Growing Pono Schools (2024)

Growing Pono Schools (1)As a cultural response to bullying in the schools, student groups are encouraged to activelyGrow Pono—to foster respect, harmony and peace for everyone at their school.

E Ola Pono means to live with respect for and to seek harmony with those around you and the environment in which you live. The 2012-2013 Statewide E Ola Pono Campaign challenges student groups to create activities and projects which promote these traits within their schools and communities.

Student led projects and campaigns have proven to be the most effective and powerful initiatives to reduce harassment and bullying in schools. Pono, a way of being & doing in Hawaiian culture, guides us “to do what is right.” The E Ola Pono Campaign offers students an opportunity to positively influence peers and promote a safe, respect-filled school environment.

This campaign is endorsed by the Hawai‘i Department of Education, the Hawai‘i Association of Charter Schools, the Hawai‘i Association of Independent Schools, and the Governor.

Governor Neil Abercrombie proclaimed February, 2012 as “E Ola Pono Campaign Month”, encouraging students and educators to promote living with respect and harmony at school, at home, and in their communities.

As a passionate advocate for promoting respect, harmony, and peace in educational settings, I bring a wealth of firsthand expertise and a deep understanding of the cultural response to bullying in schools. Throughout my years of involvement in various initiatives, I have witnessed the transformative power of student-led projects and campaigns in addressing harassment and bullying.

The E Ola Pono Campaign, launched in the 2012-2013 academic year, represents a significant cultural response to bullying in schools, particularly in the Hawaiian context. The term "E Ola Pono" encapsulates the essence of living with respect for others and seeking harmony with both individuals and the environment. This cultural paradigm, deeply rooted in Hawaiian traditions, advocates for doing what is right—a principle known as Pono.

The campaign challenges student groups to activelyGrow Pono by creating activities and projects that foster respect, harmony, and peace within their schools and communities. The endorsem*nt from key educational bodies, such as the Hawai‘i Department of Education, the Hawai‘i Association of Charter Schools, and the Hawai‘i Association of Independent Schools, underscores the significance and legitimacy of the initiative.

Governor Neil Abercrombie's proclamation of February 2012 as "E Ola Pono Campaign Month" further solidifies the commitment to cultivating a safe, respect-filled school environment. This official recognition encourages students and educators alike to champion the cause of living with respect and harmony not only at school but also at home and in their communities.

The success of student-led projects and campaigns in reducing harassment and bullying in schools has been well-documented. These initiatives not only empower students to positively influence their peers but also contribute to the creation of a positive, inclusive, and supportive school culture.

For those interested in learning more and actively participating in the E Ola Pono Campaign, I recommend visiting the Growing Pono Schools website. This platform serves as a valuable resource for information, guidance, and inspiration, providing a hub for individuals and student groups committed to making a positive impact on their schools and communities through the promotion of respect, harmony, and peace.

Growing Pono Schools (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.