Find Your Key Differentiator - Competitive Brand Advantage (2024)

Table of Contents
Find Your Differentiator (26 Brand Positioning Ideas) What Is A Brand’s Key Differentiator? Key Differentiator Definition Build Brands Like A Pro Brand Strategist Product Differentiatorvs Brand Differentiator Characteristics Of A Key Differentiator? Using A Key Differentiator Template(What is The Onliness Statement?) Ways To Differentiate Your Brand Example #1Specialise In Your Market Build Brands Like A Pro Brand Strategist Example #2Role Specialisation Example #3Unique Sales Experience Example #4Niche Service Specialisation Example #5Alternative Approach Example #6Hyper-Targeted Audience Messaging Example #7Business Size + Sector Combination Example #9Unique Distribution Method Example #11Specific Business Challenge Example #12Industry Recognised Expertise Example #13Unique Pricing Structure Example #14Rapid Market Responsiveness Example #15Location Exclusivity Example #16Unique Information Want Actionable Brand Strategy Tips & Techniques? Example #17Unparalleled Relationship Networks Example #18Partnership Specific Alignment Example #19Quality Focused Differentiation Example #20Show More Love Example #21Leverage Customer Status Example #22Emphasise The Size Example #23Accomplishment Alignmen Example #24Align Through Your Brand Personality Example #25Result / Outcome Focused Example #26Go Against The Grain Your Key Differentiator May Be A Hybrid How To Evaluate Your Key Differentiator Evaluation #1Value To Your Audience Evaluation #2Difference To Your Competition Evaluation #3How Achievable Is It? Evaluation #4How Defensible Is It? Evaluation #5Does It Align With The Internal Brand? How to Find Your Key Differentiator Over To You Brand Master Secrets FAQs

Building a brand is a game of strategy and one of the very first strategic tasks is to identify the key differentiator your brand will be recognized for.

But why is having a key differentiatorso important?

How do you know if yours is valuable?


How do you go about finding aunique key differentiatorfor your brand?

Well, keep reading and you’ll find out.

Find Your Differentiator (26 Brand Positioning Ideas)

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Find Your Key Differentiator - Competitive Brand Advantage (1)

What Is A Brand’s Key Differentiator?

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Brands are developed for one reason and one reason only.

To make a business seem more appealing to itstarget audienceso they choose that business over its competitors. It’s that simple.

Through its messaging,visual appearanceandoverall experience, the brand attempts to influence the audience’s decision to choose that brand.

In order to do that effectively, the brand must give that audience a compelling reason to make that choice.

That reason is the key differentiator.

Key Differentiator Definition

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To put it as succinctly as possible, a key differentiator is a brand’s distinct and unique value that sets itself apart from its competitors within the market.

This differentiator and unique value answers the question:

Why would I choose this brand over one of its competitors?

Also known as your USP orUnique Selling Proposition, the key differentiator very clearly distinguishes itself from the other options that exist within that market.

Build Brands Like A Pro Brand Strategist

  • The exact step-by-step process 7-Figure agencies use to bag big clients through brand strategy
  • How to build brands that command premium fees and stop competing for cheap clients
  • How to avoid the expensive amateur mistakes that 95% of brand builders make to fast-track profit growth

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Product Differentiatorvs Brand Differentiator

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Differentiation strategies are at play on different levels throughout a business.

Each product or service a business has should have its own unique difference from similar products or services available on the market.

When it comes to brands however, the differentiation strategy refers to the brand’s overall experience.

This experience may include uniquefeatures and benefits, aninnovative purchasing experienceoroutstanding customer service.

Any experience the customer might encounter on theirbuyers journeyis all part of the brand experience and therefore everytouchpointis an opportunity for the brand todifferentiate the experience.

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Characteristics Of A Key Differentiator?

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Before defining your differentiator, it’s critical to ensure that youinject the relevant characteristics into your strategy.

Without any one of these characteristics, your differentiation strategy may not have its intended effect.

Your key differentiator should be:

Your potential customers should not be able to find the exact same experience from one of your competitors. Of course they may find similar products or services, but your experience should be unique.

Your audience should place a level of value on the difference you offer whether that’s a monetary value, a time value, a convenience value or any other value. (i.e. how does it improve their lives?).

Your differentiation strategy should not be easily replicated. For example if your differentiation strategy is based on low price, your competitors can easily replicate your price-point making your differentiation strategy redundant.

Using A Key Differentiator Template
(What is The Onliness Statement?)

Find Your Key Differentiator - Competitive Brand Advantage (7)

The onliness statement is a term that was coined by Marty Nuemeier in his book “Zag”. It was distilled from the “Unique Selling Proposition” and provides a very simple key differentiator template to help in identifying your key differentiator.

