ForexTB Review: Regulated CFD Broker with 300 Instruments (2024)

ForexTB Review: Regulated CFD Broker with 300 Instruments (1)

In this comprehensive review, we delve into the operations of ForexTB, a CFD forex broker that has been regulated by CySEC since its inception in 2015. With a diverse offering of over 300 CFD instruments spanning Forex, Stocks, Indexes, Commodities, and Cryptocurrencies, ForexTB has positioned itself as a versatile player in the market. Trading platforms available to clients include MetaTrader 4, Web, and Mobile, catering to a variety of trading preferences. ForexTB's commitment to client support is evident in its provision of Trading Central news, analyses, ideas, TC Research platform, and TC Market Buzz news desk for real account clients. The minimum deposit stands at €250 for the Basic Account, which includes one free withdrawal. Key details about the broker include a minimum trade size of 0.01, maximum leverage of 30:1, and a broad range of trading conditions such as support for EAs/Robots, News Trading, and Scalping. ForexTB also accepts a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods for the convenience of its clients. As we explore the operations of ForexTB, we invite you to read the reviews below and share your own live trading experiences with this broker.

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Trader Reviews

Review ForexTB

ForexTB is a CFD broker that has been regulated by CySEC since 2015. They offer a wide range of over 300 trading instruments, including Forex, Stocks, Indexes, Commodities, and Cryptocurrencies. This review will delve into the details of the company's operations, offerings, and features, providing an unbiased analysis for potential investors.

Trading Platforms and Features

ForexTB provides access to the MetaTrader 4 platform, as well as web and mobile trading platforms. These platforms are user-friendly and equipped with advanced trading tools, making it easy for both beginners and experienced traders. In addition, ForexTB offers Trading Central news, analyses, ideas, TC Research platform, and TC Market Buzz news desk for real account clients. These features provide valuable market insights to help traders make informed decisions.

Account Types and Minimum Deposit

The broker offers several account types, including a Basic Account, which requires a minimum deposit of €250. This account type allows one free withdrawal, making it a suitable option for traders who prefer to start with a smaller investment.

Trading Conditions

ForexTB offers a minimum trade size of 0.01 and a maximum leverage of 30:1. They support various trading strategies, including EAs/Robots, News Trading, and Scalping. These flexible trading conditions cater to different trading styles and strategies.

Trading Instruments

ForexTB provides a wide range of trading instruments, including over 55 currencies and 45 cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. In addition, they offer over 255 CFDs on Gold, Silver, Other Precious Metals, Stocks, Stock Indexes, Oil, and Other Commodities.

Deposit and Withdrawal Methods

ForexTB supports various deposit and withdrawal methods, including Bank Wire, VISA, MasterCard, Neteller, and Skrill. This variety of payment options provides convenience for traders worldwide.

Pros and Cons

ForexTB has several advantages, including a wide range of trading instruments, user-friendly trading platforms, and flexible trading conditions. However, the broker also has some drawbacks such as the relatively high minimum deposit for the Basic Account.

Scammer or Not

ForexTB is a regulated broker holding a CySEC license, which adds a layer of trustworthiness. However, it is always recommended for traders to conduct their own research before investing.

Safety Check

ForexTB has implemented several safety measures to protect its clients' funds and personal information. These measures include advanced encryption technologies and strict compliance with regulatory standards.


Here are some frequently asked questions about ForexTB:

  • What is the minimum deposit for a Basic Account with ForexTB?
    • The minimum deposit for a Basic Account is €250.
  • What trading platforms does ForexTB offer?
    • ForexTB offers the MetaTrader 4 platform, as well as web and mobile trading platforms.
  • Is ForexTB a regulated broker?
    • Yes, ForexTB is a regulated broker, holding a CySEC license since 2015.

For more detailed information about ForexTB, potential investors can visit their official website. Traders who have experience with ForexTB are encouraged to share their experiences on the website. This is an independent review and does not endorse or recommend any particular broker.

