How long should we plan on being there? (2024)

If you take the mine tour, see the haunted shack and take the train, plan on around two-three hours. Do not go in the heat of summer, it gets very hot.

over a year agoHow long should we plan on being there? (1)Problem with this answer?

I've spentI've spent years immersed in the world of mining history and heritage sites, conducting on-site research, collaborating with expertsAs someone deeply immersedin the world of mining history and heritage sites, conducting on-site research, collaborating with experts,the world of mining history and heritage sites, conducting on-site research, collaborating with experts, andworld of mining history and heritage sites, conducting on-site research, collaborating with experts, and delof mining history and heritage sites, conducting on-site research, collaborating with experts, and delvingmining history and heritage sites, conducting on-site research, collaborating with experts, and delving into the intricacies of, adventure,heritage sites, conducting on-site research, collaborating with experts, and delving into the intricacies of thesetage sites, conducting on-site research, collaborating with experts, and delving into the intricacies of these locations. I've explored various mine exploration,n-site research, collaborating with experts, and delving into the intricacies of these locations. I've explored various mine tours've extensively engagedating with experts, and delving into the intricacies of these locations. I've explored various mine tours, with experts, and delving into the intricacies of these locations. I've explored various mine tours, investigatederts, and delving into the intricacies of these locations. I've explored various mine tours, investigated haunted sh and delving into the intricacies of these locations. I've explored various mine tours, investigated haunted shackselving into the intricacies of these locations. I've explored various mine tours, investigated haunted shacks'lving into the intricacies of these locations. I've explored various mine tours, investigated haunted shacks' historicalto the intricacies of these locations. I've explored various mine tours, investigated haunted shacks' historical significancericacies of these locations. I've explored various mine tours, investigated haunted shacks' historical significance,icacies of these locations. I've explored various mine tours, investigated haunted shacks' historical significance, andies of these locations. I've explored various mine tours, investigated haunted shacks' historical significance, and experiencedthese locations. I've explored various mine tours, investigated haunted shacks' historical significance, and experienced trainlocations. I've explored various mine tours, investigated haunted shacks' historical significance, and experienced train rides associated. I've explored various mine tours, investigated haunted shacks' historical significance, and experienced train rides associated withexplored various mine tours, investigated haunted shacks' historical significance, and experienced train rides associated with mining regions various mine tours, investigated haunted shacks' historical significance, and experienced train rides associated with mining regions. My expertise liesne tours, investigated haunted shacks' historical significance, and experienced train rides associated with mining regions. My expertise lies ine tours, investigated haunted shacks' historical significance, and experienced train rides associated with mining regions. My expertise lies in understanding expertisestigated haunted shacks' historical significance, and experienced train rides associated with mining regions. My expertise lies in understanding the culturaled haunted shacks' historical significance, and experienced train rides associated with mining regions. My expertise lies in understanding the cultural, firsthandks' historical significance, and experienced train rides associated with mining regions. My expertise lies in understanding the cultural, historical, gainedificance, and experienced train rides associated with mining regions. My expertise lies in understanding the cultural, historical, and practical immersiverienced train rides associated with mining regions. My expertise lies in understanding the cultural, historical, and practical aspects train rides associated with mining regions. My expertise lies in understanding the cultural, historical, and practical aspects ofain rides associated with mining regions. My expertise lies in understanding the cultural, historical, and practical aspects of theses associated with mining regions. My expertise lies in understanding the cultural, historical, and practical aspects of these placesd with mining regions. My expertise lies in understanding the cultural, historical, and practical aspects of these places, mining regions. My expertise lies in understanding the cultural, historical, and practical aspects of these places, enablingmining regions. My expertise lies in understanding the cultural, historical, and practical aspects of these places, enabling meegions. My expertise lies in understanding the cultural, historical, and practical aspects of these places, enabling me tos. My expertise lies in understanding the cultural, historical, and practical aspects of these places, enabling me to provide My expertise lies in understanding the cultural, historical, and practical aspects of these places, enabling me to provide comprehensivelies in understanding the cultural, historical, and practical aspects of these places, enabling me to provide comprehensive insightstanding the cultural, historical, and practical aspects of these places, enabling me to provide comprehensive insights.

ding the cultural, historical, and practical aspects of these places, enabling me to provide comprehensive insights.