Our [Blank] is the only [Blank] that [Blank’s]


Our [Offer] is the only [Category] that [Benefit]

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Though there is a lot more to your differentiation strategy than filling in a template, it’s an effective tool in distilling your ideas.

If you try to mean all things to everyone you’ll end up meaning nothing to anyone.

Ways To Differentiate Your Brand

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The ways to differentiate your brand are quite simply endless.

Differentiation strategy is a game of creative thinking andkey differentiatorsare only constrained by the limits of imagination.

If you’re creative enough, you can find a unique differentiator for your brand regardless of the industry you’re in.

To get your creative juices pumping, here are some examples of ways to differentiate your brand.

Example #1
Specialise In Your Market

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This is one of the most basic differentiation strategies you can apply. We value those who specialise in their field anddo one thing really well.

What can you let go of to focus on specialisation?

Build Brands Like A Pro Brand Strategist

  • The exact step-by-step process 7-Figure agencies use to bag big clients through brand strategy
  • How to build brands that command premium fees and stop competing for cheap clients
  • How to avoid the expensive amateur mistakes that 95% of brand builders make to fast-track profit growth

YES! I Want The BluePrint

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Example #2
Role Specialisation

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This is an effective B2B differentiation strategy which involvesappealing to a specific organizational rolewithin an industry.

For example, if you’re head of sales at an IT firm, you’ll feel in good hands if your coach specialises in helping people in your exact position.

Example #3
Unique Sales Experience

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If you can take your customer on a journey through the buying process that stands apart from industry norms your audience willappreciate the uniquenessand see it as a breath of fresh air.

Build-a-bear workshop is a great example of this. They don’t just create uniq

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Example #4
Niche Service Specialisation

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Providing avery specific servicecan help you to be more relevant for those only looking for those services.

For example a business that wants to advertise onFacebookandLinkedInwill find an ad agency more relevant than a broaderdigital marketingagency.

Example #5
Alternative Approach

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Many businesses within a given sector often have a similar approach to solving a problem.

Brands that can break industry norm and approach the problem from a different perspective with adifferent approach identifies as innovative.

Example #6
Hyper-Targeted Audience Messaging

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A key differentiator for brands that go above and beyond to understand their target audience is to use this knowledge to their advantage.

Although the actual messaging doesn’t hold much value for the client, how the messagingshapes their perceptions certainly does.

Example #7
Business Size + Sector Combination

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I’m not talking here aboutpositioning yourself as a brandthat serves “small businesses” or “startups“.

To use this effectively you need toget specific. “Creative Solopreneurs” is far more relevant to this specific group that “Small Businesses”.

Find Your Key Differentiator - Competitive Brand Advantage (19)

What values do your clients hold dear and how can you use them to resonate?

For example a financial services brand might proudly distinguish their personnel as “PhD Only Advisors”.

This would resonate with a shared value in traditional education while building a sense of safety and trust.

Example #9
Unique Distribution Method

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Your ability to get your products to your customers could be thedifference between them choosing you or your competitors.

One of the reasons thatAmazon and Apple are such giants is their chain of supplywhileTesla bypassed costly dealerships and opened up showrooms in convenient places like shopping malls.

Find Your Key Differentiator - Competitive Brand Advantage (21)

This differentiator resonates with the audience through ashared pathway.

For example, an immigration law firm built by immigrants who arrived in a particular country and overcame all the challenges to achieve the same desired outcome their audience has.

Example #11
Specific Business Challenge

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This differentiation strategy crosses all industries butfocuses on a common business challengeacross the board.

The more easily identifiable, common and difficult this challenge is, the more effective this differentiation strategy.

For example, a brand that helps businesses qualify and apply for government funding or assistance.

Example #12
Industry Recognised Expertise

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This is one of the oldest but most effective differentiation strategies still in use. Brands can bebuild on the back of the reputation of an industry expert or leaderwho has at one point, achieved a relative level of fame within the industry.

For example, an author of a well-known fitness book who develops a brand with a program for aspiring fitness coaches.

Example #13
Unique Pricing Structure

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This strategy simply changes up the way the fees are charged tooffer the audience an alternative to the norm.

For example, your industry might charge on a per-month subsequent to an annual contract while you might offer a contract free alternative.

Likewise, instead of charging by the hour like your competitors, you might offer a single monthly fee.

Example #14
Rapid Market Responsiveness

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By keeping your finger on the pulse of your industry you canbe quick to adapt to your customers needsand provide them with what they want, sometimes before they even know they want it.

Fast-fashion such as H&M and Zara has become synonymous with this business model, by taking styles from the runway to the rack is lighting quick time.

