How names influence our destinies (2024)

Do names matter?

To a remarkable degree, they do. Though we don't choose them, our names are badges bearing information about our class, education level, and ethnic origin — or at least those of our parents. Scientific studies have shown that the world makes different assumptions about a boy named Tyrone than it does about one named Philip, and while those assumptions are often wrong, they can have a considerable influence on the course of a life. A name can even exert unconscious influence over a person's own choices. Some scientific researchers contend that there are disproportionately large numbers of dentists named Dennis and lawyers named Lauren, and that it's not purely an accident that Dr. Douglas Hart of Scarsdale, N.Y., chose cardiology or that the Greathouse family of West Virginia runs a real-estate firm. To some degree, this has always been true: The Romans had the expression nomen est omen, or "name is destiny."

Has the way we name kids changed?

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In this country it has. Most families used to give boys names chosen from a repertoire established within a family over generations, and while that was less true for girls, there was a relatively finite range of acceptable names, largely limited to those of saints. But in recent decades, the number of names in circulation has exploded. In 1912, when the most popular names in America were John and Mary, parents of 80 percent of American babies chose from among the 200 most common names. Today less than half of girls and about 60 percent of boys are accorded a top-200 name. One study found that 30 percent of African-American girls born in California during the 1990s were given names they shared with no one else born in the state in the same year.

What influences those choices?

The simple answer is taste, but taste is a complex thing. Names come into and fall out of fashion much as clothing styles, musical genres, and haircuts do. None of the top five girls' names from 1912 — Mary, Helen, Dorothy, Margaret, and Ruth — ranked in the top 40 in 2010, when the leaders were Emma, Olivia, Sophia, Isabella, and Ava. The name Wendy surged after the release of the movie and musical Peter Pan in the early 1950s, and Brittany took off in the 1990s with the career of pop star Britney Spears. The popularity of the names Isabella, Jacob, and Cullen in recent years has been linked to characters with those names in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series of vampire novels.

Is it good to have a popular name?

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In situations where the name is all that is known, people with common first names fare better than those with unique ones. Studies have found that a résumé submitted under a name perceived as African-American, such as Lakesia Washington, gets less attention from potential employers than the identical résumé bearing a more "Caucasian" name, like Mary Ann Roberts. A recent Australian study found that people tend to have better impressions of co-workers and political candidates whose names they can pronounce easily. Nonetheless, in this era of individual self-expression, many parents view commonplace names like Thomas or Jane as boring and uncreative. "For some parents, picking out a baby name is like curating the perfect bookshelf or outfit," said writer Nina Shen Rastogi in "It should telegraph refinement without snobbishness, exclusivity without gaucheness, uniqueness without déclassé wackiness." That's a fine line to walk: Aiden, one of the most popular boy's names in the U.S. over the last seven years, has now lost the exclusivity that made it attractive to many parents.

How do we react to our own names?

Research indicates that people are unconsciously drawn to things, people, and places that sound like their own names. Psychologists call this phenomenon "implicit egotism." The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung noted that his colleague Sigmund Freud (German for "joy") advocated the pleasure principle, Alfred Adler ("eagle") the will to power, and he himself ("young") the "idea of rebirth." A controversial 2007 study cited implicit egotism as the reason why students whose names began with a C or a D had lower grade point averages than those with names beginning with an A or a B; students gravitate to grades, the study argued, that reflect their own beloved initials.

So are our names our destiny?

They undoubtedly have influence, but "destiny" is too strong a word. "Names only have a significant influence when that is the only thing you know about the person," says psychologist Dr. Martin Ford of George Mason University. "Add a picture, and the impact of the name recedes. Add information about personality, motivation, and ability, and the impact of the name shrinks to minimal significance." Condoleezza Rice's name might have held her back, but she was so smart, talented, and driven that she became secretary of state. On the other hand, there are people like Sue Yoo of Los Angeles, who grew up with people telling her, "Oh my god, that's your name, you should totally become a lawyer." Today she's an attorney. "Psychologically," she says, her name probably "helped me decide to go in that direction."