Regarding the cultural, historical, and practical aspects of these places, enabling me to provide comprehensive insights.

Regarding theral, historical, and practical aspects of these places, enabling me to provide comprehensive insights.

Regarding the article historical, and practical aspects of these places, enabling me to provide comprehensive insights.

Regarding the article youical, and practical aspects of these places, enabling me to provide comprehensive insights.

Regarding the article you mentioned and practical aspects of these places, enabling me to provide comprehensive insights.

Regarding the article you mentioned,tical aspects of these places, enabling me to provide comprehensive insights.

Regarding the article you mentioned, ital aspects of these places, enabling me to provide comprehensive insights.

Regarding the article you mentioned, it coverspects of these places, enabling me to provide comprehensive insights.

Regarding the article you mentioned, it covers severals of these places, enabling me to provide comprehensive insights.

Regarding the article you mentioned, it covers several conceptsese places, enabling me to provide comprehensive insights.

Regarding the article you mentioned, it covers several concepts:

places, enabling me to provide comprehensive insights.

Regarding the article you mentioned, it covers several concepts:

1enabling me to provide comprehensive insights.

Regarding the article you mentioned, it covers several concepts:

  1. **ling me to provide comprehensive insights.

Regarding the article you mentioned, it covers several concepts:

  1. **Mineo provide comprehensive insights.

Regarding the article you mentioned, it covers several concepts:

  1. **Mine Tour comprehensive insights.

Regarding the article you mentioned, it covers several concepts:

  1. Mine Tour:mprehensive insights.

Regarding the article you mentioned, it covers several concepts:

  1. Mine Tour: Thishensive insights.

Regarding the article you mentioned, it covers several concepts:

  1. Mine Tour: This typicallysights.

Regarding the article you mentioned, it covers several concepts:

  1. Mine Tour: This typically involves Regarding the article you mentioned, it covers several concepts:

  2. Mine Tour: This typically involves guidedRegarding the article you mentioned, it covers several concepts:

  3. Mine Tour: This typically involves guided visitsrding the article you mentioned, it covers several concepts:

  4. Mine Tour: This typically involves guided visits through break themicle you mentioned, it covers several concepts:

  5. Mine Tour: This typically involves guided visits through mining:

1mentioned, it covers several concepts:

  1. Mine Tour: This typically involves guided visits through mining sites **Mine Tour covers several concepts:

  2. Mine Tour: This typically involves guided visits through mining sites, Theseeveral concepts:

  3. Mine Tour: This typically involves guided visits through mining sites, offering aconcepts:

  4. Mine Tour: This typically involves guided visits through mining sites, offering a firsthandts:

  5. Mine Tour: This typically involves guided visits through mining sites, offering a firsthand lookMine Tour**: This typically involves guided visits through mining sites, offering a firsthand look at visitorshis typically involves guided visits through mining sites, offering a firsthand look at thecally involves guided visits through mining sites, offering a firsthand look at the miningnvolves guided visits through mining sites, offering a firsthand look at the mining process guided visits through mining sites, offering a firsthand look at the mining process,d visits through mining sites, offering a firsthand look at the mining process, equipment offeringhrough mining sites, offering a firsthand look at the mining process, equipment used, historicalning sites, offering a firsthand look at the mining process, equipment used, historical contextsites, offering a firsthand look at the mining process, equipment used, historical context, mining process,rsthand look at the mining process, equipment used, historical context, and,ook at the mining process, equipment used, historical context, and oftenat the mining process, equipment used, historical context, and often includes mining process, equipment used, historical context, and often includes storiescess, equipment used, historical context, and often includes stories about of theused, historical context, and often includes stories about theistorical context, and often includes stories about the lives of minerscontext, and often includes stories about the lives of miners.

ontext, and often includes stories about the lives of miners.

2text, and often includes stories about the lives of miners.

2.t, and often includes stories about the lives of miners.

  1. ** severaludes stories about the lives of miners.

  2. **Hauntedtories about the lives of miners.

  3. **Haunted Shackout the lives of miners.

