How To Attend NYFW As A Micro Influencer – Morgan Lillian (2024)

How To Attend NYFW As A Micro Influencer – Morgan Lillian (1)

Here’s the thing. I started writing this post last year at this time and I guess I never got around to publishing it…so here it is! Are you a micro influencer and think you can’t go to NYFW? F*ck that. First things first, if you want to attend badly enough, you can. Only 2,000 followers? No problem! Are you going to get invited to the Tom Ford show? The chances of that are very slim, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t able to attend Fashion Week in general.

Fashion Week has evolved over the years and in recent seasons, more and more designers are making their shows more exclusive or opting for exclusive presentations rather than a runway show. As the industry grows, it can be harder for smaller bloggers like myself to get invited, but it doesn’t mean it is impossible. It just takes a little work and a resourceful mind.

In this guide I am going to walk you through the steps of how toget invited to shows and parties at NYFW.

How to Get Invited To NYFW Shows

This is the most asked question surrounding NYFW for sure. If you don’t know, it can seem like the hardest part.

Step 1: Find the season’s schedule & map out the show you want to attend

You can find the current season’s schedule on If you are a micro influencer you will want to begin with the smaller and up and coming designers. You can try to get into larger shows, but without a personal connection, it can be very hard. You will most likely be attending shows of designer’s who you may have never heard of before.

Step 2: Find who to contact to get an invite

– Option 1: Directly via the designer’s website –

One way to find who to contact is by going to the designer’s website and searching around until you find the correct contact. Most website’s will have a “contact” section where you can find all of the contacts they provide. Often they will have a media or press contact, and if they do, the job is easy! If they don’t, you can send an email to the general email address given looking to get in contact with the appropriate person in regards to NYFW. If they don’t have anyone to contact, you may have to do a bit of digging, and this is where you just have to be resourceful and put on your detective hat.

Agency Tip: A lot of designers are represented by an agency. If you find an agency contact when on a designer’s website, check and see who else they represent. They might also represent other designer’s whose shows you may want to attend. If so, you can send them one email requesting invites to multiple shows. This streamlines the process and avoids having multiple email threads going with the same person. Two agencies that handle a lot of shows and events for smaller designers at NYFW are MODE PR and The Riviere Agency.

– Option 2: GPS Radar

You will need GPS Radar for NYFW. It is where a lot of your invites to shows will live. You will apply for it and when accepted you can request invites to certain shows.

Tip: It is easier to get accepted if you have a professional email address associated with your company. Ex: would be accepted over

– Option 3: Blogger Friends –

You can offer to trade contacts with other bloggers if they are willing. Never ask someone directly for a certain contact as it can be seen as rude, but you can offer to trade. That way everyone gets something out of it! If you were to ask outright with nothing to offer back it might be equivalent to someone asking a photographer where one of their shoot locations is or asking to use someone’s homework assignment.

Step 3: Request an invite (what to say)

Begin reaching out about 2-3 weeks before fashion week. When emailing your contact, keep in mind that these people are getting hundreds, if not thousands of emails regarding fashion week. This is not the time to tell your life story in an email. Keep it short and to the point. Let them know who you are and what your blog is, that you are interested in in attending the show or presentation, a quick note for your love of the designer, maybe add your media kit, and what you can offer them in return for an invite. If you have happened to wear the brand before you can share certain posts featuring them to share your ture interest.

Note: You don’t have to offer blog posts, and specific coverage, just let them know you would be happy to cover the show via your channels.

Step 4: Wait

One of the most annoying things is that invites do not get sent out until about a week before fashion week, if not only days before. This means you will have already have your trip booked before knowing what shows you will be attending. This can be nerve wracking, especially your first year, but do not overload their inbox with multiple follow up emails. One follow up email a week before the show’s date is sufficient. You will get invites. Don’t stress.

Step 5: RSVP

When you finally get your invites make sure to RSVP either yes or no. You will want to say yes to everything, which at first is totally fine, but if you don’t plan on going after putting your scheduletogether do not RSVP yes.

