Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | Bausch + Lomb (2024)

Here are the answers to the most common questions which our experts get on contact lens

1. When I started using lenses, people always told me that lenses must not be worn for long as they have a tendency to crack which could turn you blind. Is it true?

Contact lenses are very safe. User need to follow the instructions given while contact lenses were dispensed like, clean them properly and replace them as directed by their eye care practitioners. One should avoid using chipped or cracked lenses. Today’s technology presents you a high quality product like Silicone hydrogel lenses (e.g.: PureVison2 HD) which can be worn for long hours too.

2. How long does it take to get used to lenses?

You need very less time for a soft contact lens to get used to. Some times few minutes or few days depending on the individual.

3. If my monthly disposable lenses are still comfortable and in good condition beyond a month, can I continue to wear the same pair?

When a contact lens is dispensed eye care practitioners suggests you the disposing modality basis on your eye condition which may vary among individuals. User should follow the instructions given while contact lenses were dispensed like, clean them properly and replace them as directed by the eye care practitioners. Still if you have any doubt about extending the lens usage you should consult with your eye care practitioner, because lenses may look clean with naked eye but can have a possibility of underlying problems.

4. Can we store contact lenses in tap water?

You should never, ever store your contacts in water. Despite being purified, tap water/distilled water can still contain bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause serious eye infections. Water does not disinfect your contact lenses. If you store your contacts in water, in a matter of minutes or hours, bacteria, fungi and other harmful pathogens can grow on your lenses and then get transferred to your eyes. This can lead to sight threatening eye problems.

5. Are colored contact lenses available in spherical power?

Yes, colored contact lenses are also available in Spherical powers.

6. What’s the maximum power up to which contact lenses can be processed?

Bausch + Lomb manufacture a maximum power up to - 20 Diopters in conventional lenses and – 12 Diopters in disposable lenses. Though there can be some local manufactures who can offer custom made lenses for even higher powers.

7. Is it harmful to wear powerless colored contact lenses?

These non-vision-correcting lenses are safe as long as they are properly fitted to your eye. Never "borrow" lenses from friends and do not buy these without proper instructions given for care and maintenance. Talk to your eye care professional if you are interested in these lenses.

8. How to differentiate the correct concave side of the lens?

Keep the lens on finger and pinch the lens together with thumb. If the edges head toward each other (so that the lens takes the shape of a taco shell) the lens is positioned properly for insertion. If the edges fold over on the fingers or turn outwards (like the brim of a saucer), the lens is inside out and must be flipped and repositioned.NOTICE THE CURVE OF THE LENS ON THE FINGER TO THE LEFT ABOVE; IT SLOPES UP AND FORMS A "CUP". THE SECOND FRAME SHOWS A LENS “INSIDE OUT” WHERE THE CURVES FOLD OUTWARDS. FRAME 3 DEMONSTRATES ANOTHER WATY TO DETERMINE “SIDEDNESS, BY PINCHING THE LENS; IT FORMS A "TACO SHELL" SHAPE WHEN PINCHED BETWEEN TWO FINGERS.

9. Can I put in the eye drops with lenses still in my eyes?

There are few eye drops which are recommended to be used over the lenses (e.g renu rewetting drops by Bausch + Lomb), but not all. Better you discuss this with your eye care practitioner whenever in doubt.

10. If, by chance, the lens falls while putting, should I consider it for further use or throw it off?

It is recommended to place a clean towel on the surface where you are inserting your lenses, so that if the lens falls down you can clean it again and use. But if the lens falls on a dirty surface and can’t be cleaned well you should discard the lens.

11. How frequently should I change the solution in the lens case?

You should never re-use your contact lens solution. You should throw it out, rinse out your case with fresh solution, and let it air dry on a daily basis.

12. Can one wash eyes wearing lenses?

While wearing contacts, you can wash your face by keeping your eyes closed so that water doesn’t come in contact with your lenses. Whenever you require washing your eyes better you take out your lenses before that.

13. When new users which lenses should one go for monthly or yearly lenses?

A contact lens modality is decided by the eye care practitioner basis on users’ profile. In general a disposable lens is a healthy option.

