How to Ask for Donations: Your Top Questions Answered (2024)

Table of Contents
Who should you ask for donations? Asking Friends, Family Members, and Peers for Donations Asking Businesses and Companies for Donations Asking Foundations and the Government for Donations What kind of donations should you ask for? Monetary Donations In-Kind Donations Volunteer Time How should you ask for donations? How to Ask for Donations with Crowdfunding What is It? Why Does it Work? Tips How to Ask for Donations with Paid Ads What is It? Why Does it Work? Tips How to Ask for Pledge Donations What is It? Why Does it Work? Tips How to Ask for Donations with Letters What Are They? Why Do They Work? Tips How to Ask for Donations in Person What Is It? Why Does It Work? Tips How to Ask for Donations Over Email What Is It? Why Does It Work? Tips How to Ask for Donations on the Phone What Is It? Why Does It Work? Tips How to Ask for Donations On Social Media What Is It? Why Does It Work? Tips How to ask for donations for your nonprofit Education-Based Organizations Faith-Based Organizations Human Services Organizations When should you ask for donations? Cause Months #GivingTuesday Fundraising Events End of Year Best Practices and Tips for Asking for Donations Tips for Individuals Tips for Nonprofits Example donation request for nonprofits Example donation request for individuals How should you thank supporters? The Importance of Acknowledgements How to Thank Supporters Tools to Help You Ask for Donations Crowdfunding Software Peer-to-Peer Technology Nonprofit CRM Software Additional Resources Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Crowdfunding Fundraising Letters Crowdfunding Resources Fundraising Types: Latest Posts

How to Ask for Donations: Your Top Questions Answered (1)

  • Who should you ask for donations?
  • What kinds of donations should you ask for?
  • How should you ask for donations?
  • How to ask for donations for your nonprofit
  • When should you ask for donations?
  • Best practices and tips for asking for donations
  • How should you thank your donors?
  • Tools to help you ask for donations

Making fundraising asks can be intimidating. You’ve likely got a handful of questions on your mind as you start planning your requests. Whether you’re an individual raising support for a personal cause, a nonprofit hoping to fund a new program or a church in need of more support from your congregation, it’s helpful to know how to make the ask confidently.

In this guide, we’ll answer all of your nail-biting questions, so that you can know how to ask for donations, when to ask for donations, what to ask for, and who to ask from. Let’s dive in!

Who should you ask for donations?

Asking Friends, Family Members, and Peers for Donations


Inherent Trust
Your friends, family members, and coworkers all trust and care for you. Many organizations struggle with fundraising, because they don’t haveany common ground with their donors. When you ask for donations from your friends and family members, you won’t have that problem!

Instant Access
You likely live in the same area as most of your friends and family members. You might see some of them every day! It’s easy to ask for donations from people that are close to you. Even if your peers don’t live in the immediate vicinity, you can likely get in touch with them quickly and easily.

Shared Values
You and your friends and family members might not agree oneverything, but when it comes to raising money for a noble cause, worthwhile project, or meaningful event, you’re all probably on the same page. These shared values makes it easy to ask for donations from your peers.

Best Practices

  • Be Sincere and Truthful

    This should go without saying, but you should always be upfront and honest when asking your friends or family members for donations. Let them know what the funds will be going toward and why you’re asking for their help.

  • Be Ready for a "No"

    Not everyone is going to be willing or able to support your fundraising efforts, and that’s okay! Just make sure that you prepare yourself for answers other than “Yes!” when you start asking for donations.

  • Ask the Right People

    If you’re raising money for a potentially controversial cause or project, it would be wise to avoid asking people whose opinions might clash with yours. You don’t want to risk friendships over fundraising!

Learn more about fundraising from friends and family members

Asking Businesses and Companies for Donations


Large Fundraising Potential
Many companies have Corporate Social Responsibility departments, meaning that part of their business is dedicated to improving their community, region, or country. These divisions are in charge of allocating their budget to worth causes – look into their previously supported causes to see if yours is eligible!

Variety of Donations
CSR departments don’t only make financial donations. They also make in-kind donations and arrange for volunteers from their staff. For example, if you’re raising money to improve the technology at a school, a company might be willing to donate their old computers to a lab.

