How do I start selling adopts? (2024)

How do I start selling adopts? (1)

Posted 1 year, 3 days agobyKeckleoid

Hey I really wanna start selling adopts but I have no idea how it works on toyhouse. I have made adopts in the past albeit with amino coins back when I used amino, but I don't know the system of it on toyhouse. Could I get a general guide on how to start off?

How do I start selling adopts? (2)

Never sold an adopt here but I like looking at the adopts, so hopefully this is helpful. Generally paypal & DA points are the most common type of currency on

On characters, you can put if they're UFT, and what "type" of UFT they are. If someone is looking on these pages, they'd be able to see the adopt. If you want to advertise by the character sorter page, then I recommend adding tags as well.. everything that fits the character you're selling. You should still add tags even if you're posting in the DM because people could find it by the sorter and want to buy it still.

Though.. the best way is through the Design Marketplace .. You just make a thread with details, like how much you're selling it for, the image or character page of the adopts you're selling, what you're selling it for.. whatever else. The subforum does get posted in quite a lot, and people are actively bumping, so you'll also need to actively bump your thread if you want it to get attention.. anyways good luck ofc.. others might have some tips, but this is just the basic things I know that'll help you sell, lol.

1 year, 3 days agoEdited 10:05 am

How do I start selling adopts? (4)

I have not made that many adopts in the past but I can give you a bit of advice!

1. Best place to plug your designs for sale is in the design marketplace. Make a new thread where you can put all the characters you have up for sale, and list the price for each.

2. for freebies, there are designated threads in Character Games and Freebies. The best way is to put up freebies in the freebie bin on there.

3. When you sell a character listed, there is a way to transfer a character from one person to another. This will keep you as a designer if you made the character as well as all images under the character, but will give the character to a different user. you can do this by clicking on the character + ownership that will show you the current owner, the designer, and give you an option the transfer the character to another user.

4. there is no currency on Toyhouse like Amino or Deviantart has, however people still pay for things using these currencies on here. Just talk out prices with your buyer!

this is the most basic advice I can give, but I hope it helps! :D

1 year, 3 days ago

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How do I start selling adopts? (2024)


Where do people sell adoptables? ›

Toyhouse is a good site for selling on since it's dedicated to adopts, but dA groups will make advertising exponentially easier, and there's a good adoptables presence on fa too.

What do people do with adoptables? ›

Adoptables are original characters made by an artist or other creative, usually with the intention to sell or trade the rights to the design.

How do I list adopts on Toyhouse? ›

you can do this by clicking on the character + ownership that will show you the current owner, the designer, and give you an option the transfer the character to another user.

How do adopts work on Toyhouse? ›

Hi there! When it comes to adoptables and character ownership, you have full ownership rights and can do whatever you want with the character once you've bought/traded for or have been gifted it unless you were made to sign a legally binding licensing agreement.

What does AB mean in adoptables? ›

Autobuy/Buyout (AB) = The price that you need to pay to be sure to get the adoptable (usually decided by the Adoptable Creator)

What is a custom adoptable? ›

What is a Custom Adoptable? It's an adoptable commission that is created using a pre-set lineart or base and the colours/patterns of the adopter's choice.

What are adopts furry? ›

An adoptable is a right to use the character created by another person in any way that they want moving forward (unless the artist has created some restrictions).

Do kids choose who adopts them? ›

Ultimately, it is up to a potential birth mother to choose the adoptive family that's best for her baby. So, while you do not get to “choose” the child you adopt, you will get to choose many of the characteristics you are comfortable with your future child having.

What is adoption roleplay? ›

Once the babies have been 'adopted', roleplayers use them in private accounts and in groups pretending to parent the child, and even pretending to be the child while other people roleplay with them.

What can I play instead of Toyhouse for free? ›

The other five competitors in the top 10 list are (280.7K visits in April 2023), gbf. wiki (1.4M visits in April 2023), (6.4M visits in April 2023), (988.2K visits in April 2023), and (561.9K visits in April 2023).

How much does a toyhouse code cost? ›

Whenever a user buys a premium membership, two invite codes are immediately credited to their account (a premium membership currently costs $4.95 a month, or $24.95 per year) Premium users also get 2 invite codes at the start of the week automatically (at the end of Sunday)

Can you sell on Toyhouse? ›

If you have characters that you just haven't sold in a number of years or are having trouble selling in general, you can send them on over to me! I find the right price and get them a good home in a jiffy, and you can ask for them back anytime. Prices may not be what you're asking for, PLEASE keep this in mind.

