Frankie Stein (2024)

"I was brought to unlife as a teenager, so I'm still a scary-bit naïve about the ways of the monster world. That's why I'm always reading Teen Scream magazine...I'm trying to get caught up on teen unlife. I put every spark of energy into school and my extrascarricular activities, like being a member of the Fear Squad, so I can enjoy every second of being a monster teen." ~ Frankie Stein


  • 1 Monster Background
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Appearance
  • 4 Relationships
    • 4.1 Family
    • 4.2 Friends
    • 4.3 Pets
    • 4.4 Romance
    • 4.5 Enemies
  • 5 Profiles
    • 5.1 SDCC Profile
    • 5.2 Reboot Profile
  • 6 Class Schedule
  • 7 Monster Abilities
  • 8 Website Quotes
  • 9 Trivia
  • 10 Get Inside Her Head!
  • 11 Gallery

Monster Background[]

Frankie Stein is a character introduced to the Monster High doll/cartoon series in 2010. Frankie is the teenage daughter of Frankenstein, also known as Viktor Stein in the Monster High book series or Frankenstein's monster as he is known in horror fiction, as well as his bride who goes by Viveka Stein in the book series. Frankie is a simulacrum of sorts, created in a lab by Frankenstein and his bride 15 days before they attend Monster High.

In the 2016 Monster High Reboot Frankie, along with other monster children, had spent most of their days in hiding due to the Great Monster Scare, an event in which humans had driven monsters into hiding before meeting Draculaura and establishing the school Monster High.

Franke Stein's character is based off of the 1818 horror fiction novel Frankenstein by English Author Mary Shelley.


Frankie is a positive and enthusiastic natural-born leader, eager to learn about their new life at Monster High as a teenager and eager to make friends. Frankie was "born" as a teenager and has natural teenage inclinations, but due to their lack of experience (they're only 15 days old) Frankie often finds it hard to fit in among their friends and understand "normal" teenage behavior. As the series progresses, Frankie begins to develop their own interests and hobbies outside of their friendship circle. Being the "new kid in school", it has given them an objective perspective when it comes to student-body issues. They are naturally creative and intelligent, capable of bringing just about anything to life, just like their father. They have an interest in science as well as sewing and cooking, skills they often use to bring things to life.

Frankie can be clumsy at times due to their "freaky flaws", which include their electric bolts (which can cause quite a "shock" around them) and their sewn-on limbs (which have a tendency to come apart at the seams). Despite their freaky flaws Frankie excepts the freaky flaws of others and can see the good in just about every creature at Monster High.

In the Monster High books by Lisi Harrison, Frankie is more stereotypically feminine, with an excessive need to shop. This could be due to their father attempting to make them into the average teenage girl by inserting knowledge and interest in all the latest fashion trends into their brain.

In the Monster High generation 2 reboot (2016), Frankie Stein has a more brainy type of personality, where they are interested in mostly science and acts as the intellectual character of the series, in place of Ghoulia Yelps. Of course, they still retain their enthusiastic and friendly demeanor, as well as their natural born leadership.

In the Monster High anime adaptation Frankie Stein is portrayed as clumsy and a bit more shy and sweet-natured.

In the Monster High live action movie (2022), Frankie Stein is stated to go by they/them pronouns due to having "a variety of different parts", indicating they are genderfluid. In the Generation 3 reboot (2022) Monster High Nickelodeon series their profile is described this way: "Frankie isn’t just new to being a monster – they’re new to BEING. Brought to life by their scientist parents just fifteen days before their start at Monster High, Frankie is figuring out who they are and who they want to be in real-time. That means having zero filter, being totally mind-boggled by social norms, and constantly, adorably awed by the mundane. On the other detachable hand, Frankie’s brain is filled with bits and pieces from the best minds in monster history - making them one of the brightest students in school. Frankie revels in the joy of their new life - it’s messy, confusing, but most of all, it’s FUN! They don’t get hung up on their mistakes or dwell in the past - they’re a blank slate, ready to build themselves into exactly who they want to be!" In this reboot she is voiced by Iris Menas.

Frankie's nicknames include "Frankie Fine" and "Firecracker" given to them by Holt Hyde.


Frankie has mint green skin with white hair and black hair streaks. While in most cases they wear their hair long, their hair style has been shown to be a variety of lengths. They have stitches on their cheek, legs, arms, and neck as well as bolts that connect to their neck. In the webisode Bad Scare Day, Frankie is briefly shown with braces. Their height is 5"7 according to their driver's license. In the Monster High book series Frankie's eyes are periwinkle, however in throughout the rest of the franchise Frankie has heterochromia, where one eye is blue and the other is green.

