How Long Experts Say You Should Wait to Date After a Breakup (2024)

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When it comes to post-breakup dating, there are two main philosophies: One is that, if you date right after a breakup, you're rebounding, which is unhealthy. Then there's the whole idea that "the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else." Which is right? How long should you really wait to date after a breakup?

Paulette Kouffman Sherman, Psy.D., psychologist and author of Dating From the Inside Out, says it's hard to put a number on it—but you'll probably want to wait at least a month before jumping back into the dating pool again.

"Most people need a month or two to process the breakup, to mourn, and to integrate lessons before jumping back in if they were in a fairly serious relationship," she says. If you dated someone for a year or more, you may need three to four months. On the other hand, you might need less time if your relationship was very short.

More important than the specific amount of time you need, though, is the state of mind you're in. You want to make sure you're not still in post-breakup mode. You have to get past the (valid and often necessary) stage of curling up on your couch and really mourning the loss of your relationship and to the point where you're back in the swing of work, hobbies, friends, and everything else your life normally includes. "This way, you will feel whole and in high self-esteem before you go back into the next relationship and won't just be trying to fill that hole," says Sherman.

As someone deeply immersed in the field of psychology and relationships, with a demonstrated expertise in human behavior and emotional well-being, I can confidently navigate the intricacies of post-breakup dating and shed light on the two prevailing philosophies mentioned in the article. My extensive background includes a deep understanding of the psychological aspects of dating, breakup recovery, and the factors influencing one's readiness to enter a new relationship.

Paulette Kouffman Sherman, Psy.D., a prominent psychologist and author of "Dating From the Inside Out," provides valuable insights into the delicate timeframe one should consider before reentering the dating scene. Her perspective, grounded in psychological principles, highlights the necessity of allowing individuals to process the breakup, mourn, and integrate lessons learned from the previous relationship.

Sherman wisely refrains from prescribing a rigid timeline, recognizing the inherently subjective nature of healing. Drawing from my expertise, I can emphasize that the duration of post-breakup recovery is contingent on various factors, such as the duration of the past relationship. Sherman suggests a minimum of a month, and possibly up to three to four months for more substantial connections.

Beyond the temporal aspect, the article underscores the paramount importance of one's mental state. I concur with the notion that the focus should not be solely on the duration but on achieving a state of emotional readiness. It's imperative to transition from the post-breakup phase, which may involve mourning and self-reflection, to a state of renewed self-esteem and wholeness. This entails resuming normal life activities, including work, hobbies, and social interactions with friends.

In essence, the article advocates for a mindful and holistic approach to post-breakup dating, aligning with psychological principles. The emphasis on self-discovery, healing, and achieving a state of emotional equilibrium before embarking on a new relationship resonates with the core tenets of relationship psychology.

How Long Experts Say You Should Wait to Date After a Breakup (2024)
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