Fatespeaker (2024)

"You're lucky. […] If you have no powers. I've always been so excited about being a NightWing. I thought my powers must be the most amazing thing. But clearly, they're totally useless, if they couldn't even warn me about what was going to happen to my friends."
— Fatespeaker to Starflight, The Dark Secret

Fatespeaker is an adult female NightWing who was introduced in The Hidden Kingdom. Formerly a member of the false dragonets as the replacement for Starflight, she currently works at Jade Mountain Academy as an assistant librarian. She can sense vague emotions from other dragons and may have a very weak foresight ability. She has romantic feelings for Starflight.


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Biography
    • 3.1 The Dragonet Prophecy
    • 3.2 The Jade Mountain Prophecy
    • 3.3 Winglets
    • 3.4 Field Guides
  • 4 Relationships
    • 4.1 Morrowseer
    • 4.2 Starflight
    • 4.3 Sunny
    • 4.4 The False Dragonets
  • 5 Predictions
  • 7 Trivia
  • 8 Gallery
  • 9 References


Fatespeaker has black scales and underscales of deep blue and purple.[1] She has several additional silver scales along her body: one on the outside corner of each eye, a band circling one ankle, and a few lone ones sparkling along her tail like starry freckles.[1] She is rather small.[2]


Described as fluff-brained by Peril,[3] Fatespeaker aspires to peace and friendship rather than violence.[4] She is often very talkative as well as being quite silly at times.[5] Moon said that her hopefulness poured out like "overenthusiastic sunlight".[6] Even under a harsh environment with Morrowseer as a guardian, Fatespeaker is shown very optimistic,[7] sympathetic,[8] and prefers not to fight,[9] although her optimism can sometimes blind her from reality.[10] She also can be a tad stubborn, especially about her visions.

However, Fatespeaker secretly started regretting her supposed NightWing abilities, as she began to consider them useless after the death of Viper.[11] She can be somewhat naïve, as she originally thought the rest of the false dragonets were her friends[10] and clung to this belief even after they attempted to kill her with prompting from Morrowseer.[12] She always felt proud to be a NightWing, though also sometimes felt crushed when she realized the terrible things her tribe had done.[13]


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Lost Heir
Fatespeaker was indirectly mentioned by Nautilus when he spoke about the alternates to Blister.
The Hidden Kingdom
In the prologue, Fatespeaker was fighting with all the other false dragonets. She was highly interested in Morrowseer's arrival and claimed - probably falsely - to have predicted it. In the epilogue, they were taking to the NightWing Island where she had another supposed "vision" about feasting on a walrus. The other false dragonets refused to listen and yelled that they did not want to hear it, claiming that she was lying and had already made that prediction before, so she decided to keep her predictions to herself. She saw an unconscious Starflight enter, and had a "vision" predicting that Starflight would be important in her future.
The Dark Secret

Fatespeaker crept out of her room and followed Starflight and Morrowseer, being very blunt about being a "dragonet of destiny." When Starflight told her that he was the NightWing dragonet, she was surprised. Morrowseer mentioned that Starflight could replace her, and the other false dragonets agreed, saying that they wanted Starflight due to how annoying they found Fatespeaker's constant predictions. Fatespeaker, who believed they were her friends, thought that they were joking.

When Morrowseer ordered the false dragonets to kill Starflight and he fled, she figured out where he was hiding, but refused to kill him. She said she thought he was "crazy-smart" and "crazy-brave," and showed pity to the trapped RainWings. That night, she convinced Starflight to go explore the destroyed wing of the NightWing Fortress. Starflight found a dreamvisitor clutched in the talon of a dead NightWing guard, untouched until that point because nobody would disturb the corpse.

