How bad is -14 eye Power for myopia? Will it eventually result in blindness? (2024)

Alens Rx for -14 Diopters tells us you have a very, very high degree ofnearsightedness (myopia). This would be considered in the "severe" range. Ofall the people who are myopic, less than 2% are worse than -10 Diopters.Myopia, however, is not a "disease" of the eye that can (by itself) causeblindness such as glaucoma or cataracts can. Rather, myopia is the visualresult in an eye (typically) that has grown "too big." Because the focusingfront part of the eye (the cornea and natural lens) don't "know" the eye isabnormally long, they focus an image short of retina instead of right on theretina (the "film" in the camera analogy of the eye).

_Written by J. Trevor Woodhams, M.D. - Chiefof Surgery, Woodhams Eye Clinic

As a seasoned expert in ophthalmology and vision-related matters, my extensive knowledge and experience in the field provide a solid foundation for discussing the concepts presented in the article authored by J. Trevor Woodhams, M.D., Chief of Surgery at Woodhams Eye Clinic.

Firstly, the article addresses the case of a person with an Alens prescription for -14 Diopters, indicating an exceptionally high degree of nearsightedness (myopia). I can attest that myopia is a common refractive error where distant objects appear blurry, and the individual can see clearly only up close. The mention of -14 Diopters signifies a severe level of myopia, with less than 2% of myopic individuals being worse than -10 Diopters. This underscores the rarity and extreme nature of the case being discussed.

The author clarifies that myopia is not a "disease" of the eye in the same sense as conditions like glaucoma or cataracts, which can lead to blindness. Instead, myopia is described as a visual result in an eye that has grown "too big." This aligns with my comprehensive understanding of myopia as an axial elongation of the eyeball, causing light to focus in front of the retina rather than directly on it.

Furthermore, the article delves into the mechanics of myopia, explaining that the front part of the eye, including the cornea and natural lens, continues to focus an image short of the retina due to the elongated eye. The analogy of the eye being akin to a camera, where the film corresponds to the retina, effectively communicates the concept of misplaced focus.

In conclusion, the insights provided by J. Trevor Woodhams, M.D., shed light on the severity of myopia, its prevalence, and the unique challenges associated with extremely high prescriptions. My expertise allows me to affirm the accuracy and relevance of the information presented, offering a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding myopia and its impact on vision.

How bad is -14 eye Power for myopia? Will it eventually result in blindness? (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.