How Much Should I Give For A Bar Mitzvah Gift? (2024)

How Much Should I Give For A Bar Mitzvah Gift? (1)

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July 20, 2020

How Much Should I Give For A Bar Mitzvah Gift?


When a Jewish boy turns 13-years-old he has a "bar mitzvah", whether or not the event is marked with a ceremony or celebration. According to Jewish custom this means that he is considered old enough to have certain rights and responsibilities or suit for the upcoming wedding this summer. (source: I actually know quite a bit about bar mitzvahs. When I turned the age of 13, my friends, family, and distant relatives I saw once upon a family reunion showed up to hear me belt out a poorly sung haftorah. I can remember the long hours of practice and study it took to be able to read my portion of the Torah on that special day. I also have vivid memories of the food, the dancing, and the gumball filled Pepsi bottles we gave to each of the kids. With today's bar mitzvahs reaching prices of epic proportions, people often wonder how much they should give when attending a bar mitzvah.

First things first . . . A bar mitzvah isn't a wedding and shouldn't be treated at all with the same light as a wedding. Although some parents choose to spend the same amount or more on their children's bar mitzvah, it simply isn't the wedding. The kid is only turning the age of 13! We also need to separate whether just your child is being invited to the event or you are being invited as an entire family. Unlike weddings, I do think it also matters how close you are to the actual child and family having the bar mitzvah.

Let's talk about this whole Jewish history around the number 18. Times have changed, but I can distinctly recall my cousin Melvin giving me a gift of "chai" which was $18 bucks. Even in 1982 $18 doesn't take you very far if you want to buy anything. The word for "life" in Hebrew is "chai". The two Hebrew letters that make up the word "chai" are chet and yud. Chet is equivalent to 8 and yud is equivalent to 10. So "chai", chet and yud together, equals 18. Giving money in multiples of $18 is symbolic of giving "chai" or life. There are many people who give money in multiples of $18 as presents to someone celebrating a birth, a bar or bat mitzvah or a wedding.

If just your child is going to the bar mitzvah, don't spend money on gift cards or savings bonds. I simply think that isn't a good idea. You'll be encouraging another teenager to go out and buy more stuff when they can be saving that money for their future. A gift in the order of something like triple 'chai' or $54 would be a neat idea to give from teenager to teenager at the bar mitzvah.

If your whole family is going, you should be giving in the nature of about $75 to $100 a person (half for your kids). So for a family of four with two adults and two kids about $300 would be an appropriate gift. Although this is a celebration within the religion, skip the ideal Kiddush cups, candle sticks, or Tzedakah boxes. Although the thought might be in the right place, cash is simply the best way to go when you get invited to a bar mitzvah. I often hear that since this is a spiritual celebration that items like prayer books or other religious items would be acceptable. Trust me that this will not be a good idea as much like wedding conversations are had back at the house that night about who was naughty and who was nice!

No matter what your faith, gift giving is always one of the toughest challenges we have in making day to day smart money moves. It's often a struggle that you'll continue to discuss when the envelope is closed and you are on the way to the bar mitzvah. Once you get there the damage is done one way or another, so make sure to at least get into a little Hava Nagila action and carry a leg of the chair during the joyous festivities. And please no gold coins . . . unless they are real!

Additional Reading: How Much Do I Give For A Wedding Gift? , How Much Should I Leave For A Tip?

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How Much Should I Give For A Bar Mitzvah Gift? (2)

Ted Jenkin

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How Much Should I Give For A Bar Mitzvah Gift? (2024)


What is the appropriate amount for a bar mitzvah gift? ›

Bar Mitzvah Gift Amount 2023. TL:DR; If you're attending a bar mitzvah party, $36-$360 per guest is a good gift amount, and giving in multiples of 18 expresses good wishes in the Jewish culture. Whatever you choose to give will be appreciated by the celebrating family.

