Gally (2024)

Portrayed by Will Poulter.

Gally is the Keeper of the Builders.

The Maze Runner[]

Three years before Thomas arrived in the Glade, Gally arrives in the Glade and becomes the Keeper of the Builders.

Three years later, when Thomas arrives in the Glade, Gally drops down into the Box, tells Thomas that it is his first day in the Glade, and pulls him out of the Box. When Thomas starts to run, but trips and falls, the Gladers laugh at Thomas tripping and falling, while Gally just stands watching on.

When Thomas is about to walk into the Maze, Gally shoves him down to the ground and tells him that they need to stop meeting like this. Thomas manages to get up and push Gally away from him. Gally tries to stop Thomas from walking into the Maze, causing the other Gladers to run up to them and tell Thomas that he can't leave the Maze. Gally, along with the other Gladers, watch the Maze doors close. Gally tells Thomas that he will let him leave the Maze next time and leaves along with the other Gladers.

At night, at the bonfire, Gally wrestles with Thomas, before Thomas knocks him down to the ground, but Gally knocks Thomas down to the ground as well, causing him to remember his name.

The next day, Ben, having been stung by a Griever, attacks Thomas. Gally, along with the other Gladers, manage to restrain Ben, see the Griever sting on his stomach, and take him to the Pit.

Later, along with the other Gladers, Gally banishes Ben from the Glade.

At night, Gally crosses out Ben's name on the wall.

The next day, Gally, along with the other Gladers, watch on as Thomas runs into the Maze to help Minho and Alby, who have gone into the Maze to retrace Ben's steps, when Alby got stung by a Griever.

The next day, Gally is present when Thomas, Minho, and Alby return to the Glade.

In the Council Hall, during the Gathering, Gally insists that Thomas should be punished for going into the Maze to help Minho and Alby. Gally hears the Box alarm ringing, prompting him to run out of the Council Hall along with the other Gladers and investigate.

Gally arrives at the Box along with Newt, where they open its doors and discover that the new arrival is a girl named Teresa. As Gally watches Newt hop down into the Box, Thomas and the other Gladers arrive and gather around the Box. When Gally asks Newt what is in Teresa's hand, Newt takes a note from Teresa's hand and reads the words "She's the last one ever" on it. As Newt asks the other Gladers what the words mean, Teresa suddenly wakes up, recognizes Thomas, says his name, and goes back to sleep. As the other Gladers look suspiciously at Thomas, Gally asks the other Gladers if they still think he is overreacting.

When Newt decides that Thomas will spend one night in the Pit with no food, Gally leaves the Council Hall in anger.

Later, while getting rocks thrown at him and the other Gladers by Teresa, who has fled to the tower after waking up, Gally is approached by Thomas, who stops Teresa and goes up to talk to her, while Gally leaves along with the other Gladers.

At night, in the medical hut, after Thomas, Teresa, Newt, Jeff, and Clint manage to inject Alby in the chest with the serum that Teresa had with her when she arrived in the Glade after he starts attacking Thomas, Gally comes into the medical hut to escort Thomas to the Pit.

While leading Thomas to the Pit, Gally tells him that everything has started going wrong when he arrived in the Glade: Ben got stung by a Griever, then Alby got stung by a Griever, and now Teresa has arrived in the Glade. Gally tells Thomas that the Gladers saw that Teresa has recognized him and that Gally knows that Thomas knows who she is. Gally locks Thomas in the Pit and walks away.

The next day, when Thomas and Minho return to the Glade, Gally and Thomas start arguing with each other, when Teresa calls out to them and the other Gladers and tells them that Alby is awake.

In the medical hut, along with Teresa, Newt, Minho, and Frypan, Gally watches Alby tell Thomas that he remembers that Thomas worked for WCKD.

Gally (1)

At night, during the Grievers' attack on the Glade, Gally, along with two other Gladers, hide in the Box from the Grievers. When a Glader tries to tell Gally to let him in, Gally starts to open the doors of the Box, but the Glader is attacked by a Griever.

After the attack, Gally punches Thomas in the face in rage, causing Newt, Minho, Frypan, Winston, and Jeff to restrain him. As Gally tries to fight off Newt, Minho, Frypan, Winston, and Jeff, Thomas takes a Griever stinger from Chuck and uses it to stab himself in the thigh to regain his memories. Teresa, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Chuck, Winston, and Jeff tend to Thomas, while Gally watches on.

