How Many Jeans or Pants Should I Own? - The (mostly) Simple Life (2024)


The other day, someone asked me how many pairs of jeans I own.

This question sent me into major KonMari mode to get to the bottom of this question (this was easy considering I usually do a once-a-season closet purge/organization in an attempt to simplify my life and wardrobe)

Quick Links:

1. Let’s Start with How Many Jeans People Own

2. How Many Jeans Should I Own?
If You Wear Jeans at Work
If You Wear Jeans Mostly at Home

A bit of background for my readers. My work attire is usually khakis or dress pants 4 out of 5 days a week; Jeans are an option with spirit wear on Fridays. Jeans are not my go-to clothes choice and I try to keep with the basic staples or essentials when it comes to jeans.

Let’s Start With How Many Jeans or Pants People Own

Fashion United in the UK and MagForWomen (US) both report that, on average, Women own 7 pairs of Jeans and Men own 6 pairs of Jeans, with about 2 pairs of jeans purchased per person per year (Source). Does this sound like the right number for you?

I think it’s actually too many, and here is why.

How Many Jeans or Pants Should I Own?

How many pairs of jeans you own should be based on your budget, lifestyle and whether you wear jeans at work or mostly at home. There is no “one size fits all” answer to this question, so I am going to try to help you find out the right answer forYOU.

Having less means spending less money on jeans. Additionally, it’s much easier to get dressed when I have fewer choices, so it makes sense to try to work out a solution with as little as you can.

Why You Do Not Need More than 6 Pairs

How often you wash your clothes is one of the biggest factors in deciding how many items you should own. Most people wash their clothes at least once a month. The good news is that a report issued by Levi’s in 2015recommendswashing jeans every 10wears. Levi’s CEO even stated that he did not put his jeans in the washing machine for over a decade!

The reason is that the fabric on a pair of jeans is thicker than a T-shirt so you don’t need to be very concerned about bacteria… unless you work in a dirty or dusty environment.

This means that you could get by with 3 pairs of jeans, even if you wash your clothes only once a month.

So how many jeans you should own basically depend on how much variety in style you want in your life. You could probably get by with 3 pairs of jeans, but I generally recommend 5-6 pairs depending on how often you wear jeans at work.

If you wear Jeans at work (recommendation: 5 or 6 pairs)

If you wear jeans at work or in the office, I would recommend up to 6 pairs of jeans. When paired with the right blouse or cardigan, you can take your outfit up a notch with a more traditional pointed toe pump or dressy flat. Here is my wardrobe recommendation for how many pairs of jeans you should own if you wear jeans at work:

  1. Dressy Jeans (1 or 2 pairs)

Dressy jeans are great for work if you can wear jeans at work regularly. They are comfortable but still look professional. A slim or boot cut in a medium to darker wash paired with a nice top will work great for most work situations. You can alternate between your dress jeans and a black or white pair of jeans (see next for details), or even with a casual pair of jeans if your work environment is casual.

How Many Jeans or Pants Should I Own? - The (mostly) Simple Life (4)
  1. Everyday casual Jeans (1 pair, or 2 pairs if your work is very casual)

Everyday casual Jeans are your classic blue jeans (My Friday work + spirit wear jeans). I prefer slim to boot cut and cropped at the ankle so that I can roll them up in the spring + summer with a pair of cute sandals or fall + winter with boots. When I’m not living in yoga pants, these are the jeans that I throw on during the weekend when I’m running errands in the city or meeting friends for an afternoon coffee. I try to keep it a versatile style/color so that it goes with multiple footwear and looks.

How Many Jeans or Pants Should I Own? - The (mostly) Simple Life (5)
  1. Comfortable jeans (1 pair)

Comfortable jeans are typically the most relaxed pair and to wear around your house or in your casual local shopping trips.

How Many Jeans or Pants Should I Own? - The (mostly) Simple Life (6)
  1. Black jeans (1 pair)

Black jeans are a wardrobe staple and versatile when it comes to dressing up or down. I can get away with wearing black jeans to work if I dress up the rest of my outfit. When picking out an outfit for running errands, hanging out or date night- black jeans are an easy choice.

How Many Jeans or Pants Should I Own? - The (mostly) Simple Life (7)
  1. White jeans (1 pair)

You can wear white jeans on summer date nights or occasionally at work as long as you don’t work in a busy or dusty environment.

How Many Jeans or Pants Should I Own? - The (mostly) Simple Life (8)

Depending on your workplace, here are two tips I recommend when wearing jeans to work:

  • For a tailored work look, a traditional cut in a medium to dark rinse (think: skinny, bootcut or straight leg)
  • Little to no distressing (rips, embellishments and embroidery are not appropriate for most workplaces!).

If you wear Jeans mostly at home and on days off (Recommendation: up to 5 pairs of jeans)

If you fall into this category like me, I would recommend 5-6 pairs. You probably wear jeans on days off while running errands (sorry yoga pants), exploring the city or for a dressier dinner date night. Breaking down your jeans into the following categories or scenarios is helpful:

  1. Everyday casual Jeans (1 pair)

These are the jeans that I throw on during the weekend when I’m running errands in the city or meeting friends for an afternoon coffee. I recommend picking a versatile color so that you can wear it easily with different looks.

