How Did Gigi Hadid’s Diet and Workout Routine Help Her Lose Weight? (2024)

Gigi Hadid has carved a big name for herself in the world of fashion and modeling. With a mind-boggling Instagram following of 74.9 million, Gigi Hadid is one of the most sought-after models in the industry. The Victoria's Secret model made her debut in 2014 and was named International Model of the Year by the British Fashion Council in 2016.

Gigi Hadid maintains her astonishing physique through healthy diet and a rigorous exercise regimen that tones up her body and helps her stay in shape.

Gigi Hadid's Workout Routine

Hadid has always been an athletic person. As a child, she played volleyball and competed in horseback riding, even managing to qualify for the Junior Olympics.

When Gigi adopted modelling as a career, she had to slim down. She had a strong body but her legs were bulkier than she wanted, for which she worked with her trainer Rob Piela to slim them up. She also followed a strict diet regimen, regularly having lots of protein in order to lose fat while maintaining her strength.

Gigi Hadid's workout focuses on giving her a great cardio burn along with exercises that specifically target her core, butt, legs, and arms.

Hadid's workout includes full-body HIIT training, running, jumping rope, core exercises, etc. She also does boxing, which is a great cardio workout and helps to tone up without creating muscle.

Having abs like Gigi Hadid is like a dream come true - except, you have to work super hard for it! Perfectly chiselled abs require a combination of low body fat percentage and toning up your muscles through exercise. Gigi follows both the practices, first working up a sweat through cardio, then performing core exercises that specifically target abs.

Gigi usually does 10 minutes of cardio followed by crunches, boxing, planks, and leg raises. She follows this regimen 4-5 days a week. The plank is, of course, an unmissable exercise for those wanting toned abs like Gigi.

As a true fitness enthusiast should, Gigi mixes it up with different exercises and workouts. She occasionally goes for a run and performs other kinds of cardio workouts if boxing is inaccessible.

Gigi Hadid is known for being a yoga enthusiast and also does ballet-inspired exercises. Hadid is a fan of meditation, as it helps build mental and emotional strength and stamina. On the other hand, ballet-inspired exercises work on the entire body and help to strengthen up the core. They also promote flexibility.

Gigi Hadid's Diet

Gigi's personal motto when it comes to her diet is, "Eat clean to stay fit, have a burger to stay sane".

The supermodel doesn't stick to any one particular diet and focuses on eating well-made whole foods, with lots of fruits, vegetables, lean meat, eggs, milk, and flour.

For breakfast, Gigi loves scrambled eggs and whole-grain toast that provide the perfect combination of healthy protein and fiber. She also has some orange juice and coffee with her breakfast.

Salads are Gigi's go-to food choice, and her favorite meal is a simple arugula salad that she can have everyday. For snacks, she includes healthy options like acai bowls, carrots and hummus, chocolate chips and guac. Dinner for Gigi would likely include sushi and a healthy drink or smoothie.

While Gigi maintains a strict diet regimen when it comes to staying fit, she loves her burgers and fries as well as her famous pasta with vodka sauce. In fact, burgers are such a weakness for Hadid that when she first lived in New York, she tried a new burger every week for a year to find her favorite burger in New York.

Gigi loves her pasta with vodka sauce, and the recipe was recently trending on Instagram. However, the important thing to remember is that though Gigi may indulge in an occasional burger or pasta, she rounds it off well by including lots of veggies, fruits, lean meat, and whole grains in her diet.

Hadid also understands that in order to sustain her diet, she has to enjoy her food and tries to find healthy recipes and restaurants that serve meals she would like.

Well known for her phenomenal career, Gigi has also put in a lot of hard work in managing Hashimoto's disease, which she was diagnosed with in 2016. An autoimmune disorder in which your immune system starts attacking your thyroid, Hashimoto's disease hinders the thyroid from making required hormones and leads to tiredness, joint and muscle pain, and weight gain.

Gigi is now well and fine, and has the condition under control. She had to work hard for it, but has managed it pretty well with her diet and exercise regimen.

Poll : Are you a fan of Gigi Hadid?



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Edited by Sabine Algur


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How Did Gigi Hadid’s Diet and Workout Routine Help Her Lose Weight? (2024)


How did the hadids lose weight? ›

The secret to Bella Hadid weight loss has been adhering to a strict healthy diet and working out regularly. With this technique, the model was able to shed 20 pounds and downsize from 140 pounds to 120 pounds. She followed a high-protein diet and combined cardio with strength training to facilitate greater weight loss.

How did models lose weight fast? ›

Many celebrity and model diets focus on limiting carbs. This might be a good idea as studies have shown lower carb diets produce faster weight loss. Low carb diets focus on reducing foods that are high in carbohydrates. These typically include fruits, grains, legumes, starchy vegetables, and dairy foods.