Repeated Contributions
If you’re able to form a relationship with the company, they might become a partner of yours for a long time. It’s especially helpful when you’re able to offer them something in return, like naming rights for a field or building, or advertise their logo on a sign or uniform.

Best Practices

  • Talk to the Right Person

    Like addressing a cover letter, making sure that you have the right person on the phone is important to securing a donation. Someone who has just started, like an intern, isn’t going to be able to answer your questions or make decisions about donations.

  • Know Exactly What You’re Asking For

    Go into your meeting with the person that you’ve found with a detailed case for your needs. If you ask for “support” with no number or object in mind, without a detailed explanation of how that money or those items will support a certain number of students or constituents, your appeal will be much less appealing.

  • Ask the Appropriate Companies

    Look for companies that share your values and goals. You’ll be able to connect more readily with the person you’re meeting with, and you’ll be able to tie your goals with the company’s values as a reason to donate.

Asking Foundations and the Government for Donations


ConsiderableFunding Potential
While most foundations don’t pass out grants to individuals, there are some institutions that make grants for very specific creative or entrepreneurial projects. If you fit the bill, apply, and receive the grant, it’s often for a large sum of money. The same principle goes for governmental funds.

Built-InSpending Guidelines
Most grants made by foundations or the government have strict guidelines for how the money must be spent. While this might seem restrictive, it’s actually a great way to hold yourself accountable if you are eligible and apply for a grant worth a significant amount of money.

Best Practices

  • Do Your Research

    Applying for foundation or government grants requires effort and research. You have to find a grant for individuals that lines up with your particular fundraising need. The most successful fundraisers start their research early and often!

  • Follow All Directions

    If a grant application has very specific instructions,follow them. Failure to follow the guidelines could result in your immediate rejection for the grant application.

What kind of donations should you ask for?

Monetary Donations

Most people think of monetary donations when they think of fundraising. If you’re trying to support a cause, complete a project, or help a loved one, you likely need to raise money to do so.

In-Kind Donations

In-kind donations are contributions of products or services. They can range from donated food for an event to equipment or supplies for a building project. Normally, companies make in-kind donations.

Volunteer Time

You can also ask people to donate their time to your cause, effort, or project. Whether you need help setting up an event, completing a large task, or building a structure, you can ask your community to help!

How should you ask for donations?

How to Ask for Donations with Crowdfunding

What is It?

Crowdfunding is one of the easiest ways for individuals to ask for donations. This fundraising method enables individuals to set up customized and personal fundraising pages and share them with their networks via social media and email.

You’ve likely seen a few crowdfunding campaigns float through your Facebook and Twitter feeds and wondered, “Do those work?”

Yes, they do! Crowdfunding campaigns have successfully helped innumerable people raise money for projects, causes, life events, and charitable efforts.

Why Does it Work?

The power of social sharing fuels crowdfunding success. When someone shares a crowdfunding campaign on social media or via email, they are essentially asking their entire friend list for a donation.

In the past, it may have taken days or even weeks to ask every single person you know for a contribution to your fundraising campaign. But with crowdfunding, the fundraising process takes mere minutes. People can access your fundraising page, learn about your cause, and instantly give to your campaign in seconds.


When starting a crowdfunding campaign, it’s important to keep these three things in mind:

  1. Upload photos and videos: Media helps people connect to your cause or project. When they see what their donations are going toward, they are far more likely to contribute.
  2. Tell your story: Tell donors why they should give to your crowdfunding campaign. Funny or emotional anecdotes can be compelling ways to show donors why your campaign matters and why they should donate.
  3. Post regular updates: Don’t leave your donors behind! Keep them posted on your fundraising progress and acknowledge their previous contributions to show them that you care.

Start Your Free Crowdfunding Campaign Today!

How to Ask for Donations with Paid Ads

What is It?

Paid ads are a valuable marketing asset for individual and organizational causes to stand out in the highly competitive online marketplace. They work by leveraging search engines like Google to target incoming website traffic. As an example, someone might be searching for “animal shelters near me” and, because you’ve decided to build a paid ad campaign around that term, they’d find your website as a top sponsored result on Google.

If you’re a nonprofit organization, you can access online paid advertising for free through theGoogle Ad Grantsprogram! Once your nonprofit is approved by Google, you can spend up to $10,000 per month in ad credits to build campaigns that inspire your audience to support your cause.

