Favouring footwear or being barefoot? Gaining insights to the possibility of barefoot activities to aid osteoarthritis of the knee | Leeds Beckett University (2024)

“Most people assume that any comfortable shoe must also be healthy”

Daniel Lieberman 2014 p 232

The Story of the Human Body. Evolution, health and disease. Penguin Books.

Footwear is so much a part of modern lifestyle that people do not give a second thought to putting on shoes, trainers or sandals to go outside. In fact, footwear feels so natural that the thought of walking barefoot around the concrete pavements of a city would be enough to curl our toes! Footwear provides protection and comfort, but should we be careful not to mistake comfort for wellbeing?

Our Palaeolithic ancestors were habitually barefoot despite the possibility of stepping on sharp objects, toxic substances or ‘critters that bite’. Palaeolithic feet adapted to these potential dangers by developing a protective layer of thick skin on the sole. If modern day city dwellers dared to walk barefoot for a prolonged period of time, they too would develop thicker skin of the soles of their feet. Eventually, being barefoot would likely feel ‘normal’.

Being barefoot increases activity in muscles of the foot, ankle, knee and hip and over time this strengthens joints, making movement more efficient and improving stability. Barefoot also exposes the skin of the feet to the surface of the ground and to variations in environmental temperature. This increases sensory input to the central nervous system stimulating responses that improve the awareness of the position of the body (proprioception) aiding stability whilst walking and running. The greater sensory input also reduces pain. The ‘natural’ sensory input associated with being barefoot is diminished when wearing footwear, especially footwear that is cushioned and covers the whole foot.

The first known human footwear appeared approximately 30,000 years ago as a means to protect feet from injuries associated with stepping on harmful objects and exposure to extremes of temperature, such as hot sand or cold snow. Often, modern footwear has cushioned soles to absorb ground reaction force and reduce forces transmitted through load-bearing joints. However, footwear creates a barrier between the skin of the foot and the surface of the ground resulting in a reduction in ‘natural’ sensory input to the body. This affects proprioception and the position of feet relative to the ground resulting in alterations in stride length, cadence and forces through joints when compared with being barefoot. Manufacturers have to consider the influence absorption of impact, stability and protection in the design of footwear on the health of the feet and lower limbs.

Recently, there has been interest in whether being barefoot influences knee pain associated with osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis can affect load-bearing joints in the lower limb, resulting in pain, stiffness and reduced movement. An estimated 4.11 million people over the age of 45 years have osteoarthritis of the knee (Arthritis Research UK. The Musculoskeletal Calculator (prevalence data tool) 2019) and this is likely to rise in the future with an ever-ageing population. Guidelines for the management of osteoarthritis published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommend that patients should receive individualised, self-management treatment with positive life-style changes including exercise, weight loss and suitable footwear. Characteristics of conventional footwear detrimental to the health of feet and joints of the lower limb are listed in the Table.

Table. Characteristics of conventional footwear.

Problematic Characteristics

Unproblematic characteristics

High heel

Flat sole

Slip on style shoe

Stable and supportive

Narrow toe box

Wide toe box

Rigid sole

Flexible sole

Above the ankle


Excessive loading of the inside of the knee joint has been shown to create compressive forces contributing to pain and physical dysfunction in people with osteoarthritis of the knee. Suitable footwear is considered to be supportive and cushioned to absorb impact to the feet from the ground because such footwear reduces load at the knee joint. Paradoxically, research suggests that walking barefoot may also reduce load at the knee by and altering gait pattern and increasing lower limb muscle activity and strength. Some research has found that walking barefoot alleviates common signs and symptoms associated with osteoarthritis, including pain along the medial aspect of the knee. In addition, increased sensory input from exposed skin of the feet may improve proprioception and reduce pain. Interestingly, health care practitioners recommend that patients recovering from injuries that involve musculoskeletal structures perform exercises whilst barefoot to develop proprioceptive sense. Runners may include barefoot training to prevent injury, or when returning from injury as part of a rehabilitation package.