Their custom colors tend to range between blue, gray, white, black, and yellow. Frankie often describes their style as preppy and "ready for success". They tend to wear a lot of plaid.



Viktor Stein: Frankie Stein's "father" who invented them in a lab 15 days before their start at Monster High. In the Monster High book series they are the son or creation of the original Frankenstein's monster, along with his bride, Viveka. In the Monster High movie Franchise they were created by Dr. Victor Frankenstein.

Viveka Stein: Frankie Stein's "mother" who also assisted in creating them in a lab 15 days before their start at Monster High. She is also a creation of Frankenstein.

Victor Frankenstein: Frankie's grandfather (or great grandfather). Victor was a human orphan and a mad scientist who yearned to bring something to life and create a family. Victor and Frankie became friends in the movie Freaky Fusion when Frankie and their friends went back in time. It remains unclear if he is the great-grandfather or his father, as the Monster High book series states Frankenstein's monster is or was Frankie Stein's grandfather compared to Freaky Fusion which states that human Victor is their grandfather.

Alivia Stein (Reboot): Frankie Stein's sister. Throughout both installments of Monster High Frankie had always wanted a sibling but their parents had always declined the idea, knowing the responsibility that came with having children. In the reboot, Frankie created Alivia to be just like them; interested in science. However, Alivia proved to have very different interests from Frankie, preferring photography over science. This disappointed Frankie at first, but eventually Frankie came to realize that just because Alivia didn't love the same things as them didn't mean she didn't love them.


Draculaura: Draculaura, along with Clawdeen, was one of the first friends Frankie meets on her first day of school in the TV special New Ghoul @ School. At first, Frankie struggled to make friends with them and others after she lied about her relation ship with Deuce Gorgon in the TV special New Ghoul @ School, but eventually she makes amends with them. In the Monster High reboot movie Welcome To Monster High, they meet when Frankie spots Draculaura flying across the town and decides to visit her home. Eventually, they come up with the idea to start a high school for monsters to attend. In the Nickelodeon Monster High reboot (2022) Frankie is introduced by Draculaura to the student body on her first day attending the school. After Clawdeen falls on her during her introduction speech in the school auditorium, her and Draculaura become friends with Clawdeen.

Clawdeen Wolf: One of the first friends Frankie makes on her first day at Monster High along with Draculaura in the TV special New Ghoul @ School. At first, Frankie struggled to make friends with them and others after she lied about her relation ship with Deuce Gorgon in the TV special New Ghoul @ School, but eventually she makes amends with them. In the reboot movie Welcome To Monster High Frankie Stein meets Clawdeen Wolf when she and Draculaura are in search for new monsters for their new school. In the Nickelodeon reboot of Monster High (2022), Frankie meets Clawdeen after Clawdeen falls on top of her while she was introducing herself as a new student. This automatically gains Frankie's respect of Clawdeen because of her boldness.

Lagoona Blue: Frankie makes friends with Lagoona Blue when she finds herself running to the pool room for comfort in New Ghoul @ School. Lagoona gives Frankie advice when Frankie struggles to navigate high school and helps her gain the trust of her friends after deceiving them. In the reboot movie Welcome To Monster High,

Cleo De Nile: At first, Cleo and Frankie's relationship started off wrong due to Frankie lying about Cleo's boyfriend, Deuce Gorgon in New Ghoul @ School. Eventually, after joining the fearleading squad and helping Cleo win the championship, Frankie and Cleo become friends.

Ghoulia Yelps: Ghoulia Yelps is also good friends with Frankie Stein.

Melody Carver: In the Monster High book series Melody is the first friend Frankie makes when she starts Merston High.

Deuce Gorgon: Deuce is also a close friend of Frankie. Often times Frankie's relationship with Deuce gets misunderstood, especially among her friends. But Frankie is often there to help Deuce with his tending to his girlfriend Cleo De Nile.

Jackson Jekyll: At first, Jackson and Frankie dated for a while, but due to conflict with Holt over Frankie's affections, Frankie decided to remain friends with Jackson. They still hang out together, even deciding to go on a picnic together.

Holt Hyde: At first, Holt and Frankie dated for a while, but due to conflict with Jackson over Frankie's affections, Frankie decided to remain friends with Holt.


Frankie's official pet is named Watzit. Frankenstein created Watzit in a lab with spare parts for only a week. Like most of the pets of Monster High, he is always there to lending a helping hand to Frankie Stein and her friends. In Frankie Stein and the New Ghoul At School Frankie created a another pet to be a companion for Watzit named Zappit. Of course, after Zappit took a liking to Isi Dawndancer, Frankie lets Isi keep it. Frankie also has pet "lab rats" that she refers to as Glitterati. In the Monster High books, they are described as having red eyes and are kept in the lab, or "Fab" as Frankie calls it. After changing the lab into her bedroom, she covers each of the rats in glitter which is how they got the name "Glitterati". In New Ghouls @ School and Fright On! they are shown assisting Frankie with her morning routine.


