How to Attract An Aries Man: 22 Flirting Ways (2024)

Do you want to know how to attract an Aries man? If so, you’re in luck! The Aries zodiac sign or star sign is known for being fiery, passionate, and full of energy. And, when it comes to flirtation and dating, they definitely bring the heat!

If you’re interested in winning over an Aries male, there are a few things you should know. First, Aries men are natural leaders, so you’ll need to be confident and assertive in your flirting style. Second, they’re highly competitive, so don’t be afraid to play hard to get. Finally, they love a good challenge, so make sure you keep things interesting.

History of Zodiac Signs

The history of the zodiac signs is very interesting. Each one is associated with a different time of year, and they were originally used to help farmers know when to plant and harvest their crops. But, over time, they’ve taken on a whole new meaning.

Today, the zodiac signs are used to describe people’s personalities, and they can even be used to help find a compatible partner. So, if you’re wondering how to attract an Aries man, it’s important to understand his zodiac sign.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and it’s associated with the element of fire. Making an Aries person a fire sign! This sign is named after the god of war, which is fitting for their personalities.

Traits to Look Out For

People who are Aries people are said to be ambitious, confident, and full of energy. They’re also known for being impulsive and impatient. An Aries man feels a lot of emotions strongly.

If you’re looking to attract an Aries man, it’s important to be aware of these traits. You’ll need to be confident and assertive in your flirting style, and you’ll need to be able to keep up with his fast-paced lifestyle.

Now that you know what it takes to attract an Aries man, here are 25 flirting tips and tricks that are filled with so much information so that you are sure to win him over, as well as help you in the early stages of getting to know each other.

Flirting Tips

1. Be Bold

The first thing you need to know is that when it comes to flirting with an Aries man, you need to be bold. They like confident women who know what they want. An Aries man flirts when you make the effort to flirt.

So, go ahead and make the first move! Whether it’s sending the first message or asking him out on a date, or even writing him a love letter, take charge and show him that you’re not afraid to take risks. It’s the best way to capture their attention!

2. Be Playful

Aries men are known for their sense of humor, so it’s important to be playful when flirting with them. Crack jokes, tease them, and keep things light and fun. They’ll appreciate your ability to make them laugh and it will definitely score you some points.

3. Be Challenging

When you’re getting to know an Aries man, it’s important to keep things interesting. They love a good challenge, so don’t be afraid to mix things up. Whether it’s trying new things or taking on some friendly competition, they’ll be more than happy to rise to the occasion.

4. Be Direct

Aries men appreciate straight-forwardness, so take the direct approach and don’t beat around the bush when flirting with them. They will hate mind games. So if you like them, let them know! They’ll respect your honesty and it will definitely make things easier in the long run.

Give them as much attention as you can. They will know it’s the right thing to be in a relationship with you.

5. Be Willing To Take Risks

Aries men are known for being spontaneous, so you will be the man’s obsession if you’re willing to take risks. Whether it’s trying something new or taking a leap of faith, impressed by your willingness to let go and have some fun.

6. Be Mysterious

Although Aries men appreciate honesty, they also love a good mystery, which means a good chase. So, don’t be afraid to play it a little bit cool and keep them guessing, they love the thrill of the chase.

It is a totally good idea! This will only make them more interested in you and it will definitely up the ante when it comes to flirting.

7. Be Flirty

Of course, the best way to flirt with an Aries man is to simply be flirty! This sign loves playful banter and lighthearted flirting. So, go ahead and shoot your shot! Send that flirty text with witty remarks! They’ll appreciate your forwardness and it will definitely get the ball rolling.

8. Be Physical

Aries men’s flirting style is extremely physical, so don’t be afraid to get touchy-feely when flirting with them. Whether it’s a light touch on the arm or a playful shove, they’ll love any excuse to get physical with you.

A great way to take things to the next level is initiating a game of Truth or Dare. This will let them know that you’re interested in something more than just friendship and it will definitely get the sexual tension flowing.

9. Be Confident

As we mentioned before, Aries men are natural leaders. So, it’s important to show your confidence when flirting with them. An Aries man looks for someone who is secure in who they are. They want a woman who can open doors for herself.

Don’t be scared to be the center of attention. Whether it’s in your body language or the way you carry yourself, make sure they can see that you’re comfortable in your own skin.

10. Be Assertive

In addition to being confident, you also need to be assertive when flirting with an Aries man. They love to see your own unique insight. This sign appreciates a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it. So, don’t be afraid to make the first move!

When it comes to dating, Aries men are usually the ones who like to take charge. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t be assertive and put your own needs first. If you want something, go after it! They’ll respect your independence and it will definitely score you some points. It will be the perfect match!