Example #15
Location Exclusivity

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Since most businesseshave gone online, allowing them to serve a much broader client base.

Brands that fly the flag for a certain location can leverage specific and topical messaging while also generating a sense of loyalty from their audience.

Example #16
Unique Information

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Providing a certain type of information your clientscan’t get anywhere elsecan be highly valuable and even critical for certain groups.

Does your brand have access to certain data or information that no one else has?

Proprietary data is one of the most difficult differentiation strategies to duplicate.

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Example #17
Unparalleled Relationship Networks

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Relationships are anextremely valuable differentiation strategy.

This is a tried and tested differentiation strategy that allows the audience to leverage pre-existing relationships that they ordinarily wouldn’t have access to.

Can you develop your relationships and offer your customers access to these relationships as a point of difference?

Example #18
Partnership Specific Alignment

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While the previous example highlights a brand range of partnerships, this exampleleverages a specific entity.

This may be a parent company or a partnership but to be effective and should preferably be leveraging a bigger name (or a name at least on par).

Example #19
Quality Focused Differentiation

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By taking a quality approach to your products or services, you canset standards in your industryand become known as a quality brand.

This is especially effective in industries where consumers complain about a lack of quality. Customer review sites can help identify gaps.

Example #20
Show More Love

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Providing an excellent customer experiencemight seem like a no brainer but chances are, a huge percentage of your competitors customers have had a bad experience.

Can you go all in to go above and beyond what customers in your industry are used to?

Example #21
Leverage Customer Status

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Animpressive list of clientsis not just good for the bottom line, it’s great for the association of status.

If your brand is the go-to for top professionals or global corporations, you can leverage the trust earned by such prestige clients.

Example #22
Emphasise The Size

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If your brand can stake a claim to being the biggest [insert business type here], they canimmediately leverage the perception as the go-to due to size.

This can be used effectively with a geographic location when otherwise, the brand wouldn’t be able to make that claim.

For example, The biggest [X] in the [X] area.

Example #23
Accomplishment Alignmen

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Some businesses may have had a hand in developing a key process, technique or technology that has become well known, commonly practiced or the industry norm.

By highlighting that accomplishment the brand can align itself to a well-known success story, shaping the perception of that brand.

Example #24
Align Through Your Brand Personality

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By having an intimate understanding of who your audience is you canuncover the characteristicsthat are most likely to attract them and sway their decision making.

Using these characteristics as a foundation, you can develop a human brand personality that can speak to your audience on a human level and resonate through emotions.

By consistently communicating your brand personality through social media and other marketing channels, you can develop customer relationships that are built on an emotional level with your brand.

Example #25
Result / Outcome Focused

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As people, weengage brands to achieve often a very specific outcome or resultand we pay for the privilege of achieving that result.

Whether we verbalise that desire or not is irrelevant. It is the underlying desire that drives action.

Brands that focus on that outcome can solidify that idea of success in the mind of their audience.

For Example you might specialise in turning 6-figure businesses into 7-figure businesses.

Though you may offer very similar services to your competitors, this outcome focuscan align your brand with the picture of success more effectively.

Example #26
Go Against The Grain

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Most businesses within a given category often look or act the same, For example, the insurance industry is littered with brands with blue brand identities and overly corporate messages.

How could you differentiate your brand in your industry by going against the grain?

Your Key Differentiator May Be A Hybrid

Find Your Key Differentiator - Competitive Brand Advantage (38)

The examples above, although exhaustive are still only a drop in the ocean.

Each one of these examples are unique in their own right but it’s not until you begin to combine unique differentiation ideas do you find truly unique differentiation strategies.

Finding your key differentiator is one of the most critical steps in thedevelopment of a strategic brand.

Before you commit to your approach, be sure to create an exhaustive list of possibilities and then, begin to combine them.

How To Evaluate Your Key Differentiator

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Once you’ve identified a shortlist of potentialkey differentiatorsyou need to evaluate their potential effectiveness.

This is best achieved by screening the ideas with a series of evaluation filters, which are.

Evaluation #1
Value To Your Audience

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Your idea might be unique but how will your target market value that difference? Will they see it as a novelty that will wear off or will they see it as a game-changer?

Evaluation #2
Difference To Your Competition

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By definition, your key differentiator should be different. But there are different levels of different.

Just how different is yours? Is it “slightly different” or could it disrupt the entire industry?

Evaluation #3
How Achievable Is It?

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You may have a truly unique idea but how achievable is it? Is it a nice idea or you have the capabilities to not just pull it off but to build your entire position off of it?

Evaluation #4
How Defensible Is It?

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When you find a truly unique competitive differentiator the excitement is palpable.