The next day, Gally, having taken command, crosses out Alby's name on the wall, has Teresa tied to a pole, and attempts to have Thomas tied to another pole. Thomas fights off two Gladers, Teresa kicks a Glader in the groin, allowing Frypan to cut her free, and Newt knocks down a Glader. Gally attempts to intervene, but Minho stops him. Chuck, Winston, Jeff, and Jack join Thomas, Teresa, Newt, Minho, and Frypan. When Thomas tries to convince Gally to come with him, Gally just wishes him luck against the Grievers. As Thomas and his group of Gladers run out of the Maze, Gally doesn't join his own group of Gladers in walking away from the entrance, choosing instead to join a Glader in watching Thomas and his group of Gladers run out of the Maze.

Later, as Thomas and his group of Gladers are about to leave the WCKD lab, Gally, having been stung by a Griever, appears with a gun, insisting that they will never be free. He fires a bullet at Thomas, but Chuck saves Thomas by taking the bullet in the chest, giving Minho a chance to throw a spear at Gally that impales him in the chest, causing him to drop to his knees, drop the gun, and collapse on his right side on the floor. While lying on his right side on the floor with the spear in his chest, Gally watches on as Thomas and his group of Gladers are taken out of the lab and to a helicopter by a group of masked soldiers.

Maze Runner: The Death Cure[]

Sometime after being left behind in the WCKD lab by the Gladers, Gally is found still lying on the floor with the spear still in his chest by a crew, who, after discovering that he is immune to the Flare, pull the spear out of his chest and take him to the Last City to meet their leader, a Crank named Lawrence, who heals Gally of the spear wound and convinces him to join his crew.

Six months later, while driving through a protest rally with his crew, Gally notices Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge in the crowd outside the Last City.

After parking his and his crew's vans inside a building, Gally follows Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge to the walls of the Last City along with his crew. Gally, along with his crew, are noticed by Newt, who alerts Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, Jorge to Gally's presence. Gally attempts to reach Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge, but sees WCKD aiming turrets at them and the crowd, forcing him to run along with his crew to avoid being attacked by the turrets.

Gally returns to the building along with his crew. Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge run into the building. While members of the crew force Newt, Frypan, and Jorge into a van with them, Gally forces Thomas and Brenda into another van with him and other members of the crew. Gally, along with his crew, drive Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge to an abandoned mall.

At the mall, Gally takes off his gas mask and reveals his face to Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge. Thomas, remembering when Gally killed Chuck while stung by a Griever, punches him in the face in rage. Thomas gets on top of Gally to try and beat him up. Newt rushes over and stops Thomas. Thomas reminds Newt of when Gally killed Chuck. Newt replies that he remembers that Gally was stung by a Griever and half out of his mind. With that, Thomas gets off Gally. Newt asks Gally how he is still alive, as he, Thomas, and Frypan watched him die. Gally replies that he, Thomas, and Frypan left him to die and that if he and his crew hadn't found them, Brenda, and Jorge, they would be dead. Newt tells Gally that Minho is being held in the WCKD tower and that he, Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge are looking for a way in. Gally offers to help them get into the WCKD tower. Thomas, at first, refuses to follow Gally, but Gally replies that he can get him, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge through the walls.

While leading Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge to Lawrence's lair, Gally tells them that after he was left behind in the WCKD lab by Thomas, Newt, Frypan, and the other Gladers, he was found still lying on the floor with the spear still in his chest by Lawrence's crew, who, after discovering that he is immune to the Flare, pulled the spear out of his chest and took him to the Last City to meet Lawrence, who healed Gally of the spear wound and convinced him to join his crew. Gally tells Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge that Lawrence's crew is working to destroy WCKD. Gally warns Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge not to stare at Lawrence.

