Fast Fashion & Sustainability: Will the Two Ever Get Along? (2024)

Fast fashion still has a long way to go when it comes to sustainability. In fact, the nature of fast fashion - the intense turnaround times for new ranges and products - almost makes it impossible for fast fashion to ever truly be sustainable. And this is a big problem. According to the Fixing Fashion report, ‘Textile production contributes more to climate change than international aviation and shipping combined’.

But it’s not only an environmental problem, it’s an ethical one too. In 2020, Fashion checker found that 93% of brands weren’t paying garment workers a living wage. So, we have to ask the questions, why is fast fashion so popular? What’s the impact of fast fashion on the environment? Will the two ever get along? What kind of sustainable fashion materials are there?

  • Fast Fashion’s Devastating Impact on the Environment
  • The Appeal of Fast Fashion
  • What Can Fashion Brands Do to be More Sustainable?
  • Make Your Brand More Sustainable

Fast Fashion’s Devastating Impact on the Environment

Let’s first define fast fashion. Good On You, the fashion sustainability experts, have an explanation:

Fast fashion can be defined as cheap, trendy clothing that samples ideas from the catwalk or celebrity culture and turns them into garments in high street stores at breakneck speed to meet consumer demand.

The key problem is the speed and intensity of demand and production. Did you know clothing production is the third biggest manufacturing industry in the world, after the automotive and technology industries? Check out these stats:

Fast fashion is a volume-based production cycle. Dana Thomas, author of Fashionopolis: The Price of Fast Fashion and the Future of Clothes, stated, “If your business model is based on volume, that’s not what’s part of the sustainable movement in any industry.”

The rate at which we’re producing, consuming and discarding clothing is one part of the problem. New styles appear daily at major fast fashion retailers, only days after their designer counterparts have debuted.

Unfortunately, some consumers see these pieces as disposable. According to the State of Fashion Report, one in three young women consider a piece of clothing worn once or twice to be old. So not only is it a logistic issue of poor environmental practice in terms of land use, water pollution and carbon emissions but there’s also a genuine and systemic attitude of ‘want’ represented in consumer markets.

This reflects the desire for ‘fresh off the runway’ fashion, but the repercussions are high - carbon emissions, wastewater production and enormous amounts of landfill waste. Fast fashion is second - only to oil - as the world’s largest polluter.

If we’re ever going to combat climate change, fast fashion will be one thing that has to change drastically.

Fast Fashion & Sustainability: Will the Two Ever Get Along? (1)

The Appeal of Fast Fashion

Fast Fashion & Sustainability: Will the Two Ever Get Along? (2)

While many factors contribute to fast fashion success, like retailers such as Boohoo and ASOS, other factors have driven its momentum. A key characteristic is how these brands engage with their millennial consumers and keep them coming back for more.

Retailers do this by delivering the high demand for new fashion. As younger consumers typically like to spend around seasonal events and after payday, discounts are applied accordingly, often at added cost to the eco-friendliness of the whole transaction. An article from Good On You accurately details the issue consumers drive when it comes to fast fashion:

By thinking of the garments we wear as short term tools rather than long term investments, we contribute to wasteful consumption patterns that inevitably lead us towards drastic climate change.

One of the critical enablers for fast fashion companies is how cheaply they can make their garments, meaning they can sell them at competitive prices. For example, at the time of writing, there are more than 500 dresses available on that are cheaper than £15.

This is caused partly by how little garment workers are paid, driven by greed, poor infrastructure and gender inequality. Why not take a moment to use Fashion Checker to determine which brand pays a living wage to their garment workers?

What Can Fashion Brands do to be More Sustainable?

Fast Fashion & Sustainability: Will the Two Ever Get Along? (3)

Although it might seem that fast fashion and sustainability will never make amends, a cease-fire might be on the cards. Consumers are becoming more conscious and aware of their environmental impact. This shift puts a spotlight on their shopping habits and the manufacturing process too. So what can brands do to be more sustainable? Here are some important changes:

  • Be transparent about their supply chains.
  • Partner with sustainable branding partners.
  • Ensure their packaging is eco-friendly.
  • Switch to a renewable energy provider.
  • Implement a recycling strategy.
  • Design new ranges less frequently.
  • Create fashion that lasts.
  • Utilise all offcut fabric and material.
  • Source raw material from sustainable suppliers.

