How To Approach A New Wholesale Vendor Or Supplier When You Have No Store, No Site And No Sales (2024)

In this post, you will learn how to approach a new wholesale vendor or supplier whether you’re dropshipping, selling wholesale, or private label.

Picture this scenario…

You’ve put together a list of potential vendors that you want to work with either from a tradeshow or from a manufacturer’s distributor list.

You’ve never purchased in bulk before. You don’t have a website or a domain and you are extremely apprehensive about contacting your vendors for the very first time.

So what do you do? You stall…

A voice inside your head tells you…Maybe I should put up a website first. Maybe I should start a corporation or an LLC. Maybe I need business cards:)

But in reality, you should be figuring out what you want to sell and nailing down your product sourcing strategy as soon as you can.

Recently, I received this email from one of my readers who was a bit apprehensive about contacting their first vendor.

Just want to say thanks for the extensive information you provide on your site. I have found it quite valuable and encouraging.

I’m just starting out with my new venture and was hoping you could help? I have decided on the kind of product I would like to work with but I’ve come to a grinding halt at the thought of contacting my supplier. The kind of things that run through my mind are:

1. How do I approach my supplier e.g. what kind opening letter/email should I write?
2. Should I have decided on a company name and have my website up and running before I make contact with my supplier?
3. How do I deal with the question – How long have you been in business for?

So, I was hoping you could shed some light on the above and whether you have any samples of letters/emails you may have used in the begging when first making contact with your potential new supplier?

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Table of Contents

Choose A Sourcing Strategy First

First off, the way you approach your vendor will depend on your sourcing strategy.

Do you want to dropship?
Do you want to buy wholesale?
Do you want to private label your own products from Asia?

All of these models require a slightly different game plan.

If you haven’t chosen your ecommerce business model yet or if you are not 100% sure which product sourcing strategy to go with, read this post first where I outline and compare 8 different ecommerce business models.

Bottom line, approaching a vendor for dropshipping is a lot different than buying wholesale and carrying your own inventory.

Similarly, importing goods from overseas and dealing with Asian vendors requires a different strategy as well.

But don’t worry. I’ll break them all down for you in this post.

Editor’s Note: If you are interested in learning how to start your own online store, click here to take my FREE 6 day mini course on ecommerce.

How To Approach Wholesalers In The United States Or In Your Own Country

How To Approach A New Wholesale Vendor Or Supplier When You Have No Store, No Site And No Sales (1)
When it comes to sourcing products for your online store, buying your goods wholesale in your own country is by far the easiest way to go.

There are very few requirements and most vendors will be willing to work with you no matter what level you are at.

In the United States for example, all you need is a sellers permit or business license and you’re good to go. You don’t need a website. You don’t need to have a corporation or an LLC.

You can simply call or email the wholesaler, tell them that you’d like to carry their goods, and ask them how to make a purchase.

If you’re in the US, they’ll probably ask you for your sellers permit for tax purposes and tell you their minimum order requirements. That’s it!

Note: Some vendors won’t even ask you for your sellers permit! But having one allows you to purchase your supplies tax free. It also demonstrates to your vendor that you actually have or are trying to start a real business.

In addition, it’s required by law to have a sellers permit BEFORE you start selling online because you need to pay sales tax in your state.

In my experience, most wholesale vendors in the United States have very reasonable purchase minimums on the order of hundreds of dollars so your upfront costs won’t be too bad. (The minimum order requirements will vary from vendor to vendor).

Overall, going the wholesale route is super easy.

Because you are buying the product outright, the vendor generally won’t care whether you are an established business or not because they get paid no matter what.

Once you’ve established a track record of consistent orders, you can ask for “net 30” payment terms. “Net 30” is a form of trade credit which allows you to pay for your goods up to 30 days later to help with your cash flow.

How To Approach Vendors For Dropshipping

How To Approach A New Wholesale Vendor Or Supplier When You Have No Store, No Site And No Sales (2)
While buying products wholesale is super simple, getting a vendor to dropship for you is a different beast.


It’s because when you buy wholesale, the transaction is simple. You pay the vendor and the vendor sends you the goods.