How to Get Invited To NYFW Parties/Events

If you ask me, most often the NYFW parties and events are the best part of the week. This is a bit trickier though as most of the time you have to have a personal connection with a brand or company to get invited. Most of the time they will reach out to you if they are interested in having you attend. The other hard part is that if you don’t have a connection, you won’t really know what parties and events are happening during the week; there is not a form online outlining ever event and party. With that being said, sometimes you have to be resourceful to get invites. For example, I have attended events with Nylon Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, Coach, Lulu’s, Bollare, etc.. all by way of knowing someone, or getting contacts and asking for invites. The best part about a lot of events is that if you attend one season, the likelihood of getting invited again is pretty high as many people will recycle their lists from the previous season or event.

Option A: Brands You Have Worked With

Often times, the brands I work with throughout the year will invite me to their events/parties if they have one during NYFW. A good example of this is RewardStyle and They have events every season, and most bloggers I know are apart of their platform. I’ve, on many occasions, helped the brand design their body wave lace front wig and have also reviewed the product for them. Another example of this would be any agencies you may have worked with, an example of this is Bollare. If you get wind that a brand is throwing a party and you have worked with them in the past, use your contact to reach out to them. This is a good reminder to always have a good rapport with everyone you work with for future opportunities.

Option B: Become a Plus One

If you have any blogger friends going, you can always share your schedules and see what they are going to. Usually you can bring a plus one to any event, so if you happen to be so lucky that a friend is going to an event and they aren’t using their plus one, that could be your key in. As always, don’t straight up ask for invites, contacts, or plus ones. Usually if you are a plus one, they have you on their list for next time to receive an invite. There is a private group on facebook for RewardStyle bloggers going to NYFW, check that out as a resource.

Option C: Use the Most Recent Past Season to Your Advantage

This can be a bit tricky, but I have done it and it has worked for me. I do a bunch of digging and research on the most recent past season of fashion week, I see who had parties and events, then I reach out to those people to see if they are planning to have another one this coming season. This is not a for sure thing, but sometimes they will come back and say yes!

How To Attend NYFW As A Micro Influencer – Morgan Lillian (2024)


How To Attend NYFW As A Micro Influencer – Morgan Lillian? ›

Each season, they publish a list of contacts for influencers to reach out for show invites. The Fashion Week Contact list includes 400+ contacts (current season contacts, PR agencies, and past season contacts. The Fashion Week Invite Outreach costs $350.

How do influencers get invited to NYFW? ›

Each season, they publish a list of contacts for influencers to reach out for show invites. The Fashion Week Contact list includes 400+ contacts (current season contacts, PR agencies, and past season contacts. The Fashion Week Invite Outreach costs $350.

Can anyone attend NYFW? ›

NYFW includes two types of shows: Industry and open-to-the-public shows. Unless you're a buyer or work in press, it is unlikely that you'll be able to snag a seat to the heavy hitters. However, you can find info on public shows here.

How to reach out as a micro influencer? ›

10 tips on how to pitch as a micro-Influencer.
  1. Pick The Right Brand To Approach. ...
  2. Do Your Homework On the Brand. ...
  3. Know Your Value. ...
  4. Help Them Help You. ...
  5. Get Creative On What You Offer The Brand. ...
  6. Make Sure Your Ducks Are In A Row Before You Pitch. ...
  7. Be An Industry Expert. ...
  8. Position Yourself Differently.

Do influencers get paid to attend fashion week? ›

A brand that is doing a runway show pays an influencer to attend, wear the clothes, and post. 2. “Third Party Contract” = This is when a brand that's not having a runway show (think skincare, beauty, jewelry, even car services) pay an influencer to use their product/service during fashion week. 3.

