How Clothes Rationing Affected Fashion In The Second World War (2024)

Clothes were rationed in Britain from 1 June 1941. This limited the amount of new garments people could buy until 1949, four years after the war's end.

Despite the limitations imposed by rationing, clothing retailers sought to retain and even expand their customer base during theSecond World War. Britain's high street adapted in response to wartime conditions, and this was reflected in their retail ranges. The government intervened in the mass manufacture of high street fashions with the arrival of the Utility clothing scheme in 1942.

Shoppers carefully spent their precious clothing coupons and money on new clothes to make sure their purchases would be suitable across spring, summer and autumn and winter. Despite the restrictions, the war and civilian austerity did not put an end to creative design, commercial opportunism or fashionable trends on the British home front.

War Didn't Mean the End of Fashion

When Britain went to war in 1939 it seemingly spelt an end for fashion. The people of Britain now had more pressing concerns, such as widely expected air raids and possible German invasion. In many ways war did disrupt and dislocate fashion in Britain. Resources and raw materials for civilian clothing were limited. Prices rose and fashion staples such as silk were no longer available. Purchase tax and clothes rationing were introduced. But fashion survived and even flourished in wartime, often in unexpected ways.

How Clothes Rationing Affected Fashion In The Second World War (1)

© IWM (D 2937)

Four young ladies enjoy a stroll in the Spring sunshine along a shopping street in the West End of London. Two are wearing fancy hats, proving that wartime clothing doesn't have to be drab! Cars and other pedestrians go about their daily business behind them.

Functional Fashions for Wartime Life

For men and women not in uniform, the war changed how they dressed both at work and at home. It became important for civilian clothes to be practical as well as stylish. Clothing and accessories manufacturers were quick to see commercial potential in some of the war's greatest dangers. By the outbreak of war in September 1939, over 40 million respirators had been distributed in Britain as a result of the potential threat of gas warfare. Although not compulsory, people were advised to carry their gas masks with them at all times. Usually they were issued in a cardboard box with a string threaded through so it could be carried over the shoulder. Retailers were quick to spot a gap in the market for a more attractive solution. The handbag seen here, like many others specially produced, has a compartment for a gas mask.

How Clothes Rationing Affected Fashion In The Second World War (2)

© IWM (EQU 3967)

Respirator and carrier. A standard civilian pattern respirator with a black rubber mask and metal filter contained within the base of a black leather lady's clutch handbag.

Blackout Restrictions Sparked a Bright Trend

A 'blackout' was enforced in Britain before the war had even begun on 1 September 1939 to make it harder for much-feared German bombers to find their targets. Street lighting and illuminated signs were extinguished and all vehicles had to put caps over their lights to dim them. The blackout caused a rise in collisions.A government campaign urged people to wear white clothes to make them more visible to fellow pedestrians and drivers. The blackout and its dangers provided an unexpected commercial opportunity. A range of luminous accessories, from pin-on flowers to handbags, were produced that would reflect light and help make their wearers more visible. These also included the buttons seen here in normal conditions and when aglow in the dark.

How Clothes Rationing Affected Fashion In The Second World War (3)

© IWM (EPH 235)

These buttons, which are luminous, were one of a number of commercially produced devices, intended to be worn at night.

Wartime 'Onesies'for the Air Raid Shelter

The 'siren suit' was an all-in-one garment which could be pulled on quickly over night clothes if the wearer had to escape to an outdoor air raid shelter. Some suits had a stylish twist -this woman's siren suit has puffed shoulders, bell-bottom cuffs to the legs and a fitted hood. It also has a detachable belt and piping decoration. A more practical drop down panel is attached to the rear so the wearer could visit the lavatory without removing the whole garment. Siren suits were a popular wartime trend with many retailers advertising their ranges. Prime Minister Winston Churchill was often photographed in his own tailor-made siren suits.

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© IWM (UNI 5309)

A dark blue Siren Suit.

Utility Fashions Hit the High Street

In 1942, the first 'Utility' clothes went on sale on the British high street as part of a government scheme. These clothes were made from a limited range of quality controlled fabrics. The Utility scheme developed out of a need to make production of civilian clothing in British factories more efficient and to provide price-regulated better quality clothing.Until Utility clothing was introduced, the less well-off had to use the same number of coupons for cheaper garments that might wear out in half the time. Utility fabrics - and clothes made from these materials - gave the public a guarantee of quality and value for their money and coupons.

