How do you make your clothes last longer? (2024)

26 super easy tips | How do you make your clothes last longer?

We all want to make our clothes last longer, right? So why not start taking steps today to make your clothes last as long as possible?

Whilst we cannot promise to make your clothes last forever, we can confidently say that there are many tips to extend the lifespan of your clothes. Not only will this save you money and keep your favourite items looking like the day they were first bought, it is essential for any eco-conscious fashion fans looking to make their wardrobe more ethical and sustainable.

Read on to find our 26 top tips to make your clothes last longer… point 15 is my favourite ;)

How do you make your clothes last longer? (1)

How many times is the average piece of clothing worn?

Although the average piece of clothing is wornaround 120 timesbefore it is disposed of, this figure has almost halved over the past 15 years.

In developed countries, clothes are worn even less. Encouraged by social media, poor quality fast fashion, trend hypes and our throw away culture, we have gotten used to easily replacing old clothes without consideration for the environment. A survey of 2000 women in the UK found that respondents wore each item they ownedan average of just 7 times before binning.

How do you make your clothes last longer? (2)

P&G, the fabric care experts, found that Americans throw away more than 40% of clothes after less than 10 wears, with 70% claiming the main reason to get rid of clothes was because the garment lost its shape, faded or started to look old.

Yet it is very easy to prevent your clothes from wearing out. With our increasing habit of buying new clothes, this has never been more important.

How many clothes does the average person own?

Theaverage UK household owns over £4000 of clothes, around 30% of which is not used. By taking simple steps, we can extend the lifespan of our clothes by months, if not years.

By extending the usable lifespan of our clothes by just 3 months, we would reduce our carbon, water and waste footprints by around 5-10%.

But why do my clothes wear out so quickly? By sticking to these 26 tips on how to make your clothes last longer, you will preserve clothes for years!

How do you make your clothes last longer? (3)

26 tips to make your clothes last longer

1. Buy quality clothes that last

Let’s start with a simple fact, if you buy only cheap, low quality fast fashion, your clothes likely won’t last long. Buy nice or buy twice. Yes, the price tag of high quality items can sometimes be off putting, but see it as an investment preventing you from needing to repurchase next year. It’s the first step you must take towards building a more eco friendly wardrobe. Better quality clothes last a lot longer than cheap fast fashion, so don’t be afraid to splash out on staples that you will love for years to come.

How do you make your clothes last longer? (4)

2. Buy a stain removal pen

Hands up if you’ve ever got too excited and spilt a drop of red wine on yourself, or got grass stains on your new top when out for a walk. An easy way to be prepared for any eventuality is to carry a stain removal pen. It’s happened to all of us, and it will happen again. So be prepared next time it does and avoid ruining a perfectly good item by attending the stain immediately before it has time to set.

3. Use a clothes line or drying rack

Have you ever wondered if air drying clothes makes them last longer? The answer is a resounding yes, air drying clothes helps clothes last much longer!

Hot tumble dryers can easily lead to shrinkage, whilst stretching intimate or active wear. The best way to avoid this is to naturally let your clothes air dry. Anyone who pays for the electricity bill knows how much impact a tumble dryer can make. Not only is using a clothes line cheaper by saving energy, it is also one of the best ways to ensure your clothes don’t wear out.
How do you make your clothes last longer? (5)

4. Use a delicates Bag

When I was younger, I noticed that my mum always used a delicates bag. I thought it was normal. However, over the years I realised that it wasn’t that common. Delicates bags are an easy way to stopdelicate garments or underwear from ripping or being damaged in the washing machine. Without one these items are left to fend for themselves, rubbing against zips and hard materials every time you do a wash. A delicates bag is a cheap and easy way to preserve the lifespan of your intimates.

5. Avoid washing your clothes too regularly

Eww you have to wash your clothes regularly, right? Wrong! I get it, nobody wants to smell, but washing your clothes too much is very bad for them and a sure way to accelerate fading, stretch elasticated items, and slowly start to break down the fibre of the fabric. In short, overwashing clothes will wear them out and make them fade much more quickly, so don’t wash them everyday.

How many times can you wear clothes before washing? The best test is the good old fashion smell test. If it smells or looks dirty, then wash. With the exception of socks, underwear and sports clothes, you can likely wear something a minimum of 3 times. For outerwear, jumpers or trousers, this can be much higher.