Consumer demand is forcing the fashion industry to find ways to be more environmentally friendly. When it comes to sustainability and responsibility, many brands choose to ignore their customer concerns and, in turn, impact their brand value.

Brands can minimise their footprint by opting for materials that ensure the durability of garments. Encouraging upcycling and choosing to work with factories with certifications like FSC and OEKO-Tex are also momentous strides towards sustainability.

Your brand can join this revolution and make changes in your own production process. It’s kinder to the environment, what consumers want and it’s easier than you think.

Start by looking for branding specialists that are driven by a more sustainable future. They'll have collections, such as premium sustainable collections, eco garment branding options and or even Spruce products to make fashion and other retail brands sustainable within their products.

Sustainability is an easy thing to capture, you just need to discover what’s available on the market today. To find out, you can explore these sustainable product options.

Make Your Brand More Sustainable

As consumers become more eco-conscious and legislative pressure grows on brands, the need to become more sustainable accelerates. If you're looking to transform your business but don't know where to start, we can help you with that.

How to Make Sustainable Fashionis the checklist you need. It covers everything from guidance on sourcing raw materials, the best sustainable packaging options and how to improve your distribution tactics.

What are you waiting for? Access your free copy by clicking the link below.

Fast Fashion & Sustainability: Will the Two Ever Get Along? (4)

Fast Fashion & Sustainability: Will the Two Ever Get Along? (2024)


Can fast fashion and sustainability ever really mix? ›

While fast fashion can never be sustainable, there are actions these brands can take that will push the industry in a better direction. Given the influence of the business model of the fashion industry, we need fast fashion to participate in the sustainable solutions available.

How does fast fashion relate to sustainability? ›

Outdated practices: Outdated practices within fast fashion often elicit more pollution and waste than they could if modernized practices were employed. By choosing modernized and streamlined production processes, businesses would produce fewer waste products and reduce the damage done to the environment.

What is the sustainability problem with fast fashion? ›

Plastic fibres are polluting the oceans, the wastewater, toxic dyes, and the exploitation of underpaid workers. Fast fashion is big business, and while the environmental costs are rising, experts say there is another way: a circular economy for textiles.

What is the answer to fast fashion? ›

Support minimalism: Slow Fashion items may be more expensive but you don't need as much when you know they'll last! Wash less. Sometimes it is enough to air-out clothes or partially remove stains before putting them in the washing machine. If washing, choose on cold and skip dry cleaning.

Why is sustainable clothing better than fast fashion? ›

The main difference in fast vs. sustainable fashion is the amount of waste that each one produces. Sustainable fashion decreases waste by making clothing that is significantly better quality. Less waste leads to both less water pollution and fewer carbon emissions during production.

What are the benefits of sustainable fashion? ›

Reduced Carbon Dioxide and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Sustainable clothing uses biodegradable components from natural or recycled fibers. These materials grow with no pesticide or fertilizer use, consume less energy and water, and employ no chemical treatment, thus reducing the overall carbon footprint of these brands.

Can fashion really be sustainable? ›

Is Sustainable Fashion Completely Sustainable? If we're honest with you, what we call sustainable fashion right now is not actually, technically, truly sustainable. All fashion creates greenhouse gas emissions during manufacture and shipping. Less than 1% of clothing is recycled into new clothing.

What is fast fashion and why is it a problem? ›

Fast fashion refers to the mass production of cheap, stylish clothes, resulting in significant environmental and labor issues. Mary Jo DiLonardo has worked in print, online, and broadcast journalism for 25 years and covers nature, health, science, and animals.