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1 review

4 months ago

ForexTB £10,000 Refund Offer: A Review on Their Service Quality

In this candid review, I embark upon my journey with ForexTB - a rollercoaster ride that carried me from the heights of ambition to the depths of despair. My story pivots on a generous refund offer of £10,000 extended after a litany of mistakes and miscalculations. It's an anecdotal lesson for new traders and a reminder of the precarious balance on the tightrope of foreign exchange trading.I first dipped my toes in the trading pond in December 2020. Like many beginners, I was captivated by the promise of returns and fitted the mold of a cautious yet curious trader. With £2000 tucked away, I planned a slow and steady approach to the giddy world of trading. However, my broker was eager to go diving in, despite my stated apprehensions.ForexTB promised me a recommended "minimum" of £5000 to execute trades; they painted a picture of potential margins boosted by price drops and other technicalities that flew over my novice head. Despite warning bells ringing in my head and echoing in your thoughts as you read this, I took the plunge. With crude oil being the first trading suggestion, the broker's confidence was infectious. The COVID-19-triggered lockdown had thrown the crude market into disarray earlier in the year, and the logic appeared sound. However, an unforeseen turn of events led me into a downward spiral, with my account balance ever dwindling and deposits ever increasing, until my initial £2,000 ballooned into a staggering £110,000.An introspective look at this point in the journey highlights two major red flags. The broker, a suave and persuasive personality, wove a deceptive illusion of friendship that blunted my judgment. Then, there were the 'modest gains', a siren song coaxing me towards the deadly rocks of the professional trading test, despite initial reservations.My tale took a daring twist when I found myself armed with newfound and wholly unready professional trading rights. The ego trip kicked in, and I was blind to the risks ahead, indulging in larger trades while my conveniently oblivious broker watched from the sidelines.My tale then spiraled into a classic tragedy. I fumbled with volatile trades, squandered my balance, and lost sight of reason. The £110,000, ironically funded from my company pension, vaporized, leaving me with a mere £11,000. My exit was marred by a false assurance from the broker that stalled my departure and whittled my remaining balance down to a meager £3780.Despite a final desperate gamble to recoup losses, guided by the broker's hollow assurances, I lost everything, leaving behind a trail of regret. My tale ends on a cautionary note for all aspiring traders: The world of trading is fraught with risk, and it demands a discerning mind and judicious advice. Do not walk blindfolded into the maze of forex markets under the guidance of an unscrupulous broker. Instead, educate yourself, understand the risks, seek trusted counsel, and remember the golden rule, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is". My experience with ForexTB serves as a brutal reminder of this timeless adage.

1 review

4 months ago

ForexTB Review: My Experience and £10,000 Refund Story

In December 2020, I found myself caught in the whirlwind that is ForexTB. Guided by their charm and assurances, I naively embarked on this costly journey. For those considering online trading with ForexTB, this article serves as a detailed recount of my encounter and the frustrating situation that led to an astounding loss of £110,000.My venture into trading started innocently with a seed deposit of mere £2000. My broker was an affable chap, disguising his lethal persuasion behind a friendly facade. Despite emphasizing my status as a trading novice and voicing my desire to tread slowly, I was constantly persuaded to increase my stake. I seemingly had little-to-no understandings of concepts like free margins or the unpredictability of the financial markets, but my apprehensions were professionally swept aside.My initiation into trading involved a gamble on Crude Oil, betting on a drop in its prices akin to the shocking plunge witnessed during the first Covid-19 lockdown. To my dismay, the situation not only remained stagnant but required further monetary infusions to sustain the account, propelling my total deposits to a staggering £110,000. While I should ideally be alarmed at this precipitous spike, I was instead constantly reassured and cajoled into intensifying my trades. This friendly exchange cleverly kept me in a state of ignorance, where I willingly agreed to face so-called professional trading tests. Despite failing twice, I found an inexplicable desire to succeed stirred within me, and I succumbed once again to the broker's relentless coaxing.The allure of becoming a professional trader was all too intoxicating. However, I failed to recognize the dangers lurking behind this newfound 'pro' status. Overconfidence began to cloud my judgement, leading to increasingly risky trades without any cautionary advice from my so-called ally, the broker. Innocently trusting him, I pumped in more money to hedging trades to balance any losses, not realizing these were just pouring my hard-earned savings into an abyss.The climax came when my once substantial account balance plummeted to a meagre £11,000. My broker proposed a life-saving strategy that would supposedly improve my sinking account. A combination of desperation, trust, and a glimmer of hope made me accept. Regrettably, the exact opposite happened, wiping out those scarce remnants.In the end, I left the roller coaster ride that is ForexTB with my pockets £110,000 lighter and a lingering sense of regret. The tenacity of my broker didn't end with this loss, he urged me to continue trading, promising a miraculous recovery. Unfortunately, I fell for his persuasive tactics yet again, losing an extra £3000.The bitter experience with ForexTB is a cautionary tale with a stern message: trading brokers may not always have your best interests at heart. As seductive as the world of trading might be, it is essential to proceed with caution, especially for those new to the game. Despite the lessons being expensive, hopefully, my story will help others avoid the tragic fate I encountered on my ForexTB journey.