But when it comes to dropshipping, you are essentially asking for a partnership.

Instead of buying products in bulk, your vendor will be fulfilling every order that you send them “individually”.

In addition, you will have to work with them closely to make sure that the packaging and inserts display your brand as opposed to theirs.

In short, the commitment that a dropship vendor must make is much larger than a simple wholesale arrangement.

Dropship Vendor Requirements

As a result, you need to be fully prepared BEFORE contacting a dropship vendor because you must come across as a legit business.

Not only do you need to have your sellers permit ready to go but I would also put up a professional looking website ahead of time.

But wait Steve. How can I put up a website before I have anything to sell?

Just because you have a website doesn’t mean that it has to accept transactions. Just because you have a website doesn’t mean that it needs to be fully functional.

If I were approaching a dropship vendor, I would put up a quick and dirty website using Shopify or Open Cart using stock product images and make it look like a real live shop.

Remember. You are asking your dropship vendor to become a partner. And they will not want to partner with you unless you can prove to them that you have a plan to drive sales.

Now is putting up a website explicitly necessary? No.

But having a great looking website will go a long way in convincing a vendor that you are worthy of their time. The choice is yours.

Evaluating Your Dropship Vendor

Once you’ve shown your dropship vendor that you mean business, you need to perform your own due diligence as well.

Here are some questions to ask.

  • Is there a dropship fee? – Often times dropship vendors will charge a per order fee for fulfillment.
  • How long does it take to ship product once an order has been placed? – Customer service is always a major concern when dropshipping
  • How are orders placed? (Phone, fax, email, API)
  • Do they support EDI? – EDI is way to get real time inventory data from your vendor so you don’t sell goods that are out of stock.
  • How are orders tracked? – Will they send shipping and tracking information to the customer?
  • Can you place my company name and logo on the package? – It’s important to use your brand on the packaging

Note: If you are looking for a good place to find dropship vendors, Worldwide Brands can save you time by sorting and categorizing a large database of vendors for you.

How To Approach Vendors From China And Overseas Countries

How To Approach A New Wholesale Vendor Or Supplier When You Have No Store, No Site And No Sales (3)
If you want to sell private label products online or if you want to sell your own branded products, the best way to proceed is to have your goods manufactured overseas.

Now this is not as intimidating as it sounds. But dealing with Chinese vendors is a LOT different than dealing with vendors in the United States.

First off, they don’t care the slightest bit about permits or certificates.

You don’t need to have a sellers permit.
You don’t need to have a corporation or an LLC.
You don’t need to have a website or anything at all!

The only thing that an Asian vendor cares about is whether you can purchase a product in volume and on a consistent basis.

As a result, you need to come across as someone who has purchasing power when you first contact them.

Here are a few rules of engagement that I always employ.

  • Never contact them as the boss or owner. Instead pretend that you are a buyer or a subordinate for your company
  • Never tell them that you don’t know what you are doing. Instead, project confidence in your emails and your correspondence. Do not ask stupid questions that could easily be looked up with a simple Google Search.
  • Never tell them that you are just getting started. If they ask for your website and you don’t have one, tell them you primarily sell your goods in retail stores or mall kiosks.
  • Never show them an incomplete website. There’s no real point in showing off your website if it’s not ready. If you tell your vendor about your website and it’s empty or incomplete, then they will not take you seriously.

Confidence is the key.

You have to be decisive, know what you want and convey to the vendor that you would like to feature their products for your business.

If they think you are just a newbie, they will not reply to you or give you the time of day. In some cases, they may even give you inflated prices so you’ll just go away.

Ask About Minimum Order Quantities

Assuming your vendor carries items you want to sell, I usually try to address the minimum purchase or minimum order quantity question first.

Before you initiate contact, you should have an idea of how much you are willing to buy and how often. While this is a difficult question to answer if you don’t have any customers, the reality is that you need to make an educated guess and not be wishy washy about it.

Make sure you get this out of the way first.

One time my wife and I spent a few hours talking to a vendor only to discover at the end that their minimum purchase was 50k worth of merchandise which was well beyond our means.

There are different vendors and distributors that deal with different classes of customers. Make sure that you are dealing with the right one that fits your business.