In autumn 1941 it became compulsory for all Utility cloths and garments to be marked 'CC41'. The distinctive logo- often likened to two cheeses - stood for 'Civilian Clothing 1941' and was designed by Reginald Shipp. It is seen here printed onto a pair of men's socks

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© IWM (EPH 1746)

A pair of Second World War period British 'utility' socks.

Strict Rules for Fashion -the Austerity Restrictions

Utility clothing came in a limited range of garments, styles and fabrics. In 1942 and 1943, the Board of Trade introduced the Making-up of Civilian Clothing (Restrictions) Orders to make further savings of labour and materials and minimise manufacturing costs. These orders, often known as the 'austerity regulations', applied to the production of both Utility and non-Utility clothing.

Some of the most unpopular austerity regulations were those that applied to men's clothing. Single-breasted suits replaced double-breasted. Lapels had to be within a certain size. The number of pockets was restricted and trouser turn-ups were abolished. The ban on turn-ups was particularly unpopular, and many men circumvented this regulation by buying trousers that were too long and having them altered at home. The length of men's shirts was restricted and double cuffs were banned.

It is estimated that these measures saved about 4 million square yards (approximately 5 million square metres) of cotton per year. Braces would have been a vital element of a man's outfit as both zip fasteners and elastic waistbands were banned under the austerity regulations. Elastic was in very short supply throughout the war, and women's knickers were one of only a small number of garments where the use of elastic was permitted.

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© IWM (D 11587)

Men trying on clothes from the utility scheme designs.

Designer Fashion in Wartime

There were worries that Utility clothing meant 'standard' clothing, with people dressed too similarly. The government was at pains to reassure the public that 'the Board of Trade have no wish to adopt the role of fashion dictator'. It brought in leading fashion designers to design a prototype range of Utility clothing which were attractive, stylish and very varied.

The Incorporated Society of London Fashion Designers (IncSoc) was founded in 1942 to represent the collective interests of the fashion industry in Britain, promote exports and develop standards of design. There were originally eight members: Peter Russell, Norman Hartnell (pictured here), Bianca Mosca, Digby Morton, Victor Stiebel, Elspeth Champcommunal and Hardy Amies. Edward Molyneux and Charles Creed joined soon after. They were commissioned by the Board of Trade to produce designs for stylish yet economical outfits that could be produced under the Utility scheme. As well as using Utility materials, the designers also had to work within the austerity regulations.

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© IWM (D 23067)

In his London office, fashion designer Norman Hartnell compares his original sketch and fabric sample to the finished garment, worn by a model, which has just been completed in his workrooms.

Utility was a Surprise Hit

This is an example of Utility design at its best, featuring simple lines and minimal trimmings. It is a style that could easily be worn today without looking dated. Utility clothing covered a range of dresses, coats, jackets, trousers, shirts, socks, gloves and shoes. Utility ranges were produced for men, women and children. To encourage long production runs of Utility clothing, only 15 styles were permitted for infants' and girls' dresses.

Although there was a maximum price set for Utility garments, there was a spectrum of pricingand cheaper items were also available. Once launched, the clothes received many favourable reports, despite the initial hesitation. Celebrity endorsem*nt was sought, and a March 1942 edition ofPicture Postfeatured the actress Deborah Kerr modelling Utility clothes.

How Clothes Rationing Affected Fashion In The Second World War (8)

© IWM (UNI 14387)

Utility mustard wool coat made by Alexon. This is an example of Utility design at its best, featuring simple lines and minimal trimmings. It is a style that could easily be worn today without looking dated.

The End of War and Peacetime Style

By 1945 British people had grown tired of rationing, restrictions, and calls to 'Make Do and Mend'. Advertisem*nts promised new styles but often shops lacked many new offerings. Production of clothes and other civilian goods did increase after the war, but most of what was made was exported. Clothes rationing- albeit in a reduced form- continued until 1949.

The best-dressed were those leaving the military services. Demobilised men were issued with a full set of clothes, known as the 'demob suit'. Reactions varied -although there was some degree of choice, and quality could be very good, many simply felt that they had swapped one uniform for another. Women leaving the military services were given an allocation of coupons rather than a new outfit. The coupons gave women more freedom to choose what clothes they wanted, but they were still limited by what was available in the shops.

How Clothes Rationing Affected Fashion In The Second World War (9)

© IWM (UNI 2964)

When servicemen completed their period of war service they went to demobilisation centre for processing where their uniform and personal kit was exchanged for a civilian style clothing, known as a 'demob suit'. The man had a choice of clothing but this was limited to a double-breasted pinstripe three-piece suit, or a single-breasted jacket with flannel trousers.