What is Bella Hadid's workout and diet? ›

Bella Hadid's diet is low in carbs and high in protein and healthy fats. Breakfast: Eggs and sausage. Lunch: Salmon and vegetables. Dinner: Sauteed Kale to maintain her energy during workouts.

Why is Gigi Hadid's face bloated? ›

'People think I do fillers on my face and that's why my face is round? I've had this since I was born,' Hadid said. Gigi noted that she has always had high and in her words, 'plump' cheeks since she was a baby. Her mom, Yolanda Hadid is to thank for that genetic blessing as she too has beautiful cheeks.

What diet did Yolanda put Gigi on? ›

At the time, Yolanda kept a close eye over her daughter Gigi's diet, who was at the beginning of her now-successful modelling career. In one episode, Gigi tells her mother she is feeling “really weak” because she only ate half an almond.

Do supermodels workout everyday? ›

Most models exercise around 3–5 times per week, with workout sessions generally lasting at least an hour.

What has Gigi done to her face? ›

I've never done anything to my face, but the way that I've learned to contour in certain places, put bronzer in some places and leave it out in other places is something you have to learn,” Gigi noted.

How much do models weigh? ›

Their weight should typically be between 161 and 205 pounds, with a chest size of 41” to 45”.

Who loses weight faster? ›

Men lose weight faster than women. New research suggests men also garner more health benefits than women when they lose weight, too.

How long did it take you to stop being skinny fat? ›

FAQ #2: How long does it take to go from skinny fat to fit? This depends on how skinny fat you are and how quickly you lose fat and build muscle. That said, most people can go from skinny fat to fit in about three to six months of diligently following a proper diet and training program.

How to lose weight like Zendaya? ›

Activities like dancing, boxing and Pilates help her in staying slim and toned. On days when she's missing these forms of physical movement, she performs workouts which involve stretching, 15-30 minutes of yoga, Jogging (800m), knee push-ups, air squats, jump squats, burpees, sit ups, inchworms and lunges.

What is Bella weight loss? ›

Bella Capsules are a custom compounded proprietary blend of the main ingredients found in the two leading weight loss medications; Contrave and Qsymia. In addition B12 is. added to help with energy and metabolism. This medication attacks weight loss by reducing appetite and cravings.

Do models lift heavy weights? ›

DO VICTORIA SECRET MODELS LIFT WEIGHTS? A lot of models actually avoid heavy lifting (nothing heavier than 5-10 pounds – about 2-5 kilograms) to prevent unwanted bulk, but there are models that do the heavy lifting as well.

Is Bella Hadid's face perfectly? ›

While Amber Heard has 91.85% perfect facial ratio, Bella Hadid is found out to have 94.35% accurate facial features, according to Greek Golden Ratio of Beauty also known as Phi-which measure physical perfection.

Why is my face bloated but I'm skinny? ›

But if you're skinny, you know that weight gain is not the reason you carry extra weight on your face. However, a few other things can explain the extra fat in your cheeks. Genetics is often to blame; genetic predispositions determine the shape of the face and whether you have a defined gonial angle.

Who is the model with the bloated belly? ›

Now, a London-based influencer Model Ambar Miraaj Driscoll has documented, on Instagram, her own post-meal belly bloat to make a point about how normal bloating is.

What is the real models diet? ›

Carbs including lots of green, leafy vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower, squash and carrots. Fruits including apples, oranges and pears. Healthy fats including coconut oil, avocados and olive oil. Proteins including chicken, turkey, fish, eggs and lean cuts of meat.

What was Gigi favorite food? ›

Gigi loves to binge on Arugula Salad and it is her go-to dish every other day.

What does Gigi eat for dinner? ›

If she is having sea-food, she avoids tempura (fried veggies or seafood) and opts for broiled seafood with a green salad in ginger dressing. Her sushi is rice rolls replaced with thin cucumber ones. For dinner: She loves frozen cooked carrot spirals and zucchini noodles (popular as coodles and zoodles).

Do models eat everyday? ›

They have a light breakfast and then a normal portion of lunch and dinner, which helps improve their digestive tract to keep them “regular” to prevent bloating. The meals are spaced out anywhere from three to six hours. They cut out snacks and eat three sensible meals each day.

What do models drink? ›

Most models drink coffee, with either full cream or skim milk.

How does Gigi stay so thin? ›

Gigi's personal motto when it comes to her diet is, "Eat clean to stay fit, have a burger to stay sane". The supermodel doesn't stick to any one particular diet and focuses on eating well-made whole foods, with lots of fruits, vegetables, lean meat, eggs, milk, and flour.

Do models eat junk food? ›

Some models are born with faster metabolisms, which means they convert food into energy at a faster pace. Other models work out often enough to make up for all of the junk food they are eating. No matter what her secret may be, Bella claims she eats grilled cheese sandwiches and French fries every single day.