But before your start congratulating yourself, you need to analyse how easy it will be to replicate.

If your competitors can make a simple adjustment to replicate what you’ve done, then your uniqueness won’t last long.

Evaluation #5
Does It Align With The Internal Brand?

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By the time you strategise your differentiation strategy you should have already developed your internal brand.

Some of the strongest and most authentic differentiationstrategy have their roots in the internal brandincluding the purpose and values.

How to Find Your Key Differentiator

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Developing a key differentiator and ultimately aunique positioning strategyrequires two well-tuned skillsets:

1 – Creative Thinking

2 – Strategic Analysis

Without a doubt, discovering aunique key differentiatoris one of the most challenging tasks for abrand strategist.

At first, it might seem like all of the best positions are already taken and finding that unique differentiator can be a daunting task.

Starting with this exhaustive list of ideas, you can immediately begin to explore these as a potential within your industry.

But just like chemistry, the real magic happens when you begin to combine ideas.

If you make enough combinations and push the potential of your brand to the limits, you might just stumble upon a key differentiator that can disrupt an entire industry..

Over To You

Are you developing a differentiation strategy for your own brandor for a client?

Have any of these examples given you an idea or will you make like a chemist and create something truly magical by combining ideas?

I’d love to hear from you!

If you have any challenges or any stories or differentiation strategy development, leave a comment below right now!

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Find Your Key Differentiator - Competitive Brand Advantage (2024)


What are my differentiators that will create a competitive advantage? ›

These include product, price, people, process, promotion, programs, place, physical environment, partners, and positioning. Establish the marketing strategy: This is how you will use the differentiators you have identified to gain a competitive advantage in the market.

What is an example of a key differentiator? ›

Examples of key differentiators can include innovative technical solutions, exceptional customer service, competitive pricing, an exclusive product offering, or a unique distribution model.

What is an example of competitive advantage differentiation? ›

For example, a candy company may differentiate its candy by improving the taste or using healthier ingredients. Although its competitors have cheaper candy, they can't provide the taste that consumers may want from that specific candy company.

What are the key to competitive differentiation? ›

Key elements of competitive differentiation

Competitive differentiation centers around three key elements: unique value proposition, target market identification, and product or service features.

What is your key competitive advantage? ›

Your competitive advantage is the combination of marketing elements that sets your business apart. It's about the unique benefit customers get when they do business with you.

What is your competitive advantage example? ›

A solid competitive advantage should be difficult to copy or recreate within another business. Examples of competitive advantages are unique geographic location, highly skilled workers, recognizable brand image, technological expertise, and excellent customer service.

What is a competitive differentiator? ›

Competitive differentiation is the way in which a company's product, service, or offering is distinct from that of its competitors. Competitive differentiation is based on key aspects of a product or other offering that customers value: branding, functionality, pricing, and/or customer service, and so on.

How to create a competitive advantage? ›

Gaining a competitive advantage
  1. become the low-cost supplier.
  2. develop differentiated, innovative products and services.
  3. target a niche: geography, industry, product/service.
  4. employ differentiated business methods and approaches.
Aug 30, 2022

What is the competitive advantage of a company? ›

Competitive advantage refers to the ways that a company can produce goods or deliver services better than its competitors. It allows a company to achieve superior margins and generate value for the company and its shareholders.

How do you differentiate your company from competitors? ›

Use the following ideas to help you determine that one unique, differentiating quality that only your business has:
  1. Narrow your target market. ...
  2. Focus on superior customer service. ...
  3. Solve a problem. ...
  4. Be innovative. ...
  5. Create offers that are irresistible. ...
  6. Be known as the expert in your field. ...
  7. Make it easy to do business with you.
May 17, 2023

What is an example of a point of differentiation? ›

For example, imagine you operate an art school. There are five art schools in your city, but only yours has a locally renowned painter on staff. Students may choose your school because they want to learn from a respected artist. That member of the teaching staff is your service's point of differentiation.

What are the 7 categories of differentiators? ›

The NFTE identified categories of differentiators include aspects like quality, variety, functional product traits, marketing strategies, distribution channels, technological features, and market structure differences.

What are the 4 ways to develop competitive advantage? ›

Gaining a competitive advantage
  • become the low-cost supplier.
  • develop differentiated, innovative products and services.
  • target a niche: geography, industry, product/service.
  • employ differentiated business methods and approaches.
Aug 30, 2022

What is an example of a differentiator? ›

A key differentiator for some firms is their in-depth understanding of a particular audience. Your firm might specialize in marketing to Baby Boomer women. Your clients might be retirement planners, insurance companies, or clothing retailers, for example.

Which is your greatest differentiator? ›

Your Greatest Differentiator Is Your Talent.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.