What is a generous gift for a Bat Mitzvah? ›

Cash. Similar to a wedding, cash is often a welcomed gift whether you can accept or need to decline your Bar or Bat Mitzvah invitation. Guests often gift money in increments of $18, a symbol of “chai,” in Jewish tradition, which means “life.” It is also completely acceptable to round to normal amounts of $20 or $50.

Do you give cash or gift card for Bat Mitzvah? ›

Traditionally, it is considered proper etiquette to give a monetary gift. However, there are a few things to consider when deciding whether to give a check or cash. If you know the bar mitzvah boy or his family well, you may want to give a personal check so they can easily track who gave them what.

Are you supposed to get a gift for a bar mitzvah? ›

Gifts are expected at bar and bat mitzvahs. The most common is giving money toward college or studies abroad in Israel. Many families end up donating a portion of cash to a charity.

Is $72 a good bar mitzvah gift? ›

A child attending a friend's bar mitzvah will likely give anywhere from 2x-4x chai, for a maximum of $72 (and that's considered generous). $72 is also symbolic because it represents 4 Life. For a very close friend, the range is closer to $54-$108.

Is congratulations appropriate for bar mitzvah? ›

Also, if you are unsure about salutations, mazel tov is the Jewish way to say congratulations, and either is acceptable in your card – whether you are Jewish or not. “All our best wishes and mazel tov as you celebrate your Bar Mitzvah today.” “Our sincere congratulations and best wishes on your Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

What is the multiple of money for a bat mitzvah? ›

For a bar or bat mitzvah, it's common to give an amount that's a multiple of 18. In Jewish tradition, the number 18 symbolizes “chai,” Hebrew for “life.” Giving an amount that's a multiple of 18 is a way of symbolically gifting a long and happy life to the young person of honor.

How much money do you give for a wedding gift? ›

They suggest the following breakdown: coworkers or distant relatives should spend 50 to 75 dollars. Friends or relatives, 75 to 100 dollars. For close friends, family, or if you are in the wedding party, you should spend 100 to 150 dollars—or more.

How long is a bar mitzvah? ›

A bar mitzvah is a term that is Hebrew in origin. It is the coming of age ceremony for Jewish boys that are 13 years old. This ceremony usually lasts about an hour to celebrate the bar mitzvah boy. It takes place during Saturday morning services which are followed by a celebratory meal.

What do you wear to a bar mitzvah? ›

Generally, dress for the party is semiformal or formal. Men and boys wear suits or dark jackets and slacks, or black tie attire. Girls and ladies wear co*cktail attire, or long skirts or dresses.

What age is a bar mitzvah? ›

A Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a coming of age ceremony for Jewish boys and girls when they reach the age of 12 or 13. This ceremony marks the time when a boy or girl becomes a Jewish adult. This means that they are now responsible for their own actions and can decide for themselves how they would like to practice Judaism.

What color do you wear to a bar mitzvah? ›

While there's no traditional color for bar mitzvah dresses, it's common to wear clothing with a neutral or dark color palette. In some ultra-Orthodox communities, women are discouraged from wearing bright shades. You should fit in nicely if you choose a dress that's navy blue, black, burgundy, ivory, or brown.

Do you throw candy at a bar mitzvah? ›

The Custom of Throwing Candy

In many congregations, it is customary to throw candy at the bar mitzvah boy when he has completed his Haftarah, to wish him a “sweet” life as he makes the transition to adulthood.

Is A bar mitzvah expensive? ›

This milestone celebration typically costs anywhere from $10,000 to $40,000, although lots of people spend less or if you're planning a bar/bat mitzvah party in NYC or LA you could spend upwards of $100,000.

What do you wear to a bar mitzvah after a party? ›

What to wear to a bat mitzvah or bar mitzvah:
  • Men: For both the bar and bat mitzvah service and the party after, wear a handsome suit in a neutral color such as black, grey, or khaki. ...
  • Women: Dress in a pant or skirt suit with a cami or button down shirt and heels for the bar or bat mitzvah service.