Why Does it Work?

Paid advertising is an easy and effective way to ask for donations and spread awareness because it targets online users who are already searching for causes that are similar to yours.

This removes the barrier of asking groups who may not be interested in helping you. Instead, you’ll direct qualified traffic to your organization’s optimized donation page, events page, donation forms, or any other organized web pages that communicate your mission and drive engagement.


Getting started with the Google Ad Grant involves following a few simple steps:

  1. You’ll need to develop an optimized website that thoroughly explains your cause in a user-friendly format and meets Google’srequirements. This includes ensuring your website follows security protocols and has valuable, substantial content.
  2. Create inspiring ads for your most important landing pages such as your donation page or an upcoming event registration page.
  3. Consider partnering with aGoogle Ad Grants managerlike Getting Attention. Agencies like this specialize in the Google Ad Grant and guide nonprofits through every step of the process.

How to Ask for Pledge Donations

What is It?

Pledge campaigns are time-based, intensified donation campaigns designed to earn support in a short time window. They work well to reach a wide range of audiences and gather as many individual donations as possible.

Typically, nonprofits run pledge campaigns in direct response to a crisis. For example, disaster relief, political advocacy, logistical emergencies, or beneficiary crises are common uses for a pledge campaign since they can appeal to emotional support and carry an urgent tone.

Pledge campaigns can be adapted to several other media including TV, radio, and even online campaigns when planned well in advance.

Why Does it Work?

Pledge campaigns work because they take advantage of supporter networks and clear calls to action. They are very simple to put together in response to a major event and can help donors feel like they are making a tangible difference in the lives of beneficiaries in direct need.


To run a pledge fundraising campaign, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Have a clear message.Pledge campaigns work best when you use a clear objective or message to communicate your fundraiser’s needs. Then you can use this message to align your marketing efforts and mobilize your supporters.
  • Choose user-friendly software.You’ll need a software solution that makes it easy for donors to find your campaign and pledge their support. Consider having a “complete my donation now” option after an individual decides to offer an initial pledge with an automated email reminder.
  • Track your pledge campaign data.Set systems in place to keep up with the number of donations you’ve earned so that you can motivate more people to push you toward your goal and acknowledge your supporters.

How to Ask for Donations with Letters

What Are They?

Fundraising letters are a common way to ask for donations from companies or individuals who live farther away.

They are usually 1-2 pages, formal in nature, and detail the exact need that the fundraiser is asking for.

Sending out fundraising letters is a more traditional form of fundraising, but letters can be an effective way to spell out your need and speak directly to the person you’re asking for donations from.

Why Do They Work?

Letters work because they allow you to detail your cause or need and ask for something specific.

Theyalso lend a certain formality to your fundraising ask, a crucial component for asking companies for donations.

Additionally, letters enableyour donors to think about your fundraising ask. They don’t feel put on the spot like they would during an in-person ask, allowing them to give more consideration to your appeal.


When writing fundraising letters, remember these two tips:

1.Don’t be too formal:Yes, a fundraising letter is one of the more serious fundraising methods, but that doesn’t mean that your letter should be indecipherable. Keep the letter professional and accessible.
2.Get to the point:Introduce yourself and your reasons for fundraising, but don’t feel obligated to give your entire backstory. A fundraising letter should be no more than two pages. Don’t waste half of your space on fluff!

Use our Pre-written Donation Request Letters

How to Ask for Donations in Person

What Is It?

In-person fundraising is just like it sounds. You ask for donations while face-to-face with donors.

The asks are usually scheduled during meetings and are the result of planning and stewardship.

When asking for donations in person, you have to be prepared with a proposal and options based on your prospect’s response to the funding request. Be straightforward and transparent.

Why Does It Work?

In-person fundraising, though intimidating, works because it is a personal and direct process.

Asking for a gift in person gives the experience weight, and it tends to be an approach reserved for major gift requests.

For certain situations and with certain donors, a simple email isn’t going to be enough. The donor and their prospective gift warrant the added time and care that come with making an in-person ask.


When asking for donations in person, remember these two tips:

1. Always Be Prepared:Asking for money in person is often a little awkward and intimidating, especially at first. The better you prepare, the more relaxed you’ll be and the more likely it is that you’ll get a yes.
2. Know Your Donor:In-person fundraising gives you the chance to demonstrate how important your cause is and to personalize your request to your prospect, so do your research and know what they need to hear to give.