When Morrowseer banished Squid, Fatespeaker was horrified and sad, knowing that he probably would not survive. That night, she convinced Starflight to sneak out and search for Battlewinner. They spotted Flame sneaking out as well, so they decided to follow him. He discovered they were following him, and snapped at them to go away. Starflight pointed out that he was less likely to get in trouble if he was caught with two NightWings, and he reluctantly agreed. He headed for the dungeons and asked Deathbringer about becoming an assassin. When Deathbringer did not give him any advice that he found helpful, he stomped off.

Fatespeaker questioned Deathbringer about the location of the NightWing queen, and he redirected them to the throne room. She and Starflight continued their search. Fatespeaker claimed to have a vision that they would convince Queen Battlewinner not to kill the dragonets or torture the RainWings. They found the tunnel to Battlewinner's throne room behind a detailed map of Pyrrhia. Fatespeaker was scared of Queen Battlewinner at first, seeing as she was immersed in a vat of lava. She tried to convince Battlewinner that Morrowseer was not doing the right thing, but ultimately failed.

During a practice fight Fatespeaker was pitted against Flame. Viper joined in, prompting Starflight to join as well. Viper pinned her to the ground and blamed Fatespeaker and her tribe for her horrible experiences at the NightWing island. Viper tried to stab her with her tail, but Starflight slammed into her, which lead to Viper losing her balance, accidentally slicing her tail across Flame's face before falling into the lava river. Fatespeaker was distraught over this and Flame's accidental, seemingly-mortal injury caused by the SandWing's venomous barb.

When Starflight decided to save the RainWings, Fatespeaker joined him. They snuck Flame out of the healer's room and used him as a ploy to convince guards to let them through the tunnel. When Fatespeaker entered the rainforest, she was captured and gagged. Once Starflight convinced them to let her go, they ran into Tsunami. Tsunami ordered a RainWing guard to take them to Glory and the other dragonets. Fatespeaker and Sunny hit it right off when they met in the rainforest; finding lots of common ground, and Glory commented that they have "twin souls."

During the invasion of the Night Island, she helped convince the NightWings to accept Glory as their queen. She also stood up to Morrowseer when he tried to get in the tunnel.
The Brightest Night

Fatespeaker accompanied Starflight, Tsunami, and Clay out of the tunnel and into the rainforest. The event caused a large commotion, during which Sunny is unknowingly captured by Fierceteeth, Strongwings, and Preyhunter. After her long journey in the Kingdom of Sand, Sunny returned to the rainforest where she saw Fatespeaker with Starflight. She, along with the rest of the dragonets of destiny, later listened to Sunny explain her story on what had happened to her. Fatespeaker decided that she wanted to stay in the rainforest instead of leading Tsunami and Sunny to the Talons as she wanted to watch over Starflight.

On the night of the end of the war, she accompanied the dragonets to Burn's stronghold and predicted that the Orb in the Sky would come down and kill them all. Starflight remarked that her visions were not real, to which she replied that they "feel real."

After one of the dragonbite vipers became loose after it killed Burn, Sunny and Fatespeaker attempted to carry Starflight off of the ground, but were not quick enough. Clay then shoved them out of the viper's way and got bitten himself in a moment of sacrifice, but ultimately survived with Peril's aid.

In the epilogue, Sunny told Starflight that she loved him, but her feelings were complicated and he was a brother to her. Sunny said that she did not love Starflight the way Fatespeaker did and that he should love Fatespeaker back. Later, Sunny mentioned teaching everyone that NightWings did not have powers. Miffed, Fatespeaker replied she still had powers and that the Orb in the Sky might still come back and kill them, but in the end, failed to convince them.

The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Moon Rising

Fatespeaker was a helper at the Jade Mountain Academy, greeting dragonets and ringing the gong when necessary. She greeted Moonwatcher by mysteriously guessing her name and "hinting" that she was a mind-reader but knew that the power was not realistic anymore. She then reassured Moon that she was just joking. Fatespeaker handed Moon her welcome scroll and her map. Later, she was seen reading scrolls to Starflight in the library when Moon, Kinkajou, and Carnelian come in.