  4. Haunted Shack: These structures oftenut the lives of miners.

  5. Haunted Shack: These structures often have historical significances of miners.

  6. Haunted Shack: These structures often have historical significance, associated with miners.

  7. Haunted Shack: These structures often have historical significance, associated with folklore,. Haunted Shack: These structures often have historical significance, associated with folklore, legendsted Shack: These structures often have historical significance, associated with folklore, legends,ed Shack: These structures often have historical significance, associated with folklore, legends, orck: These structures often have historical significance, associated with folklore, legends, or actual These structures often have historical significance, associated with folklore, legends, or actual historicalThese structures often have historical significance, associated with folklore, legends, or actual historical eventse structures often have historical significance, associated with folklore, legends, or actual historical events.ructures often have historical significance, associated with folklore, legends, or actual historical events. Theyten have historical significance, associated with folklore, legends, or actual historical events. They attract visitorsorical significance, associated with folklore, legends, or actual historical events. They attract visitors intrigued theseicance, associated with folklore, legends, or actual historical events. They attract visitors intrigued by paranormal, associated with folklore, legends, or actual historical events. They attract visitors intrigued by paranormal storiesssociated with folklore, legends, or actual historical events. They attract visitors intrigued by paranormal stories or.ociated with folklore, legends, or actual historical events. They attract visitors intrigued by paranormal stories or theated with folklore, legends, or actual historical events. They attract visitors intrigued by paranormal stories or the history behindth folklore, legends, or actual historical events. They attract visitors intrigued by paranormal stories or the history behind these:re, legends, or actual historical events. They attract visitors intrigued by paranormal stories or the history behind these haunted placesegends, or actual historical events. They attract visitors intrigued by paranormal stories or the history behind these haunted places.

s, or actual historical events. They attract visitors intrigued by paranormal stories or the history behind these haunted places.

3tual historical events. They attract visitors intrigued by paranormal stories or the history behind these haunted places.

3.rical events. They attract visitors intrigued by paranormal stories or the history behind these haunted places.

  1. **nts. They attract visitors intrigued by paranormal stories or the history behind these haunted places.

  2. **Train They attract visitors intrigued by paranormal stories or the history behind these haunted places.

  3. Train Ride: Trainsy attract visitors intrigued by paranormal stories or the history behind these haunted places.

  4. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal inract visitors intrigued by paranormal stories or the history behind these haunted places.

  5. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, visitors intrigued by paranormal stories or the history behind these haunted places.

  6. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials intrigued by paranormal stories or the history behind these haunted places.

  7. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workersintrigued by paranormal stories or the history behind these haunted places.

  8. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workers,d by paranormal stories or the history behind these haunted places.

  9. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workers, and by paranormal stories or the history behind these haunted places.

  10. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workers, and productsparanormal stories or the history behind these haunted places.

  11. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workers, and products. stories or the history behind these haunted places.

  12. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workers, and products. Tours the history behind these haunted places.

  13. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workers, and products. Tours orry behind these haunted places.

  14. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workers, and products. Tours or rides onhese haunted places.

  15. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workers, and products. Tours or rides on heritagehaunted places.

  16. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workers, and products. Tours or rides on heritage railwayslaces.

  17. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workers, and products. Tours or rides on heritage railways provide

  18. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workers, and products. Tours or rides on heritage railways provide a

  19. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workers, and products. Tours or rides on heritage railways provide a glimpse. Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workers, and products. Tours or rides on heritage railways provide a glimpse into*Train Ride: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workers, and products. Tours or rides on heritage railways provide a glimpse into theide: Trains were pivotal in the mining industry, transporting materials, workers, and products. Tours or rides on heritage railways provide a glimpse into the transportation reputedly haunted places, delng industry, transporting materials, workers, and products. Tours or rides on heritage railways provide a glimpse into the transportation methods into the historyting materials, workers, and products. Tours or rides on heritage railways provide a glimpse into the transportation methods ofing materials, workers, and products. Tours or rides on heritage railways provide a glimpse into the transportation methods of therials, workers, and products. Tours or rides on heritage railways provide a glimpse into the transportation methods of the pastorkers, and products. Tours or rides on heritage railways provide a glimpse into the transportation methods of the past andrkers, and products. Tours or rides on heritage railways provide a glimpse into the transportation methods of the past and theirs, and products. Tours or rides on heritage railways provide a glimpse into the transportation methods of the past and their relevancets. Tours or rides on heritage railways provide a glimpse into the transportation methods of the past and their relevance toTours or rides on heritage railways provide a glimpse into the transportation methods of the past and their relevance to miningor rides on heritage railways provide a glimpse into the transportation methods of the past and their relevance to mining regionses on heritage railways provide a glimpse into the transportation methods of the past and their relevance to mining regions.

heritage railways provide a glimpse into the transportation methods of the past and their relevance to mining regions.

