Greece: Plumbing in Greece - Tripadvisor (2024)

This article contains a discussion by Tripadvisor members concerning the above topic.Please note that the discussion was closed to any additional postings as of Nov 1, 2016and, as such, some of the information contained herein may be outdated and cannot becommented on by travelers at this time. Please take this into account when making yourtravel plans.

One of the commonest questions first-time visitors to Greece ask is “is it true that you can’t flush paper down the toilet?”
Unfortunately, in the vast majority of accommodations, cafes, bars, shops and restaurants, the answer is “yes, it is true!”
Much of Greece’s sewage systems was installed during the 1930’s and 1940’s (by the British) using small bore pipe-work that simply cannot cope with paper waste. A pedal bin is usually provided by the side of the WC in which paper should be placed. If you are staying in a hotel or apartment, the maids will empty this on a daily basis, usually when they come in to clean the rooms. Don’t under any circ*mstances ignore the procedure – tales abound of visitors who have woken in the morning to find the apartment awash due to the sewers backing up, not anyone’s favourite way to start the day!

Best bet is to take a box of scented nappy (diaper) sacks available from Boots, Superdrug and chemist stores; place the used paper in one of these, tie in a knot and deposit in the bin – no fuss, no odour and the maids really appreciate the gesture.
As new upmarket hotels are constructed, many are being equipped with modern systems that can cope with the paper waste. Everywhere else, you will always see a “no paper in here please” sign above the WCs. If in any doubt whatsoever, use the bin.
Public toilets in Greece are a rarity and those you do find are generally less than hygienic.The bettercafes, bars and restaurants usually have clean and well-equipped toilets (hot water, soap, paper towels) and will let you use them for the purchase of a soft drink.

Greece: Plumbing in Greece - Tripadvisor (2024)


Can I flush toilet paper in Greek hotels? ›

The plumbing pipes in Greece are narrow. Paper or other waste materials would clog most Greek toilets, including those at rooms, hotels and restaurants.

Can you flush toilet paper in hotels in Athens? ›

Don't Flush Toilet Paper in Athens

After a little research, I discovered the pipes in Athens (and other places around Greece) are just too narrow for paper. Most places have signage to remind you, and there is a little bin next to the toilet for used paper. If you forget, don't worry about it.

Are you supposed to flush toilet paper or throw it away? ›

The only thing you should ever flush down a toilet is human waste (urine and feces) and toilet paper. Here's what you shouldn't flush: Bags / wrappings and cardboard. Band-aids and bandage wrappers.

Can you flush toilet paper in Crete 2023? ›

Flushing Toilet Paper. This may come as a shock to many, but you are not supposed to flush toilet paper down the toilet in Crete. This is true in all Greek islands and most cities in the country.

What is the toilet etiquette in Greece? ›

If you've been to Greece you may know about the practice of throwing toilet paper in the bin rather than flushing it away. It's something that I've never come across anywhere else in Europe but wherever you go in Greece you'll see signs in the bathrooms.

Should you tip in Greece? ›

Although tipping in Greece is generally not expected or required, it's a sign of gratitude if you enjoy your service, whether it's in a bar, hotel, restaurant, or taxi.

Where do you put dirty toilet paper in Greece? ›

Some of Greece's pathways aren't exactly designed for the influx of modern travel, much like their sewer system. In Greece, you'll almost always place soiled toilet paper into a toilet-side trash bin. Typically, these trashcans can be operated by foot, and the lids tightly shut, making the process more pleasant.

Can you flush toilet paper down the toilet in Santorini? ›

As with most places in Greece, toilet paper cannot be flushed down the toilet. You should place the used toilet paper into a special trash bin located next to it. The hosts or hotel staff empty the bin every day and put a new bag in it.

How do bathrooms work in Greece? ›

Instead of flushing the toilet paper, you'll need to throw it into the small trash can located next to the toilet. This applies to the Greek islands as well as parts of the mainland, like Athens. Why can't you flush toilet paper in Greece? Greek toilets operate with smaller pipes than the rest of Europe or the US uses.

What countries can you not flush toilet paper? ›

While Americans in particular are used to flushing their used toilet paper down the pipe, they must break that habit if they are traveling to Turkey, Greece, Beijing, Macedonia, Montenegro, Morocco, Bulgaria, Egypt and the Ukraine in particular. Restrooms will have special waste bins to place used toilet paper.

Is it OK not to flush pee? ›

It's totally safe to let your pee sit in the bowl, BTW

So we asked an epidemiologist to give us the scoop. “Just because you are grossed out by it doesn't mean that it is a health hazard,” says Brian Labus, PhD, MPH, assistant professor of public health at the University of Las Vegas School of Public Health.

Why can't you flush toilet paper in Greece? ›

Don't flush toilet paper in Greece

There's a very simple explanation: Greek sewage pipes are approximately two inches (50mm) in diameter. American and British plumbing is twice as large (four inches/100mm). The Greek pipes just get clogged.

What time do you eat dinner in Crete? ›

Eating times

Lunch is generally eaten at about 2.00pm and dinner no earlier than 9.00pm. This is why if you walk around looking for a restaurant patronised by the "locals" as a sign of quality, it is very likely to be deserted before 9.00pm. It is not unusual to arrive at a restaurant at midnight, especially in summer.

Is Crete safe for solo female travellers? ›

Crete is generally safe for solo female travellers. The island is known for its friendly locals and laid-back atmosphere, and the crime rate is low.

Are there public toilets in Athens? ›

Restrooms -- There are public restrooms in the underground station beneath Omonia and Syntagma squares and beneath Kolonaki Square, but you'll probably prefer a hotel or restaurant restroom. (Toilet paper is often not available, so carry tissue with you.

Can you flush toilet paper in hotels in Santorini? ›

As with most places in Greece, toilet paper cannot be flushed down the toilet. You should place the used toilet paper into a special trash bin located next to it. The hosts or hotel staff empty the bin every day and put a new bag in it.

Can I flush toilet paper in Mykonos? ›

While you can flush toilet paper in Mykonos, there are some things you should not flush. These include sanitary products, such as tampons and pads, as well as paper towels and wipes. Flushing these items can cause clogs and damage to the plumbing system.

Is it okay to take toilet paper from hotel? ›

Toilet paper/tissues – What you don't use will get used by the next guest. Don't steal them! Towels – Nope. Don't take them.

Can you flush toilet paper in Cyprus hotels? ›

In modern hotels,villas,apartments there is no problem flushing paper. The older village houses you may have a problem. Most properties if not connected to mains sewarage use septic tanks. Cypriots have to pay for the tanks to be emptied, hence the bins by the toilets.

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