How to Ask for Donations Over Email

What Is It?

As you may have guessed, fundraising letters are the digital version of fundraising emails.

They are usually semi-customized, sent in bulk, and cover the basics of your fundraiser in a few short paragraphs.

Sending out fundraising emails is a cost-effective and efficient way to ask for donations. While it can be a great tool, be sure to personalize so your donors are treated as individuals rather than an anonymous group.

Why Does It Work?

A fundraising email works because it helps you reach a large audience in an efficient manner.

Emails are also great because you can link directly to your fundraising page, meaning donors can read the email and donate immediately.

Plus, with email software, you can track recipient responses and use the results to improve your approach to messaging over time, learning from what worked and didn’t work in past emails.


When writing fundraising emails, remember these two tips:

1. Customize, customize, customize:While you shouldn’t individually write each email, you should take the time to ensure you’re directly addressing the recipient and including any past info you have (like donation history).
2.Shorter is better:No one likes a long email, so get to the point. Introduce yourself and your fundraiser, ask for a donation, and thank the reader for their time. Use bolding and formatting to highlight key info as well.

Use our Pre-written Fundraising Letters

How to Ask for Donations on the Phone

What Is It?

Asking for donations over the phone is a way to add a personalized touch to your outreach.

Typically, you’ll identify a shortlist of contacts to call, write a script to follow, and then call all your prospects back-to-back.

Calls give you the opportunity to eliminate anyone not interested and connect with those who are. Don’t forget to follow up after any successful call with a reminder and/or a thank you to the donor.

Why Does It Work?

When you ask for a donation over the phone, you can use a script but have flexibility to personalize.

Donors want to be treated like people, not boxes to be checked. Asking over the phone gives donors a good one-on-one experience.

If a donor isn’t interested, you can politely end the call, and if they are interested, you can cater your ask to what you’ve learned from them. It’s a happy medium between emails and in-person meetings.


When making fundraising calls, remember these two tips:

1. Write a script: You should use a relaxed and casual tone, but it’s best to prepare a script in advance to ensure that you hit all your talking points and have something to fall back on if the conversation goes unexpectedly.
2.Listen to the donor:A phone call gives you the rare opportunity to get immediate feedback from your donors. Listen to what they have to save and let it inform your approach to asking for donations going forward.

How to Ask for Donations On Social Media

What Is It?

One of the newest methods of asking for donations is to make requests over social media.

From Twitter to Facebook and even Instagram, there are now plenty of opportunities for you to ask for donations using social media.

Just be sure to follow the requirements of the platform (i.e., link in bio on Instagram), and the more shares and likes you get, the more likely you are to raise the money you are looking to raise.

Why Does It Work?

Social media works for well because it is where most people occupy their down time.

In other words, your donors are most likely to see and interact with you if you’re active on social media.

Use the platforms to your advantage. However, be cautious not to over-post and exhaust your donors, you want a happy medium. If you strike the right chord, you’re sure to increase giving.


When posting on social media, remember these two tips:

1. Incorporate Images:People like pictures, so be sure to include them. You want accurate, engaging, high-quality images to post alongside your request for donations to help engage with your social media followers.
2.Map Out a Schedule:To avoid over and under posting, plan out a schedule in advance. There are even services you can use to schedule your social media posts ahead of time. Aim for frequent but diverse posts across platforms.

Use our Pre-written Social Media Templates

How to ask for donations for your nonprofit

Education-Based Organizations

How to Ask for Donations: Your Top Questions Answered (4)

  • Types of Donations to Ask for

    Scholarships, awards, endowments, in-kind gifts, equipment, real estate, in memoriam, legacy gifts

  • Who to Ask for Donations

    Students, alumni, parents, teachers, fans, local businesses, corporations, foundations

  • Ideas to Ask for Donations

    Check out this list of fundraising ideas for schools.

Faith-Based Organizations

How to Ask for Donations: Your Top Questions Answered (5)

  • Types of Donations to Ask for

    Cash, in-kind gifts, volunteer services, equipment, travel vouchers, land, memorial gifts, legacies, securities

  • Who to Ask for Donations

    Congregations, members, supporters, staff, local businesses, foundations, community groups

  • Ideas to Ask for Donations

    Check out this list of fundraising ideas for church and religious organizations.