How can we make fashion more sustainable? ›

10 simple steps to being more sustainable
  1. Go beyond the 30 wears test. ...
  2. Be more informed. ...
  3. Change your attitude to shopping. ...
  4. Invest in trans-seasonal clothes. ...
  5. Donate your unwanted clothes. ...
  6. Look after your clothes so they last longer. ...
  7. Learn how to repair clothing yourself (or find a good tailor) ...
  8. Go for quality over quantity.
Sep 22, 2022

What are the pros and cons of fast fashion? ›

Fast fashion's benefits are affordable prices and instant gratification for consumers, more profits for companies, and the democratization of stylish clothing. On the downside, fast fashion is also associated with pollution, waste, the promulgation of a "disposable" mentality, low wages, and unsafe workplaces.

Why today's fashion is not sustainable? ›

These plastic-based textiles have a significant impact on the environment and climate throughout their life cycle due to emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants. The textile sector is a growing contributor to the climate crisis, with about 1% of crude oil production used to produce synthetic fibres.

What are the positive effects of fast fashion? ›

With the help of fast fashion, today's consumers can buy new trendy clothing at a very low price. They can afford the latest articles and styles regularly because they are cheaply made. Fast fashion accelerates supply chains and drives costs down to meet constantly evolving consumers' demands.

How can we solve the fast fashion crisis? ›

Choose More Eco-Friendly Materials

Fast fashion makes use of a lot of cheap materials that use microplastics, for example, such as polyester and rayon. So instead, opt for items made from sustainable fabrics that are more durable, require fewer resources to produce, and are made of little to no microplastics.

How can fast fashion be stopped? ›

Second-hand shopping is a great way to remove demand for fast fashion and prevent clothing from ending up in landfill. You could also swap clothes with friends or see if there are any clothing swap events going on in your area.

What 3 things define fast fashion? ›

WHAT'S THE DEFINITION OF FAST FASHION? Fast fashion has three main components from the consumer's perspective: it's cheap, it's trendy and it's disposable. It makes purchasing clothes on impulse easy and affordable.

Will sustainable fashion ever be affordable? ›

The thing is that ethical fashion will never reach the prices of ultra fast fashion — there are simply too many corners that have to be cut. That said, ethical fashion is not always more expensive. In fact, many fair fashion brands sell reasonably priced pieces similar to brands on the high street.

Why sustainable fashion is the future? ›

The Growing Community Stands Up For Sustainable Fashion

It contributes huge amounts to economies, creates jobs and holds a significant influence over society and global supply chains. It's because of this that there is a huge opportunity for fashion to create change.

What is sustainable fashion in simple words? ›

Sustainable fashion (also known as eco-fashion) is a term describing products, processes, activities, and people (policymakers, brands, consumers) that aim to achieve a carbon-neutral fashion industry built on equality, social justice, animal welfare, and ecological integrity.

What is the main cause of fast fashion? ›

The rising consumers' demand for trendy and affordable clothing, the availability of low-cost labor overseas, quick manufacturing and communication innovations cause fast fashion.

Why should we avoid fast fashion? ›

The most obvious impact of fast fashion is the amount of clothing that ends up in landfill. When clothes are made cheaply, they don't last very long in people's wardrobes, but once they're thrown away, they don't biodegrade – this means they stick around in landfill for up to two hundred years.

What are the worst effects of fast fashion? ›

It dries up water sources and pollutes rivers and streams, while 85% of all textiles go to dumps each year. Even washing clothes releases 500,000 tons of microfibres into the ocean each year, the equivalent of 50 billion plastic bottles.

What are at least 2 negative impacts of fast fashion? ›

The disadvantages of fast fashion include –

not paying fair living wages to workers, poor working conditions, child labor, environmental destruction from hazardous chemicals, plastic-derived materials, and increasing amounts of water pollution and textile waste.

Do people care about sustainable fashion? ›

About 15% of global fashion consumers are already highly concerned about sustainability and consistently make purchasing decisions to lower their impact. That percentage could increase to more than 50% in the coming years as more shoppers gravitate toward sustainable practices.