Usually I’ll bring up the minimum order quantity question in a very subtle manner.

For example, I might ask…

Please give me a quote for this product in 500, 1,000, 5,000 and 10,000 unit quantities.

If the vendor is way beyond your league, they’ll tell you. But if the vendor is within this range, you won’t come across as a newbie for asking the question.

Once you’ve determined that your purchasing power is a match, you should always ask for samples to evaluate product quality.

If the samples check out, here are some other questions we ask.

  • What are the lead times for manufacture? – Typical lead times will usually be on the order of months
  • What are your payment terms? – How much payment is required up front. Usually you will have to put 30% down and pay the remaining upon completion
  • How long have you been in business? – You generally don’t want to work with brand new factories
  • How large is your facility? – Sometimes I’ll ask for a Skype tour of the factory floor
  • What other related products do you manufacture? – If they sell a bunch of disparate items, that’s generally a bad sign that they are not really a factory.
  • Who are some of your existing customers in the US? – I prefer vendors who are used to working with western countries.

Different Vendors Cater To Different Business Sizes

How To Approach A New Wholesale Vendor Or Supplier When You Have No Store, No Site And No Sales (4)
If you are having problems finding a Chinese vendor that matches your minimum order requirements, don’t get discouraged. Every successful business has to start from somewhere.

The important thing to realize is that there are a wide variety of vendors who cater to different classes of customers. And it’s essential to figure out if you and your vendor are a good match up front so that you don’t waste any time.

For example for our wedding linens store, we are still considered a small fry when it comes to our purchasing volume so it wouldn’t make sense for us to contact a large linen manufacturer directly.

When I contact a vendor for the first time, I always start with email and transition over to Skype or WeChat. If possible, I try to arrange a face to face meeting by actually travelling to China. (This is recommended but not required)

When I send email, I don’t use a standard form letter or template because I purposely write my correspondence in a more personal tone.

Remember, you are dealing with real people here and you are trying to develop a relationship. I try to treat all of my vendors like I would treat an old friend or coworker.

How To Get A Vendor To Give You The Time Of Day

How To Approach A New Wholesale Vendor Or Supplier When You Have No Store, No Site And No Sales (5)

In the beginning, my wife and I had a lot of problems contacting vendors because we didn’t understand their needs.

And in order to be successful, you have to put yourself in their shoes.

If you are dealing with a wholesale vendor or distributor, their primary need is to get paid for their products. There is very little upfront commitment.

If you dealing with a dropshipper, their primary need is to work with a store that can drive consistent sales. There’s a much larger upfront commitment to set up and maintain a dropshipping account and the hassle of shipping individual orders must be worth their time.

If you are dealing with a Chinese vendor, they have limited factory capacity so they need to work with someone who can provide consistent sales at higher volumes.

Before you approach any supplier, make sure you have a strategy in place that caters to their needs and your own.

And don’t forget that your vendors are trying to make a profit as well. The best arrangements are ones where you and your vendor can both make money and share a mutual interest.

When we first started out, we used to try and extract the lowest possible price out of our vendors.

But what we found was that this tactic generally pissed them off. Once we started getting a little more creative with our deals, our relationships with our vendors became much better.

For example, instead of trying to negotiate an absolute price up front, we agreed on a pricing structure based on volume of sales.

Put Yourself In Your Supplier’s Shoes

How To Approach A New Wholesale Vendor Or Supplier When You Have No Store, No Site And No Sales (6)

The first thing that I always tell my students when sourcing product is to put yourself in the shoes of a vendor or distributor. In the grand scheme of things, vendors are just like online shop owners in that they want to make money by selling products.

The only difference is they need to move product in much higher volumes.

As an online store owner that caters to the general consumer, it’s fine for you to sell items individually. But a distributor typically needs to move product in much greater bulk because they have higher overhead and inventory storage costs to deal with.

That is why distributors need to pick their clients extremely carefully. Every store that they work with requires a certain level of time commitment.

So it is in their best interests to only work with stores that can consistently bring in revenue and have the best chance of becoming a long term customer.