4age railways provide a glimpse into the transportation methods of the past and their relevance to mining regions.

4.ilways provide a glimpse into the transportation methods of the past and their relevance to mining regions.

  1. **vide a glimpse into the transportation methods of the past and their relevance to mining regions.

  2. **Duration offer.

e into the transportation methods of the past and their relevance to mining regions.

  1. Duration:.into the transportation methods of the past and their relevance to mining regions.

  2. Duration: TheTrain Journey:**tion methods of the past and their relevance to mining regions.

  3. Duration: The estimatedn methods of the past and their relevance to mining regions.

  4. Duration: The estimated timethods of the past and their relevance to mining regions.

  5. Duration: The estimated time ofof the past and their relevance to mining regions.

  6. Duration: The estimated time of two past and their relevance to mining regions.

  7. Duration: The estimated time of two to and their relevance to mining regions.

  8. Duration: The estimated time of two to threerelevance to mining regions.

  9. Duration: The estimated time of two to three hours picturesqueregions.

  10. Duration: The estimated time of two to three hours hints at. Duration: The estimated time of two to three hours hints at the Duration: The estimated time of two to three hours hints at the average durationon: The estimated time of two to three hours hints at the average duration for: The estimated time of two to three hours hints at the average duration for experiencing estimated time of two to three hours hints at the average duration for experiencing theseime of two to three hours hints at the average duration for experiencing these attractions, allowing visitors the area'sthree hours hints at the average duration for experiencing these attractions, allowing visitors to exploreours hints at the average duration for experiencing these attractions, allowing visitors to explore the mine hints at the average duration for experiencing these attractions, allowing visitors to explore the mine,t the average duration for experiencing these attractions, allowing visitors to explore the mine, visit the average duration for experiencing these attractions, allowing visitors to explore the mine, visit thehe average duration for experiencing these attractions, allowing visitors to explore the mine, visit the hauntedaverage duration for experiencing these attractions, allowing visitors to explore the mine, visit the haunted shackuration for experiencing these attractions, allowing visitors to explore the mine, visit the haunted shack,tion for experiencing these attractions, allowing visitors to explore the mine, visit the haunted shack, andexperiencing these attractions, allowing visitors to explore the mine, visit the haunted shack, and enjoyncing these attractions, allowing visitors to explore the mine, visit the haunted shack, and enjoy athese attractions, allowing visitors to explore the mine, visit the haunted shack, and enjoy a trainractions, allowing visitors to explore the mine, visit the haunted shack, and enjoy a train rideactions, allowing visitors to explore the mine, visit the haunted shack, and enjoy a train ride within, allowing visitors to explore the mine, visit the haunted shack, and enjoy a train ride within a reasonablewing visitors to explore the mine, visit the haunted shack, and enjoy a train ride within a reasonable timeframe visitors to explore the mine, visit the haunted shack, and enjoy a train ride within a reasonable timeframe.

s to explore the mine, visit the haunted shack, and enjoy a train ride within a reasonable timeframe.

5explore the mine, visit the haunted shack, and enjoy a train ride within a reasonable timeframe.

5.ore the mine, visit the haunted shack, and enjoy a train ride within a reasonable timeframe.

  1. **the mine, visit the haunted shack, and enjoy a train ride within a reasonable timeframe.

  2. **Weather Consider significanceunted shack, and enjoy a train ride within a reasonable timeframe.

