How do you sell your writing skills? (2024)

Last updated on May 1, 2024

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If you have a knack for words, you might be wondering how to turn your writing skills into a profitable career. Whether you want to write books, blogs, articles, newsletters, or any other type of content, you need to know how to sell your writing skills to potential clients, publishers, or readers. In this article, we'll share some tips on how to showcase your writing talent, build your portfolio, pitch your services, and negotiate your rates.

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  • Jeff Haden Speaker, Inc. Magazine contributing editor, author of THE MOTIVATION MYTH, ghostwriter.

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1 Showcase your writing talent

The first step to sell your writing skills is to show what you can do. You need to have a portfolio of samples that demonstrate your style, voice, tone, and expertise in different topics and formats. You can create your own website or blog, use online platforms like Medium or LinkedIn, or submit your work to publications or contests. Make sure your portfolio is updated, organized, and easy to access. Include a brief bio and contact information, and highlight your achievements and testimonials.

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  • Jeff Haden Speaker, Inc. Magazine contributing editor, author of THE MOTIVATION MYTH, ghostwriter.
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    Do some work (strategically) for free. Especially if you think the client will have more work.Or, as I did, take on projects where you set a price but also say, "I know you're taking a chance on me, so you don't have to pay unless you're happy with the result." I did that for a couple of years on Elance (now Upwork) and not once did a client decide not to pay.Of course that means you have to do really good work... but then again, you were going to anyway.Early on, your biggest hurdle is bridging the credibility/demonstrated experience gap. Doing a small job for free -- under the stated, not implied premise of proving yourself worthy of additional work -- often bridges that gap. So does saying, "Hey, don't pay me unless you love it."


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  • Neeti Kotia Senior Content Writer | Marketing Communications, MCA | LinkedIn Community Top Writing Voice, Web Content Writing Voice | Ex - SDE | 15 Years Experience | Lifelong learner
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    When I started writing, I knew what I should say but didn't know how to put it forward. I was shy and timid by nature but voracious and assertive in my outlook. That acted as a perfect bliss point combination of sweet, sour, bitter, and salty tone of voice, accent, perspective, and context. I didn't set my target audience, but I ensured that my writeups were not aggressive, blunt, bitter or sharp. I knew that only a handful of people understood and appreciated sarcasm. So I had a hard time molding my ideas into a palatable writing style so that my vast audience had something to chew upon. I ensured that my profile is updated and I feature my writeups that can bring some value to the table. I ensured that I sounded relevant :)


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  • Collins Enosh 𝟭 𝗖𝗿𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 | MBBS Dropout
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    Often the person hiring you does not really understand "content." But everyone understands impact. Highlight past evidence, mention metrics and traffic; explain how it helped past clients. Like it or not, all clients want high traffic. Even when they don't need it. Content experts understand the concept called "target audience," but the one paying the bills might not.


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2 Build your portfolio

The second step to sell your writing skills is to build your portfolio with relevant and quality work. You need to show that you can write for different audiences, purposes, and niches. You can do this by finding opportunities to write for free or low rates, such as guest posting, volunteering, or joining online communities. You can also create your own projects, such as ebooks, newsletters, or courses. The more you write, the more you can improve your skills, expand your network, and attract attention.

  • Sharon Wu Freelance writer empowering consumers to make informed choices through detailed SEO buyer guides, reviews, and blog articles in leading publications like CNN Underscored and ConsumerAffairs 💜


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    Many new freelance writers think they need to work for free to build their portfolios — and this couldn't be further from the truth.Instead, you can:- Create a free Medium account and start writing blog content that you could envision clients using- Write regularly on LinkedIn (for yourself) and become a creator- Send weekly newsletters to your followers (or publish them on LinkedIn)- Create spec pieces of ad copy- Accept lower-paying gigs in the beginning, build great client relationships, get bylines, and raise your rates as you gain experience


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    Your writing portfolio tells it all. Once it's built up with bylines showcasing your work, it sells itself. However, it can take time to build up a portfolio. If you don't have enough writing samples to create a portfolio, here are a few other ways you can showcase your talent to perspective clients:1. Create a website that includes information about you and your writings (whether they have been published or not).2. Ask potential clients if you can provide a "test" writing sample. For instance, write the first three paragraphs of a story they're in need of to show off your skills.3. Find a staff position that requires writing and keep samples of everything you write (newsletters, emails, social media posts, press releases, etc.)


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3 Pitch your services

The third step to sell your writing skills is to pitch your services to potential clients or publishers. You need to research your target market, identify their needs and problems, and offer solutions through your writing. You can use various methods to pitch your services, such as cold emailing, social media, referrals, or online platforms. You need to craft a compelling and personalized pitch that showcases your value proposition, your credentials, and your samples. You also need to follow up and handle rejections.