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How Clothes Rationing Affected Fashion In The Second World War (2024)


How Clothes Rationing Affected Fashion In The Second World War? ›

For example, hems and belts could not exceed two inches in width, garments could not have more than one pocket, and ornamental sleeves, hoods, and scarves were banned. The American fashion industry quickly responded to this new rationing system by emphasizing simple silhouettes.

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The cut and color of clothes worn on the home front often mirrored what was worn by soldiers fighting in the European and Pacific theaters. Blouses and jackets became increasingly militarized and masculine with shoulder pads, and hats were also styled similarly to the U.S. Army berets.

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War time efforts required manufacturers to be more efficient in the cuts of clothing and type of fabric. Women dress styles were simplified to save on quantities of textiles and certain types of fabrics. Wool became a precious commodiity saved for soldiers uniforms and for knitting socks and sweaters to send abroad.

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That leaves less shipping space for civilian food stuffs. And then there's the farm labor shortage. All this means that we at home will have less canned fruits, vegetables, soups, and other processed foods for our use. Without rationing of these foods, some people would get more than their fair share.

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From June 1941 until 1949, buying new clothes was rationed in Britain. This newsreel trailer, made by the Ministry of Information in 1943, is called 'Make Do and Mend'. It was part of the Government's campaign urging people to repair, reuse and reimagine their existing clothes during the Second World War.

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For example, hems and belts could not exceed two inches in width, garments could not have more than one pocket, and ornamental sleeves, hoods, and scarves were banned. The American fashion industry quickly responded to this new rationing system by emphasizing simple silhouettes.

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After the war, Christian Dior launched the New Look in Paris, returning women's fashion to an overtly feminine silhouette, while men, women, and children's clothing all began to lean towards the sporty, casual American Look.

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Women adopted shorter skirts and a looser, less confining silhouette. Gone were the cumbersome petticoats and rigid whalebone corsets and in their place were slim, clean lines and serviceable suits.

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Fashion history is important because it is a visual marker of societal changes. In ancient Rome and Egypt, clothing was used strictly as a status symbol. In 1890, the French started the iconic fashion trend of haute couture. Many women began wearing androgynous flapper style clothing in the 1920s.

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If clothing were banned, people would get hurt. Clothing is necessary for protection from heat, cold, and environmental hazards, not just for modesty or style.

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Effects of rationing

Many people resented having restrictions on the amount they could purchase. Some manual labourers, including miners were given extra rations, and care was taken to ensure that items such as milk and cod liver oil were offered to children and the elderly.

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The ration books contained coupons which had to be presented when items were bought. Everyone had a ration book, including members of the Royal Family. The list of foods which were rationed grew as the war continued. The rules were very strict and people who were caught trying to cheat were fined or sent to prison.

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During wartime rationing, it was important that everyone got the right nutrition to stay healthy and grow. Children got more eggs and milk and were encouraged to eat more fruit, vegetables and fish. But health issues caused by poor nutrition, such as rickets, still increased.

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Women's wardrobes were adapted to include slacks, warm coats, and washable frocks to suit their wartime activities. Washable cottons and separates saved dry cleaning chemicals, time, and money. These American pinafore dresses could be worn with different cotton blouses or sweaters for different looks.

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Gaiters: Also called leggings, gaiters served to keep dirt out of the shoes and to protect the legs in rough terrain. They were worn over trouser legs and stopped just below the knee. Gaiters were black wool or painted black canvas with a button closure on the outer side and a strap under the boot.

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Did they have toilet paper in WW2? Yes they had. For example, below is an example of toilet paper of the Germans. What did German wartime rationing for civilians during WWII look like?

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Style throughout the 1940s was defined by World War II. The beginning of the decade saw a rise in American designers as fashion houses went dark throughout Europe. Then practicality became the driving force as much of the population was serving in the war effort.

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Many people experienced prosperity after the war and made a shift to buying ready-to-wear clothing that were both simple and casual. The 'flapper' style emerged in the 1920s. Women who were considered flappers wore knee length skirt hems and had bobbed hair styles with a Marcel wave.

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Women adopted shorter skirts and a looser, less confining silhouette. Gone were the cumbersome petticoats and rigid whalebone corsets and in their place were slim, clean lines and serviceable suits.

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The end of the war also saw the return of couture fashion designers like Christian Dior, Cristóbal Balenciaga, Coco Chanel, and Hubert de Givenchy who had a major impact in the style of the decade.

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