Is there an adoption symbol? ›

What Is the Adoption Symbol? The adoption symbol is a triangle intertwined with a heart that represents what many people call the adoption triad. Many families have used this adoption symbol to share their love for open adoption.

What is an AB in bidding? ›

A+B bidding is a method that rewards a contractor for completing a project as quickly as possible. By providing a cost for each working day, the contract combines the cost to perform the work (A component) with the cost of the impact to the public (B component) to provide lowest cost to the public.

What is art adopting? ›

An art adopter can adopt an artwork individually or as a group. In acknowledgement for the support, art adopters will be acknowledged alongside their adopted work in perpetuity.

Can you post pictures of adopted child? ›

While this is an exciting step of the adoption process, it is best to wait until placement or, better yet, until the adoption is finalized to begin posting on social media. Do not share identifying information (including photos) about the birth or adoptive family or the child.

What is a custom commission? ›

An artwork commission is when a client or art consultant approaches an artist to make a custom artwork specially for them, rather than buying an artwork that the artist had already created.

How many children are adoptable in us? ›

How many children are available for adoption in the United States? The most recent AFCARS report of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services states that there are almost 114,000 foster children eligible for and waiting to be adopted.

Can you be a furry without being a furry? ›

If you want to create your own furry-related characters, meet other like minded people, and/or visit furry conventions, you'll probably love being a part of the furry community! But it's also totally okay to be a part of the community without calling yourself a furry.

What are furry beliefs? ›

When asked about their religious beliefs, nearly one-third of furries identified as either atheist or agnostic (see figure below). About 25% of furries are Christian, though many indicated that they did not regularly practice their faith or attend church. 11% identified as pagan, shaman, or Wiccan.

What is a non furry? ›

A nonfur is a person who either is not a furry, or, is in the furry fandom but is only involved with the fandom for either: the enjoyment, selling, and purchase of artwork; the roleplay; the accepting friendly and interesting environment; or because they like the fandom but do not want to join just yet or not ever.

What is the cheapest country to adopt from? ›

Adoption fees in Ukraine is very attractive compared the rest of the world where adoption is possible. Actually, Ukraine is one of the cheapest countries for adoption. We offer an inexpensive program, from $9,500 depends on the age, health and the region where a child is placed.

At what age are kids less likely to be adopted? ›

The older a child is, the more difficult it is for them to be adopted. The average age of a child in foster care is 7.7 years. While babies are often adopted very quickly, the adoption rates of children over 8 decrease significantly. When a child reaches their teens, the rate drops even more.

What is the 3 3 3 rule of adoption? ›

The 3-3-3 rule represents the phases of a rescue dog or common milestones your new dog or puppy will go through 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months after being adopted from a shelter. Your new dog will have unfamiliar surroundings and go through an adjustment period while settling into his new home.

What are the 5 stage of adoption? ›

Stages in the Adoption Process
  • Stage 1: Product Awareness. ...
  • Stage 2: Product Interest. ...
  • Stage 3: Product Evaluation. ...
  • Stage 4: Product Trial. ...
  • Stage 5: Product Adoption.
Jan 25, 2023

What are the five levels of adoption? ›

While there are many adaptions of the original model, Everett Rogers's diffusion of innovations dives into the characteristics of each of the five adopter categories within the technology adoption life cycle: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards.

Why does Toyhouse need an invite code? ›

Toyhouse is a website that allows users to create and share virtual dolls and characters. It requires an invite code to create an account, and typically, these codes are only provided to users who already have an account or who are invited by someone who has an account.

Who owns Toyhouse? ›

Owner/Maintainer:Cyan Crows, a software studio
Dates:October 6, 2014 - Present
Type:Character Organization
Fandom:Multi-fandom, Furry, original species, and original characters
5 more rows

Are you allowed to sell toyhouse codes? ›

Also, while trading and selling Toyhouse codes are allowed, Toyhouse does not endorse or support trades.

Do you have to pay for Toyhouse? ›

Users may purchase premium subscriber privileges which will be attached to an individual user account. This is a paid service provided by Toyhouse.