Take Levi’s CEO Chip Bergh as a truly dedicated non-washer, he hasn’twashed his jeans for over 10 years!

Want a quick tip to make your clothes last longer without washing… pop them in the freezer overnight and you’ll be surprised what a difference this can make.

6. Use fabric refreshers

One way to make clothes last longer is to avoid overwashing them, however clothes that you wear less often can sometimes smell stale. A good way to avoid this is to use simple tricks, such as fabric refreshers, scented paper sheets, or placing natural scented products like lavender bags in your closet. It will revitalise the smell of stale clothes and mean you don’t have to wash them as frequently.

7. Turn down your washing machine

Everyone knows this, but do we all do it? Gone are the days when we had to wash at 60 degrees, a cold wash or 30 degree wash will do just fine.

Washing at a colder temperature helps prevent clothes fibres from breaking down. It can also reduce colours running and fading over time, and will prevent shrinkage. Just as importantly, colder temperatures reduce the amount of microplastics released from plastic based fabrics such as nylon, acrylic or polyester clothes.

It goes without saying that colder temperatures help reduce the amount of energy required per wash (not to mention it saves you money). According to theEnergy Saving Trust, washing accounts for 60-80% of a garments total environmental impact. By washing clothes at 30 degrees rather than 40, you can reduce energy used by up to 40%. Learn to use thecorrect water temperature.

How do you make your clothes last longer? (6)

Illustration: Alison Czinkota. © The Spruce, 2018

8. Use less washing detergent

“One scoop, two scoops, ahh a little more won’t hurt.” We’ve all done this before, but overloading washing detergent is not only expensive, it can actually make your clothes more dull and stiff over long periods of time. In fact, you could likely get away with using half the prescribed amount of detergent.

Want something a little different? Try addingbaking soda as a natural detergent booster. Try to also switch to more environmentally friendly detergents, which are made from natural ingredients with the environment in mind. Add scented wardrobe sheets, lavender or fabric refreshers to stop your clothes smelling stale and needing to be washed as often.

How do you make your clothes last longer? (7)The Spruce / Letícia Almeida

9. Skip the softener

It’s really not necessary to use fabric conditioner or softener. Fabric conditioners add boat loads of extra chemicals, dyes and fragrances to your clothes, coating the fibres with a waxy residue. When this builds over time, it can lead to coloured clothes fading and accelerate fibre breakdown. Want an alternative? A small amount of vinegar can be added as a substitute, and keep your cupboards well ventilated and lined with scented paper to retain that fresh linen smell.

How do you make your clothes last longer? (8)

10. Don’t dry clean unless you have to

This one might be more relevant for men who are in the habit of regularly dry cleaning suits. Other than being a very costly habit, dry cleaning involves the use of harsh chemicals that slowly damages the fibres of your smart clothes, not to mention are bad for the environment. Help your most expensive clothes last longer by dry cleaning less often.

Looking for a nifty alternative? Hang them in the bathroom whilst you shower. The steam will help creases fall out and refresh the outfit without requiring chemical cleaners.

How do you make your clothes last longer? (9)
11. Don’t overload your washing machine

Adding too many clothes to your washing machine may seem efficient, but it will actually make your clothes wear out more quickly.Not only will it fail to wash them well, the tightly pressed clothes will rub against each other and create friction, causing more damage and fading.

Nor is it better to do small loads of laundry, as this will waste water, energy and money. Like Goldilox and her porridge, you need to get it just right.

12. Separate your colours

The oldest mistake in the book, but we’ve all been there. To avoid colours from running and turning your favourite white top pink, separate colours and whites before you wash. Always use a colour catcher, it’s amazing what wonders these work.

Quick tip to make your clothes last longer, if you have bright new clothes (or heaven forbid, a new cheap pair of fast fashion jeans *cough, we’ve all been there*), pre-soak in a bowl overnight and you will see just how much the colour runs. You may wish to wash these separately for a few cycles.

How do you make your clothes last longer? (10)

13. Wash strong clothes and printed tops inside out

No one likes a printed T-shirt that fades or cracks. But how do I keep my shirts from fading?Preventing this is very simple, just turn that top inside out before washing. The same can be done with strong colours and jeans. Washing inside out will preserve their colour and prevent your clothes from fading, meaning you can wear your favourite shirt for longer. The longer you wear your clothes, the more sustainably you will be dressing.