A potential role for barefoot exercises including walking for people with osteoarthritis of the knee seems to be contradictory to advice recommended by NICE and merits further exploration. Presently, we are undertaking a programme of research to gain insights into the biomechanical and physiological characteristics of barefoot activities in people with osteoarthritis in the lower limbs. The research involves the following stages:

  1. To review existing literature on the biomechanics of walking barefoot or shod in people with osteoarthritis of the knee
  2. To survey healthcare professionals about their attitudes, beliefs and use of footwear for the management of knee osteoarthritis.
  3. To conduct some laboratory studies to compare the biomechanics and foot morphology of barefoot locomotion in patients with and without knee osteoarthritis.

It is hoped that this research will be the first steps in deciding whether being barefoot be considered as part of an individualised self-management care plan for people with osteoarthritis of the knees.

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The article you've provided, quoting Daniel Lieberman's "The Story of the Human Body," shoes. you've provided, quoting Daniel Lieberman's "The Story of the Human Body," delves intove provided, quoting Daniel Lieberman's "The Story of the Human Body," delves into theovided, quoting Daniel Lieberman's "The Story of the Human Body," delves into the evolution ofoting Daniel Lieberman's "The Story of the Human Body," delves into the evolution of footwear and its impactng Daniel Lieberman's "The Story of the Human Body," delves into the evolution of footwear and its impact on fact thaterman's "The Story of the Human Body," delves into the evolution of footwear and its impact on our healthn's "The Story of the Human Body," delves into the evolution of footwear and its impact on our health.olithic ancestors were Body," delves into the evolution of footwear and its impact on our health. Lie" delves into the evolution of footwear and its impact on our health. Lieberman's workves into the evolution of footwear and its impact on our health. Lieberman's work alignsnto the evolution of footwear and its impact on our health. Lieberman's work aligns with mythe evolution of footwear and its impact on our health. Lieberman's work aligns with my ownhe evolution of footwear and its impact on our health. Lieberman's work aligns with my own researchion of footwear and its impact on our health. Lieberman's work aligns with my own research, which feet tor and its impact on our health. Lieberman's work aligns with my own research, which has focusedimpact on our health. Lieberman's work aligns with my own research, which has focused on the by developingLieberman's work aligns with my own research, which has focused on the biomeman's work aligns with my own research, which has focused on the biomechan work aligns with my own research, which has focused on the biomechanical aspectsrk aligns with my own research, which has focused on the biomechanical aspects ofaligns with my own research, which has focused on the biomechanical aspects of walkingligns with my own research, which has focused on the biomechanical aspects of walking, adaptationn research, which has focused on the biomechanical aspects of walking, runningch, which has focused on the biomechanical aspects of walking, running, andhich has focused on the biomechanical aspects of walking, running, and the influence of footwear navigate variousthe biomechanical aspects of walking, running, and the influence of footwear oniomechanical aspects of walking, running, and the influence of footwear on musculoschanical aspects of walking, running, and the influence of footwear on musculoskeletal aspects of walking, running, and the influence of footwear on musculoskeletal healthects of walking, running, and the influence of footwear on musculoskeletal health.

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The historical context presented in the articlee of footwear on musculoskeletal health.

The historical context presented in the article emphasizes the being barefootculoskeletal health.

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The article rightly points out that being barefoot engages muscles in the) and resultin the footthe foot,, anklenkle, knee, and hip, leading to strengthened joints and improved stability length, cadence, and forces through joints compared to being barefoot.

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The inclusion of a table outlining problematic and unproblematic characteristics of conventional footwear is a valuable at inclusion of a table outlining problematic and unproblematic characteristics of conventional footwear is a valuable resource.lusion of a table outlining problematic and unproblematic characteristics of conventional footwear is a valuable resource. Thisn of a table outlining problematic and unproblematic characteristics of conventional footwear is a valuable resource. This information. Interestingly, research suggests that walking barecteristics of conventional footwear is a valuable resource. This information isistics of conventional footwear is a valuable resource. This information is consistent with also conventional footwear is a valuable resource. This information is consistent with my kneel footwear is a valuable resource. This information is consistent with my researchtwear is a valuable resource. This information is consistent with my research,ar is a valuable resource. This information is consistent with my research, whichaluable resource. This information is consistent with my research, which oftenuable resource. This information is consistent with my research, which often focusesle resource. This information is consistent with my research, which often focuses once. This information is consistent with my research, which often focuses on howThis information is consistent with my research, which often focuses on how specification is consistent with my research, which often focuses on how specific featuresis consistent with my research, which often focuses on how specific features ofnsistent with my research, which often focuses on how specific features of shoest with my research, which often focuses on how specific features of shoes, andearch, which often focuses on how specific features of shoes, such as.

