How Much Do Street Light Poles Cost? (2024)

Streetlights perform an important function in any community. They make the road saferand increase visibility for drivers and pedestrians. Street lights are also animportant factor in deterring crime and making citizens more comfortable. Manypeople don't think about the cost of a street light pole because they'resomething that is usually taken care of by the town, city, or county.

Citizenscan invest in an outside lighting fixture for their own yard. Still, they maywant the street light installed if it's an alleyway or street area that's toodark near their property. That's not always the case, though. The localelectric company owns and maintains street lights in some areas and bills thecity. And there are cases where private citizens pay for street lights if noneis provided by their local town and they request them for an area.

When researchingstreet light costs for a town or community, there are various factors toconsider. The location of the light and the area that needs to be illuminatedcan impact the cost and type of lighting chosen.

Ofcourse, you'll be working with professional estimates before launching anyproject to give you an exact figure. For the scope of this post, we'd like tolay out some of the variables you should be aware of to start your research orfor reference for your next major project.

How much dostreet light poles cost?

A streetlight pole is far more expensive than a consumer light pole. The average streetlight pole cost ranges from $2,000 to $3,000, not including installation. Theinstallation cost depends on the city, but the average is somewhere around$1,000. Street light poles are more complicated to install and considerablylarger.

Becausethere are so many factors involved in the cost of a single light pole, it canbe difficult for towns and cities to estimate costs when there's a large areato be addressed. The location of the street pole is also a factor. A citystreet light pole installation cost is less than installation in hard-to-reachareas or certain architecture, such as highways or bridges.

How muchare street light poles, and what are the factors?

Severalfactors go into the cost of a street light pole. But the installation costs arenot the only factor involved. Cities need to weigh the maintenance costs forthe type of lighting they choose.

Forinstance, the difference between LED and incandescent light is fairly large.LED costs an average of $ .005 per day, whereas the incandescent averages $.03. That seems small, but it's a large difference when you multiply it byevery street light in a city over an entire month.

While thecity needs to weigh the cost in their budget, they also need to consider thepurpose of the lighting and which types of lighting will work best for theiruse. Street lights serve several purposes, including safety for drivers andpedestrians and a crime deterrent.

Four mainfactors go into the cost of a street light pole:

  • Materials: The cost of the actual lightpole and all parts are included in the materials. But you also need tofactor in the equipment and tools necessary to install the light pole. Oftenthis raises the cost of installation for contractors because they need touse expensive lifts and other equipment.
  • Labor: Labor is an expensive part of theprocess, and projects often require several experienced tradespeople.
  • Energy Consumption: The cost of runningthe street lights will be a factor for most cities. This is why they areweighing the different types of energy so carefully.
  • Maintenance: Maintenance includes fixingany issues with a street light caused by wear, time, or a possibleaccident. It also includes everyday maintenance, such as replacing bulbs(infrequent, depending on the type), cleaning, checking wiring, etc.

Who isresponsible for street lights?

Everycity is a little different. In some areas, the City Department ofTransportation is in charge of the street lights. It might be the city, thecounty, or a homeowner's association in other areas. The city, town, or countymight own the street lights and pay for repair and maintenance. But there maybe entities, like the fire department or Department of Transportation, thattake an active role in the maintenance. They would be who you would call if astreet light stopped working.

Who paysfor street lights?

You mightbe surprised at who pays for the street lights because they vary. In someareas, the city or county pays for the lights. But some areas don't have streetlights, and if a citizen requests lights, that homeowner would need to pay thelighting bill.

In otherinstances, the electric company in the area may own and maintain some of thestreet lights and charge the city for use and maintenance.

Who paysto replace a street light? That can vary, as well. Often, the town or city isresponsible for the cost of replacing street lights. Still, they might bill adriver, for instance, if the original street light was damaged in an accident,causing it to need to be replaced.

How muchdoes it cost to install a street light?