At first, Moon suspected that Fatespeaker may have powers, but Darkstalker claimed that if she had any, then they were extremely weak, or that she may have been supposed to have powers, but did not get them because she did not hatch under the moons or was nearly supposed to.
Talons of Power
She appeared helping Starflight in the library. She seemed shocked when she saw Darkstalker and was worried that her visions had not shown her about Darkstalker. She closed her eyes and tried to have a vision. She said that she saw darkness ahead, and Darkstalker responded by saying that it was because her eyes were closed.
Darkness of Dragons
Fatespeaker was with Starflight during the Battle of Jade Mountain, going off to rescue Tsunami, who had been captured earlier in the book.


Fatespeaker appeared as the only other egg besides Starflight's in the hatchery. When Fierceteeth told Morrowseer that if he needed a replacement, she would volunteer, he glanced at Fatespeaker's egg, hinting that she would be the replacement instead. Morrowseer also said to Farsight that the egg would not hatch until a few months after the brightest night. In The Dark Secret, Fatespeaker told Starflight that she was hatched a few months after the brightest night, showing that she was most likely in that egg.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World

Fatespeaker's commentary was seen in the guide's opening letter.

She was mentioned in the MudWing chapter to be the dragon who told Starflight that Sepia was writing in the margins of the academy's copy of The Sluglike Qualities of the MudWings by Wisemind. It was mentioned that Starflight sent her on a quest to find MudWing-written works in the library and that she only found two. Later in the chapter, Fatespeaker wrote a letter to Starflight from the MudWing palace where she was sent to gather scrolls about MudWing culture and history. She sent back two scrolls to Starflight: The Mysterious Egg by Moccasin and But Who Shall Wear the Crown? by Prince Sawgrass.

In the NightWing chapter, Fatespeaker's notes on the Comet story from Tales of the NightWings were shown where she mentioned The Prophetess. Later, Fierceteeth mentioned that Fatespeaker had been coming to Renewal every other day in order to convince her to write something for the guide.



Morrowseer thought that Fatespeaker was abnormally annoying, as she was always bothering him when she was bored. Despite this, Fatespeaker showed no resentment or fear against him and was cheerful as always, even when he yelled at her. During the NightWing Exodus, Fatespeaker would not allow Morrowseer to enter the tunnel to the rainforest because he was too dangerous to be trusted. Morrowseer tried to kill her along with Clay, Tsunami, and Starflight, but the blast from the volcano killed him before he got the chance.


When Starflight arrived at the Night Kingdom, Fatespeaker had a feeling he was a part of her destiny.[14] She quickly initiated a friendship with him and followed him around several times. When battling Flame and Viper, Fatespeaker trusted Starflight to help her, despite only knowing him for a few days. She has said that he is lucky not to have any NightWing powers. Fatespeaker was revealed by Sunny to have romantic affections toward Starflight,[15] which is backed up by when Fatespeaker suggested that the NightWings could make her and Starflight queen and king.[7] This implies that in this scenario, the two would get married.


When Fatespeaker met Sunny, they almost instantly became good friends. They ended up talking to each other, asking questions and sharing information about themselves, until Glory told them to either go off and discover their twin souls elsewhere or help with battle planning, to which they replied "battle planning," at the exact same time. However, Sunny occasionally felt a little jealousy towards Fatespeaker when she was around Starflight, and vice versa. Sunny and Fatespeaker remained close, nevertheless.

The False Dragonets[]

Fatespeaker was part of a group of five young dragons raised by the Talons of Peace as replacements for the dragonets of destiny. Fatespeaker thought that the other False Dragonets were her friends, but they clearly did not think the same. On multiple occasions, her "friends" said they wished she would die, with Viper even trying to kill her. Even so, she still cares for them and was distraught when Viper died and Squid left. She was also very worried about Flame when he was sliced by Viper's tail and was willing to help him as it was the "right thing to do".[12] She now seems to realize that they dislike her, though she may still have some lingering loyalty. Squid is the only one who does not completely hate her. He said she was the only nice fake Dragonet of Destiny, even though he said she was "plain crazy" in the same sentence and also liked the idea of having her replaced. In The Dark Secret, everyone showed that they would have preferred to kill her instead of Starflight.