11. Be Independent

Aries men are attracted to independent women and strong women who know how to take care of themselves. So, make sure you show your self-sufficiency and hard work when flirting with them. Whether it’s attaining your career goal or your personal life, let them see that you’re capable of handling things on your own.

12. Be Spontaneous

A typical Aries guy loves a good adventure, so it’s important to be spontaneous when flirting with them. Whether it’s impromptu plans or last-minute decisions, they’ll be more than happy to go along with your spontaneity.

13. Be Complimentary

By nature, the typical Aries man is confident and secure in himself. So, it’s important to show your appreciation when flirting with them. A good way to help your Aries man feel loved is to shower him with compliments.

Whether it’s compliments about their looks or their accomplishments, they’ll definitely appreciate your words of encouragement.

When it comes to compliments, make sure you’re genuine. Aries men can see through insincere flattery, so only say something if you truly mean it.

14. Be Honest

Get the attention of an Aries man with honesty. So make sure you’re always truthful when flirting with them. Whether it’s about your feelings or your intentions, they’ll appreciate your candor and it will definitely score you some points. Aries men look for honesty in all of their relationships.

If you want to take things to the next level, try being vulnerable with them. This will let them know that you trust them and it will definitely deepen your connection.

15. Be Fun

This should go without saying, but Aries men are attracted to women who are fun to be around. So, make sure you’re always putting your best foot forward when flirting with them.

Whether it’s making them laugh with a sexual innuendo or being the life of the party, they’ll definitely appreciate your positive energy.

16. Be Passionate

When it comes to relationships, Aries men are all about passion because they are a passionate sign. So, make sure you’re showing your own fiery side when flirting with them. The Aries man chase their passions, so chase yours with them!

Whether it’s in the way you dress or the way you carry yourself, let them see that you’re a passionate woman who isn’t afraid to go after what she wants.

If you want to take things to the next level, try being physical with them. Aries men are very physical creatures, so they’ll definitely appreciate your affection. But the important thing is to make sure you’re comfortable with it first!

17. Be Adventurous

By nature, Aries men are adventurers. So, it’s important to be spontaneous when flirting with them. Whether it’s impromptu plans or last-minute decisions, they’ll be more than happy to go along with your spontaneity.

Don’t be hesitant to try new things or go to new places and experiences like a sporting event or road trip.

18. Be Opened Minded

Aries men are very open-minded, so it’s important to be the same when flirting with them. Whether it’s about your feelings or your intentions, they’ll appreciate your transparency and it will definitely score you some points.

If you want to take things to the next level, try being vulnerable with them. This will let them know that you trust them and it will definitely deepen your connection.

19. Be Secure

When it comes to relationships, Aries men are all about passion. So, make sure you’re showing your own fiery side when flirting with them. Whether it’s in the way you dress or the way you carry yourself, let them see that you’re a passionate woman who isn’t afraid to go after what she wants.

20.Be Supportive

Aries men appreciate women who are supportive and understanding. So, make sure you’re always there for them when they need you. Whether it’s a shoulder to cry on or a sounding board for their ideas, they’ll definitely appreciate your support.

If you want to take things to the next level, try being vulnerable with them. This will let them know that you trust them and it will deepen your connection with them.

21.Be Creative

Aries men are very creative, so it’s important to be the same when flirting with them. Get him with a single word or look. Whether it’s in the way you dress or the way you carry yourself, let them see that you’re a creative woman who isn’t afraid to express herself.

22. Be lovable

Aries men are looking for a long-term relationship, so it’s important to show them your lovable side when flirting with them. Whether it’s in the way you dress or the way you carry yourself, let them see that you’re a woman who is looking for something real.

By following these tips on how to attract an Aries man, you’ll be well on your way to winning his heart!

Zodiac Love Matches For Aries

Aries’ most compatible signs are with fellow fire signs Leo and Sagittarius. They also get along well with air signs Gemini and Aquarius. These signs are great love interests.

Aries can be a bit too fiery for other earth signs, but the good news is they have a good rapport with Libra. The water sign, Cancer, is another potential match for Aries.

They are also least compatible with fellow fire signs Aries and Scorpio. But if you are an Aries woman, you have found a great match because the relationship can reach great heights! The water sign, Pisces, is another potential match for Aries as they can have many similar interests.

Aries Man in a Relationship

When it comes to romantic relationships, Aries men are usually very passionate and intense from the very first date. They’re known for being great lovers and have a incredible sex drive, and they’re always up for a good time. However, they can also be very jealous and possessive, so there is a fine line between their emotions.

If you’re in a relationship with an Aries man, it’s important to keep things exciting so you can keep having a huge crush on them. He loves a good challenge, so make sure you’re always keeping him on his toes.