Typically,a street light might cost between $2,000 and 3,000 dollars. The installationfee for a street light can cost $1,000, depending on the area. But the costscan vary a great deal. The lighting system and power type chosen will impactthe installation cost and the cost to maintain those street lights.

Whenweighing the purchasing decision, you want to consider the installation cost aswell as the cost over the life of the light pole. For instance, LED streetlights will have a different cost to install than incandescent lights and thereis a fairly significant difference in how much power they use monthly. Energyefficiency will be a consideration in your lighting system, as will the cost ofreplacement, man-hours, and how the light pole functions.

Differentareas and landscapes are a consideration, as well. Some types of lighting willwork better in certain areas.

How muchdoes a street light cost on a highway or a bridge?

Mostestimates indicate that installing light poles on a highway or bridge can costas much as 20% more. This is due to the issues with replacing them. Often theselocations can be difficult to maneuver physically and require shutting streetsand detouring traffic.

If astreet light pole costs $4,000 in total, you can expect the same light on ahighway or bridge to run $4,800.

What is thetypical distance between street light poles?

It mightsurprise you that there is a standard distance between light poles. There arerecommendations based on the best lighting options. It's surprising becausemany areas don't use a standard.

The bestdistance is 29 meters. This is an exact measurement devised based on the heightof the light pole and the area it will illuminate. The measurement iscalculated as 2 to 3 times the height of the light pole, usually using 2.5times as the marker. Exact spacing makes the lighting more even on the street.

In mostplaces, the spacing between lights is not exact. You might find some lightpoles spaced at 29 meters while others are 50 meters in distance. The spacingwill also often depend on the street architecture. If there are no homes orbusinesses, there may be limited reasons to light the area.

Are youresearching the street light pole cost for your next project?

If you'reresearching the cost of street light poles to make decisions about the bestoptions for your city or county,contact today. Our experienced staffcan offer custom pricing for any project requiringstreet light poles and offer an excellent resourceon the different types of lighting available for your needs.

How Much Do Street Light Poles Cost? (2024)


How much do street poles cost? ›

The average street light pole cost ranges from $2,000 to $3,000, not including installation. The installation cost depends on the city, but the average is somewhere around $1,000.

How much is street light pole? ›

Prices usually range from ₦7000 to ₦100,000. The solar street light bulbs are usually sold separately from the poles.

How much does it cost to light a street light? ›

Another example, The average price in the USA is 10 cents per kilowatt-hour ($0.10/kWh), If 100w street lights are used for 12 hours a day. Consumption for 12 hours is (12 hours100 watt) = 1200 watt-hours = 1.2 kWh. So daily Electricity cost is (1.2 kWh$0.10) = $0.12.

How much does it cost to build a light pole? ›

Utility pole installation costs
FactorAverage cost
Overhead wood light pole$400 – $4,000
Overhead meter pole$500 – $2,200
Underground meter pole$300 – $1,600
Overhead utility or power pole$1,200 – $5,600
May 6, 2023

What is a street light pole called? ›

A street light, light pole, lamp pole, lamppost, street lamp, light standard, or lamp standard is a raised source of light on the edge of a road or path.

What are street poles made of? ›

Poles are typically made from three species: Douglas Fir, Western Red Cedar and Southern Pine.

Are streetlights expensive? ›

On average, the cost of traditional street lights is around $2,000 to $5,000 per light, not including installation costs. In contrast, the cost of solar street lights is significantly lower. On average, the cost of solar street lights is around $1,000 to $2,500 per light, including installation.

How long is a street light pole? ›

In most cases, street pole heights range from 9 to 14 feet. Ideally, the street light pole should provide sufficient light without there being an excessive glare.

How long do street light poles last? ›

How Long Do Street Poles Last? The average lifespan of a street lighting pole is around 50 years or more if proper maintenance is performed regularly.