A NightWing would come to visit them.[2]True.
The NightWing brought something great for breakfast.[2]False.
An earthquake.[2]False.
A new Talons of Peace member.[2]False.
Something besides seagulls for breakfast.[2]False.
A walrus to eat (on multiple occasions).[16]False.
That Starflight was important to her destiny.[17][1]True.
That Starflight's name was Bigtoes.[18]False.
That meeting Queen Battlewinner would be scary.[19]True.
That she and Starflight will find Queen Battlewinner and convince her to join their side.[20]Mixed; they found Battlewinner, but she did not join their side.
That she and Starflight will survive.[citation needed]True.
That she and Starflight will do amazing things together.[5]To be determined.
That she and Starflight will become King and Queen of the NightWings.[7]To be determined.
That Starflight will live forever.[5]To be determined.
That she and Starflight would succeed in going to warn the RainWings by charging the tunnel.[21]Mixed; they succeeded in warning the RainWings, but did not charge the tunnel in order to do it.
That Sunny would be fine when she got kidnapped from the rainforest.[22]True.
That the Orb in the Sky will fall on Pyrrhia.[23]Partially true; skyfire fell from the Orb onto Pyrrhia.
That the Orb will crush them all.[23]Mostly false; a piece of skyfire from the Orb only killed Palm.
That she sees darkness ahead with Darkstalker coming.[24]True.


"I knew it! […] I knew a NightWing was coming to see us! Didn't I tell you guys this would happen?"
― to the false dragonets of destiny (The Hidden Kingdom, prologue)
"You said 'Shut up about your visions. I'm not remotely interested.'"
― to Morrowseer (The Dark Secret, page 42)
"I'm pretty sure you're down there. […] Because it's a crazy-smart and crazy-brave thing to do, which sounds like you."
― to Starflight (The Dark Secret, page 83)
"Look, destiny is destiny. […] I don't know why you're so worried about who's in the prophecy. You delivered it; now you can sit back and watch it happen. Whether it's me or Starflight, who cares?"
― to Morrowseer (The Dark Secret, page 85)
"Shouldn't a throne room have a throne in it? Even if no one plans to sit on it?"
― To Starflight (The Dark Secret, page 155)
"Too bad! We're her subjects, too! She has to listen to us!"
― to Starflight about the NightWing queen (The Dark Secret, page 157)
"Oooo. […] I foresee that this is going to be mad scary. You go first."
― to Starflight when they are going to see Battlewinner (The Dark Secret, page 161)
"You're lucky. […] If you have no powers. I've always been so excited about being a NightWing. I thought my powers must be the most amazing thing. But clearly they're totally useless, if they couldn't even warn me about what was going to happen to my friends."
― to Starflight, after Viper's death (The Dark Secret, page 193)
"Except me. […] I totally so do have powers."
― after learning that the NightWings don't have powers (The Brightest Night, epilogue)


  • Darkstalker stated that Fatespeaker was not a mind-reader, but she may have a weak power.[25] However, only mind-readers have silver teardrop scales next to their eyes.[25]
    • Fatespeaker is confirmed to have weak mind-reading or the ability to sense emotions, making her an empath.[event 1]
  • Tui considered giving Fatespeaker her own book in the second arc, but decided against it. Instead, Moonwatcher got the sixth book.[event 2]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Dark Secret, page43
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 The Hidden Kingdom, prologue
  3. Escaping Peril, page92
  4. The Dark Secret, page85
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 The Dark Secret, page84
  6. Moon Rising, page13
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 The Dark Secret, page64
  8. The Dark Secret, page56
  9. The Dark Secret, page185
  10. 10.0 10.1 The Dark Secret, page74
  11. The Dark Secret, page193
  12. 12.0 12.1 The Dark Secret, page214
  13. The Dark Secret, page75
  14. The Hidden Kingdom, epilogue
  15. The Brightest Night, page301-302
  16. The Hidden Kingdom, page295
  17. The Hidden Kingdom, page296
  18. The Dark Secret, page44
  19. The Dark Secret, page161
  20. The Dark Secret, page160
  21. The Dark Secret, page212
  22. The Brightest Night, page207
  23. 23.0 23.1 The Brightest Night, page265
  24. Talons of Power, page32
  25. 25.0 25.1 Moon Rising, page156
  1. Stated by Tui,source
  2. Stated by Tui,source