You will have fun at any social gathering. You should also be prepared for a heated argument sometimes, as Aries men can be very stubborn. With all their emotions and personality, you will have a good relationship with Aries men.

How to Keep an Aries Man Interested

If you want to keep an Aries male interested, it’s important to keep things exciting. He loves a good challenge, so make sure you’re always keeping him on his toes and even make it a game of love.

They will not appreciate small talk and instead would rather have direct and meaningful conversations. It’s also important to be supportive and understanding, as Aries men appreciate women who are there for them.

So send him a quick text message to show your love or have a long conversation. If you can handle his fiery personality, you’re sure to have a long and happy relationship with an Aries man.

Aries Men as Friends

If you’re lucky enough to be friends with an Aries man, you know you can always count on them for a good time. The best things about Aries men are that they’re known for being great listeners and they’re always up for a good adventure.

If you want to keep an Aries man as a friend, it’s important to be supportive and understanding. You should also be prepared for some heated debates, as Aries men can be very opinionated.

If you can handle his fiery personality, you won’t have a hard time having a long and lasting friendship with an Aries man. Aries men are great close friends.

Do Aries Men Make Good Fathers?

Aries men are great for the long run since they make amazing fathers because they’re very protective of their families. They’re also great providers, as they’re always working hard to provide for their loved ones and are real men when it comes to staying loyal to their family. However, they can also be very stubborn and headstrong.

If you’re thinking about having children with an Aries man, it’s important to be supportive and understanding.

If you can handle his fiery personality, you’re sure to have a happy and healthy family with an Aries man.

Benefits Of Dating An Aries Man

1. They’re Passionate About Life

Aries men are passionate about everything they do in life, and that definitely includes relationships. When you’re dating an Aries man, you can always expect a lot of excitement and adventure in your day life and nightlife. He’s always up for trying new things and he’ll definitely keep the spark alive in your relationship.

2. They’re Fiercely Loyal

Aries men are incredibly loyal to the people they care about. So, you can always expect him to be by your side when you need him the most. They are a partner who will stay committed for a long-term relationship and have a hero instinct, so they will protect you.

He’s also a great protector, so you’ll always feel safe and secure when you’re with him.

3. They’re Great Leaders

Aries men are natural leaders, so you can always expect him to take charge in your relationship. He’s not the type to shy away from a challenge, so you can always count on him to make things happen.

4. They’re Incredibly Generous

Aries men are very generous, so you can always expect him to spoil you rotten. He will definitely give you the finer things. He will provide for his right woman.

He’s also always willing to go the extra mile for the people he loves, so you’ll never have to worry about being taken for granted when you’re with him.

5. They’re Great in Bed

Aries men are amazing in bed, so you can always expect to have a great time when you’re with him. They can do many great things and make you feel a kind of passion that you never have before. You will definitely feel the sexual tension.

He’s very passionate and he knows exactly what to do to please a woman. He will have amazing sex appeal. If you’re looking for a man who can make all your fantasies come true, then an Aries man is definitely the one for you.

Dating Tips for Aries Men

Just a few of these tips will help you with your Aries man!

1. Be Confident

Aries men are attracted to confident women, so it’s important that you show him your confident side when you’re out on a date. If you are a female Aries you will balance each other out!

Whether it’s in the way you dress, the way you carry yourself, or your presence on social media, let him see that you’re a confident woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it. Aries men will not like things in subtle ways.

2. Be Adventurous

Aries men are always up for a good adventure, so it’s important that you’re able to keep up with him. Whether it’s hiking, biking, doing any outdoor activities, or even just exploring your city, make sure you’re up for anything when you’re out on a date with an Aries man.

3. Be Independent

Aries men are attracted to independent women, so it’s important that you show him your independence when you’re out on a date.

Whether it’s in the way you think or the way you act, let him see that you’re not afraid to stand up for yourself, that you are a smart woman, and that you can take care of yourself.

4. Be Passionate

Aries men are attracted to passionate women, so it’s important that you show him your passion when you’re out on a date. Whether it’s in the way you dress or the way you talk, let him see that you’re a woman who is passionate about life and that you’re not afraid to show it.

5. Be Willing to Debate

Aries men are attracted to women who are willing to debate, so it’s important that you’re able to hold your own in a discussion when you’re out on a date with him.

He’s very opinionated and he loves to have a good debate, so make sure you’re prepared to engage in some lively conversation when you’re out with an Aries man. In terms of winning a debate, it can be a real challenge since the zodiac sign can be quite firm in their beliefs.

Final Thoughts

The last thing is, if you’re looking for an exciting and adventure-filled relationship, then an Aries man is definitely the one for you. Just be sure to keep up with his pace and be prepared for some heated debates. An Aries man will miss you wholeheartedly, so be prepared for a beautiful relationship!