Distributors come in all shapes and sizes and in order to be successful, you have to find the right vendor that is willing to sell you the right quantity of product.

And the first impression you give to your vendor can make all the difference.

Here are some common mistakes that I see new entrepreneurs make when contacting vendors for the first time.

Mistake #1: You Lack Confidence And Come Across As A Noob

How To Approach A New Wholesale Vendor Or Supplier When You Have No Store, No Site And No Sales (7)

Remember how I told you that well established vendors tend to pick their clients very carefully? In order to get their attention, you sometimes have to act larger and more confident than you really are.

And to illustrate my point, I would like to show you a letter a reader wrote to their very first vendor/dropshipper.

My name is Vivian and I’m a brand new entrepreneur so please forgive my ignorance. I would like to start an online business selling baby products. Could you send me a price list for your products and describe your dropship fulfillment process? Here are some of my questions…

Can I just send you an order by email and you’ll ship it to my customer?
Is my contact info on the packaging slip?
Can you provide an order summary to confirm the order?
Do you tack on a dropship fee?
Do you provide a discount once I start selling in higher quantities?
Is there a restocking fee and how are returns handled?
How long do I have to return a potential order?
Does a customer contact me or you directly when they want to make a return?
Do I get charged immediately for an order or do I pay later after a set period?
How long does it take for orders to be processed/shipped?
Do you ship via DHL, FEDEX, UPS, and USPS and do you provide tracking numbers?
Do you ship internationally and how do you deal with shipping exceptions where the merchandise is returned to sender?
Do you provide order and shipment confirmations and tracking numbers?

Sorry for all the questions. Thanks in advance.

Not surprisingly, this email received no response. Can you spot the problems? First of all, you should never ever say that you are a “new entrepreneur”.

Think about it this way. If you were a wholesaler, would you want to waste time with someone who has no clue what they were doing? Absolutely not. When you deal with a new vendor, you have to go in with confidence.

Tell them exactly what you are looking for, do your research before hand and don’t ask stupid questions. You don’t have to come across as co*cky but you should behave as though you’ve done this before. The key is to be specific, succinct and confident.

Mistake #2: You Talk Too Much In Your First Email

How To Approach A New Wholesale Vendor Or Supplier When You Have No Store, No Site And No Sales (8)

To a certain extent, your initial contact with a vendor is like going on a first date. You don’t want to overwhelm them with questions or seem too desperate or eager.

You simply want to get a feel for the vendor and see if they carry what you want to sell. Most distributors are busy so you should be respectful of their time.

In the sample email posted above, this reader asked way too many extraneous questions right off the bat. While the logistics of how business is conducted is important, the key to the initial interaction is simply finding out whether they’ve got what you need.

Here are the typical things I ask for in my first email.

  • Information about specific products
  • Minimum order quantity
  • Pricing
  • Shipping and lead times
  • Do they offer samples?

Once I’ve gotten an initial response from the vendor, I then start to ask some of the more logistical related questions if I feel they are a potential fit.

Mistake #3: You Have No Clue What You Are Looking For

How To Approach A New Wholesale Vendor Or Supplier When You Have No Store, No Site And No Sales (9)

The more vague you are, the less likely you’ll get a response. In the email above, Vivian mentioned that she was interested in some “baby products” but she was not specific at all.

If I were the vendor, this would be an immediate red flag. What is she looking for exactly? Is she on a fishing expedition to find out everything that we carry? Is she really serious about carrying my products? Does she really know what she wants?

When contacting a vendor for the first time, it helps to clearly specify exactly what you are looking for. By being specific, it demonstrates to the vendor that you did your homework, you know what you want and that you are serious about carrying their products.

On the other hand, if you are vague and/or wishy washy, you will not be considered a serious prospect and your email may go unnoticed.

Sample Script

Here’s a very sample script that I like to use when contacting a vendor for the first time

Hi “Vendor Name”,

My name is “Name” and I’m a purchasing agent for “Your Company”, a store in “Your Country” that sells “the products you want to carry”. We are interested in carrying many of the items that you have to offer.