1 review

4 months ago

ForexTB's Service Review: £10,000 Refund Offer for Poor Service

I am embarking on a candid journey detailing my unsteady relationship with ForexTB, the platform that offered me a £10,000 refund due to their 'poor service.' Here follows a public service message for those considering a foray into the world of online trading. After all, isn't hindsight the greatest of teachers? Flashback to December 20, 2020, I initially deposited £2000 to kick-start my venture with ForexTB, unaware of the brewing storm. From the first interaction with my assigned broker, a seemingly amiable individual, I communicated my newbie status and preference for slow-paced trading. Despite this, I found myself bombarded with rapid-fire information. “Free Margin,” “Price fallacy," they all appeared like alien phrases for me, the inexperienced trader, echoing in my ears. My first bout of trading was with Crude Oil stocks. Banking on the fallout of changing global circ*mstances - a devastating pandemic and rising lockdown measures - the broker instilled in me a false sense of confidence about the imminent drop in prices. This mark of certainty only deepened the pit I was unknowingly digging for myself. With every passing day, my invested £5000 seemed meagre and insufficient; my account hungered for more deposits. The trivial sum grew into a staggering £110,000. Did the alarms ring? Did the warning signs flash? Yes, they did, but I was too consumed by the thrill of a potential win to notice. The fact that the funds originated from my tax-free lump sum pension grant felt like a solace, enough to hush my internal nagging doubts.I placed all my trust and bets on my broker's suggestions. His charm and charisma erased all apprehensions; I was won over by a false illusion of companionship. His continuous nudging for me to undergo a test for professional traders was just another manipulation in line. Meeting none of the three stated criteria—Experience, Capital, and Previous Market Trading Training—I was complied to prepare with my broker to clear the said test. The encouragement offered by my broker, coupled with the growing anticipation to finally "get it right," pushed me into a dark cycle of endless attempts until I finally cleared the test. I was now a "professional" trader with impressive leverage. But was I ready for it? Here's an ode to the YouTube tutorials on rookie mistakes made by new traders— something I sadly had yet to discover. To put it mildly, I was on an ego trip, giddy with the possibility of making significant profits with every $10 leap in trading. My inflated confidence led me to make larger trades— some rewarding, while others, disastrous.In hindsight, my broker's ignorance of my growing recklessness is alarming. With my free margin nearing depletion, I continued to deposit more into my account, like a gambler blinded by momentary rewards. Every smart trader knows how this story ends. It was the classic case of the reckless trader investing funds he could not afford to lose. Before long, I had lost it all— a total blow of £110,000 with an additional £3000. Through the series of unforgiving losses, one thought followed— I was desperate to recover some of my lost funds. Ever the charmer, the broker promised to help me "get my money back." Counting on his words, I invested 'Safe' trades on Crude using the last £3000 in my possession. The end result? Catastrophic; a mirror image of my trading journey— a hard-thrown punch into an abyss of loss. I can foresee the naysayers calling me foolhardy, and rightfully so. This entire ordeal, however, is more than an account of my misjudgement. My tale serves as a striking warning to those lured by the quicksilver charm of online trading brokers or the promise of massive profits. Use my story as an honest guide into the world of trading and allow it to safeguard you against the costly fate I experienced with ForexTB."