How Many Jeans or Pants Should I Own? - The (mostly) Simple Life (9)
  1. Dressy Jeans (1 pair)

My Dressy jeans are my most expensive/polished pair. These are for date nights or dressier dinner celebrations with the girls. Or for those who can wear jeans to work regularly. A slim or boot cut in a darker wash paired with a cute top, black leather jacket and a pointed toe pump is a classic night on the town look.

How Many Jeans or Pants Should I Own? - The (mostly) Simple Life (10)
  1. Your Favorite “Chilling at Home” Comfortable jeans (1 pair)

Comfortable jeans are the most relaxed pair and straight cut, great to wear while doing jobs around the house, grocery shopping, or a weekend trip to Home depot for my next DIY project.

How Many Jeans or Pants Should I Own? - The (mostly) Simple Life (11)
  1. Black jeans (1 pair)

Black jeans are a staple for your wardrobe and you can easily use them to dress up or down. My favorite pair have the right amount of stretch and structure that it almost feels like you’re wearing yoga pants. When picking out an outfit for running errands, hanging out or date night, black jeans are an easy choice.

How Many Jeans or Pants Should I Own? - The (mostly) Simple Life (12)
  1. White jeans (1 pair – optional)

White jeans are a staple for any summer wardrobe! When you finally find that white pair of jeans that fits right (not too tight or see through), you can pair it with a cute tank top and sandals for a casual summer Bbq look, or with a flowy top for those summer date nights.

How Many Jeans or Pants Should I Own? - The (mostly) Simple Life (13)

There is no right answer for how many jeans one should have. Whether jeans are a part of your daily work attire or just weekend casual, hopefully these tips can help you simplify your wardrobe!

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How Many Jeans or Pants Should I Own? - The (mostly) Simple Life (2024)


How many jeans should I own minimalist? ›

Two or three pairs of jeans. Only keep the ones that make you look and feel good. Three or four tank tops. For layering, and when the weather gets nicer, for wearing alone.

How many pairs of jeans should you own? ›

But how many pairs of jeans should you own? You should aim for 4 to 5 pairs of denim jeans, excluding shorts. It is a good number to meet your everyday needs, even though a woman own 7 pairs on average, and men 6. The number of jeans you should own is much lower than you think.

How many pair of pants should I own? ›

Depending on your laundry schedule, you might need more than 5 pairs of pants. But for most people, 4 to 5 pairs of casual pants, including denim jeans, are more than enough to meet everyday needs. Keep in mind that you don't need to wash your casual pants too often. You should wash them only when you need to.

How many items of each clothing should I own? ›

Caption Options. The researchers found that a “sufficient” wardrobe consists of 74 garments and 20 outfits in total. As an example, they've suggested six outfits for work, three outfits for home wear, three outfits for sports, two outfits for festive occasions, plus four outdoor jackets and trousers or skirts.

How many clothes is considered minimalist? ›

There is no set number of items. A minimalist closet could have 20 pieces or 200. What matters is you wear all of them – and they all bring you joy.

How many items of clothing should a minimalist have? ›

How many clothes should be in a capsule wardrobe? A capsule wardrobe can have as many or as few clothes that work for you, but commonly they have anywhere from 30-50 pieces. The capsule checklist I've put together has room for 44 items, including shoes and accessories, but you can always have more or fewer than that.

What type of jeans goes with everything? ›

The classic dark blue jeans are the most versatile pair of jeans you'll ever own. Dress it up with a sports jacket, button down shirt and a pair of brown dress shoes or dress them down completely with a t-shirt and sneakers. The dark blue jeans can be styled in many different ways to suit several occasions.

How many clothes is too many? ›

There's no magic number of clothing items that you should have in your closet, but a good rule of thumb is only to keep clothes that you love and actually wear. If you haven't worn something in the past season or for more than a year, chances are you're not going to wear it again, and it's time to get rid of it.

How many pairs of clothes does the average person own? ›

A few years ago, a survey by ClosetMaid, the closet company, found that the average American woman owned about 103 pieces of clothing.

How many pairs of leggings should I own? ›

On average, most people do well with three to five pairs of workout leggings, shorts, or a combination of the two. More than how many sets of workout clothes you have, it's important to have comfortable, high-quality gym clothes in your closet that are suited to your workout routine.

How many pairs of shoes should I own? ›

The traditional rule of elegant dressing recommended seven pairs of shoes, that is, as many pairs as there are days of the week.

How many clothing items should a woman have? ›

With the increasing popularity of minimalism and capsule wardrobes, many influencers suggest that a woman should not have more than 50 pieces of clothing (including shoes and accessories) in her closet.

How many pairs of T-shirts should I own? ›

You should own 5-6 casual tops, t-shirts, tees, as well as 2-4 workout tops or tanks. One t-shirt or top for each day of the week is a good rule of thumb to build a conscious wardrobe focused on simplicity and versatility. For most people, one t-shirt for each day of the week is plenty enough to meet everyday needs.