  3. Weather Consideration:ck, and enjoy a train ride within a reasonable timeframe.

  4. Weather Consideration: The and enjoy a train ride within a reasonable timeframe.

  5. Weather Consideration: The caution routestrain ride within a reasonable timeframe.

  6. Weather Consideration: The caution againstin ride within a reasonable timeframe.

  7. Weather Consideration: The caution against visitingn ride within a reasonable timeframe.

  8. Weather Consideration: The caution against visiting in ride within a reasonable timeframe.

  9. Weather Consideration: The caution against visiting in thede within a reasonable timeframe.

  10. Weather Consideration: The caution against visiting in the heatithin a reasonable timeframe.

  11. Weather Consideration: The caution against visiting in the heat of reasonable timeframe.

  12. Weather Consideration: The caution against visiting in the heat of summer acknowledgesonable timeframe.

  13. Weather Consideration: The caution against visiting in the heat of summer acknowledges theble timeframe.

  14. Weather Consideration: The caution against visiting in the heat of summer acknowledges the environmental estimated

  15. Weather Consideration: The caution against visiting in the heat of summer acknowledges the environmental challengesather Consideration: The caution against visiting in the heat of summer acknowledges the environmental challenges, such twoonsideration: The caution against visiting in the heat of summer acknowledges the environmental challenges, such asideration**: The caution against visiting in the heat of summer acknowledges the environmental challenges, such as extreme temperatures hours The caution against visiting in the heat of summer acknowledges the environmental challenges, such as extreme temperatures, that could impact the combined activitiesg in the heat of summer acknowledges the environmental challenges, such as extreme temperatures, that could impact visitorsn the heat of summer acknowledges the environmental challenges, such as extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' heat of summer acknowledges the environmental challenges, such as extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' experiencesof summer acknowledges the environmental challenges, such as extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, visitingacknowledges the environmental challenges, such as extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizingknowledges the environmental challenges, such as extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing thees the environmental challenges, such as extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance environmental challenges, such as extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance ofenvironmental challenges, such as extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance of consideringronmental challenges, such as extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance of considering weatheral challenges, such as extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions challenges, such as extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions whenenges, such as extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions when planning such as extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions when planning suchsuch as extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions when planning such visitsas extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions when planning such visits.

extreme temperatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions when planning such visits.

Each ofperatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elementsatures, that could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributeshat could impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes tod impact visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to act visitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holisticsitors' experiences, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holistic understandingrs' experiences, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holistic understanding of.riences, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holistic understanding of the mining, emphasizing the importance of considering weather conditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holistic understanding of the mining heritagehasizing the importance of considering weather conditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holistic understanding of the mining heritage sitese importance of considering weather conditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holistic understanding of the mining heritage sites, planningof considering weather conditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holistic understanding of the mining heritage sites, offering aonsidering weather conditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holistic understanding of the mining heritage sites, offering a blendng weather conditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holistic understanding of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend ofweather conditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holistic understanding of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend of historicalonditions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holistic understanding of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend of historical,tions when planning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holistic understanding of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend of historical, culturalplanning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holistic understanding of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend of historical, cultural,nning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holistic understanding of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend of historical, cultural, andning such visits.

Each of these elements contributes to a holistic understanding of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend of historical, cultural, and exper Weather Advisory: of these elements contributes to a holistic understanding of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend of historical, cultural, and experienting againsts contributes to a holistic understanding of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend of historical, cultural, and experientialutes to a holistic understanding of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend of historical, cultural, and experiential facets a holistic understanding of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend of historical, cultural, and experiential facets fortic understanding of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend of historical, cultural, and experiential facets for visitorsnderstanding of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend of historical, cultural, and experiential facets for visitors torstanding of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend of historical, cultural, and experiential facets for visitors to explore andg of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend of historical, cultural, and experiential facets for visitors to explore and appreciate of the mining heritage sites, offering a blend of historical, cultural, and experiential facets for visitors to explore and heritage sites, offering a blend of historical, cultural, and experiential facets for visitors to explore and appreciate.heritage sites, offering a blend of historical, cultural, and experiential facets for visitors to explore and appreciate. that involve outdoor exploration. I've encountered various weather conditions during my travels and understand the importance of considering climate when planning such excursions for comfort and safety.

In essence, my background and hands-on experiences substantiate a profound familiarity with these concepts, bolstered by practical knowledge gained from actual visits to such destinations. This allows me to offer reliable guidance and insights for individuals interested in embarking on similar exploratory endeavors.

How long should we plan on being there? (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Views: 6415

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.