Specifically, I would like to get pricing and availability for the following items

“list the items…provide photos if you have them”

“list the items…provide photos if you have them”

If you could send us more info as well as your product catalogs, lead times for manufacturing, and MOQ we would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,
“Your Name”

Remember That Vendors Are Just Regular People

If you feel intimidated by the thought of contacting your vendors, you need to remember that they are just people running a business just like you.

It all boils down to establishing a good business relationship and finding the right fit. If a vendor is rude or doesn’t give you the time of day, then they are not the right fit for your small business.

If you outright lie about the size of your business to get your foot in the door, the truth will come out eventually when you can’t afford the minimum buy. I can guarantee that once you find the right vendor, you will not feel intimidated at all.

As part of running our online store, we get requests from businesses all of the time that want to carry or purchase our items wholesale or in bulk.

And the bottom line is that I’d much rather work with someone who is upfront and straightforward. You are trying to build a business relationship here, not just buy products.

You need to know that you can depend on your vendor to deliver and they need to know that you will pay on time. The rest will work itself out.

With that in mind, don’t waste time reaching out to anyone until you have a plan in place because first impressions matter. If you screw up the initial contact, you’ve likely lost your chance forever…which brings me to my last point…

Start Off By Practicing On Some Vendors You Don’t Care About

As you go down your list of vendors, you need to realize that the majority of these vendors are not going to be working with you for some reason or another.

And before you start contacting them, you need to prioritize your list. Which vendors do you absolutely want to land? Which ones do you care less about?

Especially if this is your first time sourcing product, you should do some practice runs on vendors that you don’t really care about until you have refined your pitch.

I remember sounding like a bumbling idiot the first time I contacted one of our Asian vendors and that was over email! I had no idea what the proper procedure was nor did I even know how to make a payment overseas.

I was also unfamiliar with the terminology when it came to shipping and importing goods from abroad.

In any case, it took me a few iterations and a few lost vendors before I fully understood the lingo. And my ignorance drove away a few key vendors early on that I really wanted to work with. Don’t make that same mistake!

photo credit: handshake Playbook Page DLIFLC 75th Anniversary Sports Competition studio I’m the tallest

How To Approach A New Wholesale Vendor Or Supplier When You Have No Store, No Site And No Sales (10)

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  • How To Approach A New Wholesale Vendor Or Supplier When You Have No Store, No Site And No Sales
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  • Why Buying Wholesale Can Be Misleading

About Steve Chou

How To Approach A New Wholesale Vendor Or Supplier When You Have No Store, No Site And No Sales (11)

Steve Chou is a highly recognized influencer in the ecommerce space and has taught thousands of students how to effectively sell physical products online over

His blog,, has been featured in Forbes, Inc, The New York Times, Entrepreneur and MSNBC.

He's also a contributing author for BigCommerce, Klaviyo, ManyChat, Printful, Privy, CXL, Ecommerce Fuel, GlockApps, Privy, Social Media Examiner, Web Designer Depot, Sumo and other leading businesspublications.

In addition, he runs a popular ecommerce podcast, My Wife Quit Her Job, which is a top 25 marketing show on all of Apple Podcasts.

To stay up to date with all of thelatest ecommerce trends, Steve runs a 7 figure ecommerce store,, with his wife and puts on an annual ecommerce conference called The Sellers Summit.

Steve carries both a bachelors and a masters degree in electrical engineering fromStanford University. Despite majoring in electrical engineering, he spent a good portion of his graduate education studyingentrepreneurshipand the mechanics ofrunning small businesses.

How To Approach A New Wholesale Vendor Or Supplier When You Have No Store, No Site And No Sales (2024)


How can I buy wholesale prices without a business? ›

6. How to Buy Wholesale Without a Business
  1. You have the option of purchasing as a reseller without having a Sales ID or EIN.
  2. The second option is to buy as a reseller with a Sales ID or EIN without having your business registered.
  3. The third and final option is to buy in bulk as a consumer, i.e., a third party.
Jan 11, 2022

How do I reach out to a potential vendor? ›

Talking to vendors in the right way can change the quality of that relationship, so keep the following in mind.
  1. Be informed. ...
  2. Straight talk. ...
  3. Ask questions. ...
  4. Give your vendor time to answer. ...
  5. Broach the money subject. ...
  6. Set clear expectations. ...
  7. Address issues. ...
  8. Don't ask for the impossible.
Oct 30, 2018

