Fruit cake mould??? - CakeFlix (2024)

asked August 11th 2013

If fruit cakes are prepared months in advance and can be stored for months… do they go mouldy? Espec the ones which are not fed with alcahol. Thanks

If fruit cakes are prepared months in advance and can be stored for months… do they go mouldy? Espec the ones which are not fed with alcahol. Thanks

Alcohol acts as preservative so fruit cakes fed this way and stored properly will last a very long time. Traditionally the top tier of a wedding fruit cake would have been kept for the first child’s christening. The sugars in the fruit and alcohol act as preservatives and will prevent moulding. Non alcoholic fruit cakes will still have a lengthy shelf life. There is far less flour to fruit ratio which reduces the risk of moudling. Make sure the cake is completely cool. I cool for three days to ensure there is not hint of warmth which may encourage mould growth. Store cakes wrapped well in a box or tin in a cool place.

Fruit cake mould??? - CakeFlix (2024)
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