What is the lucky number for bar mitzvah? ›

As a result, 18 is a popular number that represents good luck. At weddings, bar mitzvahs, and when making honorary donations, Jews often give gifts of money in multiples of 18, symbolically giving the recipient the gift of “life” or luck.

What happens at a bat mitzvah? ›

The ceremony follows a similar pattern to the Bar Mitzvah and happens around a girl's 12th birthday. During her Bat Mitzvah, a girl may read from the Torah or she may instead read a prayer from the Siddur . Traditionally, within Judaism, males and females are not thought to have the same responsibilities.

Do you say mazel tov for a Bar Mitzvah? ›

Literally translated, the Yiddish phrase “mazel tov” means something closer to “good luck,” but it's more commonly used to congratulate someone. A short mazel tov message by itself works well for a recipient you don't know as well, but you could also use it to round out a longer message. “Mazel tov, Bar Mitzvah!”

What do you write in a bris card? ›

Attach a card with a meaningful note. You should write, "mazel tov," which means congratulations.

Who gives the speech at a Bar Mitzvah? ›

Bar Mitzvah Speeches

It's often customary for the boy to give a speech at his service, or following the service at the reception. This speech is usually crafted around a thought from his Torah portion and how he will apply it to his own life.

Can you have 2 bat mitzvahs? ›

Among some Jews, a man who has reached the age of 83 will celebrate a second bar mitzvah, under the logic that in the Hebrew Bible it says that a normal lifespan is 70 years, so that an 83-year-old can be considered 13 in a second lifetime. This ritual is becoming more common as people live longer, healthier lives.

Is $100 a generous wedding gift? ›

The average wedding gift amount hovers right around $100, which is a great place to start, and you can increase or decrease that based on how close you are. If you're very close or related to the couple (and have the wiggle room in your budget), you may choose to spend more—about $150 per guest (or $200 from a couple).

Is $300 a generous wedding gift? ›

That all depends on whether the gift is off the registry, an experience, or cash. Upon consulting the experts, a wedding gift should range from $75 to $750—but most agree that $300+ is the sweet spot.

Is $100 a cheap wedding gift? ›

A typical wedding gift is around $100. The exact amount depends on your personal budget and relationship to the couple, among other factors.

Do they drink alcohol at bar mitzvah? ›

Food and drinks for a Bar Mitzvah ceremony will likely be party style food, along with alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

What is the meal after a bar mitzvah? ›

A Kiddush Luncheon is an opportunity to gather with friends and family immediately following your child's Bar or Bat Mitzvah service and do something very Jewish–eat!

What not to wear to a bar mitzvah? ›

There are certain things you should avoid wearing to a bar/bat mitzvah. These include anything that is too casual, such as jeans or t-shirts; anything that is too formal, such as a suit or tie; and anything that is too revealing or flashy like shorts and spaghetti straps.

Is it okay to wear sneakers to a bar mitzvah? ›

Can you wear sneakers to a bar mitzvah? Generally, sneakers are not appropriate for a bar mitzvah. For a bar mitzvah, it is best to wear dress shoes with a suit or slacks. Boys' shoes for a bar mitzvah should be elegant and comfortable.

What should a 13 year old boy wear to a bar mitzvah? ›

BK: As the guest to a Bar or Bat Mitzvah service and/or party you need a basic blazer with a few pair of coordinating slacks (i.e. black/blue/grey/tan/brown), 2-3 button down shirts and 2-3 ties, a belt and dress shoes. Wearing a basic tweed sports coat will allow your son to stand out a bit from the crowd.

What do you eat at a bar mitzvah? ›

Top 20 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Food and Drink Ideas
  • Mac and Cheese Bar. It can be hard to find both kid and adult-friendly catering for family celebrations, so how about a mac and cheese bar? ...
  • Sliders. ...
  • Tacos. ...
  • Chicken Nuggets. ...
  • Pizza. ...
  • Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. ...
  • A Pasta Bar. ...
  • A Salad Bar.
Aug 16, 2022

Why do you give 18 dollars for a bar mitzvah? ›

At bar or bat mitzvahs, weddings, and other occasions, people often like to give multiples of 18. The reason for this tradition is that 18 is the numerical equivalent of “chai” or “life.” The idea is that when you give money in multiples of 18, you are giving “more life” or are enhancing someone's life and future.

