how much do aero wheels help? (2024)


how much do aero wheels help? (1)10-03-2023, 10:15 AM


Join Date: Nov 2012

Location: PDX

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99% of us get carbon wheels for the aesthetic I'd say. 100% of me does. how much do aero wheels help? (3)

When I wore a younger mans 27.5" around thighs when I spent a reasonable percentage of time over 230-4 MPH IMO aero wheels mattered a little. But there was nothing on the line besides ego and vanity as I never rode for a living.

But light wheels spin up faster and when having ability to accelerate faster matters.... but don't need aero for that. Although holding that speed aero is good. how much do aero wheels help? (4)

If our loops take less time, what difference is that going to make. If you ride with others and have better ability to drop them with fast acceleration or slight faster accents you wait for them at the tops, what was the point. It might should been "ride with others" not drop others and wait for them the way I see it.

Having said all that, the testosterone fest that was my younger self with 27.5" around thighs thrived on riding other testosterone junkies off my wheel at will.

I've matured [read: got old] how much do aero wheels help? (5)

Nut shell; if we don't ride in a race posture on the bike that get out sails for bodies outta the wind, aren't aero wheels superfluous in function really. ? I still run 7CM of bar drop and that isn't enough. My back is only flat in bed a night sleeping. how much do aero wheels help? (6)

Aero wheels, get them cause you want them, right?

BTW, after you get the AVG to 19.5, 20 is just right there... The once 20, 23 is in reach... Better think about those beers. Upside being if you quit drinking the wheels can get paid for way faster. how much do aero wheels help? (7)

This foot tastes terrible! how much do aero wheels help? (8)

Last edited by robt57; 10-03-2023 at 10:18 AM.

how much do aero wheels help? (9)

how much do aero wheels help? (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.