How to Apply | Paris Art Program | School of Art & Art History | College of The Arts | University of South Florida (2024)

Application deadline: January 31, 2024

Please read the information on this page carefully.

Applications are processed as they are received, and students who are accepted into the program will have a place reserved for them in the program until the enrollment limit is reached. Applying is free and does not obligate the applicant to enroll, so do not hesitate to file the application even if you are not sure whether you will enroll.

We will accept students on a rolling admission basis until the program becomes full. If you are accepted, you will have the option to "commit to" or "withdraw from" the program in your application portal. Financial liability is not enforced until you choose to "commit."

Eligibility Requirements

  • Sophom*ore, Junior, Senior or Graduate student status. Student must have completed a minimum of two full-time semesters at the university level by June 1, 2024.
  • Non-degree seeking, and non-USF students are welcome to apply.
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0 in your major and an overall GPA of 2.75.
  • Minimum course prerequisites as listed in the course description or their course equivalents or equivalent background. Prerequisites may be waived on a case-by-case basis.

Note: USF School of Art & Art History graduate students are assured acceptance into the program but must still file an application.

Application Instructions

The application to the Paris program is filed online through the USF Education Abroad Office. Their site will guide you through the various steps toward completion of the application.

If you are not a USF student, please contact the program director,Erika Greenberg-Schneider at for further information and instructions on how to apply.


  • University of South Florida students are not required to submit a transcript since academic advising will supply your transcript to us.
  • Students at other schools are responsible for sending a current transcript directly to the program director, Erika Greenberg-Schneider at Either an official or unofficial transcript is acceptable.

After filing your application, you will receive a message from the program director with further information about completing the application and the next steps toward enrollment.

Any questions about the application process or problems encountered in filing it should be directed to either the program directorErika Greenberg-Schneider at or to USF Education Abroad liaison Joseph Kenny (

How to Apply | Paris Art Program | School of Art & Art History | College of The Arts | University of South Florida (2024)
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