Who is the oldest person to have a bar mitzvah? ›

This article about his bar mitzvah, which he celebrated at age 113, was published in September 2016. In 1916, Israel Kristal was a motherless Jewish child whose father was away fighting in World War I and would soon be killed in action. He turned 13 without celebrating his bar mitzvah.

Can you wear jeans to a bar mitzvah? ›


Jackets and ties are not expected for men, so a dress shirt and khakis is the way to go. Women get the WIDE open range from business casual to party attire.

Can you wear a short dress to a bar mitzvah? ›

Sometimes the hosts may not list the dress code on the invitation; nonetheless, you still want to keep your outfit formal. Never under or overdress for a bar/bat mitzvah because you never want to come off as disrespectful by wearing a dress that is too short or revealing.

What is the symbol for bar mitzvah? ›

In a bar mitzvah ceremony, a kippah is worn for the first time by the bar mitzvah boy. Even if you're not Jewish, wearing a kippah during a bar or bat mitzvah ceremony is a sign of respect.

Do you bring flowers to Bat Mitzvah? ›

Flowers play an important role in Jewish celebrations, and Bar & Bat Mitzvah flower arrangements are no exception. The flowers you choose for your child's big day should be beautiful and meaningful, and they should reflect the joyous occasion.

Is there cake at a bar mitzvah? ›

Nothing is more emblematic of a party's theme than its cake. At some bar and bat mitzvahs, they outdo even the most extravagant wedding cake with over-the-top embellishments.

Is a Bar Mitzvah a birthday party? ›

bar mitzvah, also spelled bar mitzva or mitzwa (Hebrew: “son of the commandment”), plural bar mitzvahs, bar mitzvot, or bar mitzwot, Jewish religious ritual and family celebration commemorating the religious adulthood of a boy on his 13th birthday.

Is A Bar Mitzvah Religious? ›

This coming-of-age ritual marks a 13-year-old man's assumption of religious and legal obligations under Jewish law.

How much do you give a close friend for a bat mitzvah? ›

How Much Money Should You Give for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah?
RelationshipGift Amount
Classmates & Friends$50-$75 ($54-$72 in multiples of 18)
Distant Relatives or Acquaintances$50-$100 ($54-$108 in multiples of 18)
Close Family & Friends$100 or higher

What is a typical bar mitzvah? ›

The bar mitzvah ceremony consists of a number of traditional rituals, including the reading of the Torah, the giving of a speech, and the breaking of a glass. The bar mitzvah ceremony is a religious event that celebrates when a Jewish boy reaches the age of maturity and becomes responsible for his own actions.

What is the average cost of a bat mitzvah? ›

This milestone celebration typically costs anywhere from $10,000 to $40,000, although lots of people spend less or if you're planning a bar/bat mitzvah party in NYC or LA you could spend upwards of $100,000.

How do you dress for a bat mitzvah? ›

Generally, dress for the party is semiformal or formal. Men and boys wear suits or dark jackets and slacks, or black tie attire. Girls and ladies wear co*cktail attire, or long skirts or dresses.

Is $500 an appropriate wedding gift? ›

A typical cash wedding gift could range from $50 to $500, depending on the same factors listed above. Even then, aiming for the $100 mark is generally sufficient and will be comparable to the average cost of a physical wedding gift.

What colors not to wear to a bar mitzvah? ›

While there's no traditional color for bar mitzvah dresses, it's common to wear clothing with a neutral or dark color palette. In some ultra-Orthodox communities, women are discouraged from wearing bright shades. You should fit in nicely if you choose a dress that's navy blue, black, burgundy, ivory, or brown.

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