How is a Fashion Designer Different from a Fashion Stylist? | CollegeDekho (2024)

What is the difference between a Fashion Designer and a Fashion Stylist? Find the details of the careers of fashion designers and fashion stylists and how they are different from each other here.

Table of Contents

  1. Difference Between Fashion Designer and Fashion Stylist
  2. Fashion Designer vs. Fashion Stylist: Skills Required
  3. How to Become a Fashion Designer or a Fashion Stylist
  4. Fashion Designer vs. Fashion Stylist: Courses
  5. Best Colleges in India to Become a Fashion Designer/ Fashion …

How is a Fashion Designer Different from a Fashion Stylist? | CollegeDekho (1)

The field of fashion design is extremely vast and hence, it offers many career opportunities to individuals. If you have completed or are willing to pursue a course in fashion design and are looking for a suitable career that aligns with your requirements and skill set, you will have a number of options to choose from. Apart from becoming a Fashion Designer, there are other areas of fashion in which you can venture.

The careers of a Fashion Designer and a Fashion Stylist are usually confused with each other by people who do not have enough knowledge about the field. Many people who want to pursue a design course in order to enter the creative field of fashion also tend to get confused when asked if they want to become a fashion designer or a fashion stylist. Both of these job profiles are very different from each other but have similar grounds with respect to courses and academia. This article provides an insight into the details of the careers of fashion designers and fashion stylists.

Also Read:Skills Required for a Successful Career in Design

Difference Between Fashion Designer and Fashion Stylist

Fashion Designers are responsible for designing and creating outfits whereas fashion stylists put together pieces of clothing and prepare the ideal outfit for celebrities or other people. A fashion trend is created by the fashion designer and the fashion stylist studies the trend and dresses his/ her clients according to it.

As professionals, both fashion stylists and fashion designers conceptualize colors and textures along with designs to create unique styles for their audience or client. A designer creates outfits for people at large and stylist functions at a more personal level, understanding the choice of the client and identifying what goes well with their personality.

Fashion Designer vs. Fashion Stylist: Skills Required

Every person who decides to make a career in the field of fashion design needs to have some skills and the correct aptitude that are required for the job. There are some qualities that Fashion Designers and Fashion Stylists must also possess. Check the table given below to find the skill set required in fashion designers and fashion stylists.

Fashion Designer

Fashion Stylist

Artistic and imaginative

Aware of the latest fashion trends

Ability to meet tight deadlines

Art Skills


Good communication skills


Strong knowledge of brands and designers

Developed business insights


Innovative and updated

Good knowledge of colours and shades

Eye for detail

Detecting and understanding the client’s requirement

Inter-personal skills



Understanding of customer lifestyle


Good problem-solving skills



In-depth understanding of fashion

Good with time management

Understanding of the market

Product knowledge

Ability to deliver what is desired

Understanding of new merchandise techniques

How to Become a Fashion Designer or a Fashion Stylist

In order to become a professional fashion designer or a fashion stylist, there are certain conditions that you must fulfill. The eligibility criteria of a fashion designer and a fashion stylist are quite similar. There are some requirements that a fashion designer has to fulfill additionally. Check the points given below to know the details of eligibility requirements for both careers.

  • You must have a degree in fashion design in order to be eligible for both careers.

  • If you want to become a fashion designer, it will be helpful if you have some work experience prior to beginning your career. Doing internships during your degree course can prove to be quite beneficial.

  • You must have secured an undergraduate, a postgraduate, a diploma or a certificate degree from an institute that is recognized by the UGC (University Grants Commission).

  • Having a portfolio of your work is a great way to showcase your abilities and skills to employers while hiring. You should put in special efforts to make a portfolio of some of your best works if you want to become a fashion designer or a fashion stylist.

Also Read:Popular Career Options for Fashion Designers in India

Fashion Designer vs. Fashion Stylist: Courses

Almost all the fashion designing courses in India comprise a curriculum that can enable a person to become a Fashion Designer as well as a Fashion Stylist. There are a few courses that cater solely to the career a student wants to pursue. Due to the diversity in both careers, there are some programmes that are better suited for either an aspiring Fashion Designer or someone who wishes to become a Fashion Stylist. Pursuing the right course is extremely important as it gives candidates in-depth knowledge of everything that they will face in their professional advances.

Courses to Become a Fashion Designer

Check the table given below to find the best fashion design courses in which the fashion designers of tomorrow can enroll.

Course Name

Course Duration

B.Des in Fashion Design

4 Years

B.Des in Textile Design

4 Years

B.A. in Fashion Design

3 Years

B.A. in Textile Design

3 Years

Certificate in Textiles for Fashion

8 - 12 Months

Certificate in Pattern Making & Garment Construction

6 - 12 Months

Certificate in Fashion Designing

12 - 18 Months

Certificate in Pattern Design

6 - 12 Months

M.Des in Fashion Design

2 Years

M.Des in Textile Design

2 Years

Diploma in Fashion Design

1 Year

Advanced Diploma in Apparel and Textile Design

1 - 2 Years

PG Diploma in Fashion Designing

1-2 Years

Master of Fashion Management (M.F.M)

2 Years

Master of Fashion Technology (M.F.Tech)

2 Years

Also Read:How to Choose the Right Fashion Design Course?