How to get into fashion week as an influencer? ›

How To Get Invited to Fashion Week as a College Content Creator/Influencer
  1. Tip #1: PR contacts are everything. ...
  2. Tip #2: A little note on press vs. ...
  3. Tip #3: Use LinkedIn or Google to find the PR contact. ...
  4. Tip #4: Use Instagram to stay on top of PR contacts.
Mar 15, 2023

Is it hard to get invited to NYFW? ›

Like I said in the beginning unless you're a top-tier blogger or a magazine editor, chances are you're going to have to request tickets to get invites to shows. Now, some shows do their NYFW ticket requests in-house (i.e themselves) and some brands hire PR agencies to manage their attendee list for NYFW.

How to get invited to events as an influencer? ›

How To Get Invited To Your First Influencer Brand Event
  1. Build a Strong Online Presence. ...
  2. Engage with Brands Genuinely. ...
  3. Tag along with an influencer buddy. ...
  4. Create Organic Content for Brands. ...
  5. Do Your Own Personal PR. ...
  6. Stalk Other Influencers. ...
  7. Be Ready for Last-Minute Invites. ...
  8. Just Ask.
Nov 29, 2023

How do I get backstage at NYFW? ›

How do I get there? NYFW Backstage is located at 21 Greene. Guests are encouraged to attend via public transport by subway or bus or drop off via car service or taxi. NYFW does not offer parking.

What do you wear to a NYFW show? ›

Opt for comfy chic.

You are walking running all over the place, sometimes over cobblestones, up and down stairs, whatever. 6 inch heels ain't going to work. If you need to wear a higher heel to a brand meeting, throw some sneakers in your bag and change in between shows and meetings.

Can you pay to go to NYFW? ›

Most certainly! We offer two passes to accomplish this depending on your level of desired access, All Access VIP & All Access GA. Both passes include access to all social events + parties, in addition to all scheduled shows.

Is the NYFW open to the public? ›

NYFW Backstage is a five-day pop-up open to the public on a first-come, first-serve basis that'll host designer Q&As, live-streamed runway shows, interactive experiences, official NYFW merch and more. Guests can secure a spot by purchasing a VIP Entry ticket or Designer Event ticket. For more information, visit here.

Do micro-influencers get paid? ›

Nano-influencers (500–10,000 followers): $10–$100 per post. Micro-influencers (10,000–50,000 followers): $100–$500 per post. Mid-tier influencers (50,000–100,000 followers): $500–$5,000 per post. Macro-influencers (100,000–500,000 followers): $5,000–$10,000 per post.

How much can a micro-influencer charge? ›

Instagram posts
Influencer TierCompensation
Nano$500 – $2,000
Micro$2000 – $8,000
Mid-tier$8,000 – $20,000
Macro$20,000 – $45,000
1 more row

Are micro-influencers worth it? ›

Micro-influencers get better engagement

While larger influencers may have a higher reach, micro- and nano-influencers have significantly higher engagement rates. Small-scale influencers with thousands of fans drive 60 percent higher campaign engagement rates than those on the macro end of the scale.

How do influencers get invited to events? ›

How To Get Invited To Your First Influencer Brand Event
  • Build a Strong Online Presence. ...
  • Engage with Brands Genuinely. ...
  • Tag along with an influencer buddy. ...
  • Create Organic Content for Brands. ...
  • Do Your Own Personal PR. ...
  • Stalk Other Influencers. ...
  • Be Ready for Last-Minute Invites. ...
  • Just Ask.
Nov 29, 2023

Do influencers get invited to fashion shows? ›

And many collaborate with influencers or are simply aware of their status. So it comes as no surprise that the latter get invited to fashion shows. They take a lot of pictures and film fashion shows (or parts of them). And many influencers like to wear a complimentary outfit from the brand on the day of the show.

How do I get an influencer to come to my event? ›

5 Ways to Attract “Influencers” to Your Event
  1. Make the invitation special. One thing to know about influencers: they attend many events. ...
  2. Create value. Influencers know they're valuable, so it's crucial to make them feel that way. ...
  3. Incentivize. ...
  4. Venue matters. ...
  5. Call on other influencers.

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

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Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.