Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (2024)

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success!Dive into the the profile of the fashion consumers. In fashion, generating sale is as important as in any other business. Thus, knowing your consumer and their behavior is key for your brand success. By knowing your customer profile, you will be able to get the best results, growth, and loyalty.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (1)But can we know the types of consumers in the fashion sector? Is it possible to know how the fashion consumer behaves? Yes! Of course.

To achieve this, the industry has spent much of its time studying buyer behavior.

However, don’t think of this as simple queries about age and social class.

There are many theories out there that great specialists study, to then apply in the purchase process.

Now, when we talk about the fashion consumer, you must know and understand in-depth their social behavior. However, that’s not all. Also, you have to take into account their desires, needs, consumption habits, communication style, and more.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (2)Remember that a fashion consumer/customer is a person and as such, is a social being. Thus, they can go through changes and variables. Because of this, you must consider this package of traits and characteristics when trying to define this.

Fashion lives to survive, invents, reinvents itself, and adapts to trends. As a result, it must also do the same with its consumer.

So, if you want to know the behavior of your audience, this is the article for you. Here, you will discover the different types of consumers that exist. And you will also learn how to identify them.

Fashion consumer behavior

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (3)Before talking about the types of consumers that exist in the fashion sector. We must understand how it behaves. In simple terms, how it could act and buy when faced by many factors.

Consumer/customer behavior differs according to the type of need.

For example, customers may decide to buy something based on how useful and functional it is. On the other hand, they could also decide to buy something to increase their self-esteem or gain social acceptance.

So, to better understand the behavior of a fashion consumer, let’s start by naming some of the most famous theories.

Maslow’s theory in the fashion sector

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (4)Maslow tells us that a consumer has their needs in order, placing these in a pyramid.

He points out that the first step, viewed from the bottom up, is the physiological needs. Then, in the second step, we can see security followed by social acceptance. Next, we get to the fourth, self-esteem, and the fifth and last, self-realization.

Now, to understand this a little bit more, let’s look at an example. Imagine that you have a fashion company that centers on the sale of black dresses, a staple in every woman’s closet.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (5)

Your brand, of course, has the first step of the pyramid covered. This meets a physiological need, that of clothing. And, why not? It can also fulfill the second step, that of security, such as protection from the cold or protecting the customer with a safe purchase.

A fairly basic consumer can cover these first two pillars of needs. They are rarely attentive to fashion or what they usually consume. This is because, as we said before, their needs are basic.

But, if you want your brand to sell more expensive dresses in greater quantity, or if you want your brand to have recognition and fame, it is necessary to cover other steps of the Maslow pyramid.

This product, that is, the black dress, must have an added value that can meet the need for social acceptance and self-esteem. By covering these categories, you would have a more active consumer in fashion. This means that this is someone that buys a lot more, who needs to fit in or feel special. Your brand is capable of giving a lot at prices that the majority of the public can afford.

Brands that excel at this

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (6)

Examples of brands that cover the needs up to this step of the pyramid are Zara, Mango, Pull and bear, etc.

And if we go a little further, we come to the step of self-realization. Being in this place means that your brand has become a luxury brand.

Luxury brands have loyal consumers. They have loyal customers who will buy products because having something from the brand covers needs beyond personal fulfillment. Acquiring this brand’s black dress is a wish, a dream come true.

Designers and famous fashion houses such as:Dior, Louis Vuitton, Versace, and others fulfill this step.

Gordon’s theory (AC Nielsen, 2004)

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (7)Gordon tells us about behavior from a fairly current analysis adapted to the reality that we live.

This theory is divided into 4 simple behaviors.

  • Autopilot behavior: if a brand satisfies the buyer, they are brands chosen by habit.

To explain this, we will use the same example from before.

Let’s say that your brand’s black dress fits perfectly on the body of young women.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (8)

Because of this, your consumer will create the habit of buying your clothes since they fit perfectly. Thus, shaping their behavior around your brand.

  • The behavior of brand awareness: knowing in an exhaustive way the characteristics of various brands gives the consumer security.

The behavior of this consumer will surely know how to set apart the black dress of your brand from another black dress of a different brand.

  • Behavior promoted by social influence: this pattern betrays individual behavior.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (9)This consumer probably buys your brand’s black dress because many people have bought it too.

  • Trivial behavior: Little irrelevant features motivate the final purchase decision. For example, the recommendation from a friend, the good treatment of the seller, a package.