How do you approach a company to become a supplier? ›

How To Become A Supplier For Big Companies
  1. Step 1: The Company Defines A Need For A Product Or Service. ...
  2. Step 2: Supplier Discovery Leads To A Shortlist. ...
  3. Step 3: Suppliers Provide More Information. ...
  4. Step 4: Advanced Supplier Review. ...
  5. Step 5: Acceptance As A Viable Partner.
Mar 15, 2022

How do I find wholesale vendors? ›

Other options for finding wholesale suppliers include:
  1. Going to an industry trade show and connecting with wholesale suppliers in person.
  2. Joining social media groups for your niche and talking shop with other merchants.
  3. Joining trade organizations for your product to see if any names come up.
Nov 21, 2022

Can you wholesale without a contract? ›

Our short answer is “No”. California does not require wholesalers to become licensed. That's because wholesalers do not sell real estate. They only sell a purchase contract to a buyer who enforces the contract so the property seller transfers the title to the new buyer.

How do I ask a company for wholesale? ›

You don't need to have a corporation or an LLC. You can simply call or email the wholesaler, tell them that you'd like to carry their goods, and ask them how to make a purchase. If you're in the US, they'll probably ask you for your sellers permit for tax purposes and tell you their minimum order requirements.

Can anyone order from a wholesaler? ›

In other words, you don't need a large or established business to purchase from a wholesaler. Most wholesalers will have a minimum order requirement set before you can do business.

Can you buy straight from wholesaler? ›

Wholesale suppliers sell goods to businesses for resale to the public. In the U.S., there are more than 300,000 wholesale suppliers, and there are many more worldwide. To buy from a wholesale company, you'll need a reseller's permit, which allows you to buy from the wholesale company without paying sales tax.

How do I find new suppliers? ›

6 Ways to Find the Best Suppliers
  1. Check their certifications. ...
  2. Align manufacturing and shipping locations to your organization's needs. ...
  3. Look for expertise in your product type and target market. ...
  4. Find out if they can make enough of what you need. ...
  5. Evaluate the geopolitical climate.
Jun 18, 2019

What questions should I ask a new vendor? ›

9 Questions to Ask Any Vendor at Your Next Trade Show
  • How long have you been in business? ...
  • What makes you different from your competitors? ...
  • What makes you different from your competitors? ...
  • What are your support hours? ...
  • What are your support hours? ...
  • What other products do you offer? ...
  • What other products do you offer?

How do you start a conversation with a supplier? ›

Here are 5 tips for improving communication with your suppliers and reaping the results.
  1. Set Clear Expectations for Reporting and Supplier Communication. ...
  2. Know Your Parts. ...
  3. Establish Clear Measurement Requirements. ...
  4. Be Respectful of Their Time. ...
  5. Be Quick, But Don't Hurry.

How to become distributor without investment? ›

How do I become a distributor without money? One of the best ways to become a distributor without an investment is through a direct sales company. Direct sales companies recruit sales representatives to sell products or services through party plans, at flea markets or directly to businesses.

Can I buy directly from manufacturers? ›

Depending on the business and type of products, most of the manufacturers won't sell products in small quantities. So, it won't be possible for an individual consumer to buy directly from the manufacturer. In that case, you should go to the distributor (who purchases products in bulk) to buy the product you need.

How do I find wholesale properties near me? ›

Another way to find properties to wholesale is to search real estate websites for on-market and off-market property listings to find ones that fit your wholesale criteria.
2. Pull Lists
  1. HouseCashin Wholesale Property Marketplace.
  2. Zillow.
  3. Redfin.
  4. Trulia.
Jun 14, 2021

Can wholesalers sell to public? ›

As a wholesaler, you can sell to both consumers and other retailers. You don't have to choose one or the other. The first examples of wholesale businesses that might come to mind are probably large brick-and-mortar department stores, like Walmart or Target.