How much does running a light cost? ›

What is the average energy consumption and cost of different types of LEDs?
Brightness (in Lumens)WattsAvg. Cost / month*
400 – 5008 – 12W$0.31
650 – 85013 – 18W$0.48
1000 – 140018 – 22W$0.6
1450 - 1700+23 – 30W$0.82
1 more row

Do LED street lights save money? ›

Replacing conventional streetlights with LED lighting can greatly reduce energy use and maintenance costs while improving light quality and output at street level. Advantages of LED streetlights include: Energy efficiency: LED fixtures use 50% to 75% less energy than traditional high-pressure sodium vapor fixtures.

Why do traffic lights cost so much? ›

The reason a single traffic light costs so much, Fuqua said, is due to "the cost of the hardware." Each traffic signal must be custom made. In addition, the cost of steel used to support the lights and the traffic signals themselves have gone up dramatically in recent years.

How much is a wooden utility pole? ›

Wooden Utility Poles

Installing a wooden utility pole typically costs between $700 and $3000. This cost may be higher than your budget, but you must understand what it takes to install this pole and how much more beneficial it is than other types. Wooden poles are easily accessible and easy to handle.

How deep should a light pole be? ›

The minimum depth of foundation shall be 48 inches below grade and meet pole manufacturers' minimum specifications.

How much does smart street lights cost? ›

In order to install one traditional street light at new locations without electricity access, the cost of the unit will be around 4000 USD (the unit+installation). On the other side the price of Smart Solar Street light will be around 2500 USD, together with installation.

What metal are street light poles made of? ›

Developed to be lightweight and high-strength, aluminum light poles are a popular choice for street lights, highways, car dealerships, parking lots, and residential areas. Aluminum also provides several important benefits as a material for light poles, including: Easy to install.

Why are street lights orange? ›

Streetlights and industrial lights, such as those found in parking garages or manufacturing facilities, give off a yellowish or orange glow because they are sodium vapor gas-discharge lights. There are two types of sodium vapor lights, high pressure (HPS) and low pressure (LPS).

Is it light pole or lamppost? ›

A lamppost is a tall metal or concrete pole that is fixed beside a road and has a light at the top.

How long do steel light poles last? ›

steel light poles

Their average lifespan is 15-30 years, depending on the conditions of the environment in which the pole is located and how the pole is finished. One of the heavier types of light poles, steel poles typically require more equipment to unload and install.

Why do they grease street poles? ›

“We will be instituting the practice of 'greasing poles' as a deterrent for climbing poles and light fixtures,” a police spokesperson told Fox 29. “We encourage everyone to celebrate safely and responsibly.”

How long does a metal light pole last? ›

If you prefer strength for your light poles, then you can choose to use metal for your installation. Metal poles are low-cost, offer strength, multiple shapes and have a very long lifespan of up to 15-30 years based on the environment.

Why do street lights last so long? ›

But why is that? Let us explain! It turns out that bulbs found in streetlights aren't like the bulbs in our regular table lamps or light fixtures at all. They are high intensity discharge, or HID bulbs, which are much brighter and last much longer than regular light bulbs.

Do street lights use a lot of electricity? ›

A high-pressure sodium street light can draw up to 1000 watts, and an incandescent light used in the 1900s needed 320 watts. Some LED street lights require only 73 watts and, according to the U. S. Department of Energy, produce a higher quality of light.

How long do LED street lights last? ›

LED streetlights offer a number of benefits. They have a longer lifespan than HPS (Sodium-vapor ) lamps. The lights currently last between 10 and 15 years and, unlike HPS lamps, do not experience such a pronounced lumen depreciation.

How much does a 30 ft light pole weigh? ›

Ordering more than 10? Request a quote and we'll back to you with our lowest price.
Type of AreaPole / Street / Parking Lot
Handhole Size2 x 4
Pole Height30' Ft
Pole Weight223 lbs.
9 more rows

How thick is a light pole? ›

The pole shaft is made from aluminum alloy 6063-T6 with a wall thickness of 0.188 inches, has an overall mounting height of 30 feet, and maximum EPA rating of 0.7 at 110 mph. The butt diameter is 8 inches and tapers to 4.5 inches in diameter at the top.