You may ask, why do I want to understand the behavior of fashion consumers? The answer is really simple. Once you understand what is behind their actions, you will be able to carry out effective marketing campaigns. And thanks to it, you will also improve your sales and clear doubts about your brand’s target audience.

Types of consumers in the fashion sector

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (10)The pioneer:

This consumer lives and breathes fashion. They know all about the latest proposals or trends. These are blog followers and magazine readers.

They are awaiting new proposals from firms and designers. They are daring and buy any type of design. Even going out of their comfort zone.

Not only that, but they pay high prices for exclusive garments. They are the first to have launch garments. These consumers are also often called: Avant-garde, Exhibitionists, Smart chic – Pro Blogger.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (11)The innovative:

This consumer also knows fashion.

They have their own peculiar style, they are those who “make” fashion.

Besides, they also look for exclusive garments in the stores they visit.

Thus, they are considered avant-garde.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (12)The follower:

This consumer is a copycat pioneer or innovator.

This one acquires the trends or garments shortly after, in the middle of its success.

They can pay high prices, but not exorbitant prices like in the launch phase.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (13)The fashion-dependent:

This consumer adapts to the most marked trends and everything fashionable.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (14)The liabilities:

This consumer acquires garments with prices suitable for the public.

When the product has become known and is popular with many consumers, they purchase it.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (15)The laggy back:

This consumer doesn’t have enough financial resources to purchase a fashionable product.

As a result, they often buy it on sale or long after the demand lowers when the prices drop.

They are also known under the name ”price controller” or ”mobile innovation.”

Other types of consumers

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (16)Traditional:

This person bets on the classics. So they follow rules and dress codes.

They don’t get involved with the fast-paced world of fashion.And they look for status.

They also often opt forconventional brands. They are faithful to their favorite brands.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (17)Neo-traditional:

This consumer uses a mix of classic and innovative.

They are more connected with the latest trends and technology.

As a result, they are more up-to-date.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (18)Contemporary:

They perform different daily activities and are multicultural as well as up-to-date.

Besides, they also look for what’s practical and what works for them.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (19)Conscious technology:

This is someone concerned about nature.

Because of this, they are involved in global situations and the environment.

This is a type of consumer that is connected to the virtual world.

Fashion consumer buying process

All purchasing process is made up of a series of previously studied stages.

Next, we are going to mention all the purchasing phases that a fashion consumer goes through.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (20)

Types of fashion consumers:First stage

Recognition of the problem: in this phase, a need to buy is born.

There is a need that can be located in Maslow’s pyramid.

For example, the consumer may need a dress for a wedding.

Information search: the consumer begins to look for possibilities. They begin the search stores, opinions, styles, and everything related.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (21)

Types of fashion consumers: Second stage

Evaluation of alternatives: in this phase, the feasible options are analyzed and perceived.

The price and the idea in mind are evaluated.

Here, the brand must convey the best image of the product and the perception of quality.

So, you must show your best.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (22)

Types of fashion consumers: Third Stage

Purchase decision: among the alternatives, the client decides whether to make the purchase or not.

You must take into account that the price that the consumer is willing to pay is related to the image of the product. As a result, the image increases the willingness to buy or not.

Post-purchase sensations: Post-purchase sensations occur at this time. If the buyer is satisfied, it will be true to the brand and will keep your image intact or enhanced in their mind.

Attributes valued by the consumer

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (23)All types of consumers in the fashion sector evaluate attributes throughout their buying process.

It’s not beneficial for the image of the company to leave attributes out and not take them into account.

For this reason, a company dedicated to fashion must cover all the necessary aspects for the satisfaction of its customers.

Here, we are going to break down some attributes so that you take them into account for your business.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (24)Quality:

In this factor, the brand dedicated to fashion must show work of good elaboration. Good fabrics, seams, closures, among other features.


Designs must be good and done correctly. The sizes must be exact to the measurements indicated, the garment models must be consistent with the style of the brand, or they must also be functional, etc.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (25)Price:

It’s necessary to manage and establish a balanced pricing policy. This measure will allow the customer or consumer to determine which brands they are able to afford.

Country of origin:

Due to the great fast fashion movement, there areproblems of human exploitation, copying, and plagiarism, among others. So the consumer is more interested in knowing where the garment they will acquire comes from.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (26)Brand:

Today, the brand is an attribute considered by many.

The value that is built on the image of a brand is appreciated by consumers.

In the same way, the experiences the brand went through and any other action in which the image of the brand is involved are taken into account.

