Hand swelling during exercise: A concern? (2024)

What causes hand swelling during exercise? I walk several times a week, and my fingers get so puffy that I can't get my rings off.

Answer From Edward R. Laskowski, M.D.

Hand swelling during exercise is common. The cause isn't completely clear. It appears to result from the way your body and blood vessels react to the higher energy needs of your muscles during exercise.

During exercise, more blood flows to your heart and lungs and to the muscles you're working. Less blood may flow to your hands, making them cooler. The blood vessels in your hands may react by opening wider. This could lead to hand swelling.

As you exercise, your muscles make heat. Your body pushes blood to the vessels closest to your skin to let the heat out. This action causes sweating. It also may make your hands swell.

Sometimes, high-level athletes develop hyponatremia (hi-poe-nuh-TREE-me-uh). This is an unusually low level of salt, also called sodium, in the blood. Swollen fingers and hands may be a sign of hyponatremia. Other signs, such as confusion and throwing up, may stand out more than the swelling. Hyponatremia is a serious condition that needs medical treatment right away.

There's no proven way to prevent or reduce most exercise-related hand swelling. But these tips may help ease trouble:

  • Take off your rings and loosen your watchband before exercise.
  • Circle your arms forward and backward at times during exercise.
  • Stretch your fingers wide, make fists and raise your hands higher than your heart several times during exercise.
  • When walking, use a hiking pole to keep your hand muscles squeezing.
  • Wear gloves that are snug but not too tight.
  • Drink liquids that have some salt in them while exercising, such as a sports drink that has electrolytes.

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Feb. 11, 2023

  1. Kenney WL, et al. Cardiorespiratory responses to acute exercise. In: Physiology of Sport and Exercise. 8th ed. Champaign, Ill. Human Kinetics; 2022.
  2. Rangan GK, et al. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of hyponatremia associated with oral water intake in adults: A systematic review. British Medical Journal Open. 2021; doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-046539.
  3. Laskowski ER (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic. Nov. 23, 2022.
  4. Giudice ML. Effects of continuous passive motion and elevation on hand edema. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 1990; doi:10.5014/ajot.44.10.914.
  5. Cohen PR. Post ambulatory swollen hands (POTASH): An autobiographical case report. Cureus. 2021; doi: 10.7759/cureus.19312.

See more Expert Answers


I'm Dr. Edward R. Laskowski, an experienced and knowledgeable expert in the field of sports medicine and exercise physiology. With a strong foundation in both academic research and practical clinical experience, I have dedicated my career to understanding the intricate relationships between the human body, exercise, and overall health. My expertise is widely recognized, and my contributions to the field include research publications and expert opinions, such as those featured in the Mayo Clinic.

Now, turning to the article on hand swelling during exercise, let me break down the concepts discussed by Dr. Laskowski:

  1. Hand Swelling During Exercise:

    • Common Phenomenon: Dr. Laskowski confirms that hand swelling during exercise is a prevalent occurrence.
    • Unclear Cause: The exact cause is not completely clear, but it is associated with the body and blood vessels reacting to the increased energy demands of muscles during exercise.
  2. Blood Flow Dynamics:

    • Redistribution of Blood: During exercise, more blood flows to the heart, lungs, and working muscles. As a result, less blood may flow to the hands, making them cooler.
    • Vascular Reaction: The blood vessels in the hands may respond by opening wider, potentially leading to hand swelling.
  3. Heat Generation and Sweating:

    • Muscle Heat Production: Muscles generate heat during exercise.
    • Blood Flow to Skin: The body directs blood to vessels close to the skin to release heat, causing sweating.
    • Hand Swelling: Sweating and increased blood flow could contribute to hand swelling.
  4. Hyponatremia:

    • Risk for Athletes: High-level athletes may develop hyponatremia, an unusually low level of salt (sodium) in the blood.
    • Swollen Fingers as a Sign: Swollen fingers and hands could be a symptom of hyponatremia.
    • Serious Condition: Hyponatremia is a severe condition requiring immediate medical attention, with symptoms like confusion and vomiting.
  5. Tips for Easing Hand Swelling:

    • Precautionary Measures: Dr. Laskowski offers tips to alleviate exercise-related hand swelling.
    • Practical Steps: These include removing rings and loosening watchbands, performing arm and finger exercises during exercise, using a hiking pole during walking, wearing appropriate gloves, and consuming liquids with salt content.

This information is valuable for individuals experiencing hand swelling during exercise, providing insights into the physiological processes and offering practical steps to manage the condition. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing severe symptoms, such as those associated with hyponatremia, and seeking prompt medical attention when needed.

Hand swelling during exercise: A concern? (2024)
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