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1 review

4 months ago

ForexTB Trading Review: My Experience with £10,000 Refund Offer

In my journey with ForexTB, I've revolved in a vortex of hope, deceit, loss, and immense learning. This review delves into my bittersweet experience that started with a shimmering hope of financial gains and ended in a harsh reality check. And yes, it also brims with my encounter with a seemingly lucrative £10,000 refund offer— a manipulative move veiled behind the garb of penitence for deficient service.Embarking on the ForexTB journey, I was as a novice to this foreign exchange world. Despite commencing with a mere £2000, I was deliberately coaxed into investing a total of £5,000, the minimum that my broker suggested to jump-start my trading activity. An affable trader who eventually became more than a mere broker was my guiding light in the realm of trading.For beginners like me, the world of trading is tantalizing. Just the thought of witnessing your deposit ripple - a spectacular sight for the covetous human mind. It began with trading crude oil, given the then imminent second-wave of Covid-19 – a time when the pandemic had driven crude oil prices to negative earlier. However, as we tread further, the path turned bumpy and soon turned into a roller-coaster ride.Unplanned deposits became frequent, from an initial lump sum of £2,000 to a whopping £110,000. The shocking part was that all this money came from my hard-earned finances, precisely, the tax-free part of my company pension. Innocently following the broker's advice, every stock I traded was upon his recommendation. In fact, the financial plays seemed lucrative in the start, and subconsciously, I was on the road to becoming a hooked 'professional trader.'My broker convinced me to take a 'professional trader' test despite my initial reluctance. This test required validation of a minimum of two out of three set criteria. Though I didn't qualify for any, my broker insisted that my London property’s value, coupled with my dabbling in company shares, made me eligible. Furthermore, the regular guidance from him sufficed the educational criteria.After a couple of failed attempts, I finally passed the test, as he subtly hinted at the correct answers during our telephonic chats. The quest to be a professional trader soon turned into an obsession. My newfound 'professional trader' status meant I was now eligible for higher leverages. For every $10 dollar move on my trades, I was gaining a staggering $1000 – a perfect bait to get drawn into the ocean of trading and financial freedom.In haste and lured by my initial success, I jumped into bigger trades emanating from my overconfidence. Unfortunately, my inexperienced maneuvers backfired soon, draining all my money and leaving nothing but a harsh reality of having lost £110,000. What started as a quest to make money ended in losing everything I had put in through my naïve financial plays.After this disastrous experience, returning to trading was mostly improbable for me. However, my broker’s persuasiveness led me to revisit this perilous game. Upon his call, a ray of hope emerged that looked like an opportunity to recover some lost funds. But, I ended up losing an additional £3000, bringing my total loss to an unthinkable £110,000.Concluding my bitter ordeal with ForexTB, my advice to the innocent souls looking to dive into this volatile financial sea is to tread cautiously. Your financial wellbeing is not worth the hair-raising roller-coaster ride that might leave you at a loss, both financially and mentally. Ensure that you are well-armed with knowledge and awareness, else the consequence could be dire. A fair warning from a witness of this potentially ruthless financial world.