14. Can one wear lenses after a cataract surgery?

If required, contact lenses can be worn after cataract surgery; provided the eye is not having any underlying infection and rest other ocular conditions are within normal limits for contact lens usage. One should consult his/her eye care practitioner for this.

15. Do I need to replace my lens case if it looks clean?

Lens case should be replaced at a regular interval, preferably after every three months. The old lens case may look clean but has a potential of carrying microorganisms which may transfer to eyes through lenses and results in serious eye infections.

16. How should I clean my lens case?

Lens case can be cleaned using contact lens multipurpose solution itself. Lens case should be replaced at a regular interval, preferably after every three months. The old lens case may look clean but has a potential of carrying microorganisms which may transfer to eyes through lenses and results in serious eye infections.

17. I just had a power in right eye my left eye is perfectly ok so should I wear lenses in just one eye or both?

For vision correction you need to wear contact lens in one eye only which has power.

18. Can some contacts actually slow or control nearsightedness?

Studies suggest that wearing contact lenses will not significantly alter the natural progression of myopia (nearsightedness) and eventual stabilization of your vision. Orthokeratology is a proven method for the temporary reduction or correction of myopia by wearing specially designed Gas Permeable lenses (not soft contact lenses) to alter the shape of the eye during sleep.

19. If a person has astigmatism, can he/she wear contact lenses?

Contact lenses are safe and are now available in astigmatic corrections too, these are called as toric contact lenses which an astigmatic person can use.

20. Does a person need to see an optometrist or ophthalmologist for contacts?

Either of them should be ok provided they should be practicing contact lenses in routine unless some specialized streams for e.g. a retina specialist may not be practicing contact lenses.

21. Is it safe to wear lenses and work with flame?

Once inserted in eye contact lens will start behaving as part of your eye which will not be affected by surrounding temperature. Hence while working with flame you needs to take care of your eyes as you would have done without wearing contact lenses.

22. Which is better contact lenses or glasses?

Whether you chose to wear corrective vision eyeglasses or contact lenses, it depends entirely on your personal preference. Lifestyle, convenience, comfort level, and budget will all play a role in making this decision. Both contact lenses and eyeglasses have their advantages. When choosing between eye contact lenses and glasses, in terms of vision, ease of use and eye safety, contact lenses fair better.

23. How many hours should you wear contact lenses in a single day?

It depends on the characteristics of your eyes as well as on the material properties of the contact lens. As a general point, it's recommended that you wear your contact lenses for a maximum of 8-10 hours per day. There are lenses available which you can wear for more than 10-12 hours as well. Your eye care practitioner will be able to suggest you better what is best for your eyes.

24.Are contact lenses good for your eyes?

Yes, contact lenses make an excellent choice as a visual aid because If you wear daily disposable contact lenses that are discarded at the end of the day, you won't need to buy eye lens solutions to clean and disinfect your contacts after each use.

25.How do contact lenses work?

Eye contact lenses are lightweight prescription lenseswhich are designed to correct refractive errorsand maintain eye health. Once inserted in the eye, they float on the tear film layer that is present on the corneal surface.

26.What happens when you cry in contact lenses?

It is completely safe to cry in your eye contact lenses as long as you refrain from touching your eyes. Continuous rubbing or wiping your eyes can wrinkle or fold your contact lenses, displacingthem from the cornea and makethem stickunderneath the upper eyelid.

27.Which is better monthly or daily disposable contact lenses?

Both monthly and daily contact lenses are disposable eye contact lenses. Choosing between monthly or daily contact lenses depends entirely on personal preference and the ability to follow through the care and maintenance activities related to contact lenses. Daily contact lenses don't require any maintenance as you can discard them after each use. Whereas, in the case of monthly disposable contact lenses, you need to follow set care regime before and after each use. Other factorslike cost, comfort, ease of use and maintenance can help you decide better.

28.What happens if you shower with contact lenses in?