14. Use a dye bath

Gone past the point of return with your now faded top? Why not try bringing it back to life with a dye bath? Just add coloured dyes to a tub and leave your clothes to soak. A word of warning, wash with similar colours after you have added the dye as your colours will run!

15. Tie dye your old clothes

Have any old white clothes lying around? One great tip to make your clothes last longer is to try tie dying. Yes, tie dyes are definitely back in. They’re fun, easy to make and you can tailor to your own personal design preferences. Get good and you might even be able to sell a few! What’s more, it’s a great way to sustainably bring old clothes back to life which might have been sitting at the back of your wardrobe unloved.

During the summer we wanted to bring a smile to your face and new life to your old t-shirts by offering to tie dye your old clothes for free!

How do you make your clothes last longer? (11)

16. Avoid damp, closed or over-exposed light places when storing clothes

Have you ever left a picture in the sun for a few years? The colours start to fade. In the exact same way, dark or coloured clothes will soon start to fade if you leave them in direct sunlight for too long. Similarly, your clothes need to breathe, so storing them in enclosed spaces where they can get damp or smelly will mean you need to wash them more frequently, which won’t help them last as long. To make clothes last longer, store them in well ventilated wardrobes out of direct sunlight.

17. Fold heavy clothes rather than hanging

Many of you likely already do this (some of you might have a folding chair like me which seems to collect clothes through the week). But why does folding clothes make them last longer? Hanging heavy clothes will cause them to stretch and lose their shape, making them lose that nice fit you love. One of the key reasons we throw away clothes is because they no longer fit, so keeping their shape will allow you to wear for longer.

How do you make your clothes last longer? (12)

18. Buy better hangers

Again, super simple but super effective. Plastic or wire hangers can stretch the shoulders of your favourite clothes making them look saggy and unattractive. Better shaped wooden hangers will fit the shape of your clothes more snuggly and help your clothes look good for longer.

How do you make your clothes last longer? (13)

19. Turn down your iron

If you’re like me and avoid ironing at all costs, you might actually be doing your clothes a massive favour. Ironing can be a quick way to ruin clothes if you don’t know what temperature that material should be ironed at. Keep it simple. Read the advice on the label and turn down the iron a few notches below what it advises. Better to be safe than sorry.

How do you make your clothes last longer? (14)

20. Learn how to repair your own clothes

If you want to know how to dress more sustainably, one of the best things you can do is learn how to mend your own clothes. Don’t be daunted, it’s actually a lot more simple than you might think. Online there are thousands of articles which teach you all the basics of sewing, stitching and mending your old clothes. Just spend a few hours and you will be able to refashion old items into stunning new clothes you’ll want to wear forever.

21. How can you tell good quality clothes? It’s all in the seams!

You can normally tell whether clothes are good quality by a few simple tests. Checking the seams is a great place to start. Orsola de Castro ofFashion Revolution explains that “When clothes are cheaply made, the seams are often shabby.” Try also holding the item up to the light and applying a bit of pressure, you shouldn’t be able to see the light through any joints in the fabric.

22. What fabrics last the longest?

No clothes will last forever, but you can preserve clothes for years if you look after your clothes properly. A great place to start is by buying strong fabrics that will last. But what fabrics last the longest? Unfortunately there is no one right answer, as all fabrics have their own unique properties.

Some experts believe that synthetics are the strongest and most durable fabrics and so recommend buying these. Others feel that natural single component fabrics such as 100% cotton last longer. There are benefits to both. Synthetics might often be one of the toughest fabrics, but they are less breathable than natural fibres so need to be washed more often. Plus synthetics releaseplastic microfibres, which have been linked to ocean plastic pollution. We at Cariki prefer good quality natural materials that are well made and sustainable, such as 100% organic cotton.

23. Treat your clothes

It’s worth getting your hands on treatments to protect your clothes and shoes. Two good brands areNikwax to coat your boots and shoes, andPolygiene for your clothes. Polygiene is an antimicrobial spray with eco friendly credentials which will stop your clothes from smelling and reduce the need for washing, whereas Nikwax will help prolong the life of your shoes by adding a protective waterproof layer. Let us know your favourite brands which help prolong the life of your clothes in the comments below!

