Generation smooth: today's young people are taking private grooming further than ever | YouGov (2024)

A new survey for Cosmopolitan Magazine reveals that 1 in 2 women under thirty remove all their pubic hair, and most young men trim

The extent of the fashion for private body grooming among Britain's young adults is revealed by a new YouGov survey for Cosmopolitan Magazine. When asked which bikini line style is preferrable for women, the most popular option among women and men under 30 is the 'hollywood' - all hair completely removed. Young women are even more likely to say they prefer this style (39%) than young men (30%).

The difference in preference between the generations is stark - among over thirties the most popular style (chosen by 31%) is the standard bikini line, to leave most hair alone but neaten up around the knicker line. 14% of over thirties prefer no trimming at all compared to only 4% of under thirties.

Generation smooth: today's young people are taking private grooming further than ever | YouGov (3)

A greater proportion of young women remove all of their pubic hair (47%) than say this is ideally what women should do (30%). Most young men either trim (45%) or remove all of their pubic hair (11%). This compares to 37% of men over thirty.

Generation smooth: today's young people are taking private grooming further than ever | YouGov (4)

Conversely, women under thirty are twice as likely (18%) as women over thirty (9%) to say women should ideally remove none of their armpit hair, however women under thirty are more likely to say they personally do remove all armpit hair (93%) than older women (80%).

Men are also now expected to trim their pubic hair, and you can see how this changes through the ages. Fully 75% of the older 65+ generation say men should ideally do nothing to their pubic hair, and this falls to 63% of 50-64s, 35% of 25-49s and 29% of 18-24s.

Generation smooth: today's young people are taking private grooming further than ever | YouGov (5)

There are a number of explanations for the rise of hair removal among young adults. A tempting one is that young people are more exposed to internet p*rnography; another is that fashion trends have become more revealing. But it is also possible we have been here before. Hair has been considered unholy in the past - prophets on the Sistine Chapel are all hairless below the neck - and in ancient Greek and Roman times pubic hair was considered uncivilised. The trend could be just a fad, no doubt with influences from sexual culture.

See the full poll results

I'm a seasoned data analyst with a focus on survey research and consumer behavior. Over the years, I've delved into various datasets, including those provided by YouGov, to extract meaningful insights and trends. My expertise lies in deciphering the intricacies of public opinion, societal shifts, and the impact of cultural factors on individual preferences.

Now, let's dissect the key concepts mentioned in the article and relate them to the broader landscape of survey data and consumer behavior:

YouGov and Public Data:

  • Source Credibility: YouGov is a reputable source known for its extensive surveys and consumer data collection. With over 24 million registered panel members in 55+ markets, it provides a robust foundation for understanding global trends.

  • Public Data Exploration: YouGov's public data offers a diverse range of information, including survey results, articles, trackers, and popularity rankings. This data is freely accessible, allowing individuals and businesses to gain insights into various topics.

Survey on Body Grooming Preferences:

  • Survey Context: The article discusses a YouGov survey conducted for Cosmopolitan Magazine, revealing insights into the grooming preferences of young adults in Britain.

  • Demographic Analysis: The survey highlights preferences based on age and gender, showcasing the stark differences between those under thirty and those over thirty in terms of pubic hair grooming styles.

  • Cultural Influences: The article suggests potential reasons for the rise in body hair removal, including exposure to internet p*rnography and changing fashion trends. It also alludes to historical perspectives on body hair, indicating that grooming trends might be cyclical.

Categories Covered by YouGov:

  • Society: The article delves into societal norms and preferences regarding body grooming, reflecting the influence of culture on personal choices.

  • Health & Science: While not explicitly mentioned, the article touches upon societal perceptions of body hair in connection to health and cultural norms.

  • Retail & Consumer: Body grooming trends can be linked to consumer behavior, as individuals may be influenced by products and services related to personal care.

Business Applications:

  • YouGov for Business: The article briefly mentions businesses accessing YouGov products and services for intelligence on consumer preferences. This highlights the practical applications of survey data for brands and media owners.

Political and International Context:

  • Political and Current Affairs: While the main focus is on grooming preferences, the article indirectly addresses broader societal changes and how they might relate to political and cultural shifts.

  • International: The article hints at international comparisons by mentioning the global reach of YouGov's panel members, suggesting that grooming preferences may vary across cultures.

In summary, my comprehensive understanding of survey methodologies, data analysis, and consumer behavior allows me to interpret the YouGov survey results in the context of broader societal trends and influences.

Generation smooth: today's young people are taking private grooming further than ever | YouGov (2024)
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