What model eats one meal a day? ›

I eat my lunch. Lunch is my dinner, because I really only eat once a day,” Naomi said. But she does believe in some sweet treats. She said: “Sunday is my treat, so I'll make desserts, my cakes and puddings.”

Does Gigi wear wigs? ›

Gigi Hadid

But it turns out the new look is actually thanks to a wig, although it has definitely made us hope that a dramatic hair change is on the cards for the model.

Does Gigi have tattoos? ›

If you didn't know any better, you probably assumed the supermodel doesn't have any body ink — which is probably exactly what she wants us to think — but that isn't true. Hadid has two known tattoos on her body. But both are so tiny, they're nearly impossible to spot in photographs.

Does Gigi have anxiety? ›

During her pregnancy at the age of 26, Gigi Hadid experienced a number of unpleasant side effects. According to the model, anxiety has become a constant in her life.

What do 5 10 models weigh? ›

For example, a woman who is 4'10'' is considered healthy when she weighs anywhere between 91-115 pounds. However, if a woman is 5'10'' she is considered healthy when she weighs between 132-167 pounds. Anything below those numbers is underweight. Anything above those numbers is overweight.

How much should a 5 7 female weigh? ›

Ideal Weight Chart
5' 5"122 - 150 lbs.113 - 138 lbs.
5' 6"128 - 156 lbs.117 - 143 lbs.
5' 7"133 - 163 lbs.122 - 149 lbs.
5' 8"139 - 169 lbs.126 - 154 lbs.
28 more rows

How much should a 5 3 female weigh? ›

Height and Weight Chart
5' 2"104 to 135 lbs.136 to 163 lbs.
5' 3"107 to 140 lbs.141 to 168 lbs.
5' 4"110 to 144 lbs.145 to 173 lbs.
5' 5"114 to 149 lbs.150 to 179 lbs.
17 more rows

What is the fastest speed to lose weight? ›

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends trying to limit weight loss to one or two pounds per week. It might seem slow, but people who do that are more likely to keep the weight off. If you want or need to lose weight faster than one to two pounds per week, don't try fad diets or severely limit your calories.

What age loses weight fastest? ›

It is believed that one's metabolism is at its peak during the teenage years when one can eat anything they want without the fear of gaining kilos. By the time they reach midlife around the 30s and 40s, it starts to decline, and it becomes difficult to keep the weight off.

Who loses weight faster fat or skinny? ›

It might seem counterintuitive, but generally speaking, skinny people don't have faster metabolisms than people who weigh more. In fact, the bigger your body, the more calories you burn.

How long does it take to be skinny? ›

All in all, it can take anywhere from one week to several months to see noticeable weight loss results. It all depends on your daily activity level, your exercises, and how much you eat each day.

How long does it take to feel skinny? ›

You can start seeing differences in yourself as early as two weeks with rapid weight loss. However, most people will notice a significant difference in themselves anywhere between four to eight weeks, Guzman said.

What is a skinny fat body type? ›

What Does 'Skinny Fat' Mean? The phrase 'skinny fat' or metabolically obese normal weight (MONW) is used to describe someone who appears to be lean, but actually has a high body fat percentage.

How does Beyonce lose weight? ›

It saw her eating plant-based foods and limiting herself to "no bread, no carbs, no sugar, no dairy, no meat, no fish, no alcohol...". She also gave up coffee and fruit drinks. This plan doesn't give nearly enough calories recommended in a day, which adds up to 2,000-2,500 for men and women.

What do Kardashians take to lose weight? ›

The story so far: The dramatic weight loss of Kim and Khloe Kardashian and other celebrities has been rumoured to be the work of an injectable drug, Ozempic, that's been called 'Hollywood's worst kept secret'.

Is Zendaya really a vegan? ›

Zendaya became a vegetarian at age 11 when she passed a slaughterhouse on a road trip with her father. She tells PEOPLE, "I thought it was awful, all those animals getting packed up in there waiting to be killed. I couldn't believe that's how I'd been getting my meat!" Since then, she's stuck to a plant-based diet.

What is the weight loss thing on TikTok? ›

As a result, Ozempic has been touted on the Internet as a miracle diet drug. On TikTok, the hashtag #Ozempic already has over 600 million views and counting. Even Twitter's new boss, the billionaire Elon Musk, has credited Ozempic - alongside a similar drug, Wegovy - as one of the reasons he shed 13 kg.

What is the weight loss drink from TikTok? ›

Known to many as a “miracle drink,” liquid chlorophyll is one of TikTok's latest skincare trends with people claiming that the green juice helps them lose weight, boost energy, prevent cancer and reduce acne.

What is Emma for weight loss? ›

Emma's Diet Program combines a customized very low-calorie diet with specific medical dosing of a natural protein hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This protein appears to help the body sustain lean body mass while dieting.

