How does Financial Management Help Startups Survive (2024)

Did you know that a startup business is a riskier investment than investing in an existing company?

Investors can analyze business risks in an existing business because it has assets for predictable cash flow. In contrast, a startup business’s risk profile is significantly more challenging to measure by its nature only.

Therefore, to operate and establish a successful startup, one must have sound knowledge and expertise in financial management. So, knowing and understanding the specific business and financing characteristics at an early stage could save the business from economic issues.

But there’s more. Financial management can make or break the startup business chain if not looked into in detail. But, on the other hand, if financial management is given priority, it can help budding businesses survive through the most challenging period.

Following are some of the many ways startups can benefit from financial management. points:

Helps Control Cash-Flow

Having more money doesn’t necessarily mean your business would be successful if you don’t know where and how to spend it. Making wise financial decisions is what keeps companies from sinking.

This means that sometimes, having more money is just as bad as having too little. Therefore, it is necessary to control cash flow for a startup to continue with its day-to-day operations.

But how you would maintain the cash flow in a startup business is the real question. If you are running a startup business, all you need is to be competitive. The greater the competitive advantage you have, the higher are the chances of survival.

How competitive you are in an industry usually boils down to the product or service you offer and its value to your customers. Nonetheless, despite the bleak economic forecasts, several businesses are showing indications of improvement. Cash flow management may appear to be a quaint term, yet it can make or break a company.

It’s challenging to overlook financial management factors because your finances drive your business as much as you care about your idea, product, or career. To start a profitable firm, you’ll need a good understanding of financial management.

To understand financial management in detail, you’ll need to equip yourself with the necessary skills to understand business-related scenarios, which are possible if you’ve studied financial management courses.

This is an excellent opportunity to register for an online MBA with accounting concentration or similar degree to learn the fundamentals and gain a basic understanding of managing company-wide finances.

Also read: How Finance Management Help to Become Successful Entrepreneur

Helps Avoid Company-wide Conflict

Despite this absolute power, and because a company’s financial goals are so evident and authentic, they frequently become a source of conflict and disagreement at the executive level.

Therefore, financial management is imperative for the proactive management of your startup. You don’t need a luxurious office or unnecessary equipment just for the sake of making it look any prettier. All you need is to be transparent and well-managed with your finances in all your operations.

Helps Make Crucial Financial Decisions:

For financial decision-making, financial management provides both a conceptual and an analytical framework. Financing, investment, dividends, and working capital management are all essential parts of economic decision-making. Financial management leads to proper financial planning and strategizing.

Lenders are reluctant to consider your firm for financial assistance or a loan if you don’t have a financial strategy in place. A solid plan will highlight present needs while also anticipating future challenges or possibilities.

And a lucrative strategy is only developed when you’re managing your company’s finances efficiently and streamlining operations.

Helps Strategize Funds:

Financial management necessitates improved working capital and cash conversion cycle management and efficient management of current assets like cash, receivables, inventories, and current liabilities, including payables, accrual turnovers.

In addition, this approach must be used when a company’s performance falls behind industry benchmarks or benchmarked companies.

Financial management helps in strategizing business capital, according to the assets and liabilities. When financial planning is conducted in the initial stages, the outcomes are visible and more predictable in the long run.

Helps Outline Long-Term Business Goals:

The majority of small businesses and startups begin as sole proprietorships or partnerships. These are basic business structures that are simple to set up and adapt to its size as it grows. However, as the company grows, additional frameworks are required. Financial planning plays a significant role in this expansion, assisting decision-makers in determining and planning the best path to take the organization to the next level.

There are hoops to jump through and challenges to manage, as well as legal blunders to avoid, whether it’s merely merging sole proprietorships into a partnership or going all-in and becoming a full-fledged corporation.

It is not a case where business owners want to go in blindly, assuming the problem and hoping to address it as the company grows.

Also read: How to Generate Profit Multiplier for Your Consulting Business

Helps in Sustaining the Growth Graph:

Profitability does not necessarily guarantee success in financial management for entrepreneurs. Instead, growth implies that a company is succeeding and heading in the right direction. Profit is the ultimate goal for successful entrepreneurs, but its expansion is also vital in determining its doing.

If you look at an organization’s performance curve, you will never find one line that rises straight or has no bends. The growth of a corporate organization’s cycle is a mix and blend of highs and lows, which can occur for various causes.

Recessions, depressions, booms, and failures all contribute towards a company’s demise. Financial management plans that are thoroughly researched and well-documented enable the organization to prosper even in the face of adversity.

Ending Note:

Financial management allows startups to maintain track of their activities while also providing an overview of their financial condition. This way, any startup can offer investors and lenders more power in their decision-making by depicting a clear picture of their current standing.

But, any attempt at financial planning without a thorough understanding of financial management is a recipe for disaster, and no startup would want to cope with such a scenario.

With that being said, it is evident that financial management is just as crucial as financing the company itself.