Names of the West

Where you live has a big impact on what names you prefer for your children. In the American West, University of Michigan researcher Michael Varnum has found, parents are more likely to give their children unconventional names than residents of the Eastern seaboard are. He says that reflects the persistence of the pioneer preference for "individualistic values such as uniqueness and self-reliance." You'd think that biblical names would be more popular in conservative regions, but the reverse is true. Naming expert Laura Wattenberg says that "classic, Christian, masculine" names like Peter and Thomas are more popular in blue states, while "an androgynous pagan newcomer like Dakota" is more likely to show up in a red state. Alaska's Sarah Palin, that Western avatar of traditional values, is a perfect example of that paradox: She named her children Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, and Trig.

How names influence our destinies (2024)


How names influence our destinies? ›

Research shows that people hold stereotypes about others based on their names. Names can reveal cultural values and cultural shifts, research suggests. Our names may also influence our personality. Names may also influence important life decisions although this claim is more controversial.

How does your name affect your destiny? ›

So are our names our destiny? They undoubtedly have influence, but "destiny" is too strong a word. "Names only have a significant influence when that is the only thing you know about the person," says psychologist Dr. Martin Ford of George Mason University.

How do names influence us? ›

The Power of Perception

A name that sounds prestigious may lead us to expect success and competence, while a name with negative associations can lead to bias and prejudice. This psychological phenomenon demonstrates how names can shape our perceptions of others and influence our interactions.

What is names determine destiny? ›

Nominative determinism, literally "name-driven outcome", is the hypothesis that people tend to gravitate towards areas of work which reflect their names. The name fits because people, possibly subconsciously, made themselves fit.

How does my name impact my identity? ›

Our names are an incredibly important part of our identity. They carry deep personal, cultural, familial, and historical connections. They also give us a sense of who we are, the communities in which we belong, and our place in the world.

How much does your name influence your life? ›

New research suggests that the initial letter of your first name might influence your life choices. From career paths to residential preferences, individuals are slightly inclined towards cities and professions that align with the starting letter of their first names. Earlier studies had hinted at this phenomenon.

What impact does your name have on you? ›

Research shows that people hold stereotypes about others based on their names. Names can reveal cultural values and cultural shifts, research suggests. Our names may also influence our personality. Names may also influence important life decisions although this claim is more controversial.

What names have destiny meaning? ›

1-6 of 6. Niyati. Oriel. Destin. Carma.

What determines our destiny? ›

Your destiny is determined by your decisions–the large and small ones that will play a part in your life forever. Take a shortcut today and re-do the whole project tomorrow. Lie today and tell another lie tomorrow to cover, until one day you're either found out, or you lose the trust of those you love and admire.

How do I know who my destiny is? ›

Quest to know your destiny is directing your efforts in the wrong direction. Your habits, character, circ*mstances, efforts, friends and family determine your destiny. You can make it whatever you want it to be. All you have to be is the best version of yourself and it will all take care of itself.

How does a name change affect your life? ›

It can make it easier to register your children for school, open joint bank accounts, and even make travel plans. It can also create a sense of unity and belonging within your family unit. For women who have established careers, changing their name can make it difficult to maintain their professional reputation.

What is the power of using someone's name? ›

A person's name is the greatest connection to their own identity and individuality. Some might say it is the most important word in the world to that person. It is the one way we can easily get someone's attention. It is a sign of courtesy and a way of recognizing them.

In what ways can names be empowering? ›

Names can be empowering when they give us a sense of identity and esteem. Names can be limiting when they classify us among a group that people do not like associating with.

Does your name impact your future? ›

Does our name influence and determine our fate? While we think that this fact may be pure coincidence, recent studies found that our names have the potential to influence our behavior, physical appearance, career path and life choices, popularity, and how others perceive us.

What does my name mean destiny? ›

From the Old French word destinée and a derivative of the Latin destinare—“to determine”—Destiny translates to "one's certain fortune" or "fate." This moniker began its life as a first name in the last half of the 20th century.

Does your name predict your future? ›

Many research studies have fed the belief that names can affect children's futures. A 1948 Harvard study looked at 3,300 graduates and found a connection between their names and their academic performance. Students with more common names were found to have done better in comparison to those with more unique names.

What power does your name have? ›

Not only do the syllables of your name hold a resonance of sound that is powerful to the ear, but also your name has a meaning that defines you. While your surname remarks on heredity, your given name is the stamp of your personal identity. There is a treasure in your name and that treasure is its meaning.

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