Golden Cauldron (2024)

Golden Cauldron (1)
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Golden Cauldron (2)

The Golden Cauldron is a cauldron used by Diogenes that can be obtained by beating Getting Over It a total of 50 times. Every time the player beats Getting Over It, the cauldron gets slightly more golden, until it becomes completely golden, like shown in the image.

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Golden Cauldron (2024)


Golden Cauldron? ›

The Golden Cauldron is a cauldron used by Diogenes that can be obtained by beating Getting Over It a total of 50 times. Every time the player beats Getting Over It, the cauldron gets slightly more golden, until it becomes completely golden, like shown in the image.

What is the golden cauldron in Getting Over It? ›

The Golden Cauldron is a cauldron used by Diogenes that can be obtained by beating Getting Over It a total of 50 times. Every time the player beats Getting Over It, the cauldron gets slightly more golden, until it becomes completely golden, like shown in the image.

Why is the getting over it guy in a cauldron? ›

His character references the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes, a man who would often sleep in a pot in the marketplace of Athens as a protest against Greek society. Similarly, Getting Over It's Diogenes lives with half of his body inside of a black metal cauldron.

Where is the Chiemsee cauldron? ›

The Chiemsee Cauldron (German: Chiemsee-Kessel) is a gold cauldron found at the bottom of Lake Chiemsee in Bavaria, Germany, in 2001.

Why is the Leaky Cauldron famous? ›

Although the pub has a shabby exterior and might have looked unimpressive to an unknowing onlooker, the Leaky Cauldron boasted a reputation for excellent food and hospitality and a selection of wizarding world regulars, including its landlord, Tom the Barman.

What is the folklore about the cauldron? ›

Also, in Irish folklore, a cauldron is purported to be where leprechauns keep their gold and treasure. In some forms of Wicca, appropriating aspects of Celtic mythology, the cauldron is associated with the goddess Cerridwen. Welsh legend also tells of cauldrons that were useful to warring armies.

What is the secret message at the end of Getting Over It? ›

Closing credits fade in, where at the conclusion, a message asks players if they are recording the gameplay. If the player indicates that they are not, the game provides access to a chatroom populated by other players who have recently completed the game.

Does the guy in Getting Over It have legs? ›

Due to unknown causes, Diogenes has no legs and his lower body is glued inside a black cauldron. His mission throughout the game is to climb a mountain full of obstacles using only a large Yosemite hammer.

Where is the gundestrup cauldron now? ›

The cauldron is one of the great examples of ancient European art and is now part of the collection of the National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen.

Where is the Chiemsee located? ›

Chiemsee, lake, Bavaria Land (state), southeastern Germany. It lies 1,699 feet (518 m) above sea level, between the Inn (to which it drains through the Alz) and Salzach rivers.

Where was the Gundestrup cauldron made? ›

The Gundestrup Cauldron was probably produced in south-western Romania or north-western Bulgaria. Pitcher of gilded silver from Rogozen, north-western Bulgaria, c. 300 BC. The dear and the lion are shaped in the same fashion as some of the animals on the Gundestrup Cauldron.

What is in the leaky cauldron? ›

The Leaky Cauldron

On the main floor, the inn has a bar, several private parlour rooms, and a large dining room. On the upper floors, there are a number of rooms available for rent; Harry has stayed in Room 11, which has a talking mirror and windows that allow him to look out onto Charing Cross Road.

What is the game where the guy is in a cauldron? ›

The player-controlled character ascends a mountain using only a hammer. Getting Over It revolves around the player-controlled character, residing in a large metal cauldron and named Diogenes in reference to the pot-dwelling philosopher. He wields a Yosemite hammer, which he can use to grip objects and move himself.

What is located behind the leaky cauldron? ›

Located behind The Leaky Cauldron pub, Diagon Alley was the main shopping street for the UK's wizarding community.

Can you mod getting over it? ›

Elevate your gameplay with the Fly mod for Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy. Gain the ability to soar through the game, discover hidden shortcuts, and reveal secret areas. Enjoy the freedom to effortlessly explore new realms within the game, enhancing your overall gaming experience.

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