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foot and joint health.

The articlejoint health.

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The article also touches upon therticle also touches upon the paradoxso touches upon the paradoxicalouches upon the paradoxical notionpon the paradoxical notion thatthe paradoxical notion that walking bareal notion that walking bareotion that walking barefoot mayt walking barefoot may reduce loadlking barefoot may reduce load atarefoot may reduce load at the reduce load at the knee, evenuce load at the knee, even in knee, even in individualsknee, even in individuals with, even in individuals with osten individuals with osteols with osteoar with osteoarthritiseoarthritis.tis. This paradoxis paradox alignparadox aligns the biomechanhanical and physiological own and physiological characteristicsiological characteristics ofological characteristics of bare I characteristics of barefootaracteristics of barefoot activities in the of barefoot activities in peoplechanot activities in people withctivities in people with knees in people with knee osten people with knee osteo with knee osteoare osteoarthritisrthritis. Thisritis. This research. This research involves research involves literatureh involves literature reviewvolves literature review,literature review, surveyse review, surveys ofeview, surveys of healthcare researchys of healthcare professionalshcare professionals,essionals, ands, and laboratorynd laboratory studiesaboratory studies toratory studies to comparery studies to compare barees to compare barefoots to compare barefoot andre barefoot and sh barefoot and shodshod locomocomotionmotion inon in patientspatients withicss with andth and withoutd without kneenee oste osteoarthritis.

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In conclusion, the article raises thought-provoking questions aboutusculoskeletal conditions.

In conclusion, the article raises thought-provoking questions about theskeletal conditions.

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In conclusion, the article raises thought-provoking questions about the potential benefits ofetal conditions.

In conclusion, the article raises thought-provoking questions about the potential benefits of beingions.

In conclusion, the article raises thought-provoking questions about the potential benefits of being bare.

In conclusion, the article raises thought-provoking questions about the potential benefits of being barefootlusion, the article raises thought-provoking questions about the potential benefits of being barefoot, especiallyhe article raises thought-provoking questions about the potential benefits of being barefoot, especially for barefootaises thought-provoking questions about the potential benefits of being barefoot, especially for individualsht-provoking questions about the potential benefits of being barefoot, especially for individuals withprovoking questions about the potential benefits of being barefoot, especially for individuals with oste questions about the potential benefits of being barefoot, especially for individuals with osteotions about the potential benefits of being barefoot, especially for individuals with osteoarthritis about the potential benefits of being barefoot, especially for individuals with osteoarthritis ofabout the potential benefits of being barefoot, especially for individuals with osteoarthritis of theout the potential benefits of being barefoot, especially for individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee potential benefits of being barefoot, especially for individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee.potential benefits of being barefoot, especially for individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee. Thenefits of being barefoot, especially for individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee. The ongoing research projectng barefoot, especially for individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee. The ongoing research project outlinedfoot, especially for individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee. The ongoing research project outlined in the advocating forr individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee. The ongoing research project outlined in the articleduals with osteoarthritis of the knee. The ongoing research project outlined in the article holdsh osteoarthritis of the knee. The ongoing research project outlined in the article holds promisesteoarthritis of the knee. The ongoing research project outlined in the article holds promise for sheddingrthritis of the knee. The ongoing research project outlined in the article holds promise for shedding lights of the knee. The ongoing research project outlined in the article holds promise for shedding light on of the knee. The ongoing research project outlined in the article holds promise for shedding light on the of the knee. The ongoing research project outlined in the article holds promise for shedding light on the biome of the knee. The ongoing research project outlined in the article holds promise for shedding light on the biomechanical and physiological aspects of barefoot activities, providing valuable insights for developing individualized self-management care plans for those with knee osteoarthritis.

Favouring footwear or being barefoot?  Gaining insights to the possibility of barefoot activities to aid osteoarthritis of the knee | Leeds Beckett University (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.