Brett Redding: In the Monster High Book series she developed a crush on him, even though he was dating Bekka Madden at the time (which became a source of conflict). Eventually, he broke up with Bekka and started dating Frankie but then he eventually breaks up with her as well.

Jackson Jekyll: Jackson is one of Frankie's love interests in the Monster High web series. She finds Jackson to be "scary sweet" and romantic, but found herself often confused over dating either Jackson or Holt at times. Of course, in the beginning she didn't know that Jackson and Holt were in the same body. After attempting to date them both, and after they had an argument over her affections, she decided to end her relationship with both. They still decided to remain close friends.

Holt Hyde: In the Monster High book series at first Frankie is not interested in Holt, but eventually she and Holt both have interest in each other. In her diaries and the webseries Frankie often found it hard to choose between Holt and Jackson, seeing Holt as "electric" or exciting while seeing Jackson as sweet and romantic. In the web series, Frankie dates Holt AND Jackson but eventually breaks up with them both due to their conflict over her affections. They decide to remain good friends.

Neighthon Rot: Frankie meets Neigthon Rot in the movie Freaky Fusion. Upon meeting him she showed instant attraction to him and his feelings were mutual both in the movie and the Generation 1 web series.

Deuce Gorgon: Frankie found him attractive at first in New Ghoul @ School, even lying to her friends that she was dating him (only to discover that he was dating Cleo De Nile already).

Gargoyle Number "7": Frankie Stein had a crush on a Scottish gargoyle who plays on the football team whose jersey number is "7" according to her School's Out diary


Bartleby Farnum- In the TV special Escape From Skull Shores, Bartleby sees an opportunity to lure Andy Beast for his "Freak Show" when he meets Frankie Stein, a ghoul who oddly resembles an old time friend of Andy's. After Frankie and her friends are found stranded on a raft in the middle of the ocean, Bartleby convinces them to join him on his ship by making them believe his is going towards the Great Scarrier Reef where Lagoona's parents are waiting for them. However, midway he leads the girls to Skull Island where the "beast" resides. Convincing the native Tikis of the island of his plan, the Tiki hold a ceremony with Frankie Stein as the guest of honor in which she is set up as a bait for Andy. Andy is eventually lured by the drums of the Tiki and Andy, recognizing Frankie, kidnaps her in his "beastly" form. Later, however, she discovers that Andy is actually not a threat; just an average monster teen like she is. Eventually, the ghouls discover Bartleby's plan and plot a plan to escape the island, with Gil summoning dolphins to assist. However, Bartleby was relentless in his pursuit, following the ghouls back to Monster High pretending to be a human guest speaker for the school. He is then attacked by some of the student bodies who realize he is a threat. Of course, Bartleby is able to thwart the student's attacks and he meets Andy on the bridge of the school, set on convincing him to go into his "beastly" mode and to manipulate him into believing he is a "freak" and that he is best suited for Bartleby. This eventually causes Andy to turn into his beastly mode. Eventually, Frankie convinces Andy that Bartleby is wrong and Andy finds himself pushed into a tar pit by his own henchman Kipling and meets a flock of birds as well, which causes him to be tarred and feathered. In the end, Bartleby is chased out of town by humans who mistaken him as a monster.


Parents: Frankenstein and his bride

Age: I'm 15…days that is.

Killer Style: My friends say I have the perfect figure for fashion. I’m not really sure what that means yet, but they’ve taken me shopping for some scary cute clothes that are absolutely to die for.

Freaky Flaw: Sometimes my stitches come loose at the worst possible moments. Like the day my arm flew off at fearleading tryouts and landed right in front of the most creeparific guy at Monster High. I was mortalfied.

Pet: Watzit. I'm not sure all of the things he's made from but Watzit’s pet license is 10 pages long.

Favorite Activity: Since I'm only 15 days old I don’t really have a favorite yet! I want to experience everything before I have to choose.

Biggest Pet Peeve: Every morning when I come upstairs my father insists on grinning and shouting, "It's alive!"

Favorite School Subject: History. It's great because it helps me to understand where my friends are coming from.

Least Favorite School Subject: Swimming. I tend to short out and say silly things when I get wet.

Favorite Color: Black and white stripes.

Favorite Food: Because I'm only 15 days old, everything I've tried so far is the best thing ever!

BFFs: Draculaura & Clawdeen Wolf

SDCC Profile[]

Parents: Frankenstein and his bride

Age: Let's see…what time is it?

