? ›

There are certain factors that influence fashion, such as psychological factors, socio-cultural factors, economic factors, environmental factors, etc.

What are 4 impacts of social media? ›

Since it's a relatively new technology, there's little research to establish the long-term consequences, good or bad, of social media use. However, multiple studies have found a strong link between heavy social media and an increased risk for depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts.

How has social media changed the way we think about our clothes? ›

Social media has definitely made it easier for consumers to discover and purchase new fashion items. By providing a platform for users to share their outfits and tag the brands they are wearing, social media has created an easy way for other users to find and purchase similar items.

How does fashion influence society? ›

Fashion keeps a society lively through different new styles and subsequent changes. Fashion promotes social changes from time to time and also respects traditions and customs in society. Fashion encourages to modify or amend all those customs that are rigid and have no relevancy anymore.

Does social media affect the way we dress? ›

We know that social media has had a dramatic impact on the fashion industry – from business models to marketing – but it has also changed the way we dress ourselves every day. Women today are constantly sharing selfies, and don't want to wear an outfit that they've already been seen in (on social media).

How does social media affect what we wear? ›

Social media has led to new collaborations with influencers and celebrities, leading to even more demand for a limited release or piece of clothing. Kanye West is a well-known example of this, with his shoes being amongst the most expensive as their resale value is so high.

How is fashion a social fact? ›

As a cultural process, fashion is responsible for locating individuals within a constantly changing forest of objects, people, events, styles and practices to which they relate, about which they form opinions and which symbolically help to locate them within various social strata and communities.

How did clothing reflect a person's social class? ›

Individuals belonging to a higher social class often wore clothing made of silk, wool, and expensive furs, while those of the lower classes would possibly use heavy outer coats made from dog or goatskins, lined with linen or cotton.

Is clothing a social construct? ›

The differences in how these societies perceive fashion choices show that gender indeed is a social construct and fashion choices that surround a specific gender is invariably influenced by society.

What are the social disadvantages of fast fashion? ›

The disadvantages of fast fashion include –

not paying fair living wages to workers, poor working conditions, child labor, environmental destruction from hazardous chemicals, plastic-derived materials, and increasing amounts of water pollution and textile waste.

What are the environmental benefits of slow fashion? ›

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF SLOW FASHION? With slower production schedules, smaller collections, zero waste designs, and the use of sustainable materials, Slow Fashion brands aim to reduce the textile waste and the consequent pollution.

What is the biggest problem with fast fashion? ›

Many of the clothes bought are thrown away after being worn just a handful of times: the industry produces an estimated 92 million tonnes of textiles waste annually, much of which is burnt or finds its way to landfill, while less than 1% of used clothing is recycled into new garments.

What are pros and cons about fast fashion? ›

Fast fashion's benefits are affordable prices and instant gratification for consumers, more profits for companies, and the democratization of stylish clothing. On the downside, fast fashion is also associated with pollution, waste, the promulgation of a "disposable" mentality, low wages, and unsafe workplaces.

How fast fashion is ruining the environment? ›

As about 69% of clothes are made of synthetic fabrics, most of the wasted garments take hundreds of years to decompose in landfill. Natural fabrics, on the other hand, release methane in landfill—contributing to climate change.

Why is fast fashion bad for global warming? ›

What's the environmental impact of fast fashion? Producing clothes uses a lot of natural resources and creates greenhouse gas emissions which are responsible for climate change.

What 3 things define fast fashion? ›

WHAT'S THE DEFINITION OF FAST FASHION? Fast fashion has three main components from the consumer's perspective: it's cheap, it's trendy and it's disposable. It makes purchasing clothes on impulse easy and affordable.

How can we solve fast fashion? ›

Why and How to Stop Fast Fashion, and the Environmental Cost
  1. Support More Sustainable Brands.
  2. Simplify Your Wardrobe.
  3. Take Better Care of Your Clothes.
  4. Donate or Upcycle.
  5. Choose More Eco-Friendly Materials.
  6. Go Thrift Shopping.
  7. Be Mindful of Washing.
Sep 9, 2022

What are the social benefits of slow fashion? ›

Slow fashion reduces the environmental impact of fashion by promoting the use of sustainable materials and processes, reducing waste, and supporting local production.

How does fast fashion affect the environment for kids? ›

Clothes can take up to 200 years to decompose

100% cotton clothing can break down as quickly as a week. However, clothes made of plastic-based materials do not break down easily. They may take up to 200 years to decompose! For this reason, it is important to keep them out of our landfills.

What is the difference between fast fashion and slow fashion? ›

Fast fashion denotes lower-quality, low-priced, mass-produced and machine-made garments that quickly end up in landfills. Slow fashion garments in contrast are made by hand, consume time to produce, use artistic talent, have better quality and are priced higher.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.