How many clothes does the average woman own? ›

How many clothes does the average woman own? In a recent survey from ClosetMaid, the average American woman has 103 items in her closet.

How do I decide what clothes to get rid of? ›

Here are seven signs to consider when getting rid of clothes.
  1. It Has Stains, Holes, or a Smell. This might seem like an obvious sign. ...
  2. You No Longer Love It. ...
  3. It's From an Outdated Trend. ...
  4. It Hasn't Fit in a Year. ...
  5. You Haven't Worn It in a Year. ...
  6. It No Longer Fits Your Style. ...
  7. It's Uncomfortable.
Nov 13, 2020

How many bras should I own minimalist? ›

If you want a minimalist wardrobe, you can start with 7 bras. This will give you enough options while keeping your closet functional. With this strategy, you can have 4 everyday bras and 3 bras for specialty use (such as going to the gym or for wearing certain types of dresses, etc).

What is the 333 rule for clothes? ›

The idea behind Project 333 is simple: Wear only 33 articles of clothing for the next 3 months. All clothing, accessories, jewelry, outerwear, and shoes count towards your number. Exceptions include wedding rings, underwear, sleepwear, in-home loungewear, and workout clothing.

How many 0 3 outfits should you have? ›

0 – 3 month – Plan on two outfits and a sleeper each day, but don't overbuy in this range as your child will grow quickly. 3 – 6 month – Plan on one to two outfits a day plus a sleeper. You may also need bibs for drooling.

What does a minimalist wardrobe look like? ›

A minimalist wardrobe may contain as few as 5 outfits or over 100, which are rotated and swapped seasonally as a capsule wardrobe. The average number of items in a minimalist wardrobe seems to range from 20 to 50 pieces of clothing, which may or may not include undergarments and accessories.

How many hoodies should I own? ›

So how many hoodies should you own? It all comes down to your style and how much casual wear you need in your wardrobe. For most people, five is an ideal number -- plenty of options without going overboard. Ready to stock up on more hoodies or look for some new t-shirts to balance out your collection?

Are 3 pairs of jeans enough? ›

For most people, three pairs of jeans are enough to have a wide range of options while still maintaining a sustainable lifestyle. If you do decide to purge your closet after reading this, make sure you're finding ways to avoid them going straight into the landfills.

How many jeans do I need for 2 weeks? ›

Never Pack More Than One Pair Of Jeans.

No one needs more than one pair of jeans on a trip. Absolutely no one. Jeans are one of the items that can be worn again and again without needing a thorough wash, making them ideal for bringing on a long trip — but that also means that you probably only need to bring one pair.

How many outfits does the average woman have? ›

A few years ago, a survey by ClosetMaid, the closet company, found that the average American woman owned about 103 pieces of clothing. That sounds like a large number until you consider that, as part of her memoir, “Clothes …

How many pairs of clothes should a woman have? ›

With the increasing popularity of minimalism and capsule wardrobes, many influencers suggest that a woman should not have more than 50 pieces of clothing (including shoes and accessories) in her closet.

How many pounds does 0-3 months clothes fit? ›

Newborn baby clothes sizes

Whereas size 0-3 months should fit your baby up to 12 pounds, and you can always roll up sleeves and pant legs for a few weeks while baby grows into the larger size. If your baby is predicted to be petite, or you have a preemie, Newborn or Preemie sizes make a little more sense.

How many pairs of socks should I own? ›

Generally 6-12 pairs of socks are used in a regular weekly cycle, plus 2 -7 pairs of socks that are used for special occasions. Thus, 8-16 pairs of socks is the most ideal number of socks one must own.

How many pairs of pants does the average woman own? ›

The number of casual pants you only really need and wear is 4 to 5, even though most women own 7 pairs of pants on average, and men 6 pairs. Add 2 pairs of formal trousers to complete your wardrobe.

How many bras do I need for 2 weeks? ›

If you have unlimited suitcase space and don't want to do any laundry, a two-week trip means packing 14/2 = 7 bras and at least 14 pairs of underwear.

How often should you switch jeans? ›

"You should wash jeans every six weeks. Washing them more than that will wear them out faster, and you'll have to buy a new pair within a year.

How many times can you wear jeans before washing? ›

Jeans can typically be worn 3 times before washing. Leggings and tights should be washed after every wear to get rid of the baggy knees. Suits typically can be worn several times during normal use before dry cleaning (3-4 times for wool and 4-5 times for synthetics).

How many t shirts do I need minimalist? ›

A minimalist should own 5-6 casual tops, shirts, tees, as well as 2-4 workout tops or tanks. One top for each day of the week is a good rule of thumb to build a conscious wardrobe focused on simplicity. You don't need that many shirts to look and feel your best.

What's the average number of bras a woman owns? ›

"On average, they own 16 at any one time, topping up their collection with four purchases each year." And then the story goes on to reveal that while we women have enough bras to go at least two weeks without doing laundry, on average we wash them only every two months.

When should you get rid of bras? ›

In fact, experts recommend replacing bras every six months—or after about 180 wears.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.