How much does a 30 aluminum light pole weigh? ›

A 30' aluminum light pole is 6” square and weighs 216 pounds. Click here to see all square aluminum light pole dims and weights.

What is the best material for a street light pole? ›

Which Material Works Best? Aluminum is naturally more corrosion-resistant than steel. Thus, aluminum poles have the potential to wear better over time, costing less to maintain.

How long does a light pole last? ›

Moisture from driving rain, whipping winds, and flash floods are capable of doing a number on material left to the elements. It's quite a feat that the average lifespan of a utility pole is 30 to 40 years.

What color are street light poles? ›

Often, these are made of extruded aluminum and finished with a polyester color powder coat or black, green, or brown. Light poles installed on heavily traveled secondary roads and highways are constructed of various materials and tend not to be decorative but functional and safe.

How much does 1 hour of light cost? ›

Light Bulbs

A LED light bulb uses just seven to ten watts while a fluorescent light bulb consumes 16-20 watts, an incandescent light bulb will use 60 watts typically and cost about 0.6 cents an hour to run, according to the energy use chart.

How much does it cost to run one light for 24 hours? ›

Given that an average U.S. household has 45 bulbs, leaving them on all night can cost you approximately $2.5 (45 incandescent bulbs x 0.06 kilowatts x 7H x 12 cents). Over the course of a month, this can quickly add up.

What is the cheapest light to run? ›

LEDs are the most common and adaptable light fitting, and are suitable for replacing dimmable lights and spotlights. LEDs are also more energy-efficient than CFLs.

Do street lights reduce crime? ›

Among other findings, the study concluded that increased levels of lighting led to a 36% reduction in "index crimes" — a subset of serious felony crimes that includes murder, robbery and aggravated assault, as well as certain property crimes — that took place outdoors at night in developments that received new lighting ...

What are the most efficient street lights? ›

LED light is an energy-efficient alternative for street lighting with lower environmental footprint.

Do LED lights raise electric bill? ›

LEDs consume far less electricity than incandescent bulbs, and decorative LED light strings such as Christmas tree lights are no different.

How much time is wasted at traffic lights? ›

This means that the average vehicle will stop at 5 intersections for 15 seconds each = 75 seconds (or 1.25 minutes) (vs. 1 minute in motion time).

How much does a traffic light cost in us? ›

How much does a traffic signal cost? A typical traffic signal installation costs between $200,000 and $500,000. This includes some cost for miscellaneous work such as sidewalk repair, utility adjustments, pedestrian access ramps and pavement markings often required for a newly signalized intersection.

Does leaving lights on cost more? ›

In general, the more energy-efficient a lightbulb is, the longer you can leave it on before it is cost effective to turn it off. In addition to turning off your lights manually, you may want to consider using sensors, timers, and other automatic lighting controls.

How much does a 25 foot utility pole weigh? ›

25-ft PG&E-Approved Class 5 Utility Pole. Approximate weight: 364 lbs.

How much does a 40 ft utility pole weigh? ›

iPole Chart Legend
1 more row

How long does a wooden pole last? ›

Average pole life expectancy is around 45 years, but that varies based on location and related climatic factors. The replacement cost of a wood pole varies between urban or rural locations, but the average cost is $5,000, including the costs associated with transferring the supply and communications facilities.

How tall is a standard light pole? ›

Light poles vary in height 20-70 feet based upon and the purpose of the lighting and the area to be lit. Typical heights for street light poles are about 20 feet, while light poles for sports venues may be as high as 70 feet.

Are light poles 100 feet apart? ›

Utility poles can range in size from 30 feet to more than 100 feet and are typically 100 or 125 feet apart. The most common PSE&G pole is 40 feet and sinks 6 feet into the ground. Power lines are not the only wires on a pole.