It is not recommended to expose your eye contact lenses to any fresh or tap water. If you shower with contact lenses in your eyes, the exposure to water can cause the soft contact lenses to change its shape, swell, and it can even stick to the eye. Doing so can lead to uncomfortable conditions, and the cornea can get scratched,which makes it susceptibleto germs to enter the eye and cause infections.Discuss with your Eye Care professional in case you have any such need.

29.Is it harmful to rub eyes with contacts?

You should not rub your eyes at all if you have your contact lenses in. Rubbing your eyes may damage to your cornea, which can lead to severe vision-related problems and possibly require eye surgery.

30.Does putting contacts in Hurt?

No, absolutely not. Applying and removing contact lenses is easy and painless, it is just a matter of practice.In fact once you learn it well it takes only few seconds to do this.

31.Is it safe to swim with contact lenses?

Swimming with eye contact lenses can lead to severe eye infections, inflammation and seriousconditions such as a corneal ulcer. It is advised that contact lenses should not be exposed to any type of water, be it drinking water or water in rivers, oceans, lakes, hot tubs and showers.There are bugs and pathogens in swimming pool, which could potentially cause damage to the cornea, and lead to infections, or ulcers. It is advised to avoid wearing contacts while swimming, however if it is unavoidable, you may use a daily disposable lens with a swimming goggle on. Ensure you discard the lens once you are out of the pool.

32.Can I sleep with contact lenses on?

Yes, you can sleep with contact lenses on, but it depends on the type of contact lenses that you are using. Extended wear contact lenses are made of unique materials that allow more oxygen flow to reach your eye, making them safer to wear during sleep.Consult with your eye care practitioner before you use extended wear contact lenses.

33.Do daily wear contact lenses last longer?

To reuse daily wear contact lenses, they have to be safely disinfected, and only then can it be used for two weeks to a month before you discard them. Daily use contact lenses are designed to be worn only during the day and not for sleeping in with them. So, yes, compared to daily disposable contact lenses that are made for single-use, daily contact lenses can be safely reused for up to a month.

34.How long can I use monthly disposable contact lens every day?

Wearing time of your contact lenses is defined by the condition of your eyes and the type of material is used in your lenses. Usually a hydrogel monthly disposable can be worn for up to 8 hours which may vary from product to product. There are premium contact lens materials (e.g.: Silicone Hydrogel) which help you wear contact lenses even for longer hours 14 to 16 hours.

35.Can You Use your Daily Disposable Contact Lens the second time?

No, you cannot use your daily contact lenses for a second time. Daily disposable contact lenses are not designed to be reused as you have to discard them after using them for a day and replace them with a brand-new pair the next day.

36.Which is Cheaper Monthly or Daily Disposable Contact Lens?

If you wear contact lenses every day, daily disposable contact lenses will be more expensive than monthly disposable contact lenses.In case you wear contact lenses only occasionally, then daily disposable contact lenses will be cheaper comparatively. Especially the cost of Lens Care solution is not required in case of Daily disposable lenses. Also, the cost of both monthly and daily disposable contact lenses varies depending on the material they are made of.

37.Does monthly contact lens mean 30 wears?

Monthly disposable contact lenses should be thrown away precisely 30 days after opening the blister pack, regardless of the number of times you have worn them. If you don't wear your eye contact lenses every day, consult with your optometrist about daily disposable contact lenses.

38.How long should I use monthly disposable contact lens for?

Monthly disposable contact lenses must be replaced 30 days after opening their blister pack. You can use monthly contact lenses during the day, remove, clean and store them in contact lens care solution each night. Dispose of your monthly disposable contact lenses after 30 days, regardless of the number of times you have worn them.

39.How safe are monthly contact lenses?

Monthly contact lenses are safe to use, provided that you take proper care and use them as directed and recommended by your eye care practitioner. Monthly disposable contact lenses are usually made out of hydrogel or silicone hydrogel materials that have been approved by the FDA as suitable materials for designing daily re-usablecontact lenses. You can wear these contact lenses daily and store them after cleaning them during the night.

40.Can I start using contact lenses straight from the package?