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    For me, persistent and continuous writing on social media has helped. And to always bear in mind, to balance between visibility and showing off. People will cheer once or twice when you share, but over time it may wear off. Instead spend time writing valuable contents, insights and give readers something to think and reflect about. That also indirectly helps to position your brand. The authenticity in sharing shows


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  • Andrew J. Stillman Content Producer | Freelance Writer | Novelist | San Diego
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    This is always going to be one of the most intimidating aspects of selling your writing skills, but also one of the most vital. One way to go about it is to determine how best you pitch. Do you do well with picking up the phone and calling someone to see if they need any writing? Are you better working with an e-mail? Or maybe you do your best work when you can see the potential client face-to-face from the start. The latter option will be beneficial at networking events, though those are always good places to start regardless of how you best pitch.


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  • Janice Corera Vibrant Communicator with solid writing skills
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    for a newbie writer, taking on free assignments can have its plus's and minus's. On the plus side, its great to grind your creative cells to produce good work. On the minus side the chances of being under-paid or high. I guess its all a case of knowing how much of your effort can be priced as low or zero.


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4 Negotiate your rates

The fourth step to sell your writing skills is to negotiate your rates with your clients or publishers. You need to know your worth and charge accordingly. You can use various factors to determine your rates, such as your experience, your niche, your scope of work, and your market demand. You can also use different models to charge your clients, such as per word, per hour, per project, or per value. You need to communicate your expectations and terms clearly, and be flexible and professional.

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  • Erica 🪐 Pollock B2B SaaS writer for brands that get it.
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    I'd change this wording. In my opinion, your rate shouldn't really be up for negotiation. If they can't afford the rate, or think it's "too expensive" then I either:1. Reduce the scope of the project to be in their budget 2. Try to frame it in a different way. Explain that the rate is based upon the value they get by working with an experienced professional and that it will have a positive ROI for their business. 3. If they still don't budge, I kindly say that "it's not a good fit". And walk away with dignity intact.Don't sell yourself short just to gain a client. Work with clients who see the value of your work and WANT to pay you because they recognize the value you bring to the table.


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  • David Neil, PhD Medical writer/editor and publishing specialist; Director, Dr. Word UK Ltd; Editorial Consultant, Quest Information Services, Korea
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    In my experience, Hourly rates can benefit clients in the unlikely event a project takes less time than expected. On the other hand, flat fee projects that take longer than expected, as often happens, can hurt the vendor, meaning a factor for overrun may be priced in. Interested to hear what others think.


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5 Market yourself

The fifth step to sell your writing skills is to market yourself as a writer. You need to create and maintain a strong online presence and reputation. You can use various tools and strategies to market yourself, such as social media, blogging, email marketing, networking, or testimonials. You need to showcase your expertise, personality, and credibility. You also need to engage with your audience, provide value, and solicit feedback.

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  • Mahrokh Sadeghi Writer


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    In my experience, social media is the fastest and best way to market your written content for businesses.Even having a blog and website is not as powerful as social media. The feature of social networks such as LinkedIn and Instagram is networking. Websites and blogs are effective when we use them to link our formal and informal portfolios. They have a more personal space. However, the community of blogs and websites is much smaller than that of social networks.As mentioned, engaging your audience with your writing can also help your content marketing.


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  • AJIBOLA KATOLA Communication specialists || Ui/Ux Designer
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    Yeah this is where social media comes in aid. Making your only presence would go a long way only if there is consistency and systematic regulation.


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6 Keep learning

The sixth step to sell your writing skills is to keep learning and improving. You need to stay updated on the latest trends, tools, and techniques in the writing industry. You can do this by reading, taking courses, attending webinars, joining groups, or hiring a coach. You need to seek feedback, accept criticism, and learn from your mistakes. You also need to challenge yourself, experiment with new ideas, and explore new opportunities.

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  • Payal Verma Humanizing content to build community and generate leads for business owners | Content writer with a knack of wit | Personal Branding Strategist | Copywriter
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    Make mistakes, cry over it, recover from it, get up, learn your lesson, implement it, move on to next thing, and repeat the cycle. But not with the same mistake.Make mistakes everyday but don't repeat any mistake more than 2 times. It's stupid.


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  • Anthony Garone Helping B2B SaaS with tech writing and content · Co-founder of Edify Content
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    Work with a good editor.I repeat: work with a good editor.It’s the fastest way to get better. Forget staying updated on trends, tools, and techniques. Good writing is timeless. But first, find an editor who can rip your work to shreds and make it 10x better than what you handed to them.


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  • Sally Lehrman
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    I agree that an excellent editor is worth their weight in gold. Listen to them. Learn from them. And write every day, even if you don't have an assignment to work on.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Rochelle “Shelly” Dahmer Focused on living a creative life over 50 as a writer, content creator, and educator.
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    If your dream is to be a writer, never give up! There are obstacles and challenges but don’t give up. Seek help to improve your craft and keep moving forward and look for opportunities that will help you build your resume. If you get frustrated and quit too soon, you may miss the opportunity that was right around the corner.


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  • Anurag Batham 70% of My Body is Made of Cinema | Writer | Storyteller | Journalist | Concerned Citizen — of Earth | Helping Writers Unlock Their True Potential


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    Here's the trick to sell your writing.Do NOT write to sell!When you write without any expectation, you can focus and maintain the flow.That's when you'll jot down something worth reading.


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How do you sell your writing skills? (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Views: 5774

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.