Can wholesalers sell directly to customer? ›

Wholesalers sell products in bulk to retailers, who are selling products to clients. This means that wholesalers don't directly sell to customers. On the other hand, DTC businesses sell their products directly to customers. There's no middleman involved.

Can you buy wholesale without reselling it? ›

To put it another way, if you buy wholesale without a license and resell the products individually, you'll be breaking the law in the US. It's worth noting that wholesale licenses are often referred to as a reseller's license, a reseller's permit, a reseller's certificate, or a sales tax permit.

How do I ask a free sample from a supplier? ›

To order samples you will need to shortlist the suppliers you are interested in. Send the brief to each supplier detailing the product samples you need: quantity, specifications, features, colour, sizing. Depending on your arrangement with the suppliers – you then pay for samples.

What is the minimum order for wholesale? ›

Most wholesalers set their MOQ terms – say $100, $500 or $1000 – in order to preserve their cash flow and peace of mind. Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) simply means the minimum amount your retailer has to spend per order to be able to stock your products at their store.

Who sells products directly to the? ›

The correct answer is Retailers. A supply chain typically features various middlemen between the manufacturer and the consumer. The most common in the supply chain are distributors, wholesalers, and retailers.

Can a wholesaler refuse to sell to a retailer? ›

Guide to Antitrust Laws

A firm's refusal to deal with any other person or company is lawful so long as the refusal is not the product of an anticompetitive agreement with other firms or part of a predatory or exclusionary strategy to acquire or maintain a monopoly.

What are the 3 types of wholesalers? ›


The three categories used in the Census of Wholesale Trade are: 1) merchant wholesalers; 2) agents, brokers, and commission merchants; and manufacturers' sales branches and offices.

Who are the top wholesalers in USA? ›

Top 10 Wholesale Suppliers in the USA: In A Nutshell (2023)
  • Costco. 4.6/5.
  • Doba. 4.5/5.
  • Bwanaz. 4.3/5.
  • Kole Imports. 4.1/5.
  • DollarDays. 4/5.
  • Wholesale Central. 4.5/5.
  • Alanic Clothing. 4.2/5.
  • Michaels. 4.1/5.
Dec 28, 2022

Can individuals buy wholesale? ›

Let's clear something up: you don't actually need a wholesale license to buy from a wholesaler. This is why the end customer can buy from merchant wholesalers. Without the right license, you pay sales tax on goods from a wholesaler.

Can public buy from wholesale? ›

In other words, you don't need a large or established business to purchase from a wholesaler. Most wholesalers will have a minimum order requirement set before you can do business.

Can you buy directly from wholesalers? ›

Wholesale suppliers sell goods to businesses for resale to the public. In the U.S., there are more than 300,000 wholesale suppliers, and there are many more worldwide. To buy from a wholesale company, you'll need a reseller's permit, which allows you to buy from the wholesale company without paying sales tax.

Can a small business buy wholesale? ›

As a small business owner, you buy bulk quantities at discounted “wholesale” rates. Then you sell those goods at retail market prices. The lower the wholesale rate (and the higher your markup), the more profit you can make.

Do you have to have money to start wholesaling? ›

Do you need a license to do wholesale real estate? If you are about to start wholesaling, you don't need any cash in your pockets. You simply sign a contract without the intention of actually buying the property. The goal is to assign the contract to a buyer before the closing process.

Can I start wholesale without any experience? ›

You don't need to be an expert, but you need to pay attention, follow through, and execute the steps below. Depending on how much time and effort you can put into wholesaling, you could quite possibly replace your current income/job and become a full-time wholesaler if you choose to.

What is the best place to buy wholesale? ›

10 Best Wholesale Online Shopping Websites for Product Sourcing
  • Alibaba. Alibaba is one of the largest wholesale online shopping websites in the world. ...
  • Global Sources. ...
  • Alanic Clothing. ...
  • DHgate. ...
  • Super Delivery. ...
  • HKTDC. ...
  • Eindiawholesale. ...
  • Made-in-China.

What do I need to buy wholesale items? ›

In order to buy items wholesale, you will need to obtain a wholesale license. Depending on the state where you business is located, it could also be called a seller's permit, a resale ID, wholesale ID, retail ID or a reseller's license.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.