Disposable contact lenses come packed in a sterilized solution that is compatible with the surface of the eye. In case the box or a pair of specific contact lens is not beyond the expiration date, they will be safe to wear without rinsing it in additional solution. Having said that, some individuals may have sensitive eyes and rinsing the contact lenses in an FDA-approved store-bought saline solution can make this irritation less likely to occur.

41.Why am I getting blurry vision after putting my contacts?

Based on several reasons, your vision may get blurry, hazy or cloudy even after using daily contact lenses. This could be a result of:•Improper placement of the lenses (you may put the right eye contact lens into the left eye)•Incorrect fit of the contact lens within the eye (tight or loose lens fitting)•Rotation or movement of the contact lens within the eye•Impurities/deposits present on the contact lens•Dryness of the eyes or the contact lenses•Some other systemic factor •Acceptable is during adaptation also when you wear contact lenses for the first time.If your vision continues to remain blurry despite using one of the best daily contact lenses , you should consult your optometrist.

42.What are the things I should avoid doing with Monthly contacts?

While using monthly contact lenses, you need to avoid doing the following:•Exposing your contact lenses to soaps or cosmetics•Touching the tip of your contact lens care solution bottle with your finger or the contact lens•Reusing contact lens care solution•Using eye drops or solutions that are not intended for use with your contact lenses•Wearing your contact lenses for more than the prescribed time•Swapping contact lenses with another individualMonthly contact lenses need proper care and maintenance to ensure excellent visual acuity and lens performance.

43.Can you use contact lenses to open your eyes underwater?

You must not use eye contact lenses while taking a bath, swimming or when submerged in water. Most sources of water, such as rivers and swimming pools, contain several bacteria and impurities that can cause harm to your eyes. By opening your eyes underwater while wearing contact lenses, you may experience irritation in the eye and other infections. You may also lose your eye contact lenses in the water.

44.How do you know if someone has contacts?

It is difficult to know if someone is wearing non-coloured contacts as they are usually transparent and completely cover the pupil/cornea of the eye. However, when you wear contact lenses that are coloured, it becomes easier for people to tell whether you are wearing contacts or not. Coloured contact lenses that contrast with the original colour of your eye are easily distinguishable. For example, when you wear contact lenses that are green and put them over your black eyes, people can tell that you are wearing contacts.

45.Can you sleep for one hour with contacts?

You can sleep with contact lenses onbut it depends on the type of contact lenses that you are using. Extended wear contact lenses are made of unique materials that allow more oxygen flow to reach your eye, making them safer to wear during sleep. Consult with your eye care practitioner before you use extended wear contact lenses. So, yes, you can sleep for one hour with your contact lenses on if the contact that you use is an extended wear contact lenses for overnight use.

46.How many hours of coloured contacts can you wear?

Coloured contacts are still a medical device- even if they are non-prescription.It depends on the characteristics of your eyes as well as on the material properties of the colour contact lens. As a general point, if you are using a colour contact lens made up of hydrogel material you may use it for up to 8 hours subject to manufacturer’s recommendation. It is advisable that you take your coloured contact lenses off before going off to bed. Wearing colour lenses for more than the prescribed time may lead to irritation, dryness, and other issues in your eyes. It is advisable to remove any coloured lenses immediately if you feel irritation or dryness in your eyes.

47.Is wearing contact lenses every day bad?

You can wear your contact lenses daily. However, wearing your daily contact lenses for more than the prescribed duration is not recommended as it may cause damage to your eyes. Therefore, you must have a contact lens schedule in place that allows you to use your reusable contact lenses . You can consult your optometrist to determine the wearing modality of your contact lenses.

48.Is buying monthly disposable contact lenses better or daily disposables?

Both daily disposable contact lenses and monthly disposable contact lenses have their pros and cons. You can use daily disposable contact lenses for one day and then discard them. On the other, you can use monthly disposable contact lenses daily for up to 30 days. Daily care and maintenance with suitable lens care solution will be required for re-usable lenses. You can choose between the two types of contact lenses based on the frequency of usage, your prescription, lifestyle, and budget. You Eye care professional can help you chose the appropriate one as per your eyes.

49.How many hours should I wear contacts every day?