Human Services Organizations

How to Ask for Donations: Your Top Questions Answered (6)

  • Types of Donations to Ask for

    Payroll deduction, cash, in-kind gifts, major gifts, planned gifts, grants, endowments, real estate, stocks & securities

  • Who to Ask for Donations

    Individuals, volunteers, supporters, service recipients, professionals, staff, local businesses, community groups, corporations

When should you ask for donations?

Cause Months

You might have heard that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Well, did you know that means that October is a cause month?

In other words, some of the most common fundraising causes will often have set periods of time dedicated to raising money and awareness.

If your cause aligns with a cause month, consider running your fundraiser during that time to capitalize on the momentum.


In case you didn’t know, #GivingTuesday is a day of fundraising that takes place yearly, on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.

#GivingTuesday is a response to the consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and it has grown dramatically in recent years.

Take advantage of the increased giving on that Tuesday, and be sure to put a promotional plan in place to build momentum.

Fundraising Events

Hosting a fundraising event is the perfect strategy to elevate your fundraising game and bring together new and old donors alike.

You’ll need to pick your event and do all the planning well in advance to ensure that the day or evening of raising money goes well.

For more advice on hosting and planning your next fundraising event, check out this helpful checklist and use it to your advantage.

End of Year

The end of the year is a hugely charitable time. People are in the giving mood, and you can use that to raise money for your cause.

Specifically, November and December will be busy times. In fact, giving in December accounts for 30% of all annual donations.

That said, the end of the year is the perfect time to kick your fundraising into overdrive and really close out the season strong.

Best Practices and Tips for Asking for Donations

Tips for Individuals

If you’re an individual looking to improve your approach to asking for donations, try out one of these eight tips:

  1. Be Realistic — Realism is crucial when it comes to fundraising. Know your limits, set attainable goals, and only ask people for money that they can reasonably donate.
  2. Be Proactive — You have to drive your fundraiser forward. Make plans and stick to them. Go to the money; it isn’t going to come right to you.
  3. Utilize Your Network — Although it can be tough to ask friends and family for money, your network will be your best resource in your fundraising effort.
  4. Prepare in Advance — Asking for donations will be far easier if you map out your solicitation strategy and practice your ask before going into any meetings.
  5. Know Your Prospects — The better you know your potential donors, the better you’ll be able to cater your ask, so get to know them!
  6. Recruit Help —You don’t have to go it alone. And you shouldn’t go it alone! Ask close friends and family to join the effort so you can broaden your potential donor base.
  7. Make It About More Than Money —When asking for donations, truly tell your story and why you need the funds. Focus on cause and effect rather than strictly finances.
  8. Always Acknowledge — Whether someone chooses to donate to your cause or not, they deserve a thank you for listening. You never know who might give down the road.

Tips for Nonprofits

If you’re at a nonprofit and looking to improve your approach to asking for donations, try out one of these eight tips:

  1. Invest in Good Software —Find fundraising software that fits your needs and your budget. Look for platforms that support online fundraising and efficiently track data.
  2. Train Your Staff —You have valuable team members ready and willing to help your organization succeed, so give them the proper training to do so.
  3. Perform Prospect Research —Either in-house or through a screening company, you can perform a prospect screening and learn valuable information about donors.
  4. Create Fundraising Scripts —If you have a team of people calling prospects and asking for donations, provide them with a tested script to follow.
  5. Vary Communications —Some donors like email while others prefer text. Vary your communication style so that you can reach everyone.
  6. Try Out Peer-to-Peer — With peer-to-peer fundraising, you can ask supporters to fundraise on your behalf, organically growing your network.
  7. Tell Your Story — Donors want to know the story behind your cause and what their money will accomplish, so be sure to tell them!
  8. Automate Acknowledgments —We recommend automating thank you’s so donors immediately receive an acknowledgement and know you’re grateful.

Example donation request for nonprofits

Sometimes it’s helpful to see an example to make sure you’ve got the right wording before you send out your donation requests. Although the exact wording and length will differ depending on your chosen platform, mission, and audience, here’s a small example you can use to guide your language choices:

Dear [Name],

At [nonprofit], we [specific cause you support or help you provide]. So far, we’ve completed [statistic or proof that indicates your organization’s expertise]. And today, we’re writing to ask you to be a part of that.