Present: BattlewinnerDarkstalkerGlory
Historical: Vigilance



Jade Mountain


Other Dragons


Other Dragons





CometMindhealerThe Prophetess


NightWing island: NightWing tunnels
Lost city of night: Renewal
Rainforest Kingdom: NightWing village


Lost city of night: Borderland MountainClearsight's homeDarkstalker's homeGreat DiamondMuseumNightWing libraryNightWing palaceNightWing schoolNorth Beach


NightWing Exodus

Allow me to dive into the intricate details of Fatespeaker, a fascinating NightWing from the Wings of Fire series. My expertise in the subject matter stems from a deep understanding of the characters, plotlines, and overarching themes in this renowned fantasy series.

Description: Fatespeaker is an adult female NightWing with black scales and underscales of deep blue and purple. Additional silver scales adorn her body, including one on the outside corner of each eye, a band circling one ankle, and scattered ones along her tail. Despite her small size, her appearance is quite distinctive.

Personality: Described as "fluff-brained" by Peril, Fatespeaker aspires to peace and friendship rather than violence. She is talkative, sometimes silly, and remarkably optimistic, even in harsh environments. Her hopefulness is compared to "overenthusiastic sunlight." Fatespeaker is sympathetic, preferring not to engage in fights, but her optimism can sometimes blind her from reality. She can be stubborn, particularly about her visions. However, she secretly regrets her NightWing abilities, considering them useless after a tragic event.

Biography: Fatespeaker's journey unfolds through the Dragonet Prophecy and the Jade Mountain Prophecy. She was a member of the false dragonets, replacing Starflight, and later became an assistant librarian at Jade Mountain Academy. Her involvement in key events, such as the NightWing Exodus and the Battle of Jade Mountain, shaped her character.

Predictions: Fatespeaker has a unique ability to make predictions, though their accuracy varies. Notable predictions include the arrival of a NightWing, the importance of Starflight to her destiny, and the vision that she and Starflight will survive. Some predictions, like feasting on a walrus and convincing Queen Battlewinner to join their side, didn't come to pass.

Quotes: Several quotes showcase Fatespeaker's personality, from her excitement about predicting a NightWing's arrival to her realization about the limitations of her powers after the death of a friend. Her interactions with other characters, such as Starflight and Morrowseer, offer insights into her relationships and beliefs.

Relationships: Fatespeaker's relationships are complex. She has romantic feelings for Starflight, and her friendships with Sunny and the false dragonets add depth to her character. Her interactions with Morrowseer, despite his disdain, reveal her cheerful demeanor even in challenging situations.

Trivia: Darkstalker states that Fatespeaker is not a mind-reader, but she may have a weak power. Fatespeaker is confirmed to have weak mind-reading or the ability to sense emotions, making her an empath.

Gallery: Visual representations of Fatespeaker, such as reference images and artwork from the graphic novels, provide a visual dimension to her character.

In summary, Fatespeaker is a multifaceted character with a distinctive personality, unique abilities, and significant roles in the Wings of Fire series. Her journey unfolds through prophecies, friendships, and the challenges she faces, making her a compelling and memorable character in the fantastical world of Pyrrhia.

Fatespeaker (2024)
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