24. Find a local tailor

We’re all busy, so finding a local tailor is a great way to make your clothes last longer and a top tip for any sustainable wardrobe. Tailors are not a thing of the middle ages, local professionals are actually easy to find and more affordable than you might think. Plus you are supporting a local business who will be very grateful for your custom.

A good place to start is by taking any ripped clothes to your local dry cleaners, who will likely be able to fix small tears. I recently found a local cobbler to fix my favourite leather belt, which cost just £2! If I hadn’t asked in their shop, I would never have known they could help!

How do you make your clothes last longer? (15)

25. Wash your washer

Now I know what you are thinking, why would anyone wash their washing machine? Well they actually build a layer of soap scum that is just as likely to deposit residue on your clothes as clean them. This isreally easy to resolve, just buy a wash additive or better yet, for a natural solution add lemon juice or vinegar to your drum and spin on the hottest cycle.

26. Don’t dry stains

For any resistant stains you are trying to remove, don’t tumble dry unless it has completely gone. All you will be doing is heat setting the stain and making it impossible to get rid of. If the stain still exists after the wash, set it aside and spend more time on it later.

How do you make your clothes last longer? (16)

Do leave a comment if you have other suggestions to make your clothes last longer.

If this was a helpful article, then you might also enjoy reading about our27 ways to dress more sustainably and build your own eco friendly wardrobe.

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How do you make your clothes last longer? (2024)


How do you simplify laundry and make clothes last longer? ›

  1. Buy quality clothes that last. ...
  2. Buy a stain removal pen. ...
  3. Use a clothes line or drying rack. ...
  4. Use a delicates Bag. ...
  5. Avoid washing your clothes too regularly. ...
  6. Use fabric refreshers. ...
  7. Turn down your washing machine. ...
  8. Use less washing detergent.
Feb 13, 2021

How long should your clothes last? ›

With proper care, your clothes can last 15 years or longer, compared to about three years if they're worn often and not maintained. If you properly care for your clothes, they'll fade less and last longer, and that'll save you money over time.

How does it keep clothes in good condition? ›

It is best to store them in a clean, dry, and cool environment that has no contact with direct sunlight to keep them in good condition. This way you can give your clothing some 'breathing space' to prevent wrinkling and fading that would otherwise reduce their lifespan.

What makes a fabric long lasting? ›

Clothes made from a long fiber cotton, like Pima cotton, tend to be more durable but more expensive. A third option is to buy shirts that mix those short blend fibers with polyester to make them stronger. Look for linings, tencel and high-quality cotton.

What clothes will last? ›

Look carefully at the label: fibers and fabrics. Choose natural fibersFibers are what the threads that go into a piece of fabric are made up of: silk, cotton, linen, wool, polyester, viscose. — cotton, linen, silk, wool, hemp, etc. — which will last the longest in your closet.

Do clothes last longer if washed less? ›

Especially important when you're travelling. Not over washing our clothes means that you can save on money on energy, dry cleaning and laundry costs while you travel. Washing your clothes less frequently will also allow your clothing to last longer, so you don't have to buy replacements.

Why do my clothes get old fast? ›

Clothes tend to fade in the laundry cycle due to hot water washes, harsh detergents, agitation during washing and overdrying. The dye itself can also cause bleeding and fading if it is not well-set or if the wrong type of dye was used on a certain fabric.

Do clothes last longer if ironed? ›

Ironing protects your clothes

One more benefit is that you get to keep your clothes for longer. The process protects the linings and seals the fabric. This makes it more resistant to weather conditions and general wear and tear damage.

Do cotton clothes last longer? ›

Know your fabrics

Every garment will eventually wear out after repeated wearing and washing, but the jury is out on which fabrics are the most durable. Some experts prefer the longevity of synthetic fibres such as polyester, while others favour natural fibres such as cotton.

Who washes our dirty clothes? ›

noun, plural wash·er·men. a man who washes clothes, linens, etc., for hire; laundryman.

How often should clothes be bought? ›

As a rule of thumb, though, check garments for wear about every two to three months. Then buy new when things start to show signs of wear.

How do you store good clothes? ›

Store clothing in a dry, dark, and cool environment. If the environment is bright, the light can cause fading in your fabrics. Many people choose to store their clothing in attics or garages, but these areas are susceptible to extreme temperature changes, which can damage clothing.