Killer Style: Currently it appears to be laboratory chic but I'm hoping it’ll change to something that doesn’t tie in the back and is a little less...drafty.

Freaky Flaw: I seem to have a stitch in my side that won't go away.

Pet: I think I would like a pet but I would have a hard time choosing just one type. It's too bad there isn't a one kind of pet with all the best qualities put together in one cute package.

Favorite Activity: I'm a big fan of walking so far.

Biggest Pet Peeve: I haven't even had a chance to develop a small one yet.

Favorite School Subject: How do you spell that Dad? Q-u-a-n-t-u-m P-h-y-s-i-c-s (I have no idea what that is yet but Dad seems to think I'll love it. We'll see.)

Least Favorite School Subject: I'm planning on liking everything until further notice.

Favorite Color: Black and white stripes.

Favorite Food: Brussels Sprouts...Dad said to put that down because it would be funny.

BFFs: Hopefully I'll have lots of them.

Reboot Profile[]



Frankie has a special spark that makes her seem more alive than other ghouls; it’s reflected in her curiosity and enthusiasm for everything life has to offer. Created in her father’s lab, she grew up with the knowledge that there was so much to do and see in the world. So she ventured out on her own – with her parents just an iCoffin chat away, of course – and that’s how she met Draculaura. Together, the new ghoulfriends journeyed to find other monsters their age – age being a state of brain – and formed a school where everyone is welcome. They even became co-presidents of the student body! And lately, she’s really been getting into science class, where voltageous experiments are always bubbling up. Her dad says she’s a chip off the old block, but she likes to think she’s her own monster.

Favorite Food

I don't have a fave because I'm up for trying anything! Getting a taste for something new always gives me a jolt of happiness!

Favorite Activity

I don't really have a favorite yet. I want to experience everything before I have to choose.

Killer Style

Now that I have a school where I belong, I love my outfits to be a little preppy… and a lot stylish. I think electric blue plaids are especially voltageous!


Watzit™. I'm not sure of all the things he's made from, but Watzit's pet license is 10 pages long.

Pet Peeve

Every morning when I come upstairs, my father insists on grinning and shouting, "It's alive.

Monster Quirk

Sometimes my stitches come loose and it’s like my limbs have a brain of their own. When I offer you a hand, don’t be shocked if I mean it literally.

Personal Monstra

I try! I mean I try everything! I like to explore and experience and live everything the world has to offer.

Class Schedule[]

  • History
  • Swimming
  • Quantum Physics
  • Mad Science
  • Home Ick
  • Dead Languages
  • Trigular Calcometry 101
  • Drama
  • Physical Deaducation

Monster Abilities[]

Frankie's monster abilities vary according to installment and media. Frankie's main abilities involve the following:

  • Frankie can create electricity through the bolts in her neck. In the reboot, with enough electricity in her bolts, she can create fashionable designs and even create monsters called Znaps.
  • Frankie can detach and reattach her body parts at will. Her body parts usually require her to resew them back together, except her hand, which in many cases tends to have a "mind of its own".
  • When Frankie’s neck bolts were put back on the wrong way, this reserves their polarity and she becomes a living magnet, as metal clings onto her body.
  • Frankie can also create fire via either the combination of electric energy and flammable materials or simply rubbing her hands together as quickly as she could.
  • Frankie possesses the ability to accidentally stop time in “Boo Year’s Eve” and reverse her friend’s actions.
  • In stark contrast to her friends who can feel pain, Frankie feels refreshed from a lightning strike.

Website Quotes[]

"I made a wish and threw a coin into the school fountain to help make my screams come true."

"I'm listening to a high-voltage music mix Holt Hyde made me while I clean the lab."

"I'm totally sparking at the bolts for the Wolfs' clawesome barbecue this weekend."

"I'm so charged up to pay-it-forward and help new ghouls at school feel welcome. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't met my ghouls."

"Boys are so weird, and kind of adorable."


  • According to the Monster High official Facebook, Frankie Stein's birthday is June 26.
  • In the Monster High book series before attending Merston High, her parents decided to make her visit Mount Hood High in order to prove to her the disdain humans had for monsters. This proved to be a scarring experience for Frankie due to her being discovered as a Monster and having to run before the police came.
  • Frankie's name is a unisex name that is derivative of the word Frank, Francis, or Francesca. It typically means free or truthful. The name is a play on the name Frankenstein.

Get Inside Her Head![]

Want to know the personal thoughts and feelings of Frankie Stein? Visit Frankie's Diaries & Logs!


Frankie Stein (1)

Frankie's Icon

Frankie Stein (2)

Frankie Reboot

Frankie Stein (2024)
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