How does fast fashion affect society? ›

Fast fashion promotes the throwaway culture, excessive consumerism, and makes clothes disposable commodities. Many consumers make purchasing decisions based on their emotions. Retailers use that behavior and tap into the subconscious of consumers.

Is fast fashion good or bad? ›

Much modern clothing is not made to last. Due to super-fast production, designs are generally not well stress-tested before sale, and cheap synthetic fabrics are used in order to keep costs low. Much of it will end up in landfill after only being worn a handful of times.

Has fast fashion helped the economy? ›

This business model has been growing rapidly over the past 20 years. It answers consumers' rising demand for trendy and affordable clothes. Fast fashion has a huge economic impact. It's responsible for the recent growth (on average 4.78%) and future growth (5.91% in the next three years) of the apparel industry.

Who is at fault for fast fashion? ›

The issue of fast fashion can be traced back to the unethical business practices of corporations and companies. The preceding reason as to why companies are primarily responsible for fast fashion is because not every consumer can avoid it. Many consumers cannot afford to buy ethically produced fashion.

How fast fashion helps the poor? ›

The apparel industry has the ability to provide dignified jobs for impoverished communities rather than forcing them further into poverty. While increased prices make many Fairtrade products inaccessible to those in poverty, a significant number of people who buy fast fashion have the means to buy Fairtrade.

Why do people ditch fast fashion? ›

Understand the problem with fast fashion

Water pollution. Pesticides & insecticides. Microplastics. High carbon footprint.

Is Walmart fast fashion? ›

Its parent company, Walmart, is also a fast fashion brand.

In 2013, Walmart was one of the retailers associated with the Rana Plaza factory collapse.

What is the dark side of fast fashion? ›

The Darker Side of Fast-Fashion

Fast-fashion production is outsourced in countries like India, Vietnam, China, and Bangladesh with cheap labor. This raises other concerns in relation to the exploitation of workers who work in unsafe and inhumane conditions with zero safety net and low wages.

When did fast fashion become an issue? ›

Welcome to the world of fast fashion. Fast fashion is a relatively recent phenomenon. During the 1990s, retailers began to introduce trendy, cheaply-priced, poorly-made clothes on a weekly basis, intending to match the breakneck pace at which fashion trends move.

Can fast fashion brands be sustainable? ›

Fast fashion still has a long way to go when it comes to sustainability. In fact, the nature of fast fashion - the intense turnaround times for new ranges and products - almost makes it impossible for fast fashion to ever truly be sustainable.

Can you buy fast fashion sustainably? ›

Because of this, the simple answer to your question is: no, fast fashion as a business model will never be sustainable. But here's where the confusion comes in. As we live through a climate crisis and the sustainable fashion movement continues to grow, fast fashion has caught onto these rising sustainability concerns.

Is sustainable fashion really sustainable? ›

Is Sustainable Fashion Completely Sustainable? If we're honest with you, what we call sustainable fashion right now is not actually, technically, truly sustainable. All fashion creates greenhouse gas emissions during manufacture and shipping. Less than 1% of clothing is recycled into new clothing.

Is sustainable fashion completely sustainable? ›

Sustainable fashion is a way in which brands create clothing that not only reduces the impact on the environment but is also mindful of the people who work to produce the garments. Put simply, it is fashion that is ethically made and environmentally friendly.

How to ethically buy fast fashion? ›

Opt for organic and natural fibres, like cotton, linen, bamboo and hemp. Though they all come with their own issues, these materials are often kinder to the environment — and are all biodegradable. Being a more thoughtful consumer of fast fashion doesn't mean you have to go from zero to 100.

Is Nike fast fashion? ›

“Many of us are familiar with the news about Nike sweatshops, but they're just one of the many fast fashion brands violating human rights for the sake of fashion.” In addition to environmental impact, fast fashion affects the health of consumers and garment workers.

Do people care about sustainable clothing? ›

Approximately 65% of fashion consumers care about the environment, but only some regularly prioritize sustainability in their shopping.

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.