A gift of only [amount] will [specific impact and time period]. Just click the button below to make a difference in minutes.

When you partner with [nonprofit], you create positive change in our community and contribute to a better future. [Personalize the ask as much as possible.] Thank you for caring; thank you for supporting [specific beneficiary programs]!


[Name of your organization’s President or leadership]

[Nonprofit contact information]

Example donation request for individuals

On the other hand, if you’re raising support for an individual cause, it can be difficult to know how to directly ask for support. To help you get started, we’ve provided a framework you can personalize below:

Dear [Name],

I am reaching out to share a cause that is very close to my heart and seek your support in furthering it to make a difference.

As you may know, I have been involved in [list out specific personal cause]. This experience has opened my eyes to [list your personal experience and how the cause has impacted you], and I need your help to take action. Together, we can [be specific about how their support will be used].

A gift of only [amount] will [specific impact and time period]. Just click the button below to make a difference in minutes.

Thank you for considering my request. Your support means the world to me and to those who will benefit from this project. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further information.

Warm regards,

[Your name]

[Your contact information]

How should you thank supporters?

The Importance of Acknowledgements

Acknowledgements are crucial for any fundraising effort, big or small. People like to feel like their donations didn’t just disappear into the ether.

By acknowledging donors promptly and genuinely, you show that you appreciatethem,not just their contributions to your fundraising efforts.

Acknowledging donors also shows other supporters that you care about the people that contribute to your campaign. This could in turn lead to more donations down the road!

How to Thank Supporters

There are a few ways to let donors know that you appreciate their contributions:

1.Send out cards or letters:An old-fashioned thank-you card can go a long way. You should send cards within a week of receiving a donation.
2.Use social media:If you’re Facebook friends with your donors or follow them on Twitter, post your thank-youon social media to leteveryoneknow how much you appreciate their donation.
3.Write emails:For a more personalized approach, send out emails to each of your donors. It’s like writing thank-you cards but without the cost of a stamp or envelope!

Tools to Help You Ask for Donations

Crowdfunding Software

With crowdfunding software, you can quickly set up an online donation page, share it, and start collecting donations. It’s that easy.

Start a crowdfunding campaign today!

Peer-to-Peer Technology

Using peer-to-peer fundraising software, you can empower your biggest supporters to fundraise on your behalf and thereby expand your reach.

Check out these peer-to-peer platforms!

Nonprofit CRM Software

If you work for a nonprofit and are reading this, a CRM could help you significantly improve your donor data management (and stewardship by extension).

Check out the guide to nonprofit CRMs.

Additional Resources

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Participating in a peer-to-peer campaign? Knowing how to ask for donations is key because you need to be prepared to solicit donations from friends and family members.

If you want to learn more about peer-to-peer fundraising, we have a guide that’s full of tips and resources to help you get started.

Check out Fundly’s peer-to-peer guide.


Now that you know how to ask for donations, it’s time to start fundraising for your cause, project, or event. Crowdfunding is a great option because it’s quick and easy to set up.

Learn more about the ins and outs of crowdfunding with our complete guide! You’ll have everything you need to get started.

Learn more about crowdfunding.

Fundraising Letters

A common way to ask for gifts is through fundraising letters. Whether you’re sending direct mail or emails, it’s important to write a professional and concise letter to your potential donors.

Get our fundraising letter templates to help you solicit donations from family members, friends, coworkers, and businesses.

Get these fundraising letter templates.

Click here to add your own text

Crowdfunding Resources

  • Crowdfunding (Beginner’s Guide)
  • Success Stories
  • Top Tips
  • Tell Your Story

Fundraising Types:

  • How to Write a Fundraising Letters
  • How to Ask for Donations
  • Peer-to-Peer Fundraising (Nonprofit’s Guide)

Latest Posts

  • Using Your Pet Business to Fundraise: 9 Ideas to Give Back
  • Fundraising Ideas | 150 Easy Campaigns for Any Cause
  • 30+ Standout Crowdfunding Websites [Updated for 2023]

How to Ask for Donations: Your Top Questions Answered (11)

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    How to Ask for Donations: Your Top Questions Answered (2024)
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    Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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    Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.