How does Financial Management Help Startups Survive (2024)


How does Financial Management Help Startups Survive? ›

A clear understanding of their startup's financial situation enables them to do so. Financial diligence also helps startups identify and address risks early, impacting the potential long-term success of the business.

How does financial management help a business? ›

Supports organisations in making critical financial decisions; Helps in improving the profitability of organisations; Increases the overall value of organisations; Provides economic stability.

What is the importance of good financial management to an entrepreneur? ›

It provides a defined picture of a company's financial health and ability to cover operational costs, debt payments, and future growth opportunities. Proper cash flow management gives businesses enough working capital to meet short-term obligations such as payroll, rent, and inventory purchases.

Why is good management of finances critical for a new business? ›

Beyond keeping accurate records and balancing the company check book, financial management is important for your business success. You want a good financial system that helps you make sound decisions without overspending. It is important to be prepared for expenditures and profit distributions.

What is the finance function for startups? ›

Well, managing finances effectively is key to ensuring your startup can not only survive but thrive in the competitive business landscape. From budgeting and forecasting to risk management and compliance, a robust finance function keeps your startup on the right track.

How to manage finances in a startup company? ›

Basic Startup Accounting

Getting started is simple. Regardless what phase your startup is in, you need a basic income statement that allows you to manage revenue, operating expenses, and net income. Simply track revenue and costs in a spreadsheet, and subtract expenses from income to get net income.

What is the main purpose of financial management? ›

The purpose of financial management is to guide businesses or individuals on financial decisions that affect financial stability both now and in the future.

Why financial management is a very important function in every business? ›

Solid financial management enables the CFO or VP of finance to provide data that supports creation of a long-range vision, informs decisions on where to invest, and yields insights on how to fund those investments, liquidity, profitability, cash runway and more.

What is the most feasible purpose of financial management? ›

Wealth maximization (shareholders' value maximization) is also a main objective of financial management. Wealth maximization means to earn maximum wealth for the shareholders. So, the finance manager tries to give maximum dividend to the shareholders.

How financial management affects the success of business? ›

Financial management is at the heart of running a successful business. It affects every aspect, from managing cash flow and tracking business performance to developing plans that ensure that business owners can make the most of opportunities.

What is the role of financial management in optimizing business performance? ›

Financial management is responsible for monitoring financial performance, analyzing cash flow, forecasting future spending, and identifying cost reduction opportunities. These activities are essential for sustainable business growth.

What is the role of finance manager in startup? ›

Finance involves managing the firm's money. The financial manager must decide how much money is needed and when, how best to use the available funds, and how to get the required financing. The financial manager's responsibilities include financial planning, investing (spending money), and financing (raising money).

What is the finance model of a startup? ›

A startup financial model is a tool that tracks and projects a company's financial health. Many financial models include three common elements: an income statement, a cash flow statement, and a balance sheet.

What is a financial plan for a startup? ›

A financial plan is a crucial document for any start-up that wants to succeed in the competitive and uncertain market. It helps you to set realistic goals, manage your cash flow, allocate your resources, and attract potential investors.

How do you ensure effective financial management? ›

Budgeting Basics: 8 Strategies for Effective Financial Management
  1. Setting Financial Goals. ...
  2. Tracking Expenses. ...
  3. Building a Buffer Stash. ...
  4. Managing Debt. ...
  5. Saving and Investing. ...
  6. Reviewing and Adjusting. ...
  7. Seeking Professional Advice. ...
  8. Care about privacy and data security.

How do you set financial goals for a startup? ›

How to Set Financial Goals in 6 Steps
  1. Think SMART. A “SMART” goal is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. ...
  2. Look at your competition. ...
  3. Learn from past mistakes. ...
  4. Align your goals with your brand. ...
  5. Create clear action plans. ...
  6. Track your progress.
Jul 10, 2023

How can financial advisors help small business owners? ›

A financial advisor can offer advice and guidance on things like succession planning for your business. And he or she can also help you create a financial plan that includes saving, paying down debt and investing for retirement.

What is the importance of having a financial manager in a business? ›

Financial managers play a significant role in businesses and organizations. They monitor companies' financial health, analyze data, keep cash flow records, and create strategies to maximize profits.

How does financial management impact a company's performance? ›

Careful and regular financial analysis also helps companies identify performance trends, measure operational efficiency, and make better decisions. Furthermore, efficient working capital management practices have a positive impact on the liquidity of companies.

How do financial services help a business? ›

Banks and other financial service providers

Trade: Providers help companies buy and sell securities, foreign exchange, and derivatives. Issue securities: Providers help borrowers raise funds by selling shares in businesses or issuing bonds.

What is financial management and its advantages? ›

A financial management system oversees a broad range of aspects, like cash flows, assets, expenses, allocations, budget and taxation. It is a system that helps the organisation streamline its finance-related components and helps them manage and improve their economic standing.

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