Gally, along with Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge, arrive in Lawrence's lair. Thomas tells Lawrence that he, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge need to get into the WCKD tower, as Gally said that he can get them through the walls of the Last City. Lawrence replies that the way into the WCKD tower is impossible. Gally replies that the way into the WCKD tower won't work without Thomas. When Lawrence asks Thomas why he should trust him, Thomas replies that WCKD has something they both want. Lawrence tells Thomas that he, Gally, and Newt can go into the Last City while Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge stay behind. Thomas agrees and shakes Lawrence's hand. As Jorge tells Thomas to be careful going with Gally and Newt into the Last City, Gally opens a manhole cover to the tunnels and lowers a ladder into the tunnels. Before Gally climbs down the ladder, Frypan tells him to take care of Thomas and Newt. Gally agrees and climbs down the ladder, with Thomas and Newt following suit.

Gally walks through the tunnels along with Thomas and Newt where he uses a generator in the tunnels to turn on the light bulbs so he can lead Thomas and Newt through the tunnels.

At night, Gally leads Thomas and Newt through the Last City. They hear an announcer telling everyone in the Last City to return home. With that, Gally decides to return to Lawrence's hideout along with Thomas and Newt. On the way back to Lawrence's hideout, Gally, along with Thomas and Newt, hide from the WCKD soldiers.

After returning to Lawrence's hideout along with Thomas and Newt, Gally uses a telescope to look at the WCKD tower and tells Thomas and Newt about its security system. When Thomas asks Gally about the way in that he had mentioned before, Gally convinces Thomas to look through the telescope. Thomas agrees and sees Teresa working in a lab. Gally reveals to Thomas his plan to use Teresa to get into the WCKD tower.

The next day, in Lawrence's hideout, Gally goes over plans along with Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge to use Teresa to get into the WCKD tower. Thomas is reluctant to use Teresa as their way into the WCKD tower. Brenda reminds Thomas of when Teresa betrayed them, leading Gally to remark to Thomas that he likes Brenda. Newt reacts violently and aggressively to Thomas' reluctance, screaming at him for still having feelings for Teresa. Shocked about himself, Newt apologizes and leaves.

The next night, after learning from Thomas that Newt has been infected by the Flare, Gally goes with him into the Last City to capture Teresa, while Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge go to an abandoned church. When Teresa leaves the WCKD tower, Gally waits in an alley while Thomas goes to lure Teresa into the alley. Gally waits until Thomas and Teresa finish talking so Thomas can signal for Gally to put a sack on Teresa. Gally, along with Thomas, take Teresa to the church where Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge are. Teresa is shocked to see that Gally is alive, and Gally asks her where Minho is. Teresa replies that Minho is in Sub-Level 3 with the Immune children. Gally takes a scalpel and tries to use it to cut off Teresa's finger, but Thomas takes the scalpel from him. Thomas convinces Teresa to remove their trackers.

After getting his and Frypan's trackers removed by Teresa, Gally wipes the back of his neck with a cloth. Gally remarks to Frypan that Teresa enjoyed removing trackers and Frypan agrees with him. Gally, along with Frypan, are approached by Newt, who gives them WCKD soldier overall uniforms and face-masking helmets. After Teresa removes Thomas' tracker, Gally approaches Thomas and Teresa and asks them if everything is okay. Thomas replies that everything is okay. Teresa tries to pick up a scalpel from the table, but Gally stops her and takes her outside, but not before Teresa grabs a cloth with Thomas' blood on it from the table.

Disguised with WCKD soldier overall uniforms and face-masking helmets along with Thomas and Newt, Gally goes with them and Teresa to the WCKD tower, while Frypan climbs up a crane, Brenda goes to a parking lot to steal a bus, and Jorge returns to the Right Arm's hideout.

While Thomas, Teresa, and Newt enter the WCKD tower through the main entrance, Gally enters the WCKD tower through the parking garage.

Gally, along with Thomas, Teresa, and Newt, arrive in a stairwell. While Thomas talks to Frypan and Brenda on a walkie-talkie and Newt starts coughing due to his infection while leaning over the stairwell railing, Gally plugs a jamming device into the electrical box, allowing Lawrence's crew to hack into WCKD's security systems and gun turrets and shut them down.

Gally, along with Thomas, Teresa, and Newt, arrive in Sub-Level 3 where Gally shoots the WCKD guards along with Thomas and Newt. While Thomas and Newt let the Immune children out of their cells, Gally points a gun at the WCKD guard and asks him how he should get into the vault. The WCKD guard replies that he can't. With that, Gally decides to drill into the door of the vault.

