How rejection helped him build a multi-billion dollar global fashion empire. (2024)

Ralph Lauren: How rejection helped him build a multi-billion dollar global fashion empire.

It is amazing how many entrepreneurs succeeded after their ideas were rejected by others. Henry Ford, Sam Walton and Ralph Lauren are but a few examples.

Ralph Lauren was born Ralph Lifsh*tz in the Bronx, New York on October 14th, 1939. In his youth Ralph's dream was to play professional basketball, but at 5' 6" (1.68 m) it seemed unlikely. The family business was house painting, but Ralph had different dreams.

Ralph found his real passion was designing clothing, and he changed his name from Lifsh*tz to Lauren, thinking Lauren was more stylish.

How rejection helped him build a multi-billion dollar global fashion empire. (1)
Ralph Loren

Ralph worked for a tie company and the man who ran the company didn't like Ralph's tie designs. He sarcastically told Ralph, "No-the world is not ready for Ralph Lauren," and refused to market the ties.

Ralph was so hurt by his sarcasm that he quit to go out on his own. This was risky, for Ralph was just 26 years old and it was frightening to have no job and no income.

Ralph had little money and he started his company in a tiny space, little more than a mail drawer in the Empire State Building. Each day he would collect rags, "make them into ties" and then take those ties into stores to sell.

He quickly felt the sting of rejection, but he didn't quit and in small numbers, those ties began to sell, giving Ralph an income. Sales continued to grow and against long odds Ralph had begun to build his own company.

The journey had begun that would lead to the multi-billion dollar global fashion empire that is Ralph Lauren today. Yet without his employer's sarcasm for his ties, and Ralph quitting to start his own business, none of this success could ever have happened.

Success Tip of the Week: If you have a great idea, like Ralph, have the courage to pursue it. Don't let a lack of money, or the criticism by others, stop you from achieving something great. Be bold and make your idea a reality.

Editor's Note:The primary source for this story was an in depth 2002 interview Oprah conducted with Ralph To see a 41 minute interview Oprah conducted in 2011 with Ralph and his family

The idea and assistance for this story came from my friend Kristin Taliaferro, who publishes a wonderful free inspirational daily quote

In the next KazanToday: The story of a woman who became one of Hollywood's most powerful people



Thanks for posting this wonderful reminder that rejection can be a wake-up call, a stepping stone. . As Ralph Lauren found out, when we think we're being rejected from something good, we're actually being redirected to something better.

Tom Brown

How rejection helped him build a multi-billion dollar global fashion empire. (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.