1 review

4 months ago

ForexTB Trading Review: Unsettling £10,000 Refund Experience

Trading, a venture undeniably rife with unpredictability, became my unexpected journey into torment while trading with ForexTB. For starters, I have been presented with a £10,000 refund as an apparent goodwill gesture for their lacklustre service (as stated in their words), with a caveat – to sign a settlement agreement.At the outset, I took a leap of faith, diving into the deep end of Forex trading armed merely with an initial deposit of £2,000 and an incredibly patient broker. His persuasive skills soon had me convinced that an additional £3,000 was mandatory for successful trading, an exposition complemented with the allure of a “free margin” protection should the market take a downturn. The first commodity that enticed us was crude oil. As the pandemonium of the second wave of lockdown plagued the world, my broker was convinced it would descend in value similar to the first lockdown. The reality was starkly different; the unnerving steady rise of crude oil price demanded a series of subsequent deposits that cumulatively shot up to an alarming figure of £110,000, an amount that was sourced as a tax-free lump sum from my company pension.Guided in great measure by my broker’s strategic recommendations, every investment was a venture into uncharted grounds, punctuated by occasional modest returns. The more I traded, the greater was the urge pushed onto me to metamorphose into a professional trader, promising exponentially higher leverage. But was I truly ready for such a gargantuan leap?A series of unsuccessful attempts at an online professional trading test, alongside relentless persuasion by my broker, and a newfound thirst to prove my merit in the world of trading, finally tipped the scales in favour of my broker. However, with great power (or, in this case, leverage) came greater pitfalls. Lured by the prospect of a £1,000 reward for every $10 market movement, my humility was replaced with a newfound bravado. The high-risk, high-reward nature of the trades had an intoxicating allure that blinded me to the realities of becoming a now so-called 'professional' trader despite my inexperience. A series of misguided high-stake trades were the prelude to my inevitable fall, with none in my corner warning me of the impending disaster. Driven by a desperate desire to mitigate the spiralling loss, hedging became my only recourse. But, without the crutch of additional funds, collapse was inevitable.Furthermore, on the deliberate recommendation of my broker, I forwent the opportunity of closing my account with £30,000 in favour of salvaging the losses of £80,000. This decision only exacerbated my predicament, driving down my equity to a measly £3,780. Thus, I ultimately closed my account, licking my wounds of £106,220.In retrospect, I was a puppet in a grand scheme choreographed meticulously by my trusted, friendly broker. A desperate attempt to recoup the losses eventually cost me my last £3,000 in a supposedly fail-proof trade of crude oil recommended by my broker. This self-destructive path was littered with suicidal thoughts, an upsetting consequence of my naivety.My harrowing journey into the realm of Forex trading is laid bare, not for sympathy, but as a stark warning to all novices who are captivated by the allure of quick wealth. Equipped with this chilling narrative, navigate the tumultuous world of trading with caution, and may you never tread the same path as me.

1 review

4 months ago

ForexTB Review: My Experience with Their £10,000 Service Refund

In my voyage through the tempestuous seas of trading, my ship was audaciously afloat with ForexTB, an experience laced with hopes, thrills, and not-so-happy twists and turns. This isn't a recount poised to herald victories, but a candid sharing of my experience that concluded with a soul-stirring offer of a £10,000 refund for the unsatisfactory service I involuntarily endured - a 'silver lining' of sorts, provided only after agreeing to their proposed settlement.My foray into trading was a novel exploration, initiated with ForexTB during the winter solstice of 2020. The broker assigned to me was a friendly soul that I quickly warmed up to. Naive and cautious, I embarked on this journey with a mere deposit of £2,000, intending to proceed cautiously. Little did I know, the cautious tread was about to spiral into a hurried gallop.Propelled by my broker's assurances, my initial deposit quickly balloined to £5,000 to commence more serious trading. Although perplexed by the jargon and technicalities like free margin and price drops, I clung onto this bandwagon. Cruising along, I was introduced to my first trading discipline, Crude Oil - deemed to be as sure as night follows day.Drawing a parallel with the Covid-19 induced lockdowns and subsequent market plummet, my broker convincingly spun the narrative of an impending drop in Crude prices. However, as Murphy's Law would dictate, the opposite unraveled, plunging my £5,000 account into a dangerous downward spiral. The grim tale unfolded quickly; the initial £5,000 vaulted to an unthinkable £110,000 in desperate attempts to bear safe my investments.As days rolled into weeks, every suggested stock I traded was the broker's choice. His affable demeanor comforted me during the turbulent period; however, the brewing storm hadn’t shown its true colors yet. A modest profit streak elevated my confidence, and therein lay the turning point. My broker proposed that I venture into professional trading - meaning more leverage, bigger risks, and hopefully, bigger rewards.Despite lacking confidence, I was coaxed into meeting the prerequisites for professional trading – holding assets worth £4-5,00,000, evidence of trading experience, and proving adeptness in market trading. Although initially hesitant, my broker managed to ‘box tick’ these requirements, leaving me with an online test - a final hurdle that I stumbled upon twice but conquered in the third attempt.As a "professional" trader now, the stakes were higher but so were the potential rewards. With impulsiveness replacing restraint, I began placing risky, high-reward trades, all without the caution of over-extending from my broker. The wreckage left in the wake of this unwary bravado was devastating, amounting to a loss of roughly £113,000.My broker, now more of a seeming hypnotist, convinced me to dive into riskier waters, promising a sure-shot strategy to revive my sunken investments. Trusting his guidance, I gathered the last of my funds, around £3,000, hoping for a Hail Mary to recuperate my losses. Guess what? History repeated itself, and I was left grappling again.This whirlwind experience with ForexTB is no tale of bitter revenge, but a fervent candor shared to advise my fellow traders. Ensure that the glitz and glamour of huge, quick profits doesn't wind you up into the tumultuous vortex of catastrophic losses. In this world of high stakes, tread with caution - rarely does one ever dance with the devil and leave unscathed.