If you can handle his fiery personality, you’re sure to have a happy and healthy family, as well as a true love like a fairytale with an Aries man.

For more scoop on astrology, visit these articles:

  • Cancer Moon And The Rising Sign Of Your Ascendant
  • 25+ Signs A Cancer Woman Likes You
  • 45+ Signs An Aquarius Man Is Falling In Love With You
How to Attract An Aries Man: 22 Flirting Ways (2024)


What attracts Aries' man physically? ›

The Aries man's favorite body part on a woman is her head, including her face, eyes, and hair. He's also attracted to intelligent women who are feminine, passionate, and confident. In a relationship, he wants an affectionate and athletic partner who can match his active lifestyle.

How to make an Aries man crazy about you? ›

Aries men like to work to get to know you.

Encourage him to pursue you by being mysterious and only giving him a little bit of information at a time. You might also try being a little unavailable to him when he asks to make plans. He'll be super intrigued and obsessed with learning more about you.

How to melt an Aries man's heart? ›

So without further ado, here are the 5 ways how to make an Aries swoon!
  1. Be bold! Aries love people who are dominant (just a little less than them) and really confident in themselves, so you better bring your A-game if you want to get one close and comfortable. ...
  2. Be adventurous. ...
  3. Be ambitious. ...
  4. Be active. ...
  5. Be assertive.
Mar 28, 2023

What body parts are Aries attracted to? ›

Aries. Head, eyes, adrenals, blood pressure. Taurus. Neck, throat, shoulders, ears.

How to make an Aries guy chase you? ›

An Aries man is always intrigued by a challenge.

For men born under this zodiac sign, the chase is just as thrilling as the catch. If you're too forward or too available, you might lose his attention entirely. Act a little coy and make him work for your attention—he'll love it.

Who can handle Aries' man? ›

Fellow fire signs Leo and Sagittarius will love Aries' high-tempo lifestyle, healthy love of competition, and truly unique personality. Being the same element, these fire signs have frictionless compatibility with each other and are most likely to get along well.

What is an Aries man's weakness in love? ›

An Aries Man's Personality Clashes With People Pleasers

Often, they become frustrated with what they see as compromising principles are showing weakness in relationships. They get along better with people who are truly on board with them, or who are bold enough to challenge them.

When an Aries man has a crush on you? ›

He's touchy with you.

If the Aries man in your life gives you a hug the minute you walk into a room, or touches your arms and shoulders a lot while you're talking, he's probably giving you a not-so-subtle hint that he likes you. Aries aren't afraid of being “obvious” by flirting like this.

How do you know if an Aries man wants a relationship with you? ›

5 Signs your Aries man is in love with you
  • 01/6Here's what he will do. Shop Similar Look. ...
  • 02/6He will rarely disagree with you. Shop Similar Look. ...
  • 03/6You will be prioritised. Shop Similar Look. ...
  • 04/6He will become protective. Shop Similar Look. ...
  • 05/6He will pamper you immensely. ...
  • 06/6Your opinion will become important.
Aug 10, 2022

How to make an Aries man obsessed with you? ›

Tease him, make him laugh, and keep an element of mystery to your life and he'll find you irresistible. So, once the chase is underway, you know you've got him a little bit hooked on you already. But, as much as Aries men need physical attraction, it's the mental side that you need to keep interested.

How to outsmart an Aries man? ›

How to Beat an Aries Man at His Own Game
  1. 1 Compliment him to boost his ego.
  2. 2 Flirt with him a lot and then back off a little bit.
  3. 3 Show off your witty sense of humor.
  4. 4 Be mysterious so that he'll fight for your attention.
  5. 5 Plan spontaneous and adventurous dates.
  6. 6 Take things slow to leave him wanting more.

How do you talk to an Aries man about feelings? ›

Be honest and open with your Aries man.

He doesn't want to guess how you feel; he'll appreciate your willingness to come right out and tell him what's on your mind. Your Aries can also tell when someone is being fake, so always be your genuine self around him. He wants to know the real you!

What seduces an Aries man? ›

Aries are attracted to energetic, playful, and witty people.

When you make an Aries lose it with laughter, you'll make him feel amazing. By consistently boosting an Aries' mood, you'll make yourself more attractive to him, too.

How do you know if an Aries man is falling for you? ›

Aries keeps a small circle, but when he falls in love, you will see signs of his dedication. He cherishes his loved ones. The thought of anything happening to them is just unbearable to him. He will do almost everything to protect you once he sees you as his partner.

Does an Aries man like to cuddle? ›

Aries are the signs that love cuddling and at the same time are too damn good at it. They just know everything, be it how to lay their arm so neither of you is uncomfortable, or how to keep you warm, but not so warm that you'd want to leave. They even know when to affectionately stroke your hair.

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