How long do toyhouse codes last? ›

They don't expire; they remain in your account until you use them.

Can I draw a cartoon and sell it? ›

What is this? Selling fan art within the United States is not strictly illegal as it is not a criminal offense. However, the copyright law is there to protect artists and they can exercise their rights by suing anybody who infringes on their work.

What can get you banned from Toyhouse? ›

Repetitive and intentional submission of unflagged material containing Explicit Sexual Content will result in warnings or account bans depending on severity and intent. Please be considerate of the users around you.

Is swearing allowed on Toyhouse? ›

We allow swearing, but do not let it go overboard. This means you don't have to censor swears, but if you prefer, you can, or you replace them with other words; No NSFW, heavy gore, or erotic scenes allowed - while romance (like hugging and kissing) is.

What to do with adopted kids? ›

Here are some tips to make your adopted child feel at home and become a part of the family:
  1. Designate a room especially for the new child. ...
  2. Introduce your older children to their new sibling before they arrive. ...
  3. Set up a routine. ...
  4. Limit visits from friends and extended family for sometime. ...
  5. Celebrate family festivals at home.

What happens to adopted babies? ›

Emotional or Mental Trauma

As an adoptee learns to accept and move forward from their personal history, they may experience a few psychological effects of adoption on children, like: Identity issues (not knowing where they “fit in”) Difficulty forming emotional attachments. Struggles with low self-esteem.

What happens when someone adopts you? ›

Adoption allows them to start a family and share their love with a child who needs it. Once an adoption is finalized, the adoptive parent is the legal parent of the child. There's no legal difference between an adopted child and one who is born into a biological family.

Do adopted kids do well? ›

Adoptive parents reported that an 83% majority of their children enjoyed going to school and nearly half—49%—were doing “excellent” or “above average” school work.

What do adopted kids call their parents? ›

The reasons for its use: In most cultures, the adoption of a child does not change the identities of its mother and father: they continue to be referred to as such. Those who adopted a child were thereafter termed its "guardians", "foster", or "adoptive" parents.

What do adopted children call their birth parents? ›

Natural Mom: Natural mother is the preferred term according to “Honest Adoption Language” (HAL), which was developed in 1993 by researcher Susan Wells.

What is the hardest part of adoption? ›

Challenges You May Face as an Adoptive Family
  • The adoptee experiences trouble with identity. Open adoptions are increasingly more common, and help to eliminate this challenge in most adoptive families. ...
  • The adoptee feels grief and sorrow. ...
  • A bond or parent/child attachment may not come naturally.
Feb 23, 2022

What are the 7 stages of adoption? ›

Seven Core Issues in Adoption and Permanency, which include loss, rejection, shame/guilt, grief, identity, intimacy and mastery/control, are created through the disassembling and creating of a new family system.

What age can an adopted child meet their birth parents? ›

Can I Contact My Birth Parents or Birth Family? No one can stop you from looking for or contacting your birth family, however most search groups and professionals will only work with someone who is of age (18 or 21, dependent upon the state), or with the consent of the Adoptive Parents.

Do adopted babies know they are adopted? ›

Even if they don't remember their birth families, they will likely remember being in foster care and will want details surrounding their adoptions. Children who were adopted at birth and whose adoptions are closed probably won't know they're adopted for quite some time—unless someone tells them.

What happens if a queen adopts a child? ›

Could an adopted child become King or Queen if the monarch had no natural children? The system in UK is based on bloodline heredity and so the adopted child would not be in the running. A sibling of the King of either sex or, if deceased, his or her offspring would be more eligible.

How does adopted child feel? ›

As adopted children mature and try to understand their adoption, many will develop feelings of loss, grief, anger, or anxiety. They may feel as though they lost their birth parents, siblings, language, or culture. This grief may also stir feelings of uncertainty.

What age is the hardest to get adopted? ›

Many adoption professionals say that toddlers (children aged one to three years) have the hardest transition to adoption. They are old enough to feel the loss of familiar people and surroundings, but too young to understand what's happening to them.

Do adopted babies grieve? ›

If we adopt an older child, we may wrongly assume that their past is now their past. Adopted children, however, bring multiple issues of loss with them into their adopted families, no matter what age they were adopted. Childhood grief is often based on different issues than those that impact adults.

How many adoptees are happy? ›

85 percent of children who are adopted are in excellent or very good health.

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