How should you store your clothes? ›

How to store clothes
  1. Wash and dry them properly.
  2. Polish boots and shoes.
  3. Get rid of clothes that you won't wear again.
  4. Repair any damaged items.
  5. Don't use vac storage bags for long term clothes storage.
  6. Don't bother ironing first and pack properly.
  7. Store them in the right location.
  8. Store accessories as well.

How do you preserve clothes when washing? ›

Five Tips To Keep Clothes from Fading
  1. Follow directions. The care label will let you know the best way to wash each garment: water temperature, cycle speed (or hand-wash), and more. ...
  2. Turn clothes inside out. ...
  3. Wash clothes in cold water. ...
  4. Use the gentle cycle. ...
  5. Use a fabric conditioner.

How do you not ruin clothes? ›

Get in to these good habits with our ultimate guide to making your clothes last longer.
  1. Buy Quality Pieces. ...
  2. Use a Delicates Bag. ...
  3. Carry a Stain Removal Pen. ...
  4. Wash Less. ...
  5. Don't Dry Clean Often. ...
  6. Get it right in the washing machine. ...
  7. Reduce the Amount of Detergent. ...
  8. Wash Dark Clothing Inside Out.
May 28, 2018

How many washes should clothes last? ›

Admit it: You've gone a little too long without washing some of your go-to clothes.
Washing Frequency Chart.
Item of ClothingHow Often to Wash
SwimsuitsAfter every wear
T-Shirts, tanks, and camisolesAfter every wear
Tops and dressesAfter 1 to 3 wears
Formal dressesDry-clean after every wear
17 more rows
Apr 6, 2023

What weakens fabric? ›

Sweat - made of trace amounts of minerals, lactic acid and urea - may seem harmless. But when combined with bacteria, it can weaken and discolour clothes over time.

Who makes clothes that last the longest? ›

10 Most Durable Clothing Brands That Last The Longest
  • Outerknown.
  • Tentree.
  • Reformation.
  • PACT.
  • prAna.
  • Amour Vert.
  • Mara Hoffman.
  • Patagonia.

Do clothes last a lifetime? ›

The most affordable, high-quality, and durable clothes can last a lifetime when you take good care of them. The best fashion brands use sustainable materials and production processes to make comfortable and stylish apparel that you can wear forever.

What clothes get better with age? ›

It's all about beaten-up, well-worn cool.
  • 1/9. Leather pants. Provided you buy the right size (just like jeans, buying them smaller is better) the leather will soften and stretch. ...
  • 2/9. Denim jackets. ...
  • 3/9. Shearling coat. ...
  • 4/9. Dr. ...
  • 5/9. Signature jewellery. ...
  • 6/9. Leather jacket. ...
  • 7/9. Flannel shirts. ...
  • 8/9. Vintage Chanel.
Mar 17, 2015

Should I wash my clothes after every wear? ›

T-shirts, tank tops and camisoles should be washed after each wearing. Outer clothes like dress shirts and khakis can be worn a few times before washing unless it is hot out and you are sweating or they are visibly dirty or stained. Jeans can typically be worn 3 times before washing.

What ruins clothes washer or dryer? ›

Over dry your clothes in the dryer: The dryer is what does most damage to clothes causing shrinkage, warping elastic, and the tumbling action is very rough. The best way to dry your clothes is to put all garments (except line-dried dedicates) in the dryer at low temperature.

Should you button pants before washing? ›

Unlike zippers, garments with buttons should be left open before bouncing around in your machine. They're more delicate, so leaving buttons undone will put less stress on the threads and help them last longer.

Do washing machines destroy clothes? ›

The washing machine drum is overloaded

Overloading the washing machine will force some of the clothes to rub up against the rubber door seal and the glass, which can cause stress on the fabric and result in rips and tears.

Is spinning clothes bad for them? ›

Stretching – Spin drying can damage clothes by causing them to stretch out. This is because the high speeds at which the drum spins can cause centrifugal force, which can stretch out fabrics. Tangling – If clothing is not evenly distributed in the drum, it can become tangled as well.

What clothes should not be ironed? ›

Acetate, acrylic, nylon and beaded fabrics: Because these fabrics are most susceptible to scorching, and beads can be damaged, use the lowest setting at below 110 degrees and iron the “wrong” side of the fabric. You may also want to protect the fabric by placing a cotton cloth between the garment and iron.