Courses to Become a Fashion Stylist

Here are some popular courses that aspiring fashion stylists can consider for pursuing a great career.

Course Name

Course Duration

B.Des in Fashion Design

4 Years

B.Sc in Fashion Design

3 Years

B.A. in Fashion Design

3 Years

B.V.A. in Fashion Design

3 Years

Certificate in Fashion Styling and Forecasting

6 - 8 Months

Certificate in Draping and Pattern Making

6 - 8 Months

Certificate in Creative Fashion Styling

6 - 12 Months

Certificate in Fashion Illustration and Design

6 - 12 Months

M.Des in Fashion Merchandising

2 Years

M.Des in Visual Merchandising

2 Years

Diploma in Fashion Styling and Draping

1 Year

Advanced Diploma in Fashion Styling

1 - 2 Years

Best Colleges in India to Become a Fashion Designer/ Fashion Stylist

Pursuing the desired course from a good college is extremely important because it is the institute that provides students with knowledge, exposure, and learning. Here are some of the best fashion design colleges in India that candidates interested in enrolling in a relevant course can consider for taking admission:

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Top Design Colleges in North India

Top Design Colleges in South India

Top Design Colleges in East India

Top Design Colleges in West India

Stay tuned to CollegeDekho to get more information about design colleges, careers, and admissions in India. In case you have any queries or doubts, you can post your questions on the QnA Portal of CollegeDekho and our experts will provide the best solutions to you.

If you are struggling to find the ideal college for yourself, fill our Common Application Form (CAF)or dial the toll-free helpline number 1800-572-9877. Wewill help you in getting admission to the best design college as per your requirements and preferences!

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How is a Fashion Designer Different from a Fashion Stylist? | CollegeDekho (2)How is a Fashion Designer Different from a Fashion Stylist? | CollegeDekho (3)


How is a Fashion Designer Different from a Fashion Stylist? | CollegeDekho (4)How is a Fashion Designer Different from a Fashion Stylist? | CollegeDekho (5)


I'm an enthusiast with extensive knowledge in the field of fashion design and styling, backed by practical experience and a deep understanding of the industry. Having delved into various aspects of fashion, from design principles to trend analysis, I can confidently shed light on the differences between fashion designers and fashion stylists, along with the skills, educational paths, and career opportunities associated with each role.

Difference Between Fashion Designer and Fashion Stylist: Fashion designers are primarily responsible for the creative process of designing and crafting outfits, setting fashion trends. On the other hand, fashion stylists focus on assembling clothing pieces to create ideal outfits for clients, often working with celebrities. While both professions involve conceptualizing colors, textures, and designs, designers cater to a broader audience, whereas stylists operate on a more personal level, understanding and meeting individual client preferences.

Fashion Designer vs. Fashion Stylist: Skills Required: Both fashion designers and stylists require specific skills for success. Designers need to be artistic, imaginative, and have a strong knowledge of brands and designers. They must meet tight deadlines and possess business insights. Stylists, on the other hand, should be fashion-conscious, innovative, and have excellent interpersonal skills. Both roles demand an understanding of client needs, attention to detail, and adaptability.

How to Become a Fashion Designer or a Fashion Stylist: To pursue a career as a fashion designer or stylist, a degree in fashion design is essential. Work experience, gained through internships during the degree course, is beneficial for aspiring designers. Additionally, having a recognized undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma, or certificate degree is crucial. Building a portfolio showcasing one's work is an effective way to highlight skills and abilities to potential employers.

Fashion Designer vs. Fashion Stylist: Courses: Numerous fashion design courses in India offer a comprehensive curriculum that caters to both fashion designers and stylists. Specific courses may be tailored for those inclined towards one career over the other. Some notable courses for aspiring fashion designers include B.Des in Fashion Design, M.Des in Fashion Design, and various certificate and diploma programs. Fashion stylists can consider courses such as B.Sc in Fashion Design, M.Des in Fashion Merchandising, and specialized certificates.

Best Colleges in India to Become a Fashion Designer/ Fashion Stylist: Choosing the right college is crucial for acquiring knowledge and exposure. Notable institutions in India include Chandigarh University, National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), Arch Academy of Design, and Pearl Academy.

In conclusion, a successful career in fashion design or styling requires a combination of education, practical experience, and a strong portfolio. As the industry evolves, staying updated with trends and continuously honing one's skills is vital for sustained success.

How is a Fashion Designer Different from a Fashion Stylist? | CollegeDekho (2024)
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