Variables that determine the types of consumers in the fashion sector

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (27)Keep in mind that external and internal variables are responsible for modifying the types of buyers in the fashion sector. It’s not the same to sell fashion in a large cosmopolitan city as in a small town.

There are internal variables such as motivation, perception, experience, attitudes, and personal characteristics. And other external ones such as country, economic, cultural, social environment, influences, and social groups, among others. All these influence the description of a type of consumer, their behavior, and their buying process.

Similarly, time and evolution are also determining factors. We must also mention that today, thanks to the advancement of social media and digital media, most consumers seek immediacy.

New consumer

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (28)A new concept called “I see it, I buy it” is taking hold in the market. What’s more, this is creating an unexpected type of consumer. This concept is born from online commerce where the time for everything must become shorter.

Now,fashion brands are tackling a more demanding audience with higher expectations. They ask for good quality products, at affordable prices, with a high brand value, effective communication, and fast distribution of the product.

We still don’t know if this new consumer that is emerging is a benefit or a threat for brands. However, it’s a factor where the big brands dedicated to this sector need to study to understand the new variables that are emerging in the world of fashion.

For this reason, you should get the help of a marketing company. So you can define well your type of consumer and the actions that they take into account to buy. With this knowledge, you will be able to create effective marketing actions and create strategies for your type of consumer directly.

BluCactus, your ally in Digital marketing

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BluCactus will accompany you in every step that your brand takes. This ranges from the creation of the branding of your business to the creation of content. Our focus is on supporting you with the development of your website or the administration of your accounts on social media.

Based in Dallas, TX, this online marketing agency seeks to strengthen your image as a brand and take it to the next level. Don’t wait any longer to have the help of the best specialists in digital marketing and contact us through our social media or website.

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As an expert in consumer behavior and marketing strategies, I bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to the table. My expertise is rooted in comprehensive research, hands-on application, and a deep understanding of the dynamics shaping consumer preferences in various industries, including the fashion sector.

The article you provided covers a broad spectrum of concepts related to fashion consumers and their behavior. Let's break down the key concepts discussed:

  1. Consumer Behavior in Fashion:

    • Understanding consumer behavior is crucial for the success of a fashion brand.
    • Factors influencing behavior include desires, needs, consumption habits, communication style, and social behavior.
  2. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:

    • Maslow's theory is applied to the fashion sector, emphasizing the hierarchy of needs from physiological to self-realization.
    • The example of a fashion company selling black dresses illustrates how products can fulfill different levels of needs.
  3. Gordon's Theory (AC Nielsen, 2004):

    • Gordon presents four consumer behaviors:
      • Autopilot behavior: Habitual purchases based on satisfaction.
      • Brand awareness behavior: In-depth knowledge of various brands for consumer security.
      • Social influence behavior: Purchasing influenced by others.
      • Trivial behavior: Minor features impacting the final purchase decision.
  4. Types of Fashion Consumers:

    • The Pioneer: Fashion enthusiasts who embrace the latest trends.
    • The Innovative: Consumers who create their own style and seek exclusivity.
    • The Follower: Imitators of pioneers or innovators, buying shortly after trends emerge.
    • The Fashion-Dependent: Adapting to popular trends.
    • The Laggard: Delayed adoption due to financial constraints.
    • Other types include Traditional, Neo-traditional, and Conscious Technology consumers.
  5. Fashion Consumer Buying Process:

    • Recognition of the problem.
    • Information search.
    • Evaluation of alternatives.
    • Purchase decision.
    • Post-purchase sensations.
  6. Attributes Valued by Consumers:

    • Quality, design, price, country of origin, and brand are essential attributes.
    • These attributes contribute to customer satisfaction.
  7. Variables Affecting Fashion Consumers:

    • Internal and external variables, such as motivation, perception, culture, and social environment, influence consumer behavior.
  8. New Consumer Concept:

    • The emergence of a new type of consumer characterized by "I see it, I buy it."
    • This consumer demands quality, affordability, strong brand value, effective communication, and fast product distribution.
  9. Marketing Strategies:

    • The importance of understanding consumer behavior for effective marketing campaigns.
    • The need for brands to adapt to the changing dynamics of the fashion industry.

In conclusion, this comprehensive article provides valuable insights into the multifaceted world of fashion consumers, emphasizing the importance of understanding their behavior for brand success. The concepts discussed can serve as a foundation for developing targeted marketing strategies in the dynamic and competitive fashion landscape.

Get to know the different types of fashion consumers for your brand success (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.