How deep do you bury a 20 foot pole? ›

Make sure the hole is at least 2 feet deep and four to six times the diameter of the pole to accommodate the ground sleeve. It should be included with the purchase of your flagpole.

Are LED street lights better? ›

LEDs are whiter and brighter than the traditional high pressure sodium lights and appear brighter to the human eye. It's a transition that's happening in municipalities throughout South Florida and across the state, the country and the world.

How much do LED street lights cost to run? ›

There should be 40 functional LED lights. As a result, the average cost of power should be roughly $0.12 kW/h. The streetlight's operating cost would be 40 × 100 x 0.12/1,000 = $0.48 per hour.

What is the price of 30 watt LED street light? ›

Top Selling 30 Watt Led Street Lights Price List in India
Latest ModelsPriceDiscount
Alay 30W White LED Street Light, AP-201-30W₹1,39920% off
Nortek Xrbia 30W Waterproof Warm White LED Street Light₹1,24939% off
Crompton Astra Neo 30W Street Lighting, LSTS-30-CDL-M₹2,90918% off
7 more rows
Apr 6, 2023

How much is a 30 ft telephone pole? ›

Telephone pole cost
Pole sizeMaterial price range*
25-foot$100 – $300
30-foot$100 – $400
35-foot$200 – $500
40-foot$200 – $550
3 more rows
Apr 5, 2023

What is the standard street pole size? ›

Horizon Power standard nominal sizes are 6.5 m, 10.5 m, and 12.5 m.

How much does a precast concrete pole cost? ›

Precast Concrete Pole Bases

Pole bases are another popular application for precast concrete. If you include the installation cost, a light precast concrete pole base will cost between $500 and $900. The heavier the pole base, the higher the price per square foot.

How heavy is a 25 foot telephone pole? ›

25-ft PG&E-Approved Class 5 Utility Pole. Approximate weight: 364 lbs.

How heavy is a 35 foot telephone pole? ›

Approximate weight: 643 lbs.

How much does a 30 foot light pole weigh? ›

Ordering more than 10? Request a quote and we'll back to you with our lowest price.
Type of AreaPole / Street / Parking Lot
Handhole Size2 x 4
Pole Height30' Ft
Pole Weight223 lbs.
9 more rows

How thick is a street light pole? ›

Pole Thickness: 2 to 5.4 mm. Foundation Plate Size: 200/200 to 400/400. Foundation Plate Thickness: 6mm to 25mm. Surface Coating: Powder Coated, Painting and Hot dip Galvanizing.

How far apart are light poles? ›

The spacing between two light poles should be roughly 2.5–3 times the height of the pole. Shorter light poles should be installed at closer intervals. The density, speed of travel, and the type of light source along a corridor will also determine the ideal height and spacing.

How tall should a light post be? ›

A standard residential post should extend from the ground approximately 6 feet high, and the light on top should add an additional 2 feet, bringing the total height of the fixture to approx. 8 feet high.

How long does a utility pole last? ›

It's quite a feat that the average lifespan of a utility pole is 30 to 40 years. These wooden beams are critical to the way we operate as a society and serve a litany of purposes. Often housing multiple services like power, telephone, and cable on one pole.

How deep should concrete be for a pole? ›

If the site is well drained and has good compacted fill, a 4 inch thick slab should be sufficient. You should construct your pole barn as soon as possible after the poles are set so they do not warp or twist.

How long do concrete poles last? ›

Most power poles are much older than their useful life expectancy, which is likely somewhere around 50 to 60 years. But some of them are much older. Metal and concrete poles can last much longer than wood, but eventually all utility poles need to be replaced.

How much concrete do I need to set a pole? ›

A: Finding the right amount of concrete depends on the size of the hole and the size of the post. The diameter of the hole should equal about three times the diameter of the post and the depth of the hole should be about ⅓ to ½ the total length of the pole.

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