1 review

4 months ago

ForexTB's £10,000 Refund Offer for Poor Service: A Review

I was recently proposed a £10,000 reimbursem*nt by ForexTB as penance for what they termed as ‘low-quality service’. This ostensibly generous gesture from their end, however, came with the restrictive mandate of signing a conciliation pact. Here’s my honest review about my time with ForexTB started in December 2020, that culminated in this controversial offer.At the outset, I admit my initiation into ForexTB was fuelled by lacklustre knowledge about the intricate mechanics of trading. My financial dabbling was hesitant and cautious, being a trading tyro, I was adamant on treading slowly. We can argue that the benefit of hindsight is laced with various latent lessons, and my story is no different.I began my ForexTB journey with a humble initial deposit of £2000, only to be informed by my broker, an affable gent, that a starter's package required at least £5,000. I was bombarded with trading jargons about free margins, plummeting prices and a slew of convoluted concepts that scrambled my understanding - I felt cornered, lost and novice. But I soldiered on.ForexTB ushered me into the world of trading with shares in Crude oil. My broker was fervently confident about the plunging price of this commodity given the COVID-lockdown economic context. Seduced by his conviction, buoyed by ignorance I fell into the snare, investing £110,000, a vast portion of my company pension’s 25% tax-free component.A string of modest victories inflated my ego, and the broker suggested that I attempt a test to become a professional trader, gain more leverage, thereby upping my prospects of fortune-building. Despite my initial reluctance, dubious qualifications and ignorance, I was goaded into, and consequently ended up passing the assessment under a shroud of nebulous verdicts.But as is the fatal flaw of hubris, I was blinded by the temporary successes, the seemingly promising trajectory I was carving as a professional trader. Irrespective of the alarmingly decimating 'free margin', I pumped in more money, with supreme certainty that the favourable tide would turn at any moment.But as the trading adage goes, 'the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent'. I was ambushed by my own complacency and naivety. I witnessed my headlines-making £110,000, which was further reinforced by a desperate attempt of £3,000 investment, dwindling down to a modest £3,780.With mounting losses and a desperate need to recoup funds, I was reassured by my broker to regain my financial losses. Fatefully, I revisited the tempestuous Crude market with modest investment and hope. The result? An irreversible loss.I must impress upon you readers, that I am not sharing my story to garner sympathy or censure. Rather, it’s intended as a cautionary tale for novice traders like me, drawn to the seemingly promising but occasionally treacherous terrain of trading. My journey with ForexTB is testament to the fact that while trading could potentially be lucrative, it is also a labyrinth that demands caution, understanding and shrewdness.

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ForexTB Review: Regulated CFD Broker with 300 Instruments (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.