You can wear daily contact lenses safely and comfortably for up to 16 hours each day. Most of the daily contact lenses available today provide moisture retention of up to 8-16hours, so that you may wear them for long periods without removing them or experiencing any irritation and dryness. So, depending on the type of contact lenses you use, you need to confirm the wear duration with your eye care professional.

50.What contact lenses are known for being comfortable?

Contact lenses are made up of very soft material (Hydrogel/Silicone hydrogel) A well fitted soft contact lens should be comfortable to wearer. There are advanced products which have incorporated additional features to further enhance comfort due to the following factors:

51.Are daily disposable contact lenses better?

Daily contact lenses offer the following benefits over monthly disposable/re-usable contact lenses: In case you want to wear contact lenses only few days a week Daily disposable can be the appropriate option for you. However, if you have a requirement of using contact lenses on everyday basis, daily contact lenses may prove to be little costlier than monthly disposable contact lenses in some instances. The cost of daily disposable contact lenses varies depending on the material they are made of. Therefore, you need to consult your optometrist before choosing between the two types of contact lenses.

52.What are the dos & don'ts of contact lenses?

To ensure that your contact lenses (both one day contact lenses and monthly disposable contact lenses) continue to provide crisp, clear vision and maintain eye health, here are some do's and don'ts of contact lenses:

53.What is the minimum age for contact lens usage?

Studies have demonstrated that children, some as young as 8 years old who require vision correction, are capable of contact lens wear and care. Wearing contacts has more to do with responsibility than age.Factors influencing the CL dispensing in children

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As an expert in the field of contact lenses, I can confidently provide detailed information on the concepts mentioned in the article. My expertise is grounded in a deep understanding of the principles, safety guidelines, and technological advancements related to contact lenses. Here's a breakdown of the concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Contact Lens Safety:

    • Contact lenses are generally safe when used as directed.
    • Users must follow the instructions provided by their eye care practitioners, including proper cleaning and replacement.
    • Advanced technologies, such as Silicone Hydrogel lenses like PureVision2 HD, offer high-quality products suitable for extended wear.
  2. Adaptation Period:

    • The time it takes to get used to soft contact lenses varies among individuals, ranging from minutes to a few days.
  3. Replacement Frequency:

    • Users should adhere to the recommended replacement schedule for contact lenses.
    • Monthly disposable lenses should not be used beyond the specified period, even if they seem comfortable and in good condition.
  4. Contact Lens Care:

    • Storing contact lenses in tap water is strongly discouraged due to the risk of bacterial contamination.
    • Proper cleaning and disinfection of lenses and lens cases are crucial to avoid eye infections.
  5. Colored Contact Lenses:

    • Colored contact lenses are available with spherical powers for vision correction.
  6. Contact Lens Power Range:

    • Different manufacturers offer contact lenses with varying power ranges. Bausch + Lomb, for instance, provides lenses with maximum powers up to -20 Diopters in conventional lenses and -12 Diopters in disposable lenses.
  7. Non-Vision Correcting Lenses:

    • Non-vision-correcting lenses (powerless colored contact lenses) are safe if properly fitted and used with care.
  8. Insertion Technique:

    • Correct insertion involves ensuring the lens takes the shape of a taco shell, not folding over like the brim of a saucer.
  9. Eye Drops and Lenses:

    • Some eye drops, like Renu Rewetting Drops, are recommended for use with contact lenses. Consultation with an eye care practitioner is advised when in doubt.
  10. Lens Drop and Cleanliness:

    • If a lens falls on a clean surface, it can be cleaned and reused. If it falls on a dirty surface, it should be discarded.
  11. Solution Change Frequency:

    • Contact lens solution should never be reused. It should be discarded, and the lens case rinsed with fresh solution daily.
  12. Washing Eyes with Lenses:

    • While wearing lenses, washing the face is possible with eyes closed. However, it's recommended to remove lenses before washing the eyes.
  13. Choosing Lens Modality:

    • The choice between monthly or yearly lenses is typically determined by the eye care practitioner based on the user's profile. Disposable lenses are generally a healthy option.
  14. Post-Cataract Surgery:

    • Contact lenses can be worn after cataract surgery if the eye is free from infections, and other ocular conditions are normal. Consultation with an eye care practitioner is essential.
  15. Lens Case Replacement:

    • Lens cases should be replaced regularly, preferably every three months, even if they appear clean.
  16. Lens Case Cleaning:

    • Lens cases can be cleaned using contact lens multipurpose solution. Regular replacement is crucial to prevent the risk of infections.
  17. Vision Correction for One Eye:

    • For vision correction, contact lenses should be worn only in the eye with the refractive error.
  18. Controlling Nearsightedness:

    • Wearing contact lenses is not proven to significantly alter the natural progression of myopia. Orthokeratology may offer temporary correction using Gas Permeable lenses.
  19. Astigmatism and Contact Lenses:

    • Toric contact lenses are safe and available for individuals with astigmatism.
  20. Optometrist vs. Ophthalmologist:

    • Either an optometrist or ophthalmologist can prescribe contact lenses, provided they have experience in contact lens practices.
  21. Working with Flame and Lenses:

    • Contact lenses, once inserted, behave as part of the eye and are not affected by surrounding temperature. Proper eye protection is still necessary when working with flame.
  22. Contact Lenses vs. Glasses:

    • Choosing between contact lenses and glasses depends on personal preference, lifestyle, convenience, comfort, and budget.
  23. Daily Wear Duration:

    • The recommended daily wear duration for contact lenses is generally 8-10 hours, although some lenses allow for extended wear.
  24. Contact Lenses and Eye Health:

    • Contact lenses, especially daily disposable ones, can be a safe and convenient visual aid.
  25. How Contact Lenses Work:

    • Contact lenses are lightweight prescription lenses designed to correct refractive errors and maintain eye health by floating on the tear film layer.
  26. Crying in Contact Lenses:

    • Crying with contact lenses is safe as long as one avoids touching the eyes to prevent lens displacement.
  27. Monthly vs. Daily Disposable Lenses:

    • Both monthly and daily disposable lenses are available. The choice depends on personal preference, comfort, and usage frequency.
  28. Showering with Contact Lenses:

    • Showering with contact lenses is not recommended, as exposure to water can cause discomfort and potential damage to the lenses.
  29. Rubbing Eyes with Contacts:

    • Rubbing the eyes with contact lenses in should be avoided, as it may damage the cornea and lead to vision-related problems.
  30. Discomfort in Putting Contacts:

    • Putting on and removing contact lenses should be painless with practice.
  31. Sleeping with Contacts:

    • Extended wear contact lenses are designed for sleep, but consultation with an eye care practitioner is essential.
  32. Daily Wear Duration for Contacts:

    • Daily contact lenses can be worn safely for up to 16 hours, depending on the lens type.
  33. Reuse of Daily Wear Contacts:

    • Daily contact lenses are not designed for reuse and should be discarded after a single use.
  34. Cost Comparison: Monthly vs. Daily Contacts:

    • The cost difference between monthly and daily disposable contact lenses depends on usage frequency, lifestyle, and lens material.
  35. Monthly Contact Lens Duration:

    • Monthly disposable contact lenses should be discarded precisely 30 days after opening, regardless of wear frequency.
  36. Replacing Monthly Disposable Lenses:

    • Monthly disposable contact lenses must be replaced 30 days after opening, even if not worn daily.
  37. Safety of Monthly Contact Lenses:

    • Monthly contact lenses are safe when used as directed and cared for appropriately.
  38. Using Contacts Straight from the Package:

    • Daily disposable contact lenses can be worn without rinsing if within the expiration date, though some individuals may choose to rinse them in saline solution.
  39. Blurry Vision After Putting Contacts:

    • Blurry vision after putting on contacts can result from various factors, including improper placement, incorrect fit, lens movement, impurities, dryness, or adaptation.
  40. Monthly Contact Lens Care:

    • Monthly contact lenses require proper care and should not be exposed to soaps, cosmetics, or unsuitable solutions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | Bausch + Lomb (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.