What is the most weight a girl has lifted? ›

Becca Swanson

She's currently the only woman to squat more than 800 pounds. Swanson's best lifts are 854.3 pound squat, 600.8 pound bench, and 683.4 pound deadlift.

Can models be underweight? ›

Through anonymous survey responses, the researchers found that 81% of models possess a Body Mass Index, or BMI, that would be classified as underweight. Most models reported being underweight, and many turn to unhealthy methods to keep the pounds away, researchers found.

How do I get lean and toned? ›

  1. Cut Your Calories. The most important part of obtaining a lean physique is inducing a caloric deficit. ...
  2. Consume Plenty of Protein. ...
  3. Eat Plenty of Greens. ...
  4. Don't Be Afraid of Carbs. ...
  5. Don't Do Cheat Meals Right Away. ...
  6. Drink Lots of Water. ...
  7. Try Fasted Cardio. ...
  8. Lift Heavier.
May 27, 2020

How did they make Bella look anorexic in Breaking Dawn? ›

The visual-effects team added prosthetics to Stewart's face (a process that took three hours of application) to make her eyes look more sunken and her ears larger. Stewart likened wearing the prosthetics to having a 'big, skinny head' for the scenes. Still, the 21-year old actress was game for the transformation.

Do the hadids actually have Lyme? ›

Supermodel Bella Hadid has been open about her struggles with Lyme disease in the past few years. She had first contracted it in 2012, when she was 16 years old.

What is the disease that Gigi Hadid has? ›

Also called Hashimoto's thyroiditis or chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, it causes chronic inflammation of the thyroid that often leads to slowed thyroid hormone production.

Have the hadids had work done? ›

Over the years, Hadid has denied getting any lip fillers, eye lifts or jaw reductions. She maintained to the magazine that a nose job was the only work she had done, arguing people believe she "fully" changed her face "because of one picture of me as a teenager looking puffy."

Does Bella have ADHD? ›

When Bella was in high school, a psychiatrist prescribed extended-release Adderall for her inattention, thinking it might simply be ADHD. She says that the appetite-​suppressant effect of stimulant medication pushed her into anorexia. “I was on this calorie-counting app, which was like the devil to me,” she remembers.

Did Bella have an ED? ›

Model Bella Hadid says she wept "every day" and was stricken with eating disorders and chronic anxiety as a teen before she shot to fame as a model.

Why does Bella have scars on her arm? ›

In a flashback image from the first Twilight movie, a vampire bites into Bella's wrist and blood pours from the wound. We see the scar that remains. Bella rides a trail bike recklessly and crashes it.

Has Bella Hadid recovered from Lyme disease? ›

Despite her ongoing health struggle, the model shared that she's turned to her love of horseback riding amidst the pain. “I am okay though!! I feel better when I'm riding!” Hadid said, before noting how two rounds of antibiotics have also helped. “I think my horses just really take my mind off the pain.”

Is Yolanda Hadid's disease real? ›

Hadid was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2012 when an active infection was discovered in her brain.

What do the hadids eat? ›

Acc. to 'ISCHIC', she loves eating Coddles and Zoodles for dinner which are made with carrot and zucchini respectively. But, she mostly eats sushi with a smoothie for the dinner to complete her body's requirements.

Does Bella Hadid suffer from mental illness? ›

Supermodel Bella Hadid has battled depression and anxiety since her teens and she said that she spent a lot of time working putting on a brave face in front of people and breaking down when she was alone. She said: "For three years while I was working, I would wake up every morning hysterical, in tears, alone.

Why Gigi has so many moles? ›

Though Hadid has had her moles since, well, she was born, fans have rarely seen a close-up picture of her birth marks like the one she shared on Friday. And though the freckles on Hadid's face in the selfie are unfortunately a filter, the different-size moles across her body are all natural and real.

How did the Hadid family get Lyme disease? ›

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection which is transmitted by the bite of an infected blacklegged tick. Hadid was first diagnosed with the chronic condition, which her mother and brother also suffer from, in 2012.

Can a 14 year old get a nose job? ›

Rhinoplasty for Teenagers

There's no set age that you have to be in order to have nose surgery performed. However, your nose needs to have stopped growing, otherwise it may end up deformed as it keeps growing after surgery. Usually, the nose stops growing around the ages of 14 to 16.

Do models have plastic surgery? ›

Can runway models have plastic surgeries? The answer is yes, of course. Many think that runway models must be extremely slim and without curves. However, some of them have opted for plastic surgery to improve their physical appearance.

How much is a nose job? ›

How much does rhinoplasty cost? The average cost of rhinoplasty is $5,483, according to the most recent statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This average cost is only part of the total price – it does not include anesthesia, operating room facilities or other related expenses.

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