Should I iron a hoodie? ›

You probably don't typically feel the need to iron your hoodies. However, if they're made from 100% cotton, or if you just really like wearing freshly-ironed clothes, you might break out the iron. If you do iron your embroidered hoodie, take great care not to do damage. Don't directly iron the embroidery.

How long should pants last? ›

Dress Pants – Dress pants can last between one to three years. Rotating between multiple pairs can help extend lifetime dramatically. Sweaters – With regular use, sweaters begin to break down around the one-to-two year mark.

How many washes do t-shirts last? ›

A better measure is how many washings a shirt will withstand and still look good. The Dry Cleaning and Laundry Institute says says that industry experience indicates that a shirt should have a wear life of 35 to 50 washings.

What do you call a woman who washes clothes? ›

noun, plural wash·er·wom·en. a woman who washes clothes, linens, etc., for hire; laundress.

Is it rude to take someones clothes out of the wash? ›

Putting someone's wet clothes on the floor is always frowned upon. If need be, set them on top of the washer or a clean surface. Regardless of reason, generally taking someone's clothing out of the washer is considered rude but unfortunately sometimes there isn't another option.

What is it called that you put your dirty clothes in? ›

laundry basket Add to list Share.

How many pairs of jeans should I own? ›

You should aim for 4 to 5 pairs of denim jeans, excluding shorts. It is a good number to meet your everyday needs, even though a woman own 7 pairs on average, and men 6.

How many pairs of pants should I own? ›

Depending on your laundry schedule, you might need more than 5 pairs of pants. But for most people, 4 to 5 pairs of casual pants, including denim jeans, are more than enough to meet everyday needs.

How many clothes should a woman have? ›

Caption Options. The researchers found that a “sufficient” wardrobe consists of 74 garments and 20 outfits in total. As an example, they've suggested six outfits for work, three outfits for home wear, three outfits for sports, two outfits for festive occasions, plus four outdoor jackets and trousers or skirts.

Is it better to roll or fold clothes? ›

Generally, it's better to roll clothes because it takes up less space and allows you to pack more while reducing wrinkles. However, rolling clothes is time-consuming, so folding can also be efficient depending on the type of clothes you're packing and your available space.

Should you keep clothes in plastic? ›

Never store clothing in plastic bags or cardboard boxes. Plastic bags trap moisture and cause mildew to form or cause the yellowing of fabrics, which quickly transfers to your clothing.

Is it OK to store clothes in plastic containers? ›

The best way to store clothes in storage is to place all your clothes in plastic containers with clip-on lids. These will protect your clothes from moisture, dust, mould and mildew. Make sure you give your plastic containers a good clean and dry them thoroughly before you place any clothes inside.

How do you store clothes so they don't get moldy? ›

We suggest air-tight plastic containers as opposed to cardboard boxes and plastic bags. Plastic containers help keep your clothes dry and help prevent the growth of mold and mildew. Be sure when using these types of containers to ensure they are clean and dry.

How do you store clothes for 10 years? ›

Air tight plastic containers with a lid is the best thing to pack your clothes into. This will keep your clothes dry and stop the growth of mould and mildew, in most cases. If using plastic containers, ensure they are clean, dry and line them old (but clean) cotton sheets.

What materials last the longest clothing? ›

Natural fibers such as cotton, wool, silk, linen, and cashmere are generally a better bet when choosing clothes that will last. While synthetic fibres can bring levels of stability and versatility to garments, as a rule of thumb don't buy a garment with more than a 20% portion of synthetic fiber.

How do you keep bugs out of stored clothes? ›

How Do I Prevent Pests in My Closets?
  1. Vacuum Every Corner of Your Closet. ...
  2. Inspect Older Clothes That You Don't Wear Often. ...
  3. Keep Clothes with Food Stains Away from Your Closet. ...
  4. Use Insecticides. ...
  5. Use Dried Lavender. ...
  6. Store Only Clean Clothes. ...
  7. Use Cedar. ...
  8. Keep Your Closets Clutter Free.
May 15, 2020

Can clothes survive 200 years? ›

Clothes do not biodegrade while in a landfill, and could remain there for more than 200 years before decomposing.

What are the oldest clothes still worn? ›

The Tarkhan Dress, named for the Tarkhan cemetery south of Cairo in Egypt where it was excavated in 1913, is an over 5000 year old linen garment that was confirmed as the world's oldest piece of women's clothing.

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.