When Thomas and Teresa discover that Minho has been moved up to the medical wing, Gally takes the vials of serum out of the vault and puts them in a bag, while Thomas, Teresa, and Newt go to find Minho.

Gally gives the Immune children the bag and leads them out of Sub-Level 3. While leading the Immune children through the parking garage, Gally contacts Brenda on his walkie-talkie and tells her to come to the parking garage. Brenda arrives in the parking garage with the bus and Gally and she load the Immune children into the bus. When Brenda asks Gally where Thomas is, Gally replies that he was hoping that he was with her. Brenda starts to step out of the bus to find Thomas, but Gally stops her and tells her to stay with the Immune children in the bus while he goes to find Thomas.

While Brenda drives the Immune children out of the garage, Gally goes to find Thomas. Gally goes outside the WCKD tower and watches Thomas, Newt, and Minho jump out of the window and into the pool to escape from Janson and the WCKD soldiers. When Thomas, Newt, and Minho get out of the pool, Gally walks towards them with three WCKD soldiers, where he shoots the soldiers, takes off his helmet, and reveals his face to Thomas, Newt, and Minho. Minho is shocked to see that Gally is alive, and Gally tells him, Thomas, and Newt that they are nuts.

While hiding from the WCKD soldiers along with Thomas, Newt, and Minho, Gally is asked by Thomas how far the tunnels are. Gally replies that the tunnels are twelve blocks away from the WCKD tower. While Thomas carries Newt off into the Last City, Gally is asked by Minho why he is helping them, as he put a spear through his chest. Gally replies that nobody is perfect.

While going to the berg along with Thomas, Newt, and Minho, Gally sees the walls of the Last City exploding as a result of Lawrence sacrificing himself to destroy them. Gally says that Lawrence's crew is supposed to destroy WCKD and not the Last City. Thomas convinces Gally to come with him, Newt, and Minho.

While hiding behind garden beds along with Thomas, Newt, and Minho, Gally sees the battle between the WCKD soldiers and Lawrence's crew. Gally, along with Thomas, Newt, and Minho, manage to escape.

Newt is unable to get to the berg due to his infection, prompting Gally to run to the berg along with Minho to get the serum from Brenda. Gally, along with Minho, arrive at the berg, asking Brenda where the serum is. Gally runs to the train station along with Minho, Frypan, and Brenda where they see that Thomas has killed Newt. While Thomas walks off to the WCKD tower, Gally watches on along with Brenda as Minho and Frypan kneel at Newt's dead body.

Gally returns to the berg along with Minho, Frypan, and Brenda where Jorge flies them, Vince, and the Immune children to the top of the WCKD tower where Thomas and Teresa are. Thomas is unable to get on the berg due to being shot in the stomach by Janson, but Teresa manages to throw him onto the ramp of the berg, allowing Gally to pull him onboard with the help of Minho, Frypan, Brenda, and Vince. Teresa falls to her death when the WCKD tower collapses. As Jorge flies Gally, Thomas, Minho, Frypan, Brenda, Vince, and the Immune children away from the tower, Gally administers a bandage on Thomas' wound with the help of Minho, Frypan, Brenda, and Vince.

Sometime later, Gally arrives at the Safe Haven along with Thomas, Minho, Frypan, Brenda, Jorge, Vince, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, the Right Arm, and the Immune children. Gally, along with Aris, are building a campfire when they see Thomas, who has woken up, approaching them. Gally watches on as Thomas and Minho hug. At night, at the campfire, Gally, along with Thomas, Minho, Frypan, Brenda, Jorge, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, the Right Arm, and the Immune teenagers, listen to Vince give a speech.

Gally converses with Sonya while Brenda sips from her cup. Gally goes to the memorial rock and engraves Chuck's name on it. Gally is sitting with Minho, Frypan, Brenda, Jorge, Vince, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, the Right Arm, and the Immune teenagers at the campfire when Thomas approaches them, hugs Gally and Brenda, and sits down with them, Minho, Frypan, Jorge, Vince, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, the Right Arm, and the Immune teenagers at the campfire. The next day, while Gally is sleeping, Thomas goes to the memorial rock and engraves Teresa's name on it. Thomas walks along the beach, stops walking, looks at the ocean and the ship